path: root/System/Cmd/Utils.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'System/Cmd/Utils.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 568 deletions
diff --git a/System/Cmd/Utils.hs b/System/Cmd/Utils.hs
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index a81126146..000000000
--- a/System/Cmd/Utils.hs
+++ /dev/null
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--- arch-tag: Command utilities main file
-Copyright (C) 2004-2006 John Goerzen <>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-{- |
- Module : System.Cmd.Utils
- Copyright : Copyright (C) 2004-2006 John Goerzen
- License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
- Maintainer : John Goerzen <>
- Stability : provisional
- Portability: portable to platforms with POSIX process\/signal tools
-Command invocation utilities.
-Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\
-Please note: Most of this module is not compatible with Hugs.
-Command lines executed will be logged using "System.Log.Logger" at the
-DEBUG level. Failure messages will be logged at the WARNING level in addition
-to being raised as an exception. Both are logged under
-\"System.Cmd.Utils.funcname\" -- for instance,
-\"System.Cmd.Utils.safeSystem\". If you wish to suppress these messages
-globally, you can simply run:
-> updateGlobalLogger "System.Cmd.Utils.safeSystem"
-> (setLevel CRITICAL)
-See also: 'System.Log.Logger.updateGlobalLogger',
-It is possible to set up pipelines with these utilities. Example:
-> (pid1, x1) <- pipeFrom "ls" ["/etc"]
-> (pid2, x2) <- pipeBoth "grep" ["x"] x1
-> putStr x2
-> ... the grep output is displayed ...
-> forceSuccess pid2
-> forceSuccess pid1
-Remember, when you use the functions that return a String, you must not call
-'forceSuccess' until after all data from the String has been consumed. Failure
-to wait will cause your program to appear to hang.
-Here is an example of the wrong way to do it:
-> (pid, x) <- pipeFrom "ls" ["/etc"]
-> forceSuccess pid -- Hangs; the called program hasn't terminated yet
-> processTheData x
-You must instead process the data before calling 'forceSuccess'.
-When using the hPipe family of functions, this is probably more obvious.
-Most of this module will be incompatible with Windows.
-module System.Cmd.Utils(-- * High-Level Tools
- PipeHandle(..),
- safeSystem,
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
- forceSuccess,
-#ifndef __HUGS__
- posixRawSystem,
- forkRawSystem,
- -- ** Piping with lazy strings
- pipeFrom,
- pipeLinesFrom,
- pipeTo,
- pipeBoth,
- -- ** Piping with handles
- hPipeFrom,
- hPipeTo,
- hPipeBoth,
- -- * Low-Level Tools
- PipeMode(..),
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
-#ifndef __HUGS__
- pOpen, pOpen3, pOpen3Raw
- )
--- FIXME - largely obsoleted by 6.4 - convert to wrappers.
-import System.Exit
-import System.Cmd
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
-import System.Posix.IO
-import System.Posix.Process
-import System.Posix.Signals
-import qualified System.Posix.Signals
-import System.Posix.Types
-import System.IO
-import System.IO.Error
-import Control.Concurrent(forkIO)
-import Control.Exception(finally)
-data PipeMode = ReadFromPipe | WriteToPipe
-logbase :: String
-logbase = "System.Cmd.Utils"
-{- | Return value from 'pipeFrom', 'pipeLinesFrom', 'pipeTo', or
-'pipeBoth'. Contains both a ProcessID and the original command that was
-executed. If you prefer not to use 'forceSuccess' on the result of one
-of these pipe calls, you can use (processID ph), assuming ph is your 'PipeHandle',
-as a parameter to 'System.Posix.Process.getProcessStatus'. -}
-data PipeHandle =
- PipeHandle { processID :: ProcessID,
- phCommand :: FilePath,
- phArgs :: [String],
- phCreator :: String -- ^ Function that created it
- }
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
-#ifndef __HUGS__
-{- | Like 'pipeFrom', but returns data in lines instead of just a String.
-Shortcut for calling lines on the result from 'pipeFrom'.
-Note: this function logs as pipeFrom.
-Not available on Windows. -}
-pipeLinesFrom :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO (PipeHandle, [String])
-pipeLinesFrom fp args =
- do (pid, c) <- pipeFrom fp args
- return $ (pid, lines c)
-logRunning :: String -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
-logRunning func fp args = return () --debugM (logbase ++ "." ++ func) (showCmd fp args)
-warnFail :: [Char] -> FilePath -> [String] -> [Char] -> IO t
-warnFail funcname fp args msg =
- let m = showCmd fp args ++ ": " ++ msg
- in do putStrLn m
- fail m
-ddd s a = do
- putStrLn $ s ++ " start"
- r <- a
- putStrLn $ s ++ " end"
- return r
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
-#ifndef __HUGS__
-{- | Read data from a pipe. Returns a Handle and a 'PipeHandle'.
