path: root/standalone/android/haskell-patches/yesod-routes_1.1.2_0001-remove-TH-and-export-module-used-by-TH-splices.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'standalone/android/haskell-patches/yesod-routes_1.1.2_0001-remove-TH-and-export-module-used-by-TH-splices.patch')
1 files changed, 674 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/yesod-routes_1.1.2_0001-remove-TH-and-export-module-used-by-TH-splices.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/yesod-routes_1.1.2_0001-remove-TH-and-export-module-used-by-TH-splices.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33bcff447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/yesod-routes_1.1.2_0001-remove-TH-and-export-module-used-by-TH-splices.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+From 06176b0f3dbbe559490f0971e0db205287793286 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Joey Hess <>
+Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2013 21:01:12 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] remove TH and export module used by TH splices
+ Yesod/Routes/Overlap.hs | 74 ----------
+ Yesod/Routes/Parse.hs | 115 ---------------
+ Yesod/Routes/TH.hs | 12 --
+ Yesod/Routes/TH/Dispatch.hs | 344 --------------------------------------------
+ Yesod/Routes/TH/Types.hs | 16 ---
+ yesod-routes.cabal | 21 ---
+ 6 files changed, 582 deletions(-)
+ delete mode 100644 Yesod/Routes/Overlap.hs
+ delete mode 100644 Yesod/Routes/Parse.hs
+ delete mode 100644 Yesod/Routes/TH.hs
+ delete mode 100644 Yesod/Routes/TH/Dispatch.hs
+diff --git a/Yesod/Routes/Overlap.hs b/Yesod/Routes/Overlap.hs
+deleted file mode 100644
+index ae45a02..0000000
+--- a/Yesod/Routes/Overlap.hs
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
+--- | Check for overlapping routes.
+-module Yesod.Routes.Overlap
+- ( findOverlaps
+- , findOverlapNames
+- , Overlap (..)
+- ) where
+-import Yesod.Routes.TH.Types
+-import Data.List (intercalate)
+-data Overlap t = Overlap
+- { overlapParents :: [String] -> [String] -- ^ parent resource trees
+- , overlap1 :: ResourceTree t
+- , overlap2 :: ResourceTree t
+- }
+-findOverlaps :: ([String] -> [String]) -> [ResourceTree t] -> [Overlap t]
+-findOverlaps _ [] = []
+-findOverlaps front (x:xs) = concatMap (findOverlap front x) xs ++ findOverlaps front xs
+-findOverlap :: ([String] -> [String]) -> ResourceTree t -> ResourceTree t -> [Overlap t]
+-findOverlap front x y =
+- here rest
+- where
+- here
+- | overlaps (resourceTreePieces x) (resourceTreePieces y) (hasSuffix x) (hasSuffix y) = (Overlap front x y:)
+- | otherwise = id
+- rest =
+- case x of
+- ResourceParent name _ children -> findOverlaps (front . (name:)) children
+- ResourceLeaf{} -> []
+-hasSuffix :: ResourceTree t -> Bool
+-hasSuffix (ResourceLeaf r) =
+- case resourceDispatch r of
+- Subsite{} -> True
+- Methods Just{} _ -> True
+- Methods Nothing _ -> False
+-hasSuffix ResourceParent{} = True
+-overlaps :: [(CheckOverlap, Piece t)] -> [(CheckOverlap, Piece t)] -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
+--- No pieces on either side, will overlap regardless of suffix
+-overlaps [] [] _ _ = True
+--- No pieces on the left, will overlap if the left side has a suffix
+-overlaps [] _ suffixX _ = suffixX
+--- Ditto for the right
+-overlaps _ [] _ suffixY = suffixY
+--- As soon as we ignore a single piece (via CheckOverlap == False), we say that
+--- the routes don't overlap at all. In other words, disabling overlap checking
+--- on a single piece disables it on the whole route.
+-overlaps ((False, _):_) _ _ _ = False
+-overlaps _ ((False, _):_) _ _ = False
+--- Compare the actual pieces
+-overlaps ((True, pieceX):xs) ((True, pieceY):ys) suffixX suffixY =
+- piecesOverlap pieceX pieceY && overlaps xs ys suffixX suffixY
+-piecesOverlap :: Piece t -> Piece t -> Bool
+--- Statics only match if they equal. Dynamics match with anything
+-piecesOverlap (Static x) (Static y) = x == y
+-piecesOverlap _ _ = True
+-findOverlapNames :: [ResourceTree t] -> [(String, String)]
+-findOverlapNames =
+- map go . findOverlaps id
+- where
+- go (Overlap front x y) =
+- (go' $ resourceTreeName x, go' $ resourceTreeName y)
+- where
+- go' = intercalate "/" . front . return
+diff --git a/Yesod/Routes/Parse.hs b/Yesod/Routes/Parse.hs
+deleted file mode 100644
+index fc16eef..0000000
+--- a/Yesod/Routes/Parse.hs
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
+-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-} -- QuasiQuoter
+-module Yesod.Routes.Parse
+- ( parseRoutes
+- , parseRoutesFile
+- , parseRoutesNoCheck
+- , parseRoutesFileNoCheck
+- , parseType
+- ) where
+-import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
+-import Data.Char (isUpper)
+-import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
+-import qualified System.IO as SIO
+-import Yesod.Routes.TH
+-import Yesod.Routes.Overlap (findOverlapNames)
+--- | A quasi-quoter to parse a string into a list of 'Resource's. Checks for
+--- overlapping routes, failing if present; use 'parseRoutesNoCheck' to skip the
+--- checking. See documentation site for details on syntax.
+-parseRoutes :: QuasiQuoter
+-parseRoutes = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = x }
+- where
+- x s = do
+- let res = resourcesFromString s
+- case findOverlapNames res of
+- [] -> lift res
+- z -> error $ "Overlapping routes: " ++ unlines (map show z)
+-parseRoutesFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
+-parseRoutesFile = parseRoutesFileWith parseRoutes
+-parseRoutesFileNoCheck :: FilePath -> Q Exp
+-parseRoutesFileNoCheck = parseRoutesFileWith parseRoutesNoCheck
+-parseRoutesFileWith :: QuasiQuoter -> FilePath -> Q Exp
+-parseRoutesFileWith qq fp = do
+- s <- qRunIO $ readUtf8File fp
+- quoteExp qq s
+-readUtf8File :: FilePath -> IO String
+-readUtf8File fp = do
+- h <- SIO.openFile fp SIO.ReadMode
+- SIO.hSetEncoding h SIO.utf8_bom
+- SIO.hGetContents h
+--- | Same as 'parseRoutes', but performs no overlap checking.
+-parseRoutesNoCheck :: QuasiQuoter
+-parseRoutesNoCheck = QuasiQuoter
+- { quoteExp = lift . resourcesFromString
+- }
+--- | Convert a multi-line string to a set of resources. See documentation for
+--- the format of this string. This is a partial function which calls 'error' on
+--- invalid input.
+-resourcesFromString :: String -> [ResourceTree String]
+-resourcesFromString =
+- fst . parse 0 . lines
+- where
+- parse _ [] = ([], [])
+- parse indent (thisLine:otherLines)
+- | length spaces < indent = ([], thisLine : otherLines)
+- | otherwise = (this others, remainder)
+- where
+- spaces = takeWhile (== ' ') thisLine
+- (others, remainder) = parse indent otherLines'
+- (this, otherLines') =
+- case takeWhile (/= "--") $ words thisLine of
+- [pattern, constr] | last constr == ':' ->
+- let (children, otherLines'') = parse (length spaces + 1) otherLines
+- (pieces, Nothing) = piecesFromString $ drop1Slash pattern
+- in ((ResourceParent (init constr) pieces children :), otherLines'')
+- (pattern:constr:rest) ->
+- let (pieces, mmulti) = piecesFromString $ drop1Slash pattern
+- disp = dispatchFromString rest mmulti
+- in ((ResourceLeaf (Resource constr pieces disp):), otherLines)
+- [] -> (id, otherLines)
+- _ -> error $ "Invalid resource line: " ++ thisLine
+-dispatchFromString :: [String] -> Maybe String -> Dispatch String
+-dispatchFromString rest mmulti
+- | null rest = Methods mmulti []
+- | all (all isUpper) rest = Methods mmulti rest
+-dispatchFromString [subTyp, subFun] Nothing =
