path: root/RemoteDaemon/Transport/Tor.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'RemoteDaemon/Transport/Tor.hs')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/RemoteDaemon/Transport/Tor.hs b/RemoteDaemon/Transport/Tor.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5d4e97ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RemoteDaemon/Transport/Tor.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+{- git-remote-daemon, tor hidden service transport
+ -
+ - Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module RemoteDaemon.Transport.Tor (server) where
+import Common
+import qualified Annex
+import Annex.Concurrent
+import RemoteDaemon.Types
+import RemoteDaemon.Common
+import Utility.Tor
+import Utility.FileMode
+import Utility.AuthToken
+import P2P.Protocol
+import P2P.IO
+import P2P.Annex
+import P2P.Auth
+import Annex.UUID
+import Types.UUID
+import Messages
+import Git
+import System.PosixCompat.User
+import Network.Socket
+import Control.Concurrent
+import System.Log.Logger (debugM)
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+-- Run tor hidden service.
+server :: TransportHandle -> IO ()
+server th@(TransportHandle (LocalRepo r) _) = do
+ u <- liftAnnex th getUUID
+ q <- newTBQueueIO maxConnections
+ replicateM_ maxConnections $
+ forkIO $ forever $ serveClient th u r q
+ uid <- getRealUserID
+ let ident = fromUUID u
+ let sock = hiddenServiceSocketFile uid ident
+ nukeFile sock
+ soc <- socket AF_UNIX Stream defaultProtocol
+ bind soc (SockAddrUnix sock)
+ -- Allow everyone to read and write to the socket; tor is probably
+ -- running as a different user. Connections have to authenticate
+ -- to do anything, so it's fine that other local users can connect.
+ modifyFileMode sock $ addModes
+ [groupReadMode, groupWriteMode, otherReadMode, otherWriteMode]
+ listen soc 2
+ debugM "remotedaemon" "tor hidden service running"
+ forever $ do
+ (conn, _) <- accept soc
+ h <- setupHandle conn
+ ok <- atomically $ ifM (isFullTBQueue q)
+ ( return False
+ , do
+ writeTBQueue q h
+ return True
+ )
+ unless ok $ do
+ hClose h
+ warningIO "dropped TOR connection, too busy"
+-- How many clients to serve at a time, maximum. This is to avoid DOS
+-- attacks.
+maxConnections :: Int
+maxConnections = 10
+serveClient :: TransportHandle -> UUID -> Repo -> TBQueue Handle -> IO ()
+serveClient th u r q = bracket setup cleanup go
+ where
+ setup = atomically $ readTBQueue q
+ cleanup = hClose
+ go h = do
+ debugM "remotedaemon" "serving a TOR connection"
+ -- Avoid doing any work in the liftAnnex, since only one
+ -- can run at a time.
+ st <- liftAnnex th dupState
+ ((), st') <- st $ do
+ -- Load auth tokens for every connection, to notice
+ -- when the allowed set is changed.
+ allowed <- loadP2PAuthTokens
+ let conn = P2PConnection
+ { connRepo = r
+ , connCheckAuth = (`isAllowedAuthToken` allowed)
+ , connIhdl = h
+ , connOhdl = h
+ }
+ v <- liftIO $ runNetProto conn $ serveAuth u
+ case v of
+ Just (Just theiruuid) -> void $
+ runFullProto (Serving theiruuid) conn $
+ serveAuthed u
+ _ -> return ()
+ -- Merge the duplicated state back in.
+ liftAnnex th $ mergeState st'
+ debugM "remotedaemon" "done with TOR connection"