path: root/Git.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Git.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/Git.hs b/Git.hs
index a3f2ad74c..9420810a6 100644
--- a/Git.hs
+++ b/Git.hs
@@ -23,22 +23,12 @@ module Git (
- gitCommandLine,
- run,
- runBool,
- pipeRead,
- pipeWrite,
- pipeWriteRead,
- pipeNullSplit,
- pipeNullSplitB,
- reap,
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Char
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Network.URI (uriPath, uriScheme)
import Common
@@ -121,74 +111,6 @@ workTree Repo { location = Url u } = uriPath u
workTree Repo { location = Dir d } = d
workTree Repo { location = Unknown } = undefined
-{- Constructs a git command line operating on the specified repo. -}
-gitCommandLine :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> [CommandParam]
-gitCommandLine params repo@(Repo { location = Dir _ } ) =
- -- force use of specified repo via --git-dir and --work-tree
- [ Param ("--git-dir=" ++ gitDir repo)
- , Param ("--work-tree=" ++ workTree repo)
- ] ++ params
-gitCommandLine _ repo = assertLocal repo $ error "internal"
-{- Runs git in the specified repo. -}
-runBool :: String -> [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO Bool
-runBool subcommand params repo = assertLocal repo $
- boolSystem "git" $ gitCommandLine (Param subcommand : params) repo
-{- Runs git in the specified repo, throwing an error if it fails. -}
-run :: String -> [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO ()
-run subcommand params repo = assertLocal repo $
- runBool subcommand params repo
- >>! error $ "git " ++ show params ++ " failed"
-{- Runs a git subcommand and returns its output, lazily.
- -
- - Note that this leaves the git process running, and so zombies will
- - result unless reap is called.
- -}
-pipeRead :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO L.ByteString
-pipeRead params repo = assertLocal repo $ do
- (_, h) <- hPipeFrom "git" $ toCommand $ gitCommandLine params repo
- hSetBinaryMode h True
- L.hGetContents h
-{- Runs a git subcommand, feeding it input.
- - You should call either getProcessStatus or forceSuccess on the PipeHandle. -}
-pipeWrite :: [CommandParam] -> L.ByteString -> Repo -> IO PipeHandle
-pipeWrite params s repo = assertLocal repo $ do
- (p, h) <- hPipeTo "git" (toCommand $ gitCommandLine params repo)
- L.hPut h s
- hClose h
- return p
-{- Runs a git subcommand, feeding it input, and returning its output.
- - You should call either getProcessStatus or forceSuccess on the PipeHandle. -}
-pipeWriteRead :: [CommandParam] -> L.ByteString -> Repo -> IO (PipeHandle, L.ByteString)
-pipeWriteRead params s repo = assertLocal repo $ do
- (p, from, to) <- hPipeBoth "git" (toCommand $ gitCommandLine params repo)
- hSetBinaryMode from True
- L.hPut to s
- hClose to
- c <- L.hGetContents from
- return (p, c)
-{- Reads null terminated output of a git command (as enabled by the -z
- - parameter), and splits it. -}
-pipeNullSplit :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO [String]
-pipeNullSplit params repo = map L.unpack <$> pipeNullSplitB params repo
-{- For when Strings are not needed. -}
-pipeNullSplitB ::[CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO [L.ByteString]
-pipeNullSplitB params repo = filter (not . L.null) . L.split '\0' <$>
- pipeRead params repo
-{- Reaps any zombie git processes. -}
-reap :: IO ()
-reap = do
- -- throws an exception when there are no child processes
- r <- catchDefaultIO (getAnyProcessStatus False True) Nothing
- maybe (return ()) (const reap) r
{- Checks if a string from git config is a true value. -}
configTrue :: String -> Bool
configTrue s = map toLower s == "true"