+- Subsite subTyp subFun
+-dispatchFromString [_, _] Just{} =
+- error "Subsites cannot have a multipiece"
+-dispatchFromString rest _ = error $ "Invalid list of methods: " ++ show rest
+-drop1Slash :: String -> String
+-drop1Slash ('/':x) = x
+-drop1Slash x = x
+-piecesFromString :: String -> ([(CheckOverlap, Piece String)], Maybe String)
+-piecesFromString "" = ([], Nothing)
+-piecesFromString x =
+- case (this, rest) of
+- (Left typ, ([], Nothing)) -> ([], Just typ)
+- (Left _, _) -> error "Multipiece must be last piece"
+- (Right piece, (pieces, mtyp)) -> (piece:pieces, mtyp)
+- where
+- (y, z) = break (== '/') x
+- this = pieceFromString y
+- rest = piecesFromString $ drop 1 z
+-parseType :: String -> Type
+-parseType = ConT . mkName -- FIXME handle more complicated stuff
+-pieceFromString :: String -> Either String (CheckOverlap, Piece String)
+-pieceFromString ('#':'!':x) = Right $ (False, Dynamic x)
+-pieceFromString ('#':x) = Right $ (True, Dynamic x)
+-pieceFromString ('*':x) = Left x
+-pieceFromString ('!':x) = Right $ (False, Static x)
+-pieceFromString x = Right $ (True, Static x)
+diff --git a/Yesod/Routes/TH.hs b/Yesod/Routes/TH.hs
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 41045b3..0000000
+--- a/Yesod/Routes/TH.hs
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
+-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+-module Yesod.Routes.TH
+- ( module Yesod.Routes.TH.Types
+- -- * Functions
+- , module Yesod.Routes.TH.RenderRoute
+- -- ** Dispatch
+- , module Yesod.Routes.TH.Dispatch
+- ) where
+-import Yesod.Routes.TH.Types
+-import Yesod.Routes.TH.RenderRoute
+-import Yesod.Routes.TH.Dispatch
+diff --git a/Yesod/Routes/TH/Dispatch.hs b/Yesod/Routes/TH/Dispatch.hs
+deleted file mode 100644
+index a52f69a..0000000
+--- a/Yesod/Routes/TH/Dispatch.hs
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
+-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+-module Yesod.Routes.TH.Dispatch
+- ( -- ** Dispatch
+- mkDispatchClause
+- ) where
+-import Prelude hiding (exp)
+-import Yesod.Routes.TH.Types
+-import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
+-import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
+-import Control.Monad (forM, replicateM)
+-import Data.Text (pack)
+-import qualified Yesod.Routes.Dispatch as D
+-import qualified Data.Map as Map
+-import Data.Char (toLower)
+-import Web.PathPieces (PathPiece (..), PathMultiPiece (..))
+-import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
+-import Data.List (foldl')
+-data FlatResource a = FlatResource [(String, [(CheckOverlap, Piece a)])] String [(CheckOverlap, Piece a)] (Dispatch a)
+-flatten :: [ResourceTree a] -> [FlatResource a]
+-flatten =
+- concatMap (go id)
+- where
+- go front (ResourceLeaf (Resource a b c)) = [FlatResource (front []) a b c]
+- go front (ResourceParent name pieces children) =
+- concatMap (go (front . ((name, pieces):))) children
+--- |
+--- This function will generate a single clause that will address all
+--- your routing needs. It takes four arguments. The fourth (a list of
+--- 'Resource's) is self-explanatory. We\'ll discuss the first
+--- three. But first, let\'s cover the terminology.
+--- Dispatching involves a master type and a sub type. When you dispatch to the
+--- top level type, master and sub are the same. Each time to dispatch to
+--- another subsite, the sub changes. This requires two changes:
+--- * Getting the new sub value. This is handled via 'subsiteFunc'.
+--- * Figure out a way to convert sub routes to the original master route. To
+--- address this, we keep a toMaster function, and each time we dispatch to a
+--- new subsite, we compose it with the constructor for that subsite.
+--- Dispatching acts on two different components: the request method and a list
+--- of path pieces. If we cannot match the path pieces, we need to return a 404
+--- response. If the path pieces match, but the method is not supported, we need
+--- to return a 405 response.
