path: root/P2P/Protocol.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'P2P/Protocol.hs')
1 files changed, 461 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/P2P/Protocol.hs b/P2P/Protocol.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1e2bf481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/P2P/Protocol.hs
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+{- P2P protocol
+ -
+ - Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, TemplateHaskell, FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, RankNTypes #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+module P2P.Protocol where
+import qualified Utility.SimpleProtocol as Proto
+import Types.Key
+import Types.UUID
+import Utility.AuthToken
+import Utility.Applicative
+import Utility.PartialPrelude
+import Utility.Metered
+import Git.FilePath
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Free
+import Control.Monad.Free.TH
+import Control.Monad.Catch
+import System.FilePath
+import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
+import System.IO
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
+import Data.Char
+newtype Offset = Offset Integer
+ deriving (Show)
+newtype Len = Len Integer
+ deriving (Show)
+-- | Service as used by the connect message is gitremote-helpers(1)
+data Service = UploadPack | ReceivePack
+ deriving (Show)
+-- | Messages in the protocol. The peer that makes the connection
+-- always initiates requests, and the other peer makes responses to them.
+data Message
+ = AUTH UUID AuthToken -- uuid of the peer that is authenticating
+ | AUTH_SUCCESS UUID -- uuid of the remote peer
+ | CONNECT Service
+ | REMOVE Key
+ | GET Offset AssociatedFile Key
+ | PUT AssociatedFile Key
+ | PUT_FROM Offset
+ | DATA Len -- followed by bytes of data
+ | ERROR String
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Proto.Sendable Message where
+ formatMessage (AUTH uuid authtoken) = ["AUTH", Proto.serialize uuid, Proto.serialize authtoken]
+ formatMessage (AUTH_SUCCESS uuid) = ["AUTH-SUCCESS", Proto.serialize uuid]
+ formatMessage AUTH_FAILURE = ["AUTH-FAILURE"]
+ formatMessage (CONNECT service) = ["CONNECT", Proto.serialize service]
+ formatMessage (CONNECTDONE exitcode) = ["CONNECTDONE", Proto.serialize exitcode]
+ formatMessage (CHECKPRESENT key) = ["CHECKPRESENT", Proto.serialize key]
+ formatMessage (LOCKCONTENT key) = ["LOCKCONTENT", Proto.serialize key]
+ formatMessage (REMOVE key) = ["REMOVE", Proto.serialize key]
+ formatMessage (GET offset af key) = ["GET", Proto.serialize offset, Proto.serialize af, Proto.serialize key]
+ formatMessage (PUT af key) = ["PUT", Proto.serialize af, Proto.serialize key]
+ formatMessage (PUT_FROM offset) = ["PUT-FROM", Proto.serialize offset]
+ formatMessage ALREADY_HAVE = ["ALREADY-HAVE"]
+ formatMessage SUCCESS = ["SUCCESS"]
+ formatMessage FAILURE = ["FAILURE"]
+ formatMessage (DATA len) = ["DATA", Proto.serialize len]
+ formatMessage (ERROR err) = ["ERROR", Proto.serialize err]
+instance Proto.Receivable Message where
+ parseCommand "AUTH" = Proto.parse2 AUTH
+ parseCommand "AUTH-SUCCESS" = Proto.parse1 AUTH_SUCCESS
+ parseCommand "AUTH-FAILURE" = Proto.parse0 AUTH_FAILURE
+ parseCommand "CONNECT" = Proto.parse1 CONNECT
+ parseCommand "CONNECTDONE" = Proto.parse1 CONNECTDONE
+ parseCommand "CHECKPRESENT" = Proto.parse1 CHECKPRESENT
+ parseCommand "LOCKCONTENT" = Proto.parse1 LOCKCONTENT
+ parseCommand "UNLOCKCONTENT" = Proto.parse0 UNLOCKCONTENT
+ parseCommand "REMOVE" = Proto.parse1 REMOVE
+ parseCommand "GET" = Proto.parse3 GET
+ parseCommand "PUT" = Proto.parse2 PUT
+ parseCommand "PUT-FROM" = Proto.parse1 PUT_FROM
+ parseCommand "ALREADY-HAVE" = Proto.parse0 ALREADY_HAVE
+ parseCommand "SUCCESS" = Proto.parse0 SUCCESS
+ parseCommand "FAILURE" = Proto.parse0 FAILURE
+ parseCommand "DATA" = Proto.parse1 DATA
+ parseCommand "ERROR" = Proto.parse1 ERROR
+ parseCommand _ = Proto.parseFail
+instance Proto.Serializable Offset where
+ serialize (Offset n) = show n
+ deserialize = Offset <$$> readish
+instance Proto.Serializable Len where
+ serialize (Len n) = show n
+ deserialize = Len <$$> readish
+instance Proto.Serializable Service where
+ serialize UploadPack = "git-upload-pack"
+ serialize ReceivePack = "git-receive-pack"
+ deserialize "git-upload-pack" = Just UploadPack
+ deserialize "git-receive-pack" = Just ReceivePack
+ deserialize _ = Nothing
+-- | Since AssociatedFile is not the last thing in a protocol line,
+-- its serialization cannot contain any whitespace. This is handled
+-- by replacing whitespace with '%' (and '%' with '%%')
+-- When deserializing an AssociatedFile from a peer, it's sanitized,
+-- to avoid any unusual characters that might cause problems when it's
+-- displayed to the user.
