path: root/TestConfig.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'TestConfig.hs')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TestConfig.hs b/TestConfig.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e59681dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestConfig.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+{- Tests the system and generates SysConfig.hs. -}
+module TestConfig where
+import System.IO
+import System.Cmd
+import System.Exit
+type ConfigKey = String
+data ConfigValue = BoolConfig Bool | StringConfig String
+data Config = Config ConfigKey ConfigValue
+type Test = IO Config
+type TestName = String
+data TestCase = TestCase TestName Test
+instance Show ConfigValue where
+ show (BoolConfig b) = show b
+ show (StringConfig s) = show s
+instance Show Config where
+ show (Config key value) = unlines
+ [ key ++ " :: " ++ valuetype value
+ , key ++ " = " ++ show value
+ ]
+ where
+ valuetype (BoolConfig _) = "Bool"
+ valuetype (StringConfig _) = "String"
+writeSysConfig :: [Config] -> IO ()
+writeSysConfig config = writeFile "SysConfig.hs" body
+ where
+ body = unlines $ header ++ map show config ++ footer
+ header = [
+ "{- Automatically generated. -}"
+ , "module SysConfig where"
+ , ""
+ ]
+ footer = []
+runTests :: [TestCase] -> IO [Config]
+runTests [] = return []
+runTests ((TestCase tname t):ts) = do
+ testStart tname
+ c <- t
+ testEnd c
+ rest <- runTests ts
+ return $ c:rest
+{- Tests that a command is available, aborting if not. -}
+requireCmd :: ConfigKey -> String -> Test
+requireCmd k cmdline = do
+ ret <- testCmd k cmdline
+ handle ret
+ where
+ handle r@(Config _ (BoolConfig True)) = return r
+ handle r = do
+ testEnd r
+ error $ "** the " ++ c ++ " command is required"
+ c = (words cmdline) !! 0
+{- Checks if a command is available by running a command line. -}
+testCmd :: ConfigKey -> String -> Test
+testCmd k cmdline = do
+ ret <- system $ quiet cmdline
+ return $ Config k (BoolConfig $ ret == ExitSuccess)
+{- Ensures that one of a set of commands is available by running each in
+ - turn. The Config is set to the first one found. -}
+selectCmd :: ConfigKey -> [String] -> Test
+selectCmd k cmds = search cmds
+ where
+ search [] = do
+ testEnd $ Config k (BoolConfig False)
+ error $ "* need one of these commands, but none are available: " ++ show cmds
+ search (c:cs) = do
+ ret <- system $ quiet c
+ if (ret == ExitSuccess)
+ then return $ Config k (StringConfig c)
+ else search cs
+quiet :: String -> String
+quiet s = s ++ " >/dev/null 2>&1"
+testStart :: TestName -> IO ()
+testStart s = do
+ putStr $ " checking " ++ s ++ "..."
+ hFlush stdout
+testEnd :: Config -> IO ()
+testEnd (Config _ (BoolConfig True)) = putStrLn $ " yes"
+testEnd (Config _ (BoolConfig False)) = putStrLn $ " no"
+testEnd (Config _ (StringConfig s)) = putStrLn $ " " ++ s