path: root/Git
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Git')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/Git/Tree.hs b/Git/Tree.hs
index 75e3f3c7a..290c88249 100644
--- a/Git/Tree.hs
+++ b/Git/Tree.hs
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ getTree r repo = do
let t = either (\e -> error ("ls-tree parse error:" ++ e)) id (extractTree l)
return (t, cleanup)
+{- Assumes the list is ordered, with tree objects coming right before their
+ - contents. -}
extractTree :: [LsTree.TreeItem] -> Either String Tree
extractTree l = case go [] "" l of
Right (t, []) -> Right (Tree t)
@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ extractTree l = case go [] "" l of
- interface.
recordTree :: Repo -> Tree -> IO Sha
-recordTree repo (Tree t) = do
+recordTree repo t = do
h <- CoProcess.rawMode =<< gitCoProcessStart False ps repo
sha <- recordTree' h t
CoProcess.stop h
@@ -80,8 +82,8 @@ recordTree repo (Tree t) = do
ps = [Param "mktree", Param "--batch", Param "-z"]
-recordTree' :: CoProcess.CoProcessHandle -> [TreeContent] -> IO Sha
-recordTree' h l = mkTree h =<< mapM (recordSubTree h) l
+recordTree' :: CoProcess.CoProcessHandle -> Tree -> IO Sha
+recordTree' h (Tree l) = mkTree h =<< mapM (recordSubTree h) l
recordSubTree :: CoProcess.CoProcessHandle -> TreeContent -> IO TreeContent
recordSubTree h (NewSubTree d l) = do
@@ -102,4 +104,13 @@ mkTree cp l = CoProcess.query cp send receive
receive h = Ref <$> hGetLine h
mkTreeOutput :: FileMode -> ObjectType -> Sha -> TopFilePath -> String
-mkTreeOutput fm ot s f = showOct fm "" ++ " " ++ show ot ++ " " ++ fromRef s ++ "\t" ++ takeFileName (getTopFilePath f) ++ "\NUL"
+mkTreeOutput fm ot s f = concat
+ [ showOct fm ""
+ , " "
+ , show ot
+ , " "
+ , fromRef s
+ , "\t"
+ , takeFileName (getTopFilePath f)
+ , "\NUL"
+ ]