path: root/doc
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2 files changed, 34 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/doc/design/requests_routing.mdwn b/doc/design/requests_routing.mdwn
index 8e9324d39..2391cfae9 100644
--- a/doc/design/requests_routing.mdwn
+++ b/doc/design/requests_routing.mdwn
@@ -90,6 +90,11 @@ For a node that only transfers files between the immobile nodes:
+For an immobile node that only accumulates files it requests, but never
+stores files requested by other nodes:
+ present or requested
TODO: Would be nice to be able to prioritize files that more nodes are
requesting, or that have some urgent flag set. But currently there is no
way to do that; content is either preferred or not preferred.
diff --git a/doc/design/requests_routing/simroutes.hs b/doc/design/requests_routing/simroutes.hs
index 90ab03d40..d91125935 100644
--- a/doc/design/requests_routing/simroutes.hs
+++ b/doc/design/requests_routing/simroutes.hs
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ data TransferNode = TransferNode
data NodeRepo = NodeRepo
{ wantFiles :: [Request]
, haveFiles :: S.Set File
+ , satisfiedRequests :: S.Set Request
deriving (Show, Eq)
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ randomFile :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g File
randomFile = File <$> getRandomR (0, totalFiles)
data Request = Request File TTL
- deriving (Show)
+ deriving (Show, Ord)
-- compare ignoring TTL
instance Eq Request where
@@ -164,30 +165,42 @@ step (Network immobiles transfers) = go immobiles [] transfers
then case M.lookup (currentlocation t) is of
Nothing -> go is (c ++ [t]) ts
Just currentloc -> do
- let (currentloc', t') = exchangeRequestsFiles currentloc t
+ let (currentloc', t') = merge currentloc t
t'' <- move t'
go (M.insert (currentlocation t) currentloc' is) (c ++ [t'']) ts
else go is (c ++ [t]) ts
-type Exchanger = ImmobileNode -> TransferNode -> (ImmobileNode, TransferNode)
-exchangeRequestsFiles :: Exchanger
-exchangeRequestsFiles (ImmobileNode ir) t@(TransferNode { transferrepo = tr }) =
+merge :: ImmobileNode -> TransferNode -> (ImmobileNode, TransferNode)
+merge (ImmobileNode ir) t@(TransferNode { transferrepo = tr }) =
( ImmobileNode (go ir tr)
, t { transferrepo = go tr ir }
go r1 r2 = r1
- { wantFiles = foldr addRequest (wantFiles r1) (wantFiles r2)
- , haveFiles = S.foldr (addFile (wantFiles r1)) (haveFiles r1) (haveFiles r2)
+ { wantFiles = wantFiles'
+ , haveFiles = haveFiles'
+ , satisfiedRequests = satisfiedRequests' `S.union` checkSatisfied wantFiles' haveFiles'
--- Adds a file to the set, when there's a request for it.
-addFile :: [Request] -> File -> S.Set File -> S.Set File
-addFile rs f fs
+ where
+ wantFiles' = foldr addRequest (wantFiles r1) (wantFiles r2)
+ haveFiles' = S.foldr (addFile wantFiles' satisfiedRequests') (haveFiles r1) (haveFiles r2)
+ satisfiedRequests' = satisfiedRequests r1 `S.union` satisfiedRequests r2
+-- Adds a file to the set, when there's a request for it, and the request
+-- has not already been satisfied.
+addFile :: [Request] -> S.Set Request -> File -> S.Set File -> S.Set File
+addFile rs srs f fs
+ | any (\sr -> f == requestedFile sr) (S.toList srs) = fs
| any (\r -> f == requestedFile r) rs = S.insert f fs
| otherwise = fs
+-- Checks if any requests have been satisfied, and returns them,
+-- to be added to satisfidRequests
+checkSatisfied :: [Request] -> S.Set File -> S.Set Request
+checkSatisfied want have = S.fromList (filter satisfied want)
+ where
+ satisfied r = requestTTL r == originTTL && S.member (requestedFile r) have
-- Decrements TTL, and avoids adding request with a stale TTL, or a
-- request for an already added file with the same or a lower TTL.
addRequest :: Request -> [Request] -> [Request]
@@ -212,7 +225,7 @@ genNetwork = do
return $ Network immobiles transfers
emptyImmobile :: ImmobileNode
-emptyImmobile = ImmobileNode (NodeRepo [] S.empty)
+emptyImmobile = ImmobileNode (NodeRepo [] S.empty S.empty)
mkTransfer :: (RandomGen g) => [NodeName] -> Rand g TransferNode
mkTransfer immobiles = do
@@ -227,7 +240,7 @@ mkTransferBetween possiblelocs = do
currentloc <- randomfrom possiblelocs
movefreq <- getRandomR transferMoveFrequencyRange
-- transfer nodes start out with no files or requests in their repo
- let repo = (NodeRepo [] S.empty)
+ let repo = (NodeRepo [] S.empty S.empty)
return $ TransferNode currentloc possiblelocs movefreq repo
randomfrom :: (RandomGen g) => [a] -> Rand g a
@@ -265,6 +278,8 @@ summarize _initial@(Network origis _) _final@(Network is _ts) = format
, ("Nodes that failed to get files",
show (map withinitiallocs $ filter (not . S.null . snd)
(M.toList $ (findunsatisfied . repo) is)))
+ , ("Total number of files on immobile nodes at end",
+ show (overis (S.size . haveFiles . repo)))
--, ("Immobile nodes at end", show is)