+--- The final result of dispatch is going to be an application type. A simple
+--- example would be the WAI Application type. However, our handler functions
+--- will need more input: the master/subsite, the toMaster function, and the
+--- type-safe route. Therefore, we need to have another type, the handler type,
+--- and a function that turns a handler into an application, i.e.
+--- > runHandler :: handler sub master -> master -> sub -> Route sub -> (Route sub -> Route master) -> app
+--- This is the first argument to our function. Note that this will almost
+--- certainly need to be a method of a typeclass, since it will want to behave
+--- differently based on the subsite.
+--- Note that the 404 response passed in is an application, while the 405
+--- response is a handler, since the former can\'t be passed the type-safe
+--- route.
+--- In the case of a subsite, we don\'t directly deal with a handler function.
+--- Instead, we redispatch to the subsite, passing on the updated sub value and
+--- toMaster function, as well as any remaining, unparsed path pieces. This
+--- function looks like:
+--- > dispatcher :: master -> sub -> (Route sub -> Route master) -> app -> handler sub master -> Text -> [Text] -> app
+--- Where the parameters mean master, sub, toMaster, 404 response, 405 response,
+--- request method and path pieces. This is the second argument of our function.
+--- Finally, we need a way to decide which of the possible formats
+--- should the handler send the data out. Think of each URL holding an
+--- abstract object which has multiple representation (JSON, plain HTML
+--- etc). Each client might have a preference on which format it wants
+--- the abstract object in. For example, a javascript making a request
+--- (on behalf of a browser) might prefer a JSON object over a plain
+--- HTML file where as a user browsing with javascript disabled would
+--- want the page in HTML. The third argument is a function that
+--- converts the abstract object to the desired representation
+--- depending on the preferences sent by the client.
+--- The typical values for the first three arguments are,
+--- @'yesodRunner'@ for the first, @'yesodDispatch'@ for the second and
+--- @fmap 'chooseRep'@.
+-mkDispatchClause :: Q Exp -- ^ runHandler function
+- -> Q Exp -- ^ dispatcher function
+- -> Q Exp -- ^ fixHandler function
+- -> [ResourceTree a]
+- -> Q Clause
+-mkDispatchClause runHandler dispatcher fixHandler ress' = do
+- -- Allocate the names to be used. Start off with the names passed to the
+- -- function itself (with a 0 suffix).
+- --
+- -- We don't reuse names so as to avoid shadowing names (triggers warnings
+- -- with -Wall). Additionally, we want to ensure that none of the code
+- -- passed to toDispatch uses variables from the closure to prevent the
+- -- dispatch data structure from being rebuilt on each run.
+- master0 <- newName "master0"
+- sub0 <- newName "sub0"
+- toMaster0 <- newName "toMaster0"
+- app4040 <- newName "app4040"
+- handler4050 <- newName "handler4050"
+- method0 <- newName "method0"
+- pieces0 <- newName "pieces0"
+- -- Name of the dispatch function
+- dispatch <- newName "dispatch"
+- -- Dispatch function applied to the pieces
+- let dispatched = VarE dispatch `AppE` VarE pieces0
+- -- The 'D.Route's used in the dispatch function
+- routes <- mapM (buildRoute runHandler dispatcher fixHandler) ress
+- -- The dispatch function itself
+- toDispatch <- [|D.toDispatch|]
+- let dispatchFun = FunD dispatch [Clause [] (NormalB $ toDispatch `AppE` ListE routes) []]
+- -- The input to the clause.
+- let pats = map VarP [master0, sub0, toMaster0, app4040, handler4050, method0, pieces0]
+- -- For each resource that dispatches based on methods, build up a map for handling the dispatching.
+- methodMaps <- catMaybes <$> mapM (buildMethodMap fixHandler) ress
+- u <- [|case $(return dispatched) of
+- Just f -> f $(return $ VarE master0)
+- $(return $ VarE sub0)
+- $(return $ VarE toMaster0)
+- $(return $ VarE app4040)
+- $(return $ VarE handler4050)
+- $(return $ VarE method0)
+- Nothing -> $(return $ VarE app4040)
+- |]
+- return $ Clause pats (NormalB u) $ dispatchFun : methodMaps
+- where
+- ress = flatten ress'
+--- | Determine the name of the method map for a given resource name.
