path: root/standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/shakespeare-i18n_0001-remove-TH.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/shakespeare-i18n_0001-remove-TH.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/shakespeare-i18n_0001-remove-TH.patch b/standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/shakespeare-i18n_0001-remove-TH.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c6924039..000000000
--- a/standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/shakespeare-i18n_0001-remove-TH.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-From 57ad7d1512a3144fd0b00f9796d5fd9e0ea86852 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 16:30:59 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] remove TH
- Text/Shakespeare/I18N.hs | 178 ++---------------------------------------------
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 174 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Text/Shakespeare/I18N.hs b/Text/Shakespeare/I18N.hs
-index 2077914..2289214 100644
---- a/Text/Shakespeare/I18N.hs
-+++ b/Text/Shakespeare/I18N.hs
-@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
- --
- -- You can also adapt those instructions for use with other systems.
- module Text.Shakespeare.I18N
-- ( mkMessage
-- , mkMessageFor
-- , mkMessageVariant
-- , RenderMessage (..)
-+ --( mkMessage
-+ --, mkMessageFor
-+ ---, mkMessageVariant
-+ ( RenderMessage (..)
- , ToMessage (..)
- , SomeMessage (..)
- , Lang
-@@ -105,143 +105,6 @@ instance RenderMessage master Text where
- -- | an RFC1766 / ISO 639-1 language code (eg, @fr@, @en-GB@, etc).
- type Lang = Text
---- |generate translations from translation files
---- This function will:
---- 1. look in the supplied subdirectory for files ending in @.msg@
---- 2. generate a type based on the constructors found
---- 3. create a 'RenderMessage' instance
--mkMessage :: String -- ^ base name to use for translation type
-- -> FilePath -- ^ subdirectory which contains the translation files
-- -> Lang -- ^ default translation language
-- -> Q [Dec]
--mkMessage dt folder lang =
-- mkMessageCommon True "Msg" "Message" dt dt folder lang
---- | create 'RenderMessage' instance for an existing data-type
--mkMessageFor :: String -- ^ master translation data type
-- -> String -- ^ existing type to add translations for
-- -> FilePath -- ^ path to translation folder
-- -> Lang -- ^ default language
-- -> Q [Dec]
--mkMessageFor master dt folder lang = mkMessageCommon False "" "" master dt folder lang
---- | create an additional set of translations for a type created by `mkMessage`
--mkMessageVariant :: String -- ^ master translation data type
-- -> String -- ^ existing type to add translations for
-- -> FilePath -- ^ path to translation folder
-- -> Lang -- ^ default language
-- -> Q [Dec]
--mkMessageVariant master dt folder lang = mkMessageCommon False "Msg" "Message" master dt folder lang
---- |used by 'mkMessage' and 'mkMessageFor' to generate a 'RenderMessage' and possibly a message data type
--mkMessageCommon :: Bool -- ^ generate a new datatype from the constructors found in the .msg files
-- -> String -- ^ string to append to constructor names
-- -> String -- ^ string to append to datatype name
-- -> String -- ^ base name of master datatype
-- -> String -- ^ base name of translation datatype
-- -> FilePath -- ^ path to translation folder
-- -> Lang -- ^ default lang
-- -> Q [Dec]
--mkMessageCommon genType prefix postfix master dt folder lang = do
-- files <- qRunIO $ getDirectoryContents folder
-- (_files', contents) <- qRunIO $ fmap (unzip . catMaybes) $ mapM (loadLang folder) files
--#ifdef GHC_7_4
-- mapM_ qAddDependentFile _files'
-- sdef <-
-- case lookup lang contents of
-- Nothing -> error $ "Did not find main language file: " ++ unpack lang
