path: root/Remote/External.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Remote/External.hs')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Remote/External.hs b/Remote/External.hs
index 6ba0e2f3a..c3ea7e1db 100644
--- a/Remote/External.hs
+++ b/Remote/External.hs
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ externalSetup mu _ c = do
u <- maybe (liftIO genUUID) return mu
let externaltype = fromMaybe (error "Specify externaltype=") $
M.lookup "externaltype" c
- c' <- encryptionSetup c
+ (c', _encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c
external <- newExternal externaltype u c'
handleRequest external INITREMOTE Nothing $ \resp -> case resp of
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ handleRequest' lck external req mp responsehandler
send $ VALUE value
handleRemoteRequest (SETCREDS setting login password) = do
c <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTMVar $ externalConfig external
- c' <- setRemoteCredPair c (credstorage setting) $
+ c' <- setRemoteCredPair encryptionAlreadySetup c (credstorage setting) $
Just (login, password)
void $ liftIO $ atomically $ swapTMVar (externalConfig external) c'
handleRemoteRequest (GETCREDS setting) = do