+-methodMapName :: String -> Name
+-methodMapName s = mkName $ "methods" ++ s
+-buildMethodMap :: Q Exp -- ^ fixHandler
+- -> FlatResource a
+- -> Q (Maybe Dec)
+-buildMethodMap _ (FlatResource _ _ _ (Methods _ [])) = return Nothing -- single handle function
+-buildMethodMap fixHandler (FlatResource parents name pieces' (Methods mmulti methods)) = do
+- fromList <- [|Map.fromList|]
+- methods' <- mapM go methods
+- let exp = fromList `AppE` ListE methods'
+- let fun = FunD (methodMapName name) [Clause [] (NormalB exp) []]
+- return $ Just fun
+- where
+- pieces = concat $ map snd parents ++ [pieces']
+- go method = do
+- fh <- fixHandler
+- let func = VarE $ mkName $ map toLower method ++ name
+- pack' <- [|pack|]
+- let isDynamic Dynamic{} = True
+- isDynamic _ = False
+- let argCount = length (filter (isDynamic . snd) pieces) + maybe 0 (const 1) mmulti
+- xs <- replicateM argCount $ newName "arg"
+- let rhs = LamE (map VarP xs) $ fh `AppE` (foldl' AppE func $ map VarE xs)
+- return $ TupE [pack' `AppE` LitE (StringL method), rhs]
+-buildMethodMap _ (FlatResource _ _ _ Subsite{}) = return Nothing
+--- | Build a single 'D.Route' expression.
+-buildRoute :: Q Exp -> Q Exp -> Q Exp -> FlatResource a -> Q Exp
+-buildRoute runHandler dispatcher fixHandler (FlatResource parents name resPieces resDisp) = do
+- -- First two arguments to D.Route
+- routePieces <- ListE <$> mapM (convertPiece . snd) allPieces
+- isMulti <-
+- case resDisp of
+- Methods Nothing _ -> [|False|]
+- _ -> [|True|]
+- [|D.Route $(return routePieces) $(return isMulti) $(routeArg3 runHandler dispatcher fixHandler parents name (map snd allPieces) resDisp)|]
+- where
+- allPieces = concat $ map snd parents ++ [resPieces]
+-routeArg3 :: Q Exp -- ^ runHandler
+- -> Q Exp -- ^ dispatcher
+- -> Q Exp -- ^ fixHandler
+- -> [(String, [(CheckOverlap, Piece a)])]
+- -> String -- ^ name of resource
+- -> [Piece a]
+- -> Dispatch a
+- -> Q Exp
+-routeArg3 runHandler dispatcher fixHandler parents name resPieces resDisp = do
+- pieces <- newName "pieces"
+- -- Allocate input piece variables (xs) and variables that have been
+- -- converted via fromPathPiece (ys)
+- xs <- forM resPieces $ \piece ->
+- case piece of
+- Static _ -> return Nothing
+- Dynamic _ -> Just <$> newName "x"
+- -- Note: the zipping with Ints is just a workaround for (apparently) a bug
+- -- in GHC where the identifiers are considered to be overlapping. Using
+- -- newName should avoid the problem, but it doesn't.