-- Just def -> toSDefs def
-- mapM_ (checkDef sdef) $ map snd contents
-- let mname = mkName $ dt ++ postfix
-- c1 <- fmap concat $ mapM (toClauses prefix dt) contents
-- c2 <- mapM (sToClause prefix dt) sdef
-- c3 <- defClause
-- return $
-- ( if genType
-- then ((DataD [] mname [] (map (toCon dt) sdef) []) :)
-- else id)
-- [ InstanceD
-- []
-- (ConT ''RenderMessage `AppT` (ConT $ mkName master) `AppT` ConT mname)
-- [ FunD (mkName "renderMessage") $ c1 ++ c2 ++ [c3]
-- ]
-- ]
--toClauses :: String -> String -> (Lang, [Def]) -> Q [Clause]
--toClauses prefix dt (lang, defs) =
-- mapM go defs
-- where
-- go def = do
-- a <- newName "lang"
-- (pat, bod) <- mkBody dt (prefix ++ constr def) (map fst $ vars def) (content def)
-- guard <- fmap NormalG [|$(return $ VarE a) == pack $(lift $ unpack lang)|]
-- return $ Clause
-- [WildP, ConP (mkName ":") [VarP a, WildP], pat]
-- (GuardedB [(guard, bod)])
-- []
--mkBody :: String -- ^ datatype
-- -> String -- ^ constructor
-- -> [String] -- ^ variable names
-- -> [Content]
-- -> Q (Pat, Exp)
--mkBody dt cs vs ct = do
-- vp <- mapM go vs
-- let pat = RecP (mkName cs) (map (varName dt *** VarP) vp)
-- let ct' = map (fixVars vp) ct
-- pack' <- [|Data.Text.pack|]
-- tomsg <- [|toMessage|]
-- let ct'' = map (toH pack' tomsg) ct'
-- mapp <- [|mappend|]
-- let app a b = InfixE (Just a) mapp (Just b)
-- e <-
-- case ct'' of
-- [] -> [|mempty|]
-- [x] -> return x
-- (x:xs) -> return $ foldl' app x xs
-- return (pat, e)
-- where
-- toH pack' _ (Raw s) = pack' `AppE` SigE (LitE (StringL s)) (ConT ''String)
-- toH _ tomsg (Var d) = tomsg `AppE` derefToExp [] d
-- go x = do
-- let y = mkName $ '_' : x
-- return (x, y)
-- fixVars vp (Var d) = Var $ fixDeref vp d
-- fixVars _ (Raw s) = Raw s
-- fixDeref vp (DerefIdent (Ident i)) = DerefIdent $ Ident $ fixIdent vp i
-- fixDeref vp (DerefBranch a b) = DerefBranch (fixDeref vp a) (fixDeref vp b)
-- fixDeref _ d = d
-- fixIdent vp i =
-- case lookup i vp of
-- Nothing -> i
-- Just y -> nameBase y
--sToClause :: String -> String -> SDef -> Q Clause
--sToClause prefix dt sdef = do
-- (pat, bod) <- mkBody dt (prefix ++ sconstr sdef) (map fst $ svars sdef) (scontent sdef)
-- return $ Clause
-- [WildP, ConP (mkName "[]") [], pat]
-- (NormalB bod)
-- []
--defClause :: Q Clause
--defClause = do
-- a <- newName "sub"
-- c <- newName "langs"
-- d <- newName "msg"
-- rm <- [|renderMessage|]
-- return $ Clause
-- [VarP a, ConP (mkName ":") [WildP, VarP c], VarP d]
-- (NormalB $ rm `AppE` VarE a `AppE` VarE c `AppE` VarE d)
-- []
- toCon :: String -> SDef -> Con
- toCon dt (SDef c vs _) =
- RecC (mkName $ "Msg" ++ c) $ map go vs
-@@ -257,39 +120,6 @@ varName a y =
- upper (x:xs) = toUpper x : xs
- upper [] = []
--checkDef :: [SDef] -> [Def] -> Q ()
--checkDef x y =
-- go (sortBy (comparing sconstr) x) (sortBy (comparing constr) y)
-- where
-- go _ [] = return ()
-- go [] (b:_) = error $ "Extra message constructor: " ++ constr b
-- go (a:as) (b:bs)
-- | sconstr a < constr b = go as (b:bs)
-- | sconstr a > constr b = error $ "Extra message constructor: " ++ constr b
-- | otherwise = do
-- go' (svars a) (vars b)
-- go as bs
-- go' ((an, at):as) ((bn, mbt):bs)
-- | an /= bn = error "Mismatched variable names"
-- | otherwise =
-- case mbt of
-- Nothing -> go' as bs
-- Just bt
-- | at == bt -> go' as bs
-- | otherwise -> error "Mismatched variable types"
-- go' [] [] = return ()
-- go' _ _ = error "Mistmached variable count"
--toSDefs :: [Def] -> Q [SDef]
--toSDefs = mapM toSDef
--toSDef :: Def -> Q SDef
--toSDef d = do
-- vars' <- mapM go $ vars d
-- return $ SDef (constr d) vars' (content d)
-- where
-- go (a, Just b) = return (a, b)
-- go (a, Nothing) = error $ "Main language missing type for " ++ show (constr d, a)
- data SDef = SDef
- { sconstr :: String