+-- These mungings are ok, because an AssociatedFile is only ever displayed
+-- to the user and does not need to match a file on disk.
+instance Proto.Serializable AssociatedFile where
+ serialize Nothing = ""
+ serialize (Just af) = toInternalGitPath $ concatMap esc af
+ where
+ esc '%' = "%%"
+ esc c
+ | isSpace c = "%"
+ | otherwise = [c]
+ deserialize s = case fromInternalGitPath $ deesc [] s of
+ [] -> Just Nothing
+ f
+ | isRelative f -> Just (Just f)
+ | otherwise -> Nothing
+ where
+ deesc b [] = reverse b
+ deesc b ('%':'%':cs) = deesc ('%':b) cs
+ deesc b ('%':cs) = deesc ('_':b) cs
+ deesc b (c:cs)
+ | isControl c = deesc ('_':b) cs
+ | otherwise = deesc (c:b) cs
+-- | Free monad for the protocol, combining net communication,
+-- and local actions.
+data ProtoF c = Net (NetF c) | Local (LocalF c)
+ deriving (Functor)
+type Proto = Free ProtoF
+net :: Net a -> Proto a
+net = hoistFree Net
+local :: Local a -> Proto a
+local = hoistFree Local
+data NetF c
+ = SendMessage Message c
+ | ReceiveMessage (Message -> c)
+ | SendBytes Len L.ByteString MeterUpdate c
+ -- ^ Sends exactly Len bytes of data. (Any more or less will
+ -- confuse the receiver.)
+ | ReceiveBytes Len MeterUpdate (L.ByteString -> c)
+ -- ^ Lazily reads bytes from peer. Stops once Len are read,
+ -- or if connection is lost, and in either case returns the bytes
+ -- that were read. This allows resuming interrupted transfers.
+ | CheckAuthToken UUID AuthToken (Bool -> c)
+ | RelayService Service c
+ -- ^ Runs a service, relays its output to the peer, and data
+ -- from the peer to it.
+ | Relay RelayHandle RelayHandle (ExitCode -> c)
+ -- ^ Reads from the first RelayHandle, and sends the data to a
+ -- peer, while at the same time accepting input from the peer
+ -- which is sent the the second RelayHandle. Continues until
+ -- the peer sends an ExitCode.
+ deriving (Functor)
+type Net = Free NetF
+newtype RelayHandle = RelayHandle Handle
+data LocalF c
+ = TmpContentSize Key (Len -> c)
+ -- ^ Gets size of the temp file where received content may have
+ -- been stored. If not present, returns 0.
+ | FileSize FilePath (Len -> c)
+ -- ^ Gets size of the content of a file. If not present, returns 0.
+ | ContentSize Key (Maybe Len -> c)
+ -- ^ Gets size of the content of a key, when the full content is
+ -- present.
+ | ReadContent Key AssociatedFile Offset (L.ByteString -> c)
+ -- ^ Lazily reads the content of a key. Note that the content
+ -- may change while it's being sent.
+ | StoreContent Key AssociatedFile Offset Len L.ByteString (Bool -> c)
+ -- ^ Stores content to the key's temp file starting at an offset.
+ -- Once the whole content of the key has been stored, moves the
+ -- temp file into place as the content of the key, and returns True.
+ --
+ -- Note: The ByteString may not contain the entire remaining content
+ -- of the key. Only once the temp file size == Len has the whole
+ -- content been transferred.
+ | StoreContentTo FilePath Offset Len L.ByteString (Bool -> c)
+ -- ^ Stores the content to a temp file starting at an offset.
+ -- Once the whole content of the key has been stored, returns True.
+ --
+ -- Note: The ByteString may not contain the entire remaining content
+ -- of the key. Only once the temp file size == Len has the whole
+ -- content been transferred.
+ | SetPresent Key UUID c
+ | CheckContentPresent Key (Bool -> c)
+ -- ^ Checks if the whole content of the key is locally present.
+ | RemoveContent Key (Bool -> c)
+ -- ^ If the content is not present, still succeeds.
+ -- May fail if not enough copies to safely drop, etc.
+ | TryLockContent Key (Bool -> Proto ()) c
+ -- ^ Try to lock the content of a key, preventing it
+ -- from being deleted, while running the provided protocol
+ -- action. If unable to lock the content, runs the protocol action
+ -- with False.
+ deriving (Functor)
+type Local = Free LocalF
+-- Generate sendMessage etc functions for all free monad constructors.
+$(makeFree ''NetF)
+$(makeFree ''LocalF)
+auth :: UUID -> AuthToken -> Proto (Maybe UUID)
+auth myuuid t = do
+ net $ sendMessage (AUTH myuuid t)
+ r <- net receiveMessage
+ case r of
+ AUTH_SUCCESS theiruuid -> return $ Just theiruuid
+ AUTH_FAILURE -> return Nothing
+ _ -> do
+ net $ sendMessage (ERROR "auth failed")
+ return Nothing
+checkPresent :: Key -> Proto Bool
+checkPresent key = do
+ net $ sendMessage (CHECKPRESENT key)
+ checkSuccess
+{- Locks content to prevent it from being dropped, while running an action.
+ -
+ - Note that this only guarantees that the content is locked as long as the
+ - connection to the peer remains up. If the connection is unexpectededly
+ - dropped, the peer will then unlock the content.
+ -}
+ :: MonadMask m
+ => (forall r. r -> Proto r -> m r)
+ -> Key
+ -> (Bool -> m a)
+ -> m a
+lockContentWhile runproto key a = bracket setup cleanup a
+ where
+ setup = runproto False $ do
+ net $ sendMessage (LOCKCONTENT key)
+ checkSuccess
+ cleanup True = runproto () $ net $ sendMessage UNLOCKCONTENT
+ cleanup False = return ()
+remove :: Key -> Proto Bool
+remove key = do
+ net $ sendMessage (REMOVE key)
+ checkSuccess
+get :: FilePath -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> MeterUpdate -> Proto Bool
+get dest key af p = receiveContent p sizer storer (\offset -> GET offset af key)
+ where
+ sizer = fileSize dest
+ storer = storeContentTo dest
+put :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> MeterUpdate -> Proto Bool
+put key af p = do
+ net $ sendMessage (PUT af key)
+ r <- net receiveMessage
+ case r of
+ PUT_FROM offset -> sendContent key af offset p
+ ALREADY_HAVE -> return True
+ _ -> do
+ net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected PUT_FROM")
+ return False
+data ServerHandler a
+ = ServerGot a
+ | ServerContinue
+ | ServerUnexpected
+-- Server loop, getting messages from the client and handling them
+serverLoop :: (Message -> Proto (ServerHandler a)) -> Proto (Maybe a)
+serverLoop a = do
+ cmd <- net receiveMessage
+ case cmd of
+ -- When the client sends ERROR to the server, the server
+ -- gives up, since it's not clear what state the client
+ -- is in, and so not possible to recover.
+ ERROR _ -> return Nothing
+ _ -> do
+ v <- a cmd
+ case v of
+ ServerGot r -> return (Just r)
+ ServerContinue -> serverLoop a
+ -- If the client sends an unexpected message,
+ -- the server will respond with ERROR, and
+ -- always continues processing messages.
+ --
+ -- Since the protocol is not versioned, this
+ -- is necessary to handle protocol changes
+ -- robustly, since the client can detect when
+ -- it's talking to a server that does not
+ -- support some new feature, and fall back.
+ ServerUnexpected -> do
+ net $ sendMessage (ERROR "unexpected command")
+ serverLoop a
+-- | Serve the protocol, with an unauthenticated peer. Once the peer
+-- successfully authenticates, returns their UUID.
+serveAuth :: UUID -> Proto (Maybe UUID)
+serveAuth myuuid = serverLoop handler
+ where
+ handler (AUTH theiruuid authtoken) = do
+ ok <- net $ checkAuthToken theiruuid authtoken
+ if ok
+ then do
+ net $ sendMessage (AUTH_SUCCESS myuuid)
+ return (ServerGot theiruuid)
+ else do
+ net $ sendMessage AUTH_FAILURE
+ return ServerContinue
+ handler _ = return ServerUnexpected
+-- | Serve the protocol, with a peer that has authenticated.
+serveAuthed :: UUID -> Proto ()
+serveAuthed myuuid = void $ serverLoop handler
+ where
+ handler (LOCKCONTENT key) = do
+ local $ tryLockContent key $ \locked -> do
+ sendSuccess locked
+ when locked $ do
+ r' <- net receiveMessage
+ case r' of
+ UNLOCKCONTENT -> return ()
+ _ -> net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected UNLOCKCONTENT")
+ return ServerContinue
+ handler (CHECKPRESENT key) = do
+ sendSuccess =<< local (checkContentPresent key)
+ return ServerContinue
+ handler (REMOVE key) = do
+ sendSuccess =<< local (removeContent key)
+ return ServerContinue
+ handler (PUT af key) = do
+ have <- local $ checkContentPresent key
+ if have
+ then net $ sendMessage ALREADY_HAVE
+ else do
+ let sizer = tmpContentSize key
+ let storer = storeContent key af
+ ok <- receiveContent nullMeterUpdate sizer storer PUT_FROM
+ when ok $
+ local $ setPresent key myuuid
+ return ServerContinue
+ handler (GET offset key af) = do
+ void $ sendContent af key offset nullMeterUpdate
+ -- setPresent not called because the peer may have
+ -- requested the data but not permanently stored it.
+ return ServerContinue
+ handler (CONNECT service) = do
+ net $ relayService service
+ return ServerContinue
+ handler _ = return ServerUnexpected
+sendContent :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> Offset -> MeterUpdate -> Proto Bool
+sendContent key af offset p = do
+ (len, content) <- readContentLen key af offset
+ net $ sendMessage (DATA len)
+ net $ sendBytes len content p
+ checkSuccess
+receiveContent :: MeterUpdate -> Local Len -> (Offset -> Len -> L.ByteString -> Local Bool) -> (Offset -> Message) -> Proto Bool
+receiveContent p sizer storer mkmsg = do
+ Len n <- local sizer
+ let offset = Offset n
+ net $ sendMessage (mkmsg offset)
+ r <- net receiveMessage
+ case r of
+ DATA len -> do
+ ok <- local . storer offset len
+ =<< net (receiveBytes len p)
+ sendSuccess ok
+ return ok
+ _ -> do
+ net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected DATA")
+ return False
+checkSuccess :: Proto Bool
+checkSuccess = do
+ ack <- net receiveMessage
+ case ack of
+ SUCCESS -> return True
+ FAILURE -> return False
+ _ -> do
+ net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected SUCCESS or FAILURE")
+ return False
+sendSuccess :: Bool -> Proto ()
+sendSuccess True = net $ sendMessage SUCCESS
+sendSuccess False = net $ sendMessage FAILURE
+-- Reads content from an offset. The Len should correspond to
+-- the length of the ByteString, but to avoid buffering the content
+-- in memory, is gotten using contentSize.
+readContentLen :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> Offset -> Proto (Len, L.ByteString)
+readContentLen key af (Offset offset) = go =<< local (contentSize key)
+ where
+ go Nothing = return (Len 0, L.empty)
+ go (Just (Len totallen)) = do
+ let len = totallen - offset
+ if len <= 0
+ then return (Len 0, L.empty)
+ else do
+ content <- local $
+ readContent key af (Offset offset)
+ return (Len len, content)
+connect :: Service -> Handle -> Handle -> Proto ExitCode
+connect service hin hout = do
+ net $ sendMessage (CONNECT service)
+ net $ relay (RelayHandle hin) (RelayHandle hout)
+data RelayData
+ = RelayToPeer L.ByteString
+ | RelayFromPeer L.ByteString
+ | RelayDone ExitCode
+ deriving (Show)
+relayFromPeer :: Net RelayData
+relayFromPeer = do
+ r <- receiveMessage
+ case r of
+ CONNECTDONE exitcode -> return $ RelayDone exitcode
+ DATA len -> RelayFromPeer <$> receiveBytes len nullMeterUpdate
+ _ -> do
+ sendMessage $ ERROR "expected DATA or CONNECTDONE"
+ return $ RelayDone $ ExitFailure 1
+relayToPeer :: RelayData -> Net ()
+relayToPeer (RelayDone exitcode) = sendMessage (CONNECTDONE exitcode)
+relayToPeer (RelayToPeer b) = do
+ let len = Len $ fromIntegral $ L.length b
+ sendMessage (DATA len)
+ sendBytes len b nullMeterUpdate
+relayToPeer (RelayFromPeer _) = return ()