-When done, you must hClose the handle, and then use either 'forceSuccess' or
-getProcessStatus on the 'PipeHandle'. Zombies will result otherwise.
-This function logs as pipeFrom.
-Not available on Windows or with Hugs.
-hPipeFrom :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO (PipeHandle, Handle)
-hPipeFrom fp args =
- ddd (show ("hPipeFrom", fp, args)) $ do
- pipepair <- createPipe
- let childstuff = do dupTo (snd pipepair) stdOutput
- closeFd (fst pipepair)
- executeFile fp True args Nothing
- p <- try (forkProcess childstuff)
- -- parent
- pid <- case p of
- Right x -> return x
- Left e -> warnFail "pipeFrom" fp args $
- "Error in fork: " ++ show e
- closeFd (snd pipepair)
- h <- fdToHandle (fst pipepair)
- return (PipeHandle pid fp args "pipeFrom", h)
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
-#ifndef __HUGS__
-{- | Read data from a pipe. Returns a lazy string and a 'PipeHandle'.
-ONLY AFTER the string has been read completely, You must call either
-'System.Posix.Process.getProcessStatus' or 'forceSuccess' on the 'PipeHandle'.
-Zombies will result otherwise.
-Not available on Windows.
-pipeFrom :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO (PipeHandle, String)
-pipeFrom fp args =
- do (pid, h) <- hPipeFrom fp args
- c <- hGetContents h
- return (pid, c)
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
-#ifndef __HUGS__
-{- | Write data to a pipe. Returns a 'PipeHandle' and a new Handle to write
-When done, you must hClose the handle, and then use either 'forceSuccess' or
-getProcessStatus on the 'PipeHandle'. Zombies will result otherwise.
-This function logs as pipeTo.
-Not available on Windows.
-hPipeTo :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO (PipeHandle, Handle)
-hPipeTo fp args =
- ddd "hPipeTo" $ do
- pipepair <- createPipe
- let childstuff = do dupTo (fst pipepair) stdInput
- closeFd (snd pipepair)
- executeFile fp True args Nothing
- p <- try (forkProcess childstuff)
- -- parent
- pid <- case p of
- Right x -> return x
- Left e -> warnFail "pipeTo" fp args $
- "Error in fork: " ++ show e
- closeFd (fst pipepair)
- h <- fdToHandle (snd pipepair)
- return (PipeHandle pid fp args "pipeTo", h)
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
-#ifndef __HUGS__
-{- | Write data to a pipe. Returns a ProcessID.
-You must call either
-'System.Posix.Process.getProcessStatus' or 'forceSuccess' on the ProcessID.
-Zombies will result otherwise.
-Not available on Windows.
-pipeTo :: FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO PipeHandle
-pipeTo fp args message =
- do (pid, h) <- hPipeTo fp args
- finally (hPutStr h message)
- (hClose h)
- return pid
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
-#ifndef __HUGS__
-{- | Like a combination of 'hPipeTo' and 'hPipeFrom'; returns
-a 3-tuple of ('PipeHandle', Data From Pipe, Data To Pipe).
-When done, you must hClose both handles, and then use either 'forceSuccess' or
-getProcessStatus on the 'PipeHandle'. Zombies will result otherwise.
-Hint: you will usually need to ForkIO a thread to handle one of the Handles;
-otherwise, deadlock can result.
-This function logs as pipeBoth.
-Not available on Windows.
-hPipeBoth :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO (PipeHandle, Handle, Handle)
-hPipeBoth fp args =
- ddd (show ("hPipeBoth", fp, args)) $ do
- frompair <- createPipe
- topair <- createPipe
- let childstuff = do dupTo (snd frompair) stdOutput
- closeFd (fst frompair)
- dupTo (fst topair) stdInput
- closeFd (snd topair)
- executeFile fp True args Nothing
- p <- try (forkProcess childstuff)
- -- parent
- pid <- case p of
- Right x -> return x
- Left e -> warnFail "pipeBoth" fp args $
- "Error in fork: " ++ show e
- closeFd (snd frompair)
- closeFd (fst topair)
- fromh <- fdToHandle (fst frompair)
- toh <- fdToHandle (snd topair)
- return (PipeHandle pid fp args "pipeBoth", fromh, toh)
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
-#ifndef __HUGS__
-{- | Like a combination of 'pipeTo' and 'pipeFrom'; forks an IO thread
-to send data to the piped program, and simultaneously returns its output
-The same note about checking the return status applies here as with 'pipeFrom'.
-Not available on Windows. -}
-pipeBoth :: FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO (PipeHandle, String)
-pipeBoth fp args message =
- do (pid, fromh, toh) <- hPipeBoth fp args
- forkIO $ finally (hPutStr toh message)
- (hClose toh)
- c <- hGetContents fromh
- return (pid, c)
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
-{- | Uses 'System.Posix.Process.getProcessStatus' to obtain the exit status
-of the given process ID. If the process terminated normally, does nothing.
-Otherwise, raises an exception with an appropriate error message.
-This call will block waiting for the given pid to terminate.
-Not available on Windows. -}
-forceSuccess :: PipeHandle -> IO ()
-forceSuccess (PipeHandle pid fp args funcname) =
- let warnfail = warnFail funcname
- in do status <- getProcessStatus True False pid
- case status of
- Nothing -> warnfail fp args $ "Got no process status"
- Just (Exited (ExitSuccess)) -> return ()
- Just (Exited (ExitFailure fc)) ->
- cmdfailed funcname fp args fc
- Just (Terminated sig) ->
- warnfail fp args $ "Terminated by signal " ++ show sig
- Just (Stopped sig) ->
- warnfail fp args $ "Stopped by signal " ++ show sig
-{- | Invokes the specified command in a subprocess, waiting for the result.
-If the command terminated successfully, return normally. Otherwise,
-raises a userError with the problem.
-Implemented in terms of 'posixRawSystem' where supported, and System.Posix.rawSystem otherwise.
-safeSystem :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
-safeSystem command args =
- ddd "safeSystem" $ do
-#if defined(__HUGS__) || defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__)
- ec <- rawSystem command args
- case ec of
- ExitSuccess -> return ()
- ExitFailure fc -> cmdfailed "safeSystem" command args fc
- ec <- posixRawSystem command args
- case ec of
- Exited ExitSuccess -> return ()
- Exited (ExitFailure fc) -> cmdfailed "safeSystem" command args fc
- Terminated s -> cmdsignalled "safeSystem" command args s
- Stopped s -> cmdsignalled "safeSystem" command args s
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
-#ifndef __HUGS__
-{- | Invokes the specified command in a subprocess, waiting for the result.
-Return the result status. Never raises an exception. Only available
-on POSIX platforms.
-Like system(3), this command ignores SIGINT and SIGQUIT and blocks SIGCHLD
-during its execution.
-Logs as System.Cmd.Utils.posixRawSystem -}
-posixRawSystem :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ProcessStatus
-posixRawSystem program args =
- ddd "posixRawSystem" $ do
- oldint <- installHandler sigINT Ignore Nothing
- oldquit <- installHandler sigQUIT Ignore Nothing
- let sigset = addSignal sigCHLD emptySignalSet
- oldset <- getSignalMask
- blockSignals sigset
- childpid <- forkProcess (childaction oldint oldquit oldset)
- mps <- getProcessStatus True False childpid
- restoresignals oldint oldquit oldset
- let retval = case mps of
- Just x -> x
- Nothing -> error "Nothing returned from getProcessStatus"
- return retval
- where childaction oldint oldquit oldset =
- do restoresignals oldint oldquit oldset
- executeFile program True args Nothing
- restoresignals oldint oldquit oldset =
- do installHandler sigINT oldint Nothing
- installHandler sigQUIT oldquit Nothing
- setSignalMask oldset
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
-#ifndef __HUGS__
-{- | Invokes the specified command in a subprocess, without waiting for
-the result. Returns the PID of the subprocess -- it is YOUR responsibility
-to use getProcessStatus or getAnyProcessStatus on that at some point. Failure
-to do so will lead to resource leakage (zombie processes).
-This function does nothing with signals. That too is up to you.
-Logs as System.Cmd.Utils.forkRawSystem -}
-forkRawSystem :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ProcessID
-forkRawSystem program args = ddd "forkRawSystem" $
- do
- forkProcess childaction
- where
- childaction = executeFile program True args Nothing
-cmdfailed :: String -> FilePath -> [String] -> Int -> IO a
-cmdfailed funcname command args failcode = do
- let errormsg = "Command " ++ command ++ " " ++ (show args) ++
- " failed; exit code " ++ (show failcode)
- let e = userError (errormsg)
- putStrLn errormsg
- ioError e
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
-#ifndef __HUGS__
-cmdsignalled :: String -> FilePath -> [String] -> Signal -> IO a
-cmdsignalled funcname command args failcode = do
- let errormsg = "Command " ++ command ++ " " ++ (show args) ++
- " failed due to signal " ++ (show failcode)
- let e = userError (errormsg)
- putStrLn errormsg
- ioError e
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
-#ifndef __HUGS__
-{- | Open a pipe to the specified command.
-Passes the handle on to the specified function.
-The 'PipeMode' specifies what you will be doing. That is, specifing 'ReadFromPipe'
-sets up a pipe from stdin, and 'WriteToPipe' sets up a pipe from stdout.
-Not available on Windows.
- -}
-pOpen :: PipeMode -> FilePath -> [String] ->
- (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
-pOpen pm fp args func = ddd "pOpen" $
- do
- pipepair <- createPipe
- case pm of
- ReadFromPipe -> do
- let callfunc _ = do
- closeFd (snd pipepair)
- h <- fdToHandle (fst pipepair)
- x <- func h
- hClose h
- return $! x
- pOpen3 Nothing (Just (snd pipepair)) Nothing fp args
- callfunc (closeFd (fst pipepair))
- WriteToPipe -> do
- let callfunc _ = do
- closeFd (fst pipepair)
- h <- fdToHandle (snd pipepair)
- x <- func h
- hClose h
- return $! x
- pOpen3 (Just (fst pipepair)) Nothing Nothing fp args
- callfunc (closeFd (snd pipepair))
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
-#ifndef __HUGS__
-{- | Runs a command, redirecting things to pipes.
-Not available on Windows.
-Note that you may not use the same fd on more than one item. If you
-want to redirect stdout and stderr, dup it first.
-pOpen3 :: Maybe Fd -- ^ Send stdin to this fd
- -> Maybe Fd -- ^ Get stdout from this fd
- -> Maybe Fd -- ^ Get stderr from this fd
- -> FilePath -- ^ Command to run
- -> [String] -- ^ Command args
- -> (ProcessID -> IO a) -- ^ Action to run in parent
- -> IO () -- ^ Action to run in child before execing (if you don't need something, set this to @return ()@) -- IGNORED IN HUGS
- -> IO a
-pOpen3 pin pout perr fp args func childfunc = ddd (show ("pOpen3", fp, args)) $
- do pid <- pOpen3Raw pin pout perr fp args childfunc
- putStrLn "got pid"
- retval <- func $! pid
- putStrLn "got retval"
- let rv = seq retval retval
- forceSuccess (PipeHandle (seq retval pid) fp args "pOpen3")
- putStrLn "process finished"
- return rv
-#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
-#ifndef __HUGS__
-{- | Runs a command, redirecting things to pipes.
-Not available on Windows.
-Returns immediately with the PID of the child. Using 'waitProcess' on it
-is YOUR responsibility!
-Note that you may not use the same fd on more than one item. If you
-want to redirect stdout and stderr, dup it first.
-pOpen3Raw :: Maybe Fd -- ^ Send stdin to this fd
- -> Maybe Fd -- ^ Get stdout from this fd
- -> Maybe Fd -- ^ Get stderr from this fd
- -> FilePath -- ^ Command to run
- -> [String] -- ^ Command args
- -> IO () -- ^ Action to run in child before execing (if you don't need something, set this to @return ()@) -- IGNORED IN HUGS
- -> IO ProcessID
-pOpen3Raw pin pout perr fp args childfunc =
- let mayberedir Nothing _ = return ()
- mayberedir (Just fromfd) tofd = do
- dupTo fromfd tofd
- closeFd fromfd
- return ()
- childstuff = do
- mayberedir pin stdInput
- mayberedir pout stdOutput
- mayberedir perr stdError
- childfunc
- executeFile fp True args Nothing
- realfunc p = do
- System.Posix.Signals.installHandler
- System.Posix.Signals.sigPIPE
- System.Posix.Signals.Ignore
- Nothing
- func p
- in
- ddd "pOpen3Raw" $
- do
- p <- try (forkProcess childstuff)
- pid <- case p of
- Right x -> return x
- Left e -> fail ("Error in fork: " ++ (show e))
- return pid
-showCmd :: FilePath -> [String] -> String
-showCmd fp args = fp ++ " " ++ show args