path: root/Test.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Test.hs')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/Test.hs b/Test.hs
index bd57621c4..405a286c1 100644
--- a/Test.hs
+++ b/Test.hs
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ import qualified Annex.WorkTree
import qualified Annex.Link
import qualified Annex.Init
import qualified Annex.CatFile
+import qualified Annex.Path
import qualified Annex.View
import qualified Annex.View.ViewedFile
import qualified Logs.View
@@ -102,22 +103,25 @@ import qualified Utility.Gpg
optParser :: Parser TestOptions
optParser = TestOptions
- <$> suiteOptionParser ingredients (tests mempty)
+ <$> suiteOptionParser ingredients (tests False mempty)
<*> switch
( long "keep-failures"
<> help "preserve repositories on test failure"
- )
+ )
runner :: Maybe (TestOptions -> IO ())
-runner = Just $ \opts -> case tryIngredients ingredients (tastyOptionSet opts) (tests opts) of
- Nothing -> error "No tests found!?"
- Just act -> ifM act
- ( exitSuccess
- , do
- putStrLn " (This could be due to a bug in git-annex, or an incompatability"
- putStrLn " with utilities, such as git, installed on this system.)"
- exitFailure
- )
+runner = Just $ \opts -> do
+ ensuretmpdir
+ crippledfilesystem <- Annex.Init.probeCrippledFileSystem' tmpdir
+ case tryIngredients ingredients (tastyOptionSet opts) (tests crippledfilesystem opts) of
+ Nothing -> error "No tests found!?"
+ Just act -> ifM act
+ ( exitSuccess
+ , do
+ putStrLn " (This could be due to a bug in git-annex, or an incompatability"
+ putStrLn " with utilities, such as git, installed on this system.)"
+ exitFailure
+ )
ingredients :: [Ingredient]
ingredients =
@@ -125,19 +129,19 @@ ingredients =
, rerunningTests [consoleTestReporter]
-tests :: TestOptions -> TestTree
-tests opts = testGroup "Tests" $ properties :
+tests :: Bool -> TestOptions -> TestTree
+tests crippledfilesystem opts = testGroup "Tests" $ properties :
map (\(d, te) -> withTestMode te (unitTests d)) testmodes
- testmodes =
- [ ("v6 unlocked", (testMode opts "6") { unlockedFiles = True })
- , ("v6 locked", testMode opts "6")
- , ("v5", testMode opts "5")
-#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
- -- Windows will only use direct mode, so don't test twice.
- , ("v5 direct", (testMode opts "5") { forceDirect = True })
+ testmodes = catMaybes
+ [ Just ("v6 unlocked", (testMode opts "6") { unlockedFiles = True })
+ , unlesscrippled ("v5", testMode opts "5")
+ , unlesscrippled ("v6 locked", testMode opts "6")
+ , Just ("v5 direct", (testMode opts "5") { forceDirect = True })
+ unlesscrippled v
+ | crippledfilesystem = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just v
properties :: TestTree
properties = localOption (QuickCheckTests 1000) $ testGroup "QuickCheck"
@@ -323,12 +327,12 @@ test_import :: Assertion
test_import = intmpclonerepo $ Utility.Tmp.withTmpDir "importtest" $ \importdir -> do
(toimport1, importf1, imported1) <- mktoimport importdir "import1"
git_annex "import" [toimport1] @? "import failed"
- annexed_present_locked imported1
+ annexed_present_imported imported1
checkdoesnotexist importf1
(toimport2, importf2, imported2) <- mktoimport importdir "import2"
git_annex "import" [toimport2] @? "import of duplicate failed"
- annexed_present_locked imported2
+ annexed_present_imported imported2
checkdoesnotexist importf2
(toimport3, importf3, imported3) <- mktoimport importdir "import3"
@@ -348,11 +352,11 @@ test_import = intmpclonerepo $ Utility.Tmp.withTmpDir "importtest" $ \importdir
(toimport5, importf5, imported5) <- mktoimport importdir "import5"
git_annex "import" ["--duplicate", toimport5] @? "import --duplicate failed"
- annexed_present_locked imported5
+ annexed_present_imported imported5
checkexists importf5
git_annex "drop" ["--force", imported1, imported2, imported5] @? "drop failed"
- annexed_notpresent_locked imported2
+ annexed_notpresent_imported imported2
(toimportdup, importfdup, importeddup) <- mktoimport importdir "importdup"
git_annex "import" ["--clean-duplicates", toimportdup]
@? "import of missing duplicate with --clean-duplicates failed"
@@ -364,6 +368,14 @@ test_import = intmpclonerepo $ Utility.Tmp.withTmpDir "importtest" $ \importdir
let importf = subdir </> "f"
writeFile (importdir </> importf) (content importf)
return (importdir </> subdir, importdir </> importf, importf)
+ annexed_present_imported f = ifM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem)
+ ( annexed_present_unlocked f
+ , annexed_present_locked f
+ )
+ annexed_notpresent_imported f = ifM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem)
+ ( annexed_notpresent_unlocked f
+ , annexed_notpresent_locked f
+ )
test_reinject :: Assertion
test_reinject = intmpclonerepoInDirect $ do
@@ -373,8 +385,11 @@ test_reinject = intmpclonerepoInDirect $ do
key <- Types.Key.key2file <$> getKey backendSHA1 tmp
git_annex "reinject" [tmp, sha1annexedfile] @? "reinject failed"
annexed_present sha1annexedfile
- git_annex "fromkey" [key, sha1annexedfiledup] @? "fromkey failed for dup"
- annexed_present_locked sha1annexedfiledup
+ -- fromkey can't be used on a crippled filesystem, since it makes a
+ -- symlink
+ unlessM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem) $ do
+ git_annex "fromkey" [key, sha1annexedfiledup] @? "fromkey failed for dup"
+ annexed_present_locked sha1annexedfiledup
tmp = "tmpfile"
@@ -814,16 +829,20 @@ test_unused = intmpclonerepoInDirect $ do
checkunused [] "after dropunused"
not <$> git_annex "dropunused" ["--force", "10", "501"] @? "dropunused failed to fail on bogus numbers"
- -- unused used to miss renamed symlinks that were not staged
- -- and pointed at annexed content, and think that content was unused
- writeFile "unusedfile" "unusedcontent"
- git_annex "add" ["unusedfile"] @? "add of unusedfile failed"
- unusedfilekey <- getKey backendSHA256E "unusedfile"
- renameFile "unusedfile" "unusedunstagedfile"
- boolSystem "git" [Param "rm", Param "-qf", File "unusedfile"] @? "git rm failed"
- checkunused [] "with unstaged link"
- removeFile "unusedunstagedfile"
- checkunused [unusedfilekey] "with renamed link deleted"
+ -- Unused used to miss renamed symlinks that were not staged
+ -- and pointed at annexed content, and think that content was unused.
