path: root/Command/Vicfg.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Command/Vicfg.hs')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/Command/Vicfg.hs b/Command/Vicfg.hs
index 0466c0c31..cfe051c4e 100644
--- a/Command/Vicfg.hs
+++ b/Command/Vicfg.hs
@@ -75,119 +75,116 @@ setCfg curcfg newcfg = do
diffCfg :: Cfg -> Cfg -> (TrustMap, M.Map UUID (S.Set Group), M.Map UUID String)
diffCfg curcfg newcfg = (diff cfgTrustMap, diff cfgGroupMap, diff cfgPreferredContentMap)
- where
- diff f = M.differenceWith (\x y -> if x == y then Nothing else Just x)
- (f newcfg) (f curcfg)
+ where
+ diff f = M.differenceWith (\x y -> if x == y then Nothing else Just x)
+ (f newcfg) (f curcfg)
genCfg :: Cfg -> M.Map UUID String -> String
genCfg cfg descs = unlines $ concat [intro, trust, groups, preferredcontent]
- where
- intro =
- [ com "git-annex configuration"
- , com ""
- , com "Changes saved to this file will be recorded in the git-annex branch."
- , com ""
- , com "Lines in this file have the format:"
- , com " setting uuid = value"
- ]
- trust = settings cfgTrustMap
- [ ""
- , com "Repository trust configuration"
- , com "(Valid trust levels: " ++
- unwords (map showTrustLevel [Trusted .. DeadTrusted]) ++
- ")"
- ]
- (\(t, u) -> line "trust" u $ showTrustLevel t)
- (\u -> lcom $ line "trust" u $ showTrustLevel SemiTrusted)
- groups = settings cfgGroupMap
- [ ""
- , com "Repository groups"
- , com "(Separate group names with spaces)"
- ]
- (\(s, u) -> line "group" u $ unwords $ S.toList s)
- (\u -> lcom $ line "group" u "")
- preferredcontent = settings cfgPreferredContentMap
- [ ""
- , com "Repository preferred contents"
- ]
- (\(s, u) -> line "preferred-content" u s)
- (\u -> line "preferred-content" u "")
- settings field desc showvals showdefaults = concat
- [ desc
- , concatMap showvals $
- sort $ map swap $ M.toList $ field cfg
- , concatMap (\u -> lcom $ showdefaults u) $
- missing field
- ]
- line setting u value =
- [ com $ "(for " ++ (fromMaybe "" $ M.lookup u descs) ++ ")"
- , unwords [setting, fromUUID u, "=", value]
- ]
- lcom = map (\l -> if "#" `isPrefixOf` l then l else "#" ++ l)
- missing field = S.toList $ M.keysSet descs `S.difference` M.keysSet (field cfg)
+ where
+ intro =
+ [ com "git-annex configuration"
+ , com ""
+ , com "Changes saved to this file will be recorded in the git-annex branch."
+ , com ""
+ , com "Lines in this file have the format:"
+ , com " setting uuid = value"
+ ]
+ trust = settings cfgTrustMap
+ [ ""
+ , com "Repository trust configuration"
+ , com "(Valid trust levels: " ++
+ unwords (map showTrustLevel [Trusted .. DeadTrusted]) ++
+ ")"
+ ]
+ (\(t, u) -> line "trust" u $ showTrustLevel t)
+ (\u -> lcom $ line "trust" u $ showTrustLevel SemiTrusted)
+ groups = settings cfgGroupMap
+ [ ""
+ , com "Repository groups"
+ , com "(Separate group names with spaces)"
+ ]
+ (\(s, u) -> line "group" u $ unwords $ S.toList s)
+ (\u -> lcom $ line "group" u "")
+ preferredcontent = settings cfgPreferredContentMap
+ [ ""
+ , com "Repository preferred contents"
+ ]
+ (\(s, u) -> line "preferred-content" u s)
+ (\u -> line "preferred-content" u "")
+ settings field desc showvals showdefaults = concat
+ [ desc
+ , concatMap showvals $ sort $ map swap $ M.toList $ field cfg
+ , concatMap (\u -> lcom $ showdefaults u) $ missing field
+ ]
+ line setting u value =
+ [ com $ "(for " ++ (fromMaybe "" $ M.lookup u descs) ++ ")"
+ , unwords [setting, fromUUID u, "=", value]
+ ]
+ lcom = map (\l -> if "#" `isPrefixOf` l then l else "#" ++ l)
+ missing field = S.toList $ M.keysSet descs `S.difference` M.keysSet (field cfg)
{- If there's a parse error, returns a new version of the file,
- with the problem lines noted. -}
parseCfg :: Cfg -> String -> Either String Cfg
