path: root/Command/TransferKey.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Command/TransferKey.hs')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/Command/TransferKey.hs b/Command/TransferKey.hs
index de4568f3a..04dbc1799 100644
--- a/Command/TransferKey.hs
+++ b/Command/TransferKey.hs
@@ -16,41 +16,50 @@ import qualified Remote
import Types.Remote
cmd :: Command
-cmd = withOptions transferKeyOptions $ noCommit $
+cmd = noCommit $
command "transferkey" SectionPlumbing
"transfers a key from or to a remote"
- paramKey (withParams seek)
-transferKeyOptions :: [Option]
-transferKeyOptions = fileOption : fromToOptions
-fileOption :: Option
-fileOption = fieldOption [] "file" paramFile "the associated file"
-seek :: CmdParams -> CommandSeek
-seek ps = do
- to <- getOptionField toOption Remote.byNameWithUUID
- from <- getOptionField fromOption Remote.byNameWithUUID
- file <- getOptionField fileOption return
- withKeys (start to from file) ps
-start :: Maybe Remote -> Maybe Remote -> AssociatedFile -> Key -> CommandStart
-start to from file key =
- case (from, to) of
- (Nothing, Just dest) -> next $ toPerform dest key file
- (Just src, Nothing) -> next $ fromPerform src key file
- _ -> error "specify either --from or --to"
-toPerform :: Remote -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> CommandPerform
-toPerform remote key file = go Upload file $
+ paramKey (seek <--< optParser)
+data TransferKeyOptions = TransferKeyOptions
+ { keyOptions :: CmdParams
+ , fromToOptions :: FromToOptions
+ , fileOption :: AssociatedFile
+ }
+optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser TransferKeyOptions
+optParser desc = TransferKeyOptions
+ <$> cmdParams desc
+ <*> parseFromToOptions
+ <*> optional (strOption
+ ( long "file" <> metavar paramFile
+ <> help "the associated file"
+ ))
+instance DeferredParseClass TransferKeyOptions where
+ finishParse v = TransferKeyOptions
+ <$> pure (keyOptions v)
+ <*> finishParse (fromToOptions v)
+ <*> pure (fileOption v)
+seek :: TransferKeyOptions -> CommandSeek
+seek o = withKeys (start o) (keyOptions o)
+start :: TransferKeyOptions -> Key -> CommandStart
+start o key = case fromToOptions o of
+ ToRemote dest -> next $ toPerform key (fileOption o) =<< getParsed dest
+ FromRemote src -> next $ fromPerform key (fileOption o) =<< getParsed src
+toPerform :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> Remote -> CommandPerform
+toPerform key file remote = go Upload file $
upload (uuid remote) key file forwardRetry noObserver $ \p -> do
ok <- Remote.storeKey remote key file p
when ok $
Remote.logStatus remote key InfoPresent
return ok
-fromPerform :: Remote -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> CommandPerform
-fromPerform remote key file = go Upload file $
+fromPerform :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> Remote -> CommandPerform
+fromPerform key file remote = go Upload file $
download (uuid remote) key file forwardRetry noObserver $ \p ->
getViaTmp key $ \t -> Remote.retrieveKeyFile remote key file t p