path: root/standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/reflection_remove-TH.patch
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Diffstat (limited to 'standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/reflection_remove-TH.patch')
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/reflection_remove-TH.patch b/standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/reflection_remove-TH.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c63f05fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/standalone/no-th/haskell-patches/reflection_remove-TH.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+From 22c68b43dce437b3c22956f5a968f1b886e60e0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Joey Hess <>
+Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 19:15:16 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] remove TH
+ fast/Data/Reflection.hs | 80 +------------------------------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 79 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/fast/Data/Reflection.hs b/fast/Data/Reflection.hs
+index 119d773..cf99efa 100644
+--- a/fast/Data/Reflection.hs
++++ b/fast/Data/Reflection.hs
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ module Data.Reflection
+ , Given(..)
+ , give
+ -- * Template Haskell reflection
+- , int, nat
++ --, int, nat
+ -- * Useful compile time naturals
+ , Z, D, SD, PD
+ ) where
+@@ -151,87 +151,9 @@ instance Reifies n Int => Reifies (PD n) Int where
+ reflect = (\n -> n + n - 1) <$> retagPD reflect
+ {-# INLINE reflect #-}
+--- | This can be used to generate a template haskell splice for a type level version of a given 'int'.
+--- This does not use GHC TypeLits, instead it generates a numeric type by hand similar to the ones used
+--- in the \"Functional Pearl: Implicit Configurations\" paper by Oleg Kiselyov and Chung-Chieh Shan.
+-int :: Int -> TypeQ
+-int n = case quotRem n 2 of
+- (0, 0) -> conT ''Z
+- (q,-1) -> conT ''PD `appT` int q
+- (q, 0) -> conT ''D `appT` int q
+- (q, 1) -> conT ''SD `appT` int q
+- _ -> error "ghc is bad at math"
+--- | This is a restricted version of 'int' that can only generate natural numbers. Attempting to generate
+--- a negative number results in a compile time error. Also the resulting sequence will consist entirely of
+--- Z, D, and SD constructors representing the number in zeroless binary.
+-nat :: Int -> TypeQ
+-nat n
+- | n >= 0 = int n
+- | otherwise = error "nat: negative"
+-#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL < 704
+-instance Show (Q a)
+-instance Eq (Q a)
+-instance Num a => Num (Q a) where
+- (+) = liftM2 (+)
+- (*) = liftM2 (*)
+- (-) = liftM2 (-)
+- negate = fmap negate
+- abs = fmap abs
+- signum = fmap signum
+- fromInteger = return . fromInteger
+-instance Fractional a => Fractional (Q a) where
+- (/) = liftM2 (/)
+- recip = fmap recip
+- fromRational = return . fromRational
+--- | This permits the use of $(5) as a type splice.
+-instance Num Type where
+-#ifdef USE_TYPE_LITS
+- a + b = AppT (AppT (VarT ''(+)) a) b
+- a * b = AppT (AppT (VarT ''(*)) a) b
+-#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+- a - b = AppT (AppT (VarT ''(-)) a) b
+- (-) = error "Type.(-): undefined"
+- fromInteger = LitT . NumTyLit
+- (+) = error "Type.(+): undefined"
+- (*) = error "Type.(*): undefined"
+- (-) = error "Type.(-): undefined"
+- fromInteger n = case quotRem n 2 of
+- (0, 0) -> ConT ''Z
+- (q,-1) -> ConT ''PD `AppT` fromInteger q
+- (q, 0) -> ConT ''D `AppT` fromInteger q
+- (q, 1) -> ConT ''SD `AppT` fromInteger q
+- _ -> error "ghc is bad at math"
+- abs = error "Type.abs"
+- signum = error "Type.signum"
+ plus, times, minus :: Num a => a -> a -> a
+ plus = (+)
+ times = (*)
+ minus = (-)
+ fract :: Fractional a => a -> a -> a
+ fract = (/)
+--- | This permits the use of $(5) as an expression splice.
+-instance Num Exp where
+- a + b = AppE (AppE (VarE 'plus) a) b
+- a * b = AppE (AppE (VarE 'times) a) b
+- a - b = AppE (AppE (VarE 'minus) a) b
+- negate = AppE (VarE 'negate)
+- signum = AppE (VarE 'signum)
+- abs = AppE (VarE 'abs)
+- fromInteger = LitE . IntegerL
+-instance Fractional Exp where
+- a / b = AppE (AppE (VarE 'fract) a) b
+- recip = AppE (VarE 'recip)
+- fromRational = LitE . RationalL