path: root/Utility/Url.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Utility/Url.hs')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/Utility/Url.hs b/Utility/Url.hs
index 4137a5d8b..ebcae55ca 100644
--- a/Utility/Url.hs
+++ b/Utility/Url.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- Url downloading.
- - Copyright 2011,2013 Joey Hess <>
+ - Copyright 2011-2014 Joey Hess <>
- License: BSD-2-clause
@@ -21,10 +21,11 @@ module Utility.Url (
import Common
import Network.URI
-import qualified Network.Browser as Browser
-import Network.HTTP
-import Data.Either
+import Network.HTTP.Conduit
+import Network.HTTP.Types
import Data.Default
+import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
+import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as B8
import qualified Build.SysConfig
@@ -60,33 +61,26 @@ check url expected_size = go <$$> exists url
Nothing -> (True, True)
{- Checks that an url exists and could be successfully downloaded,
- - also returning its size if available.
- -
- - For a file: url, check it directly.
- -
- - Uses curl otherwise, when available, since curl handles https better
- - than does Haskell's Network.Browser.
- -}
+ - also returning its size if available. -}
exists :: URLString -> UrlOptions -> IO (Bool, Maybe Integer)
exists url uo = case parseURIRelaxed url of
- Just u
- | uriScheme u == "file:" -> do
- s <- catchMaybeIO $ getFileStatus (unEscapeString $ uriPath u)
- case s of
- Just stat -> return (True, Just $ fromIntegral $ fileSize stat)
- Nothing -> dne
- | otherwise -> if Build.SysConfig.curl
- then do
+ Just u -> case parseUrl (show u) of
+ Just req -> existsconduit req `catchNonAsync` const dne
+ -- http-conduit does not support file:, ftp:, etc urls,
+ -- so fall back to reading files and using curl.
+ Nothing
+ | uriScheme u == "file:" -> do
+ s <- catchMaybeIO $ getFileStatus (unEscapeString $ uriPath u)
+ case s of
+ Just stat -> return (True, Just $ fromIntegral $ fileSize stat)
+ Nothing -> dne
+ | Build.SysConfig.curl -> do
output <- catchDefaultIO "" $
readProcess "curl" $ toCommand curlparams
case lastMaybe (lines output) of
- Just ('2':_:_) -> return (True, extractsize output)
+ Just ('2':_:_) -> return (True, extractlencurl output)
_ -> dne
- else do
- r <- request u HEAD uo
- case rspCode r of
- (2,_,_) -> return (True, size r)
- _ -> return (False, Nothing)
+ | otherwise -> dne
Nothing -> dne
dne = return (False, Nothing)
@@ -98,13 +92,28 @@ exists url uo = case parseURIRelaxed url of
, Param "-w", Param "%{http_code}"
] ++ concatMap (\h -> [Param "-H", Param h]) (reqHeaders uo) ++ (reqParams uo)
- extractsize s = case lastMaybe $ filter ("Content-Length:" `isPrefixOf`) (lines s) of
+ extractlencurl s = case lastMaybe $ filter ("Content-Length:" `isPrefixOf`) (lines s) of
Just l -> case lastMaybe $ words l of
Just sz -> readish sz
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
- size = liftM . lookupHeader HdrContentLength . rspHeaders
+ extractlen resp = readish . B8.toString =<< headMaybe lenheaders
+ where
+ lenheaders = map snd $
+ filter (\(h, _) -> h == hContentLength)
+ (responseHeaders resp)
+ existsconduit req = withManager $ \mgr -> do
+ let req' = (addUrlOptions uo req) { method = methodHead }
+ resp <- http req' mgr
+ -- forces processing the response before the
+ -- manager is closed
+ ret <- if responseStatus resp == ok200
+ then return (True, extractlen resp)
+ else liftIO dne
+ liftIO $ closeManager mgr
+ return ret
-- works for both wget and curl commands
addUserAgent :: UrlOptions -> [CommandParam] -> [CommandParam]
@@ -112,6 +121,20 @@ addUserAgent uo ps = case userAgent uo of
Nothing -> ps
Just ua -> ps ++ [Param "--user-agent", Param ua]
+addUrlOptions :: UrlOptions -> Request -> Request
+addUrlOptions uo r = r { requestHeaders = requestHeaders r ++ uaheader ++ otherheaders}
+ where
+ uaheader = case userAgent uo of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just ua -> [(hUserAgent, B8.fromString ua)]
+ otherheaders = map toheader (reqHeaders uo)
+ toheader s =
+ let (h, v) = separate (== ':') s
+ h' = (B8.fromString h)
+ in case v of
+ (' ':v') -> (h', B8.fromString v')
+ _ -> (h', B8.fromString v)
{- Used to download large files, such as the contents of keys.
- Uses wget or curl program for its progress bar. (Wget has a better one,
@@ -161,52 +184,6 @@ download' quiet url file uo =
| quiet = [Param s]
| otherwise = []
-{- Uses Network.Browser to make a http request of an url.
- - For example, HEAD can be used to check if the url exists,
- - or GET used to get the url content (best for small urls).
- -
- - This does its own redirect following because Browser's is buggy for HEAD
- - requests.
- -
- - Unfortunately, does not handle https, so should only be used
- - when curl is not available.
- -}
-request :: URI -> RequestMethod -> UrlOptions -> IO (Response String)
-request url requesttype uo = go 5 url
- where
- go :: Int -> URI -> IO (Response String)
- go 0 _ = error "Too many redirects "
- go n u = do
- rsp <- Browser.browse $ do
- maybe noop Browser.setUserAgent (userAgent uo)
- Browser.setErrHandler ignore
- Browser.setOutHandler ignore
- Browser.setAllowRedirects False
- let req = mkRequest requesttype u :: Request_String
- snd <$> Browser.request (addheaders req)
- case rspCode rsp of
- (3,0,x) | x /= 5 -> redir (n - 1) u rsp
- _ -> return rsp
- addheaders req = setHeaders req (rqHeaders req ++ userheaders)
- userheaders = rights $ map parseHeader (reqHeaders uo)
- ignore = const noop
- redir n u rsp = case retrieveHeaders HdrLocation rsp of
- [] -> return rsp
- (Header _ newu:_) ->
- case parseURIReference newu of
- Nothing -> return rsp
- Just newURI -> go n $
-#if defined VERSION_network
-#if ! MIN_VERSION_network(2,4,0)
-#define WITH_OLD_URI
-#ifdef WITH_OLD_URI
- fromMaybe newURI (newURI `relativeTo` u)
- newURI `relativeTo` u
{- Allows for spaces and other stuff in urls, properly escaping them. -}
parseURIRelaxed :: URLString -> Maybe URI
parseURIRelaxed = parseURI . escapeURIString isAllowedInURI