+ -- This is only relevant when using locked files; if the file is
+ -- unlocked, the work tree file has the content, and there's no way
+ -- to associate it with the key.
+ unlessM (unlockedFiles <$> getTestMode) $ do
+ writeFile "unusedfile" "unusedcontent"
+ git_annex "add" ["unusedfile"] @? "add of unusedfile failed"
+ unusedfilekey <- getKey backendSHA256E "unusedfile"
+ renameFile "unusedfile" "unusedunstagedfile"
+ boolSystem "git" [Param "rm", Param "-qf", File "unusedfile"] @? "git rm failed"
+ checkunused [] "with unstaged link"
+ removeFile "unusedunstagedfile"
+ checkunused [unusedfilekey] "with renamed link deleted"
-- unused used to miss symlinks that were deleted or modified
-- manually
@@ -1269,7 +1288,7 @@ test_uncommitted_conflict_resolution = do
- lost track of whether a file was a symlink.
test_conflict_resolution_symlink_bit :: Assertion
-test_conflict_resolution_symlink_bit =
+test_conflict_resolution_symlink_bit = unlessM (unlockedFiles <$> getTestMode) $
withtmpclonerepo $ \r1 ->
withtmpclonerepo $ \r2 ->
withtmpclonerepo $ \r3 -> do
@@ -1542,9 +1561,10 @@ test_add_subdirs = intmpclonerepo $ do
{- Regression test for Windows bug where symlinks were not
- calculated correctly for files in subdirs. -}
- git_annex "sync" [] @? "sync failed"
- l <- annexeval $ decodeBS <$> Annex.CatFile.catObject (Git.Types.Ref "HEAD:dir/foo")
- "../.git/annex/" `isPrefixOf` l @? ("symlink from subdir to .git/annex is wrong: " ++ l)
+ unlessM (unlockedFiles <$> getTestMode) $ do
+ git_annex "sync" [] @? "sync failed"
+ l <- annexeval $ decodeBS <$> Annex.CatFile.catObject (Git.Types.Ref "HEAD:dir/foo")
+ "../.git/annex/" `isPrefixOf` l @? ("symlink from subdir to .git/annex is wrong: " ++ l)
createDirectory "dir2"
writeFile ("dir2" </> "foo") $ content annexedfile
@@ -1577,7 +1597,8 @@ git_annex command params = do
{- Runs git-annex and returns its output. -}
git_annex_output :: String -> [String] -> IO String
git_annex_output command params = do
- got <- Utility.Process.readProcess "git-annex" (command:params)
+ pp <- Annex.Path.programPath
+ got <- Utility.Process.readProcess pp (command:params)
-- Since the above is a separate process, code coverage stats are
-- not gathered for things run in it.
-- Run same command again, to get code coverage.
@@ -1748,12 +1769,17 @@ cleanup' final dir = whenM (doesDirectoryExist dir) $ do
removeDirectoryRecursive dir
checklink :: FilePath -> Assertion
-checklink f = do
- s <- getSymbolicLinkStatus f
+checklink f =
-- in direct mode, it may be a symlink, or not, depending
-- on whether the content is present.
unlessM (annexeval Config.isDirect) $
- isSymbolicLink s @? f ++ " is not a symlink"
+ ifM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem)
+ ( (isJust <$> annexeval (Annex.Link.getAnnexLinkTarget f))
+ @? f ++ " is not a (crippled) symlink"
+ , do
+ s <- getSymbolicLinkStatus f
+ isSymbolicLink s @? f ++ " is not a symlink"
+ )
checkregularfile :: FilePath -> Assertion
checkregularfile f = do
@@ -1855,8 +1881,10 @@ annexed_present f = ifM (unlockedFiles <$> getTestMode)
annexed_present_locked :: FilePath -> Assertion
-annexed_present_locked = runchecks
- [checklink, checkcontent, checkunwritable, inlocationlog]
+annexed_present_locked f = ifM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem)
+ ( runchecks [checklink, inlocationlog] f
+ , runchecks [checklink, checkcontent, checkunwritable, inlocationlog] f
+ )
annexed_present_unlocked :: FilePath -> Assertion
annexed_present_unlocked = runchecks