path: root/doc/bugs/git-annex_on_crippled_filesystem_can_still_failed_due_to_case_
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/bugs/git-annex_on_crippled_filesystem_can_still_failed_due_to_case_')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/doc/bugs/git-annex_on_crippled_filesystem_can_still_failed_due_to_case_/comment_1_850695231926dfe94f11342d3af7f63c._comment b/doc/bugs/git-annex_on_crippled_filesystem_can_still_failed_due_to_case_/comment_1_850695231926dfe94f11342d3af7f63c._comment
deleted file mode 100644
index a11bb3bf5..000000000
--- a/doc/bugs/git-annex_on_crippled_filesystem_can_still_failed_due_to_case_/comment_1_850695231926dfe94f11342d3af7f63c._comment
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-[[!comment format=mdwn
- username=""
- nickname="fil"
- subject="still seems to be a problem with 4.20130323"
- date="2013-03-31T16:49:47Z"
- content="""
-Hi Joey,
-Seems that I can still get this to choke on a VFAT system:
- poker% sudo mount -o loop,gid=25,fmask=0117,dmask=0007 /home/phil/nobackup/annextest-image/vfat-annex-test.img /mnt
- poker% mount | grep /mnt
- /home/phil/nobackup/annextest-image/vfat-annex-test.img on /mnt type vfat (rw,relatime,gid=25,fmask=0117,dmask=0007,allow_utime=0020,codepage=cp437,iocharset=utf8,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
- poker% cd /mnt
- poker% git init
- Initialized empty Git repository in /mnt/.git/
- poker% git annex init simple\ test
- init simple test
- Detected a crippled filesystem.
- Enabling direct mode.
- ok
- (Recording state in git...)
- poker% for i in $(seq 1 42) ; do echo $i > $i.txt ; done
- poker% git annex add *.txt
- add 10.txt (checksum...) ok
- add 11.txt (checksum...) ok
- ...
- add 40.txt (checksum...) ok
- add 41.txt (checksum...) ok
- add 42.txt (checksum...)
- git-annex: /mnt/.git/annex/objects/Wj/56: createDirectory: does not exist (No such file or directory)
- failed
- add 4.txt (checksum...) ok
- add 5.txt (checksum...) ok
- add 6.txt (checksum...) ok
- add 7.txt (checksum...) ok
- add 8.txt (checksum...) ok
- add 9.txt (checksum...) ok
- (Recording state in git...)
- git-annex: add: 1 failed
- poker% ls -ld /mnt/.git/annex/objects/[wW][jJ]
- drwxrwx--- 3 root floppy 4096 Mar 31 17:21 /mnt/.git/annex/objects/wJ
- poker% git annex version
- git-annex version: 4.20130323
-perhaps I shouldn't be trying that anyway -- I was wanting to create a direct mode repo on each of my camera's SD cards, which the camera will happily ignore, but allows me to add new photos to the repo by plugging the card into my laptop, and then copy them elsewhere using git annex magic. I'm hoping that would allow me to leave favourite photos on the camera, for showing off photos when without my laptop, while not becoming confused about which photos I've already got copies of and can safely delete (with annex's drop telling me when I try to delete things I shouldn't).
-The reason not to use a special directory remote (at least I think this is right judging from the wiki info) is that the camera won't grok the filenames under .git/annex/... so the photos need to be left with their names as created by the camera.
-Anyway, while experimenting with that idea, I bumped into the above, which seems like a continuation of this bug.
-_Update:_ Just tried that again, having cloned the git and rebuilt locally, and I'm still seeing the same behaviour with the very latest (i.e. 11b3942ef2aa13fe38d79e91392fc43d65a7e019)
diff --git a/doc/bugs/git-annex_on_crippled_filesystem_can_still_failed_due_to_case_/comment_2_c2a2f801a3e18ad597ff0acf2f104557._comment b/doc/bugs/git-annex_on_crippled_filesystem_can_still_failed_due_to_case_/comment_2_c2a2f801a3e18ad597ff0acf2f104557._comment
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ab32ede2..000000000
--- a/doc/bugs/git-annex_on_crippled_filesystem_can_still_failed_due_to_case_/comment_2_c2a2f801a3e18ad597ff0acf2f104557._comment
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-[[!comment format=mdwn
- username=""
- nickname="joey"
- subject="comment 2"
- date="2013-04-04T19:47:50Z"
- content="""
-Whups, this bug report was closed; I almost missed this new bug and test case.
-So, on these filesystems that are horribly confused about case, it's possible for `mkdir FOO` to fail with \"already exists\", because there is a directory named `foo` ... but then `mkdir FOO/bar` fails with \"no such file or directory\".
-That is an intractable problem. It follows that it's simply not safe to use mixed case files on such a filesystem. You will always shoot your later self in the foot. (I personally think it's outright foolish to use a filesystem with such horrible semantics at all, but whatever.)
-So.. I took a good look at this, and it turns out that
-* since this is a crippled filesystem anyway, git-annex doesn't use symlinks on it
-* so there's no reason to use the mixed case hash directories that we're stuck using to avoid breaking everyone's symlinks to the content
-* so we can do what is already done for all bare repos, and make non-bare repos on crippled filesystems use the all-lower case hash directories
-* which are, happily, all 3 letters long, so they cannot conflict with mixed case hash directories
-* so I was able to 100% fix this and even resuming `git annex add` in the test case will recover and it will all just work.