parseCfg curcfg = go [] curcfg . lines
- where
- go c cfg []
- | null (catMaybes $ map fst c) = Right cfg
- | otherwise = Left $ unlines $
- badheader ++ concatMap showerr (reverse c)
- go c cfg (l:ls) = case parse (dropWhile isSpace l) cfg of
- Left msg -> go ((Just msg, l):c) cfg ls
- Right cfg' -> go ((Nothing, l):c) cfg' ls
- parse l cfg
- | null l = Right cfg
- | "#" `isPrefixOf` l = Right cfg
- | null setting || null u = Left "missing repository uuid"
- | otherwise = handle cfg (toUUID u) setting value'
- where
- (setting, rest) = separate isSpace l
- (r, value) = separate (== '=') rest
- value' = trimspace value
- u = reverse $ trimspace $
- reverse $ trimspace r
- trimspace = dropWhile isSpace
- handle cfg u setting value
- | setting == "trust" = case readTrustLevel value of
- Nothing -> badval "trust value" value
- Just t ->
- let m = M.insert u t (cfgTrustMap cfg)
- in Right $ cfg { cfgTrustMap = m }
- | setting == "group" =
- let m = M.insert u (S.fromList $ words value) (cfgGroupMap cfg)
- in Right $ cfg { cfgGroupMap = m }
- | setting == "preferred-content" =
- case checkPreferredContentExpression value of
- Just e -> Left e
- Nothing ->
- let m = M.insert u value (cfgPreferredContentMap cfg)
- in Right $ cfg { cfgPreferredContentMap = m }
- | otherwise = badval "setting" setting
- showerr (Just msg, l) = [parseerr ++ msg, l]
- showerr (Nothing, l)
- -- filter out the header and parse error lines
- -- from any previous parse failure
- | any (`isPrefixOf` l) (parseerr:badheader) = []
- | otherwise = [l]
- badval desc val = Left $ "unknown " ++ desc ++ " \"" ++ val ++ "\""
- badheader =
- [ com "There was a problem parsing your input."
- , com "Search for \"Parse error\" to find the bad lines."
- , com "Either fix the bad lines, or delete them (to discard your changes)."
- ]
- parseerr = com "Parse error in next line: "
+ where
+ go c cfg []
+ | null (catMaybes $ map fst c) = Right cfg
+ | otherwise = Left $ unlines $
+ badheader ++ concatMap showerr (reverse c)
+ go c cfg (l:ls) = case parse (dropWhile isSpace l) cfg of
+ Left msg -> go ((Just msg, l):c) cfg ls
+ Right cfg' -> go ((Nothing, l):c) cfg' ls
+ parse l cfg
+ | null l = Right cfg
+ | "#" `isPrefixOf` l = Right cfg
+ | null setting || null u = Left "missing repository uuid"
+ | otherwise = handle cfg (toUUID u) setting value'
+ where
+ (setting, rest) = separate isSpace l
+ (r, value) = separate (== '=') rest
+ value' = trimspace value
+ u = reverse $ trimspace $ reverse $ trimspace r
+ trimspace = dropWhile isSpace
+ handle cfg u setting value
+ | setting == "trust" = case readTrustLevel value of
+ Nothing -> badval "trust value" value
+ Just t ->
+ let m = M.insert u t (cfgTrustMap cfg)
+ in Right $ cfg { cfgTrustMap = m }
+ | setting == "group" =
+ let m = M.insert u (S.fromList $ words value) (cfgGroupMap cfg)
+ in Right $ cfg { cfgGroupMap = m }
+ | setting == "preferred-content" =
+ case checkPreferredContentExpression value of
+ Just e -> Left e
+ Nothing ->
+ let m = M.insert u value (cfgPreferredContentMap cfg)
+ in Right $ cfg { cfgPreferredContentMap = m }
+ | otherwise = badval "setting" setting
+ showerr (Just msg, l) = [parseerr ++ msg, l]
+ showerr (Nothing, l)
+ -- filter out the header and parse error lines
+ -- from any previous parse failure
+ | any (`isPrefixOf` l) (parseerr:badheader) = []
+ | otherwise = [l]
+ badval desc val = Left $ "unknown " ++ desc ++ " \"" ++ val ++ "\""
+ badheader =
+ [ com "There was a problem parsing your input."
+ , com "Search for \"Parse error\" to find the bad lines."
+ , com "Either fix the bad lines, or delete them (to discard your changes)."
+ ]
+ parseerr = com "Parse error in next line: "
com :: String -> String
com s = "# " ++ s