path: root/P2P/Address.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'P2P/Address.hs')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/P2P/Address.hs b/P2P/Address.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..315219683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/P2P/Address.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+{- P2P protocol addresses
+ -
+ - Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module P2P.Address where
+import qualified Annex
+import Annex.Common
+import Git
+import Creds
+import Utility.AuthToken
+import Utility.Tor
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+-- | A P2P address, without an AuthToken.
+-- This is enough information to connect to the peer,
+-- but not enough to authenticate with it.
+data P2PAddress = TorAnnex OnionAddress OnionPort
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | A P2P address, with an AuthToken
+data P2PAddressAuth = P2PAddressAuth P2PAddress AuthToken
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+class FormatP2PAddress a where
+ formatP2PAddress :: a -> String
+ unformatP2PAddress :: String -> Maybe a
+instance FormatP2PAddress P2PAddress where
+ formatP2PAddress (TorAnnex (OnionAddress onionaddr) onionport) =
+ "tor-annex::" ++ onionaddr ++ ":" ++ show onionport
+ unformatP2PAddress s
+ | "tor-annex::" `isPrefixOf` s = do
+ let s' = dropWhile (== ':') $ dropWhile (/= ':') s
+ let (onionaddr, ps) = separate (== ':') s'
+ onionport <- readish ps
+ return (TorAnnex (OnionAddress onionaddr) onionport)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+instance FormatP2PAddress P2PAddressAuth where
+ formatP2PAddress (P2PAddressAuth addr authtoken) =
+ formatP2PAddress addr ++ ":" ++ T.unpack (fromAuthToken authtoken)
+ unformatP2PAddress s = do
+ let (ra, rs) = separate (== ':') (reverse s)
+ addr <- unformatP2PAddress (reverse rs)
+ authtoken <- toAuthToken (T.pack $ reverse ra)
+ return (P2PAddressAuth addr authtoken)
+loadP2PAddresses :: Annex [P2PAddress]
+loadP2PAddresses = mapMaybe unformatP2PAddress . maybe [] lines
+ <$> readCacheCreds p2pAddressCredsFile
+storeP2PAddress :: P2PAddress -> Annex ()
+storeP2PAddress addr = do
+ addrs <- loadP2PAddresses
+ unless (addr `elem` addrs) $ do
+ let s = unlines $ map formatP2PAddress (addr:addrs)
+ let tmpnam = p2pAddressCredsFile ++ ".new"
+ writeCacheCreds s tmpnam
+ tmpf <- cacheCredsFile tmpnam
+ destf <- cacheCredsFile p2pAddressCredsFile
+ -- This may be run by root, so make the creds file
+ -- and directory have the same owner and group as
+ -- the git repository directory has.
+ st <- liftIO . getFileStatus =<< Annex.fromRepo repoLocation
+ let fixowner f = setOwnerAndGroup f (fileOwner st) (fileGroup st)
+ liftIO $ do
+ fixowner tmpf
+ fixowner (takeDirectory tmpf)
+ fixowner (takeDirectory (takeDirectory tmpf))
+ renameFile tmpf destf
+p2pAddressCredsFile :: FilePath
+p2pAddressCredsFile = "p2paddrs"