path: root/GitRepo.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'GitRepo.hs')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/GitRepo.hs b/GitRepo.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fece79785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GitRepo.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+{- git repository handling -}
+module GitRepo where
+import Directory
+import System.Directory
+import Data.String.Utils
+{- Returns the path to the current repository's .git directory.
+ - (For a bare repository, that is the root of the repository.) -}
+gitDir :: IO String
+gitDir = do
+ repo <- repoTop
+ bare <- isBareRepo repo
+ if (bare)
+ then return repo
+ else return $ repo ++ "/.git"
+{- Finds the top of the current git repository, which may be in a parent
+ - directory. -}
+repoTop :: IO String
+repoTop = do
+ dir <- getCurrentDirectory
+ top <- seekUp dir isRepoTop
+ case top of
+ (Just dir) -> return dir
+ Nothing -> error "Not in a git repository."
+seekUp :: String -> (String -> IO Bool) -> IO (Maybe String)
+seekUp dir want = do
+ ok <- want dir
+ if ok
+ then return (Just dir)
+ else case (parentDir dir) of
+ (Just d) -> seekUp d want
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+parentDir :: String -> Maybe String
+parentDir dir =
+ if length dirs > 0
+ then Just ("/" ++ (join "/" $ take ((length dirs) - 1) dirs))
+ else Nothing
+ where
+ dirs = filter (\x -> length x > 0) $ split "/" dir
+isRepoTop dir = do
+ r <- isGitRepo dir
+ b <- isBareRepo dir
+ return (r || b)
+isGitRepo dir = gitSignature dir ".git" ".git/config"
+isBareRepo dir = gitSignature dir "objects" "config"
+gitSignature dir subdir file = do
+ s <- (doesDirectoryExist (dir ++ "/" ++ subdir))
+ f <- (doesFileExist (dir ++ "/" ++ file))
+ return (s && f)