path: root/git-annex.cabal
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'git-annex.cabal')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/git-annex.cabal b/git-annex.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da78c7def
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git-annex.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+Name: git-annex
+Version: 5.20131120
+Cabal-Version: >= 1.8
+License: GPL-3
+Maintainer: Joey Hess <>
+Author: Joey Hess
+Stability: Stable
+Copyright: 2010-2013 Joey Hess
+License-File: COPYRIGHT
+Build-type: Custom
+Category: Utility
+Synopsis: manage files with git, without checking their contents into git
+ git-annex allows managing files with git, without checking the file
+ contents into git. While that may seem paradoxical, it is useful when
+ dealing with files larger than git can currently easily handle, whether due
+ to limitations in memory, time, or disk space.
+ .
+ Even without file content tracking, being able to manage files with git,
+ move files around and delete files with versioned directory trees, and use
+ branches and distributed clones, are all very handy reasons to use git. And
+ annexed files can co-exist in the same git repository with regularly
+ versioned files, which is convenient for maintaining documents, Makefiles,
+ etc that are associated with annexed files but that benefit from full
+ revision control.
+Flag S3
+ Description: Enable S3 support
+Flag WebDAV
+ Description: Enable WebDAV support
+Flag Inotify
+ Description: Enable inotify support
+Flag Dbus
+ Description: Enable dbus support
+Flag Assistant
+ Description: Enable git-annex assistant and watch command
+Flag Webapp
+ Description: Enable git-annex webapp
+Flag Pairing
+ Description: Enable pairing
+Flag XMPP
+ Description: Enable notifications using XMPP
+Flag DNS
+ Description: Enable the haskell DNS library for DNS lookup
+Flag Production
+ Description: Enable production build (slower build; faster binary)
+Flag Android
+ Description: Cross building for Android
+ Default: False
+Flag AndroidSplice
+ Description: Building to get TH splices for Android
+ Default: False
+Flag TestSuite
+ Description: Embed the test suite into git-annex
+Flag TDFA
+ Description: Use regex-tdfa for wildcards
+Flag Feed
+ Description: Enable podcast feed support
+Flag Quvi
+ Description: Enable use of quvi to download videos
+Flag CryptoHash
+ Description: Enable use of cryptohash for checksumming
+Flag EKG
+ Description: Enable use of EKG to monitor git-annex as it runs (at http://localhost:4242/)
+ Default: False
+Executable git-annex
+ Main-Is: git-annex.hs
+ Build-Depends: MissingH, hslogger, directory, filepath,
+ containers, utf8-string, network (>= 2.0), mtl (>= 2),
+ bytestring, old-locale, time, HTTP,
+ extensible-exceptions, dataenc, SHA, process, json,
+ base (>= 4.5 && < 4.9), monad-control, MonadCatchIO-transformers,
+ IfElse, text, QuickCheck >= 2.1, bloomfilter, edit-distance, process,
+ SafeSemaphore, uuid, random, dlist, unix-compat, async
+ -- Need to list these because they're generated from .hsc files.
+ Other-Modules: Utility.Touch Utility.Mounts
+ Include-Dirs: Utility
+ C-Sources: Utility/libdiskfree.c Utility/libmounts.c
+ CC-Options: -Wall
+ GHC-Options: -Wall
+ Extensions: PackageImports
+ -- Some things don't work with the non-threaded RTS.
+ GHC-Options: -threaded
+ if flag(Production)
+ GHC-Options: -O2
+ if (! os(windows))
+ Build-Depends: unix
+ if flag(TestSuite)
+ Build-Depends: tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck
+ if flag(TDFA)
+ Build-Depends: regex-tdfa
+ CPP-Options: -DWITH_TDFA
+ if flag(CryptoHash)
+ Build-Depends: cryptohash (>= 0.10.0)
+ if flag(S3)
+ Build-Depends: hS3
+ CPP-Options: -DWITH_S3
+ if flag(WebDAV)
+ Build-Depends: DAV (>= 0.3), http-conduit, xml-conduit, http-types
+ if flag(Assistant) && ! os(solaris)
+ Build-Depends: stm (>= 2.3)
+ if flag(Assistant)
+ if os(linux) && flag(Inotify)
+ Build-Depends: hinotify
+ else
+ if os(darwin)
+ Build-Depends: hfsevents
+ else
+ if os(windows)
+ Build-Depends: Win32-notify
+ else
+ if (! os(solaris) && ! os(linux))
+ if flag(Android)
+ Build-Depends: hinotify
+ else
+ C-Sources: Utility/libkqueue.c
+ if os(linux) && flag(Dbus)
+ Build-Depends: dbus (>= 0.10.3)
+ CPP-Options: -DWITH_DBUS
+ if flag(Android)
+ Build-Depends: data-endian
+ if flag(AndroidSplice)
+ if flag(Webapp) && (! os(windows))
+ Build-Depends:
+ yesod, yesod-default, yesod-static, yesod-form, yesod-core,
+ case-insensitive, http-types, transformers, wai, wai-logger, warp,
+ blaze-builder, crypto-api, hamlet, clientsession,
+ template-haskell, data-default, aeson
+ if flag(Pairing)
+ Build-Depends: network-multicast, network-info
+ if flag(XMPP) && (! os(windows))
+ Build-Depends: network-protocol-xmpp, gnutls (>= 0.1.4), xml-types
+ CPP-Options: -DWITH_XMPP
+ if flag(DNS)
+ Build-Depends: dns
+ CPP-Options: -DWITH_DNS
+ if flag(Feed)
+ Build-Depends: feed
+ CPP-Options: -DWITH_FEED
+ if flag(Quvi)
+ Build-Depends: aeson
+ CPP-Options: -DWITH_QUVI
+ if flag(EKG)
+ Build-Depends: ekg
+ GHC-Options: -with-rtsopts=-T
+ CPP-Options: -DWITH_EKG
+source-repository head
+ type: git
+ location: git://