path: root/Command/ReKey.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Command/ReKey.hs')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/Command/ReKey.hs b/Command/ReKey.hs
index 33734ebe7..4ddbd68b6 100644
--- a/Command/ReKey.hs
+++ b/Command/ReKey.hs
@@ -25,15 +25,39 @@ cmd = notDirect $
command "rekey" SectionPlumbing
"change keys used for files"
(paramRepeating $ paramPair paramPath paramKey)
- (withParams seek)
+ (seek <$$> optParser)
-seek :: CmdParams -> CommandSeek
-seek = withPairs start
+data ReKeyOptions = ReKeyOptions
+ { reKeyThese :: CmdