path: root/Command
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Command')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/Command/Unused.hs b/Command/Unused.hs
index 1e404ac9f..de91951b4 100644
--- a/Command/Unused.hs
+++ b/Command/Unused.hs
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ import Annex.Link
import Annex.CatFile
import Types.Key
import Types.RefSpec
-import Git.FilePath
import Git.Types
+import Git.Sha
import Logs.View (is_branchView)
import Annex.BloomFilter
@@ -158,28 +158,23 @@ dropMsg' s = "\nTo remove unwanted data: git-annex dropunused" ++ s ++ " NUMBER\
- Strategy:
- - * Build a bloom filter of all keys referenced by symlinks. This
- - is the fastest one to build and will filter out most keys.
- - * If keys remain, build a second bloom filter of keys referenced by
- - branches maching the RefSpec.
- - * The list is streamed through these bloom filters lazily, so both will
- - exist at the same time. This means that twice the memory is used,
- - but they're relatively small, so the added complexity of using a
- - mutable bloom filter does not seem worthwhile.
- - * Generating the second bloom filter can take quite a while, since
- - it needs enumerating all keys in all git branches. But, the common
- - case, if the second filter is needed, is for some keys to be globally
- - unused, and in that case, no short-circuit is possible.
- - Short-circuiting if the first filter filters all the keys handles the
- - other common case.
+ - Pass keys through 3 bloom filters in order, only creating each bloom
+ - filter on demand if the previous one didn't filter out all keys.
+ -
+ - 1. All keys referenced by files in the work tree.
+ - This is the fastest one to build and will filter out most keys.
+ - 2. All keys in the diff from the work tree to the index.
+ - 3. All keys in the diffs between the index and branches matching the
+ - RefSpec. (This can take quite a while).
excludeReferenced :: RefSpec -> [Key] -> Annex [Key]
-excludeReferenced refspec ks = runfilter firstlevel ks >>= runfilter secondlevel
+excludeReferenced refspec ks =
+ runfilter withKeysReferencedM ks
+ >>= runfilter withKeysReferencedDiffIndex
+ >>= runfilter (withKeysReferencedDiffGitRefs refspec)
runfilter _ [] = return [] -- optimisation
runfilter a l = bloomFilter l <$> genBloomFilter a
- firstlevel = withKeysReferencedM
- secondlevel = withKeysReferencedInGit refspec
{- Given an initial value, folds it with each key referenced by
- files in the working tree. -}
@@ -218,7 +213,6 @@ withKeysReferenced' mdir initial a = do
mk <- getM id
[ isAnnexLink f
, liftIO (isPointerFile f)
- , catKeyFile f
case mk of
Nothing -> go v fs
@@ -226,53 +220,56 @@ withKeysReferenced' mdir initial a = do
!v' <- a k f v
go v' fs
-withKeysReferencedInGit :: RefSpec -> (Key -> Annex ()) -> Annex ()
-withKeysReferencedInGit refspec a = do
- current <- inRepo Git.Branch.currentUnsafe
- shaHead <- maybe (return Nothing) (inRepo . Git.Ref.sha) current
- rs <- relevantrefs (shaHead, current)
- <$> inRepo (Git.Command.pipeReadStrict [Param "show-ref"])
- usedrefs <- applyRefSpec refspec rs (getreflog rs)
- forM_ usedrefs $
- withKeysReferencedInGitRef a
+withKeysReferencedDiffGitRefs :: RefSpec -> (Key -> Annex ()) -> Annex ()
+withKeysReferencedDiffGitRefs refspec a = do
+ rs <- relevantrefs <$> inRepo (Git.Command.pipeReadStrict [Param "show-ref"])
+ shaHead <- maybe (return Nothing) (inRepo . Git.Ref.sha)
+ =<< inRepo Git.Branch.currentUnsafe
+ let haveHead = any (\(shaRef, _) -> Just shaRef == shaHead) rs
+ let rs' = map snd (nubRefs rs)
+ usedrefs <- applyRefSpec refspec rs' (getreflog rs')
+ forM_ (if haveHead then usedrefs else Git.Ref.headRef : usedrefs) $
+ withKeysReferencedDiffGitRef a
- relevantrefs headRef = addHead headRef .
+ relevantrefs = map (\(r, h) -> (Git.Ref r, Git.Ref h)) .
filter ourbranches .
map (separate (== ' ')) .
- nubRefs = map (Git.Ref . snd) . nubBy (\(x, _) (y, _) -> x == y)
+ nubRefs = nubBy (\(x, _) (y, _) -> x == y)
ourbranchend = '/' : Git.fromRef
ourbranches (_, b) = not (ourbranchend `isSuffixOf` b)
&& not ("refs/synced/" `isPrefixOf` b)
&& not (is_branchView (Git.Ref b))
- addHead headRef refs = case headRef of
- -- if HEAD diverges from all branches (except the branch it
- -- points to), run the actions on staged keys (and keys
- -- that are only present in the work tree if the repo is
- -- non bare)
- (Just (Git.Ref x), Just (Git.Ref b))
- | all (\(x',b') -> x /= x' || b == b') refs ->
- Git.Ref.headRef
- : nubRefs (filter ((/= x) . fst) refs)
- _ -> nubRefs refs
getreflog rs = inRepo $ Git.RefLog.getMulti rs
{- Runs an action on keys referenced in the given Git reference which
- - differ from those referenced in the work tree. -}
-withKeysReferencedInGitRef :: (Key -> Annex ()) -> Git.Ref -> Annex ()
-withKeysReferencedInGitRef a ref = do
+ - differ from those referenced in the index. -}
+withKeysReferencedDiffGitRef :: (Key -> Annex ()) -> Git.Ref -> Annex ()
+withKeysReferencedDiffGitRef a ref = do
showAction $ "checking " ++ Git.Ref.describe ref
- bare <- isBareRepo
- (ts,clean) <- inRepo $ if bare
- then DiffTree.diffIndex ref
- else DiffTree.diffWorkTree ref
- let lookAtWorkingTree = not bare && ref == Git.Ref.headRef
- forM_ ts $ tKey lookAtWorkingTree >=> maybe noop a
+ withKeysReferencedDiff a
+ (inRepo $ DiffTree.diffIndex ref)
+ DiffTree.srcsha
+{- Runs an action on keys referenced in the index which differ from the
+ - work tree. -}
+withKeysReferencedDiffIndex :: (Key -> Annex ()) -> Annex ()
+withKeysReferencedDiffIndex a = unlessM (isBareRepo) $
+ withKeysReferencedDiff a
+ (inRepo $ DiffTree.diffFiles [])
+ DiffTree.srcsha
+withKeysReferencedDiff :: (Key -> Annex ()) -> (Annex ([DiffTree.DiffTreeItem], IO Bool)) -> (DiffTree.DiffTreeItem -> Sha) -> Annex ()
+withKeysReferencedDiff a getdiff extractsha = do
+ (ds, clean) <- getdiff
+ forM_ ds go
liftIO $ void clean
- tKey True = lookupFile . getTopFilePath . DiffTree.file
- tKey False = parseLinkOrPointer
- <$$> catFile ref . getTopFilePath . DiffTree.file
+ go d = do
+ let sha = extractsha d
+ unless (sha == nullSha) $
+ (parseLinkOrPointer <$> catObject sha)
+ >>= maybe noop a
data UnusedMaps = UnusedMaps
{ unusedMap :: UnusedMap