path: root/Utility/Tor.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Utility/Tor.hs')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Utility/Tor.hs b/Utility/Tor.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e7c0ef43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utility/Tor.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+{- tor interface
+ -
+ - Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Utility.Tor where
+import Common
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import Utility.FileMode
+import System.PosixCompat.Types
+import Data.Char
+import Network.Socket
+import Network.Socks5
+import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BU8
+import qualified System.Random as R
+type OnionPort = Int
+newtype OnionAddress = OnionAddress String
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+type OnionSocket = FilePath
+-- | A unique identifier for a hidden service.
+type UniqueIdent = String
+-- | Name of application that is providing a hidden service.
+type AppName = String
+connectHiddenService :: OnionAddress -> OnionPort -> IO Socket
+connectHiddenService (OnionAddress address) port = do
+ (s, _) <- socksConnect torsockconf socksaddr
+ return s
+ where
+ torsocksport = 9050
+ torsockconf = defaultSocksConf "" torsocksport
+ socksdomain = SocksAddrDomainName (BU8.fromString address)
+ socksaddr = SocksAddress socksdomain (fromIntegral port)
+-- | Adds a hidden service connecting to localhost, using some kind
+-- of unique identifier.
+-- This will only work if run as root, and tor has to already be running.
+-- Picks a random high port number for the hidden service that is not
+-- used by any other hidden service. Returns the hidden service's
+-- onion address, port, and the unix socket file to use.
+-- If there is already a hidden service for the specified unique
+-- identifier, returns its information without making any changes.
+addHiddenService :: AppName -> UserID -> UniqueIdent -> IO (OnionAddress, OnionPort)
+addHiddenService appname uid ident = do
+ prepHiddenServiceSocketDir appname uid ident
+ ls <- lines <$> readFile torrc
+ let portssocks = mapMaybe (parseportsock . separate isSpace) ls
+ case filter (\(_, s) -> s == sockfile) portssocks of
+ ((p, _s):_) -> waithiddenservice 1 p
+ _ -> do
+ highports <- R.getStdRandom mkhighports
+ let newport = Prelude.head $
+ filter (`notElem` map fst portssocks) highports
+ writeFile torrc $ unlines $
+ ls ++
+ [ ""
+ , "HiddenServiceDir " ++ hiddenServiceDir appname uid ident
+ , "HiddenServicePort " ++ show newport ++
+ " unix:" ++ sockfile
+ ]
+ -- Reload tor, so it will see the new hidden
+ -- service and generate the hostname file for it.
+ reloaded <- anyM (uncurry boolSystem)
+ [ ("systemctl", [Param "reload", Param "tor"])
+ , ("service", [Param "tor", Param "reload"])
+ ]
+ unless reloaded $
+ giveup "failed to reload tor, perhaps the tor service is not running"
+ waithiddenservice 120 newport
+ where
+ parseportsock ("HiddenServicePort", l) = do
+ p <- readish $ takeWhile (not . isSpace) l
+ return (p, drop 1 (dropWhile (/= ':') l))
+ parseportsock _ = Nothing
+ sockfile = hiddenServiceSocketFile appname uid ident
+ -- An infinite random list of high ports.
+ mkhighports g =
+ let (g1, g2) = R.split g
+ in (R.randomRs (1025, 65534) g1, g2)
+ waithiddenservice :: Int -> OnionPort -> IO (OnionAddress, OnionPort)
+ waithiddenservice 0 _ = giveup "tor failed to create hidden service, perhaps the tor service is not running"
+ waithiddenservice n p = do
+ v <- tryIO $ readFile $ hiddenServiceHostnameFile appname uid ident
+ case v of
+ Right s | ".onion\n" `isSuffixOf` s ->
+ return (OnionAddress (takeWhile (/= '\n') s), p)
+ _ -> do
+ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 1)
+ waithiddenservice (n-1) p
+-- | A hidden service directory to use.
+-- Has to be inside the torLibDir so tor can create it.
+-- Has to end with "uid_ident" so getHiddenServiceSocketFile can find it.
+hiddenServiceDir :: AppName -> UserID -> UniqueIdent -> FilePath
+hiddenServiceDir appname uid ident = torLibDir </> appname ++ "_" ++ show uid ++ "_" ++ ident
+hiddenServiceHostnameFile :: AppName -> UserID -> UniqueIdent -> FilePath
+hiddenServiceHostnameFile appname uid ident = hiddenServiceDir appname uid ident </> "hostname"
+-- | Location of the socket for a hidden service.
+-- This has to be a location that tor can read from, and that the user
+-- can write to. Since torLibDir is locked down, it can't go in there.
+-- Note that some unix systems limit socket paths to 92 bytes long.
+-- That should not be a problem if the UniqueIdent is around the length of
+-- a UUID, and the AppName is short.
+hiddenServiceSocketFile :: AppName -> UserID -> UniqueIdent -> FilePath
+hiddenServiceSocketFile appname uid ident = varLibDir </> appname </> show uid ++ "_" ++ ident </> "s"
+-- | Parse torrc, to get the socket file used for a hidden service with
+-- the specified UniqueIdent.
+getHiddenServiceSocketFile :: AppName -> UserID -> UniqueIdent -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
+getHiddenServiceSocketFile _appname uid ident =
+ parse . map words . lines <$> catchDefaultIO "" (readFile torrc)
+ where
+ parse [] = Nothing
+ parse (("HiddenServiceDir":hsdir:[]):("HiddenServicePort":_hsport:hsaddr:[]):rest)
+ | "unix:" `isPrefixOf` hsaddr && hasident hsdir =
+ Just (drop (length "unix:") hsaddr)
+ | otherwise = parse rest
+ parse (_:rest) = parse rest
+ -- Don't look for AppName in the hsdir, because it didn't used to
+ -- be included.
+ hasident hsdir = (show uid ++ "_" ++ ident) `isSuffixOf` takeFileName hsdir
+-- | Sets up the directory for the socketFile, with appropriate
+-- permissions. Must run as root.
+prepHiddenServiceSocketDir :: AppName -> UserID -> UniqueIdent -> IO ()
+prepHiddenServiceSocketDir appname uid ident = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True d
+ setOwnerAndGroup d uid (-1)
+ modifyFileMode d $
+ addModes [ownerReadMode, ownerExecuteMode, ownerWriteMode]
+ where
+ d = takeDirectory $ hiddenServiceSocketFile appname uid ident
+torrc :: FilePath
+torrc = "/etc/tor/torrc"
+torLibDir :: FilePath
+torLibDir = "/var/lib/tor"
+varLibDir :: FilePath
+varLibDir = "/var/lib"