+- ys <- forM (zip (catMaybes xs) [1..]) $ \(x, i) -> do
+- y <- newName $ "y" ++ show (i :: Int)
+- return (x, y)
+- -- In case we have multi pieces at the end
+- xrest <- newName "xrest"
+- yrest <- newName "yrest"
+- -- Determine the pattern for matching the pieces
+- pat <-
+- case resDisp of
+- Methods Nothing _ -> return $ ListP $ map (maybe WildP VarP) xs
+- _ -> do
+- let cons = mkName ":"
+- return $ foldr (\a b -> ConP cons [maybe WildP VarP a, b]) (VarP xrest) xs
+- -- Convert the xs
+- fromPathPiece' <- [|fromPathPiece|]
+- xstmts <- forM ys $ \(x, y) -> return $ BindS (VarP y) (fromPathPiece' `AppE` VarE x)
+- -- Convert the xrest if appropriate
+- (reststmts, yrest') <-
+- case resDisp of
+- Methods (Just _) _ -> do
+- fromPathMultiPiece' <- [|fromPathMultiPiece|]
+- return ([BindS (VarP yrest) (fromPathMultiPiece' `AppE` VarE xrest)], [yrest])
+- _ -> return ([], [])
+- -- The final expression that actually uses the values we've computed
+- caller <- buildCaller runHandler dispatcher fixHandler xrest parents name resDisp $ map snd ys ++ yrest'
+- -- Put together all the statements
+- just <- [|Just|]
+- let stmts = concat
+- [ xstmts
+- , reststmts
+- , [NoBindS $ just `AppE` caller]
+- ]
+- errorMsg <- [|error "Invariant violated"|]
+- let matches =
+- [ Match pat (NormalB $ DoE stmts) []
+- , Match WildP (NormalB errorMsg) []
+- ]
+- return $ LamE [VarP pieces] $ CaseE (VarE pieces) matches
+--- | The final expression in the individual Route definitions.
+-buildCaller :: Q Exp -- ^ runHandler
+- -> Q Exp -- ^ dispatcher
+- -> Q Exp -- ^ fixHandler
+- -> Name -- ^ xrest
+- -> [(String, [(CheckOverlap, Piece a)])]
+- -> String -- ^ name of resource
+- -> Dispatch a
+- -> [Name] -- ^ ys
+- -> Q Exp
+-buildCaller runHandler dispatcher fixHandler xrest parents name resDisp ys = do
+- master <- newName "master"
+- sub <- newName "sub"
+- toMaster <- newName "toMaster"
+- app404 <- newName "_app404"
+- handler405 <- newName "_handler405"
+- method <- newName "_method"
+- let pat = map VarP [master, sub, toMaster, app404, handler405, method]
+- -- Create the route
+- let route = routeFromDynamics parents name ys
+- exp <-
+- case resDisp of
+- Methods _ ms -> do
+- handler <- newName "handler"
+- -- Run the whole thing
+- runner <- [|$(runHandler)
+- $(return $ VarE handler)
+- $(return $ VarE master)
+- $(return $ VarE sub)
+- (Just $(return route))
+- $(return $ VarE toMaster)|]
+- let myLet handlerExp =
+- LetE [FunD handler [Clause [] (NormalB handlerExp) []]] runner
+- if null ms
+- then do
+- -- Just a single handler
+- fh <- fixHandler
+- let he = fh `AppE` foldl' (\a b -> a `AppE` VarE b) (VarE $ mkName $ "handle" ++ name) ys
+- return $ myLet he
+- else do
+- -- Individual methods
+- mf <- [|Map.lookup $(return $ VarE method) $(return $ VarE $ methodMapName name)|]
+- f <- newName "f"
+- let apply = foldl' (\a b -> a `AppE` VarE b) (VarE f) ys
+- let body405 =
+- VarE handler405
+- `AppE` route
+- return $ CaseE mf
+- [ Match (ConP 'Just [VarP f]) (NormalB $ myLet apply) []
+- , Match (ConP 'Nothing []) (NormalB body405) []
+- ]
+- Subsite _ getSub -> do
+- let sub2 = foldl' (\a b -> a `AppE` VarE b) (VarE (mkName getSub) `AppE` VarE sub) ys
+- [|$(dispatcher)
+- $(return $ VarE master)
+- $(return sub2)
+- ($(return $ VarE toMaster) . $(return route))
+- $(return $ VarE app404)
+- ($(return $ VarE handler405) . $(return route))
+- $(return $ VarE method)
+- $(return $ VarE xrest)
+- |]
+- return $ LamE pat exp
+--- | Convert a 'Piece' to a 'D.Piece'
+-convertPiece :: Piece a -> Q Exp
+-convertPiece (Static s) = [|D.Static (pack $(lift s))|]
+-convertPiece (Dynamic _) = [|D.Dynamic|]
+-routeFromDynamics :: [(String, [(CheckOverlap, Piece a)])] -- ^ parents
+- -> String -- ^ constructor name
+- -> [Name]
+- -> Exp
+-routeFromDynamics [] name ys = foldl' (\a b -> a `AppE` VarE b) (ConE $ mkName name) ys
+-routeFromDynamics ((parent, pieces):rest) name ys =
+- foldl' (\a b -> a `AppE` b) (ConE $ mkName parent) here
+- where
+- (here', ys') = splitAt (length $ filter (isDynamic . snd) pieces) ys
+- isDynamic Dynamic{} = True
+- isDynamic _ = False
+- here = map VarE here' ++ [routeFromDynamics rest name ys']
+diff --git a/Yesod/Routes/TH/Types.hs b/Yesod/Routes/TH/Types.hs
+index 52cd446..18208d3 100644
+--- a/Yesod/Routes/TH/Types.hs
++++ b/Yesod/Routes/TH/Types.hs
+@@ -29,10 +29,6 @@ instance Functor ResourceTree where
+ fmap f (ResourceLeaf r) = ResourceLeaf (fmap f r)
+ fmap f (ResourceParent a b c) = ResourceParent a (map (second $ fmap f) b) $ map (fmap f) c
+-instance Lift t => Lift (ResourceTree t) where
+- lift (ResourceLeaf r) = [|ResourceLeaf $(lift r)|]
+- lift (ResourceParent a b c) = [|ResourceParent $(lift a) $(lift b) $(lift c)|]
+ data Resource typ = Resource
+ { resourceName :: String
+ , resourcePieces :: [(CheckOverlap, Piece typ)]
+@@ -45,9 +41,6 @@ type CheckOverlap = Bool
+ instance Functor Resource where
+ fmap f (Resource a b c) = Resource a (map (second $ fmap f) b) (fmap f c)
+-instance Lift t => Lift (Resource t) where
+- lift (Resource a b c) = [|Resource $(lift a) $(lift b) $(lift c)|]
+ data Piece typ = Static String | Dynamic typ
+ deriving Show
+@@ -55,10 +48,6 @@ instance Functor Piece where
+ fmap _ (Static s) = (Static s)
+ fmap f (Dynamic t) = Dynamic (f t)
+-instance Lift t => Lift (Piece t) where
+- lift (Static s) = [|Static $(lift s)|]
+- lift (Dynamic t) = [|Dynamic $(lift t)|]
+ data Dispatch typ =
+ Methods
+ { methodsMulti :: Maybe typ -- ^ type of the multi piece at the end
+@@ -74,11 +63,6 @@ instance Functor Dispatch where
+ fmap f (Methods a b) = Methods (fmap f a) b
+ fmap f (Subsite a b) = Subsite (f a) b
+-instance Lift t => Lift (Dispatch t) where
+- lift (Methods Nothing b) = [|Methods Nothing $(lift b)|]
+- lift (Methods (Just t) b) = [|Methods (Just $(lift t)) $(lift b)|]
+- lift (Subsite t b) = [|Subsite $(lift t) $(lift b)|]
+ resourceMulti :: Resource typ -> Maybe typ
+ resourceMulti Resource { resourceDispatch = Methods (Just t) _ } = Just t
+ resourceMulti _ = Nothing
+diff --git a/yesod-routes.cabal b/yesod-routes.cabal
+index eb367b3..dc6a12c 100644
+--- a/yesod-routes.cabal
++++ b/yesod-routes.cabal
+@@ -23,31 +23,10 @@ library
+ , path-pieces >= 0.1 && < 0.2
+ exposed-modules: Yesod.Routes.Dispatch
+- Yesod.Routes.TH
+ Yesod.Routes.Class
+- Yesod.Routes.Parse
+- Yesod.Routes.Overlap
+- other-modules: Yesod.Routes.TH.Dispatch
+- Yesod.Routes.TH.RenderRoute
+ Yesod.Routes.TH.Types
+ ghc-options: -Wall
+-test-suite runtests
+- type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
+- main-is: main.hs
+- hs-source-dirs: test
+- other-modules: Hierarchy
+- build-depends: base >= 4.3 && < 5
+- , yesod-routes
+- , text >= 0.5 && < 0.12
+- , HUnit >= 1.2 && < 1.3
+- , hspec >= 1.3
+- , containers
+- , template-haskell
+- , path-pieces
+- ghc-options: -Wall
+ source-repository head
+ type: git
+ location: