path: root/doc/bugs/Unicode_file_names_ignored_on_Windows/comment_7_b23a2bf106053f105798b270536057e5._comment
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/bugs/Unicode_file_names_ignored_on_Windows/comment_7_b23a2bf106053f105798b270536057e5._comment')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/doc/bugs/Unicode_file_names_ignored_on_Windows/comment_7_b23a2bf106053f105798b270536057e5._comment b/doc/bugs/Unicode_file_names_ignored_on_Windows/comment_7_b23a2bf106053f105798b270536057e5._comment
deleted file mode 100644
index b5cf90ef0..000000000
--- a/doc/bugs/Unicode_file_names_ignored_on_Windows/comment_7_b23a2bf106053f105798b270536057e5._comment
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-[[!comment format=mdwn
- username=""
- nickname="Jiří"
- subject="further info 3"
- date="2014-03-19T16:23:58Z"
- content="""
-Also ghc doesn't seem to do any weird transformations with that string
- import System.Process
- import qualified Data.ByteString as S
- import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as U
- import GHC.IO.Handle
- files :: S.ByteString -> [S.ByteString]
- files ps
- | S.null ps = []
- | otherwise = case search ps of
- Nothing -> [ps]
- Just n -> S.take n ps : files (S.drop (n+1) ps)
- where search = S.elemIndex 0
- main = do
- let prc = CreateProcess {
- cmdspec = RawCommand \"git\" [\"--work-tree=D:\\antest\",\"ls-files\",\"--others\",\"-z\",\"--\",\"h\225\269ky.txt\"],
- cwd = Nothing,
- env = Nothing,
- std_in = Inherit,
- std_out = CreatePipe,
- std_err = Inherit,
- close_fds = False,
- create_group = False }
- (_,Just out,_,_) <- createProcess prc
- hSetBinaryMode out True
- str <- S.hGetContents out
- print $ map U.toString $ files str
-prints correctly [\"h\225\269ky.txt\"] I don't think that FilesystemEncoding will do any good on windows, since git seems to use utf-8 instead of normal windows console encoding.