path: root/standalone/android/haskell-patches/DAV_0.3-0001-build-without-TH.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'standalone/android/haskell-patches/DAV_0.3-0001-build-without-TH.patch')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/DAV_0.3-0001-build-without-TH.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/DAV_0.3-0001-build-without-TH.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3fbf764c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/DAV_0.3-0001-build-without-TH.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+From d195f807dac2351d29aeff00d2aee3e151eb82e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Joey Hess <>
+Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2013 19:37:28 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] build without TH
+Used the EvilSplicer to expand the TH
+Left off CmdArgs to save time.
+ DAV.cabal | 20 +----
+ Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV.hs | 53 ++++++++++---
+ Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV/TH.hs | 167 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ 3 files changed, 207 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/DAV.cabal b/DAV.cabal
+index 774d4e5..8b85133 100644
+--- a/DAV.cabal
++++ b/DAV.cabal
+@@ -38,25 +38,7 @@ library
+ , transformers >= 0.3
+ , xml-conduit >= 1.0 && <= 1.1
+ , xml-hamlet >= 0.4 && <= 0.5
+-executable hdav
+- main-is: hdav.hs
+- ghc-options: -Wall
+- build-depends: base >= 4.5 && <= 5
+- , bytestring
+- , bytestring
+- , case-insensitive >= 0.4
+- , cmdargs >= 0.9
+- , containers
+- , http-conduit >= 1.4
+- , http-types >= 0.7
+- , lens >= 3.0
+- , lifted-base >= 0.1
+- , mtl >= 2.1
+- , network >= 2.3
+- , resourcet >= 0.3
+- , transformers >= 0.3
+- , xml-conduit >= 1.0 && <= 1.1
+- , xml-hamlet >= 0.4 && <= 0.5
++ , text
+ source-repository head
+ type: git
+diff --git a/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV.hs b/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV.hs
+index 02e5d15..c0be362 100644
+--- a/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV.hs
++++ b/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV.hs
+@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ import Network.HTTP.Types (hContentType, Method, Status, RequestHeaders, unautho
+ import qualified Text.XML as XML
+ import Text.XML.Cursor (($/), (&/), element, node, fromDocument, checkName)
+-import Text.Hamlet.XML (xml)
++import Text.Hamlet.XML
++import qualified Data.Text
+ import Data.CaseInsensitive (mk)
+@@ -246,18 +247,48 @@ makeCollection url username password = withDS url username password $
+ propname :: XML.Document
+ propname = XML.Document (XML.Prologue [] Nothing []) root []
+ where
+- root = XML.Element "D:propfind" (Map.fromList [("xmlns:D", "DAV:")]) [xml|
++ root = XML.Element "D:propfind" (Map.fromList [("xmlns:D", "DAV:")]) $ concat
++ [[XML.NodeElement
++ (XML.Element
++ (XML.Name
++ (Data.Text.pack "D:allprop") Nothing Nothing)
++ Map.empty
++ (concat []))]]
+ locky :: XML.Document
+ locky = XML.Document (XML.Prologue [] Nothing []) root []
+ where
+- root = XML.Element "D:lockinfo" (Map.fromList [("xmlns:D", "DAV:")]) [xml|
+- <D:exclusive>
+- <D:write>
+-<D:owner>Haskell DAV user
++ root = XML.Element "D:lockinfo" (Map.fromList [("xmlns:D", "DAV:")]) $ concat
++ [[XML.NodeElement
++ (XML.Element
++ (XML.Name
++ (Data.Text.pack "D:lockscope") Nothing Nothing)
++ Map.empty
++ (concat
++ [[XML.NodeElement
++ (XML.Element
++ (XML.Name
++ (Data.Text.pack "D:exclusive") Nothing Nothing)
++ Map.empty
++ (concat []))]]))],
++ [XML.NodeElement
++ (XML.Element
++ (XML.Name
++ (Data.Text.pack "D:locktype") Nothing Nothing)
++ Map.empty
++ (concat
++ [[XML.NodeElement
++ (XML.Element
++ (XML.Name (Data.Text.pack "D:write") Nothing Nothing)
++ Map.empty
++ (concat []))]]))],
++ [XML.NodeElement
++ (XML.Element
++ (XML.Name (Data.Text.pack "D:owner") Nothing Nothing)
++ Map.empty
++ (concat
++ [[XML.NodeContent
++ (Data.Text.pack "Haskell DAV user")]]))]]
+diff --git a/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV/TH.hs b/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV/TH.hs
+index 036a2bc..4d3c0f4 100644
+--- a/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV/TH.hs
++++ b/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV/TH.hs
+@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@
+ -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ -- along with this program. If not, see <>.
+-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
++{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+ module Network.Protocol.HTTP.DAV.TH where
+-import Control.Lens (makeLenses)
++import Control.Lens
++import qualified Control.Lens.Type
++import qualified Data.Functor
+ import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+ import Network.HTTP.Conduit (Manager, Request)
+@@ -33,4 +35,163 @@ data DAVContext a = DAVContext {
+ , _basicusername :: B.ByteString
+ , _basicpassword :: B.ByteString
+ }
+-makeLenses ''DAVContext
++allowedMethods ::
++ forall a_a4Oo.
++ Control.Lens.Type.Lens' (DAVContext a_a4Oo) [B.ByteString]
++ _f_a5tt
++ (DAVContext __allowedMethods'_a5tu
++ __baseRequest_a5tw
++ __complianceClasses_a5tx
++ __httpManager_a5ty
++ __lockToken_a5tz
++ __basicusername_a5tA
++ __basicpassword_a5tB)
++ = ((\ __allowedMethods_a5tv
++ -> DAVContext
++ __allowedMethods_a5tv
++ __baseRequest_a5tw
++ __complianceClasses_a5tx
++ __httpManager_a5ty
++ __lockToken_a5tz
++ __basicusername_a5tA
++ __basicpassword_a5tB)
++ Data.Functor.<$> (_f_a5tt __allowedMethods'_a5tu))
++{-# INLINE allowedMethods #-}
++baseRequest ::
++ forall a_a4Oo a_a5tC.
++ Control.Lens.Type.Lens (DAVContext a_a4Oo) (DAVContext a_a5tC) (Request a_a4Oo) (Request a_a5tC)
++ _f_a5tD
++ (DAVContext __allowedMethods_a5tE
++ __baseRequest'_a5tF
++ __complianceClasses_a5tH
++ __httpManager_a5tI
++ __lockToken_a5tJ
++ __basicusername_a5tK
++ __basicpassword_a5tL)
++ = ((\ __baseRequest_a5tG
++ -> DAVContext
++ __allowedMethods_a5tE
++ __baseRequest_a5tG
++ __complianceClasses_a5tH
++ __httpManager_a5tI
++ __lockToken_a5tJ
++ __basicusername_a5tK
++ __basicpassword_a5tL)
++ Data.Functor.<$> (_f_a5tD __baseRequest'_a5tF))
++{-# INLINE baseRequest #-}
++basicpassword ::
++ forall a_a4Oo.
++ Control.Lens.Type.Lens' (DAVContext a_a4Oo) B.ByteString
++ _f_a5tM
++ (DAVContext __allowedMethods_a5tN
++ __baseRequest_a5tO
++ __complianceClasses_a5tP
++ __httpManager_a5tQ
++ __lockToken_a5tR
++ __basicusername_a5tS
++ __basicpassword'_a5tT)
++ = ((\ __basicpassword_a5tU
++ -> DAVContext
++ __allowedMethods_a5tN
++ __baseRequest_a5tO
++ __complianceClasses_a5tP
++ __httpManager_a5tQ
++ __lockToken_a5tR
++ __basicusername_a5tS
++ __basicpassword_a5tU)
++ Data.Functor.<$> (_f_a5tM __basicpassword'_a5tT))
++{-# INLINE basicpassword #-}
++basicusername ::
++ forall a_a4Oo.
++ Control.Lens.Type.Lens' (DAVContext a_a4Oo) B.ByteString
++ _f_a5tV
++ (DAVContext __allowedMethods_a5tW
++ __baseRequest_a5tX
++ __complianceClasses_a5tY
++ __httpManager_a5tZ
++ __lockToken_a5u0
++ __basicusername'_a5u1
++ __basicpassword_a5u3)
++ = ((\ __basicusername_a5u2
++ -> DAVContext
++ __allowedMethods_a5tW
++ __baseRequest_a5tX
++ __complianceClasses_a5tY
++ __httpManager_a5tZ
++ __lockToken_a5u0
++ __basicusername_a5u2
++ __basicpassword_a5u3)
++ Data.Functor.<$> (_f_a5tV __basicusername'_a5u1))
++{-# INLINE basicusername #-}
++complianceClasses ::
++ forall a_a4Oo.
++ Control.Lens.Type.Lens' (DAVContext a_a4Oo) [B.ByteString]
++ _f_a5u4
++ (DAVContext __allowedMethods_a5u5
++ __baseRequest_a5u6
++ __complianceClasses'_a5u7
++ __httpManager_a5u9
++ __lockToken_a5ua
++ __basicusername_a5ub
++ __basicpassword_a5uc)
++ = ((\ __complianceClasses_a5u8
++ -> DAVContext
++ __allowedMethods_a5u5
++ __baseRequest_a5u6
++ __complianceClasses_a5u8
++ __httpManager_a5u9
++ __lockToken_a5ua
++ __basicusername_a5ub
++ __basicpassword_a5uc)
++ Data.Functor.<$> (_f_a5u4 __complianceClasses'_a5u7))
++{-# INLINE complianceClasses #-}
++httpManager ::
++ forall a_a4Oo. Control.Lens.Type.Lens' (DAVContext a_a4Oo) Manager
++ _f_a5ud
++ (DAVContext __allowedMethods_a5ue
++ __baseRequest_a5uf
++ __complianceClasses_a5ug
++ __httpManager'_a5uh
++ __lockToken_a5uj
++ __basicusername_a5uk
++ __basicpassword_a5ul)
++ = ((\ __httpManager_a5ui
++ -> DAVContext
++ __allowedMethods_a5ue
++ __baseRequest_a5uf
++ __complianceClasses_a5ug
++ __httpManager_a5ui
++ __lockToken_a5uj
++ __basicusername_a5uk
++ __basicpassword_a5ul)
++ Data.Functor.<$> (_f_a5ud __httpManager'_a5uh))
++{-# INLINE httpManager #-}
++lockToken ::
++ forall a_a4Oo.
++ Control.Lens.Type.Lens' (DAVContext a_a4Oo) (Maybe B.ByteString)
++ _f_a5um
++ (DAVContext __allowedMethods_a5un
++ __baseRequest_a5uo
++ __complianceClasses_a5up
++ __httpManager_a5uq
++ __lockToken'_a5ur
++ __basicusername_a5ut
++ __basicpassword_a5uu)
++ = ((\ __lockToken_a5us
++ -> DAVContext
++ __allowedMethods_a5un
++ __baseRequest_a5uo
++ __complianceClasses_a5up
++ __httpManager_a5uq
++ __lockToken_a5us
++ __basicusername_a5ut
++ __basicpassword_a5uu)
++ Data.Functor.<$> (_f_a5um __lockToken'_a5ur))
++{-# INLINE lockToken #-}