path: root/Types/Key.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Types/Key.hs')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Types/Key.hs b/Types/Key.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26af6220f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Types/Key.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+{- git-annex Key data type
+ -
+ - Most things should not need this, using Types instead
+ -
+ - Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Types.Key (
+ Key(..),
+ AssociatedFile,
+ stubKey,
+ key2file,
+ file2key,
+ prop_idempotent_key_encode,
+ prop_idempotent_key_decode
+) where
+import System.Posix.Types
+import Common
+import Utility.QuickCheck
+{- A Key has a unique name, which is derived from a particular backend,
+ - and may contain other optional metadata. -}
+data Key = Key
+ { keyName :: String
+ , keyBackendName :: String
+ , keySize :: Maybe Integer
+ , keyMtime :: Maybe EpochTime
+ } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
+{- A filename may be associated with a Key. -}
+type AssociatedFile = Maybe FilePath
+stubKey :: Key
+stubKey = Key
+ { keyName = ""
+ , keyBackendName = ""
+ , keySize = Nothing
+ , keyMtime = Nothing
+ }
+fieldSep :: Char
+fieldSep = '-'
+{- Converts a key to a string that is suitable for use as a filename.
+ - The name field is always shown last, separated by doubled fieldSeps,
+ - and is the only field allowed to contain the fieldSep. -}
+key2file :: Key -> FilePath
+key2file Key { keyBackendName = b, keySize = s, keyMtime = m, keyName = n } =
+ b +++ ('s' ?: s) +++ ('m' ?: m) +++ (fieldSep : n)
+ where
+ "" +++ y = y
+ x +++ "" = x
+ x +++ y = x ++ fieldSep:y
+ c ?: (Just v) = c : show v
+ _ ?: _ = ""
+file2key :: FilePath -> Maybe Key
+file2key s
+ | key == Just stubKey || (keyName <$> key) == Just "" || (keyBackendName <$> key) == Just "" = Nothing
+ | otherwise = key
+ where
+ key = startbackend stubKey s
+ startbackend k v = sepfield k v addbackend
+ sepfield k v a = case span (/= fieldSep) v of
+ (v', _:r) -> findfields r $ a k v'
+ _ -> Nothing
+ findfields (c:v) (Just k)
+ | c == fieldSep = Just $ k { keyName = v }
+ | otherwise = sepfield k v $ addfield c
+ findfields _ v = v
+ addbackend k v = Just k { keyBackendName = v }
+ addfield 's' k v = do
+ sz <- readish v
+ return $ k { keySize = Just sz }
+ addfield 'm' k v = do
+ mtime <- readish v
+ return $ k { keyMtime = Just mtime }
+ addfield _ _ _ = Nothing
+instance Arbitrary Key where
+ arbitrary = Key
+ <$> (listOf1 $ elements $ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ++ "-_\r\n \t")
+ <*> (listOf1 $ elements ['A'..'Z']) -- BACKEND
+ <*> ((abs <$>) <$> arbitrary) -- size cannot be negative
+ <*> arbitrary
+prop_idempotent_key_encode :: Key -> Bool
+prop_idempotent_key_encode k = Just k == (file2key . key2file) k
+prop_idempotent_key_decode :: FilePath -> Bool
+prop_idempotent_key_decode f
+ | normalfieldorder = maybe True (\k -> key2file k == f) (file2key f)
+ | otherwise = True
+ where
+ -- file2key will accept the fields in any order, so don't
+ -- try the test unless the fields are in the normal order
+ normalfieldorder = fields `isPrefixOf` "sm"
+ fields = map (f !!) $ filter (< length f) $ map succ $
+ elemIndices fieldSep f