path: root/Remote/P2P.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Remote/P2P.hs')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/Remote/P2P.hs b/Remote/P2P.hs
index e0428eeeb..f97d76e71 100644
--- a/Remote/P2P.hs
+++ b/Remote/P2P.hs
@@ -11,14 +11,23 @@ module Remote.P2P (
) where
import Annex.Common
+import qualified Annex
+import qualified P2P.Protocol as P2P
import P2P.Address
+import P2P.Annex
import Types.Remote
import Types.GitConfig
import qualified Git
import Config
import Config.Cost
import Remote.Helper.Git
-import Remote.Helper.Special
+import Remote.Helper.Tor
+import Utility.Tor
+import Utility.Metered
+import Types.NumCopies
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
remote :: RemoteType
remote = RemoteType {
@@ -32,18 +41,18 @@ remote = RemoteType {
chainGen :: P2PAddress -> Git.Repo -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
chainGen addr r u c gc = do
- workerpool <- mkWorkerPool addr
+ connpool <- mkConnectionPool
cst <- remoteCost gc expensiveRemoteCost
let this = Remote
{ uuid = u
, cost = cst
, name = Git.repoDescribe r
- , storeKey = storeKeyDummy
- , retrieveKeyFile = retreiveKeyFileDummy
+ , storeKey = store addr connpool
+ , retrieveKeyFile = retrieve addr connpool
, retrieveKeyFileCheap = \_ _ _ -> return False
- , removeKey = removeKeyDummy
- , lockContent = Nothing -- TODO use p2p protocol locking
- , checkPresent = checkPresentDummy
+ , removeKey = remove addr connpool
+ , lockContent = Just (lock u addr connpool)
+ , checkPresent = checkpresent addr connpool
, checkPresentCheap = False
, whereisKey = Nothing
, remoteFsck = Nothing
@@ -60,26 +69,109 @@ chainGen addr r u c gc = do
, claimUrl = Nothing
, checkUrl = Nothing
- return $ Just $ specialRemote' (specialRemoteCfg c) c
- (simplyPrepare $ store this workerpool)
- (simplyPrepare $ retrieve this workerpool)
- (simplyPrepare $ remove this workerpool)
- (simplyPrepare $ checkKey this workerpool)
- this
+ return (Just this)
+-- TODO update progress
+store :: P2PAddress -> ConnectionPool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
+store addr connpool k af p = fromMaybe False
+ <$> runProto addr connpool (P2P.put k af)
+retrieve :: P2PAddress -> ConnectionPool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex (Bool, Verification)
+retrieve addr connpool k af dest _p = unVerified $ fromMaybe False
+ <$> runProto addr connpool (P2P.get dest k af)
+remove :: P2PAddress -> ConnectionPool -> Key -> Annex Bool
+remove addr connpool k = fromMaybe False
+ <$> runProto addr connpool (P2P.remove k)
+checkpresent :: P2PAddress -> ConnectionPool -> Key -> Annex Bool
+checkpresent addr connpool k = maybe unavail return
+ =<< runProto addr connpool (P2P.checkPresent k)
+ where
+ unavail = giveup "can't connect to peer"
+lock :: UUID -> P2PAddress -> ConnectionPool -> Key -> (VerifiedCopy -> Annex r) -> Annex r
+lock theiruuid addr connpool k callback =
+ withConnection addr connpool $ \conn -> do
+ connv <- liftIO $ newMVar conn
+ let runproto d p = do
+ c <- liftIO $ takeMVar connv
+ (c', mr) <- runProto' p c
+ liftIO $ putMVar connv c'
+ return (fromMaybe d mr)
+ r <- P2P.lockContentWhile runproto k go
+ conn' <- liftIO $ takeMVar connv
+ return (conn', r)
+ where
+ go False = giveup "can't lock content"
+ go True = withVerifiedCopy LockedCopy theiruuid (return True) callback
+-- | A connection to the peer.
+data Connection
+ = TorAnnexConnection RunEnv
+ | ClosedConnection
+type ConnectionPool = TVar [Connection]
-data WorkerPool = WorkerPool
+mkConnectionPool :: Annex ConnectionPool
+mkConnectionPool = liftIO $ newTVarIO []
-mkWorkerPool :: P2PAddress -> Annex WorkerPool
-mkWorkerPool addr = undefined
+-- Runs the Proto action.
+runProto :: P2PAddress -> ConnectionPool -> P2P.Proto a -> Annex (Maybe a)
+runProto addr connpool a = withConnection addr connpool (runProto' a)
-store :: Remote -> WorkerPool -> Storer
-store r workerpool = undefined
+runProto' :: P2P.Proto a -> Connection -> Annex (Connection, Maybe a)
+runProto' _ ClosedConnection = return (ClosedConnection, Nothing)
+runProto' a conn@(TorAnnexConnection runenv) = do
+ r <- runFullProto Client runenv a
+ -- When runFullProto fails, the connection is no longer usable,
+ -- so close it.
+ if isJust r
+ then return (conn, r)
+ else do
+ liftIO $ hClose (runIhdl runenv)
+ return (ClosedConnection, r)
-retrieve :: Remote -> WorkerPool -> Retriever
-retrieve r workerpool = undefined
+-- Uses an open connection if one is available in the ConnectionPool;
+-- otherwise opens a new connection.
+-- Once the action is done, the connection is added back to the
+-- ConnectionPool, unless it's no longer open.
+withConnection :: P2PAddress -> ConnectionPool -> (Connection -> Annex (Connection, a)) -> Annex a
+withConnection addr connpool a = bracketOnError get cache go
+ where
+ get = do
+ mc <- liftIO $ atomically $ do
+ l <- readTVar connpool
+ case l of
+ [] -> do
+ writeTVar connpool []
+ return Nothing
+ (c:cs) -> do
+ writeTVar connpool cs
+ return (Just c)
+ maybe (openConnection addr) return mc
+ cache ClosedConnection = return ()
+ cache conn = liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' connpool (conn:)
-remove :: Remote -> WorkerPool -> Remover
-remove r workerpool k = undefined
+ go conn = do
+ (conn', r) <- a conn
+ cache conn'
+ return r
-checkKey :: Remote -> WorkerPool -> CheckPresent
-checkKey r workerpool k = undefined
+openConnection :: P2PAddress -> Annex Connection
+openConnection (TorAnnex onionaddress onionport) = do
+ v <- liftIO $ tryNonAsync $
+ torHandle =<< connectHiddenService onionaddress onionport
+ case v of
+ Right h -> do
+ g <- Annex.gitRepo
+ let runenv = RunEnv
+ { runRepo = g
+ , runCheckAuth = const False
+ , runIhdl = h
+ , runOhdl = h
+ }
+ return (TorAnnexConnection runenv)
+ Left _e -> return ClosedConnection