path: root/Command
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Command')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/Command/Map.hs b/Command/Map.hs
index 8aa59e38d..d4a656b69 100644
--- a/Command/Map.hs
+++ b/Command/Map.hs
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import qualified Annex
import Annex.UUID
import Logs.UUID
import Logs.Trust
+import Types.TrustLevel
import qualified Remote.Helper.Ssh as Ssh
import qualified Utility.Dot as Dot
@@ -39,11 +40,11 @@ start = do
rs <- combineSame <$> (spider =<< gitRepo)
umap <- uuidMap
- trusted <- trustGet Trusted
+ trustmap <- trustMapLoad
file <- (</>) <$> fromRepo gitAnnexDir <*> pure ""
- liftIO $ writeFile file (drawMap rs umap trusted)
+ liftIO $ writeFile file (drawMap rs trustmap umap)
next $ next $
ifM (Annex.getState
( do
@@ -55,24 +56,26 @@ start = do
liftIO $ boolSystem "dot" [Param "-Tx11", File file]
-{- Generates a graph for dot(1). Each repository, and any other uuids, are
- - displayed as a node, and each of its remotes is represented as an edge
- - pointing at the node for the remote.
+{- Generates a graph for dot(1). Each repository, and any other uuids
+ - (except for dead ones), are displayed as a node, and each of its
+ - remotes is represented as an edge pointing at the node for the remote.
- The order nodes are added to the graph matters, since dot will draw
- the first ones near to the top and left. So it looks better to put
- the repositories first, followed by uuids that were not matched
- to a repository.
-drawMap :: [Git.Repo] -> M.Map UUID String -> [UUID] -> String
-drawMap rs umap ts = Dot.graph $ repos ++ trusted ++ others
+drawMap :: [Git.Repo] -> TrustMap -> M.Map UUID String -> String
+drawMap rs trustmap umap = Dot.graph $ repos ++ others
- repos = map (node umap rs) rs
- ruuids = ts ++ map getUncachedUUID rs
- others = map (unreachable . uuidnode) $
+ repos = map (node umap rs trustmap) rs
+ ruuids = map getUncachedUUID rs
+ others = map uuidnode $
+ filter (\u -> M.lookup u trustmap /= Just DeadTrusted) $
filter (`notElem` ruuids) (M.keys umap)
- trusted = map (trustworthy . uuidnode) ts
- uuidnode u = Dot.graphNode (fromUUID u) $ M.findWithDefault "" u umap
+ uuidnode u = trustDecorate trustmap u $
+ Dot.graphNode (fromUUID u) $ M.findWithDefault "" u umap
+ ts = M.keys (M.filter (== Trusted) trustmap)
hostname :: Git.Repo -> String
hostname r
@@ -100,15 +103,13 @@ nodeId r =
UUID u -> u
{- A node representing a repo. -}
-node :: M.Map UUID String -> [Git.Repo] -> Git.Repo -> String
-node umap fullinfo r = unlines $ n:edges
+node :: M.Map UUID String -> [Git.Repo] -> TrustMap -> Git.Repo -> String
+node umap fullinfo trustmap r = unlines $ n:edges
n = Dot.subGraph (hostname r) (basehostname r) "lightblue" $
- decorate $ Dot.graphNode (nodeId r) (repoName umap r)
+ trustDecorate trustmap (getUncachedUUID r) $
+ Dot.graphNode (nodeId r) (repoName umap r)
edges = map (edge umap fullinfo r) (Git.remotes r)
- decorate
- | Git.config r == M.empty = unreachable
- | otherwise = reachable
{- An edge between two repos. The second repo is a remote of the first. -}
edge :: M.Map UUID String -> [Git.Repo] -> Git.Repo -> Git.Repo -> String
@@ -129,12 +130,13 @@ edge umap fullinfo from to =
| n `elem` [repoName umap fullto, hostname fullto] = Nothing
| otherwise = Just n
-unreachable :: String -> String
-unreachable = Dot.fillColor "red"
-reachable :: String -> String
-reachable = Dot.fillColor "white"
-trustworthy :: String -> String
-trustworthy = Dot.fillColor "green"
+trustDecorate :: TrustMap -> UUID -> String -> String
+trustDecorate trustmap u s = case M.lookup u trustmap of
+ Just Trusted -> Dot.fillColor "green" s
+ Just UnTrusted -> Dot.fillColor "red" s
+ Just SemiTrusted -> Dot.fillColor "white" s
+ Just DeadTrusted -> Dot.fillColor "grey" s
+ Nothing -> Dot.fillColor "white" s
{- Recursively searches out remotes starting with the specified repo. -}
spider :: Git.Repo -> Annex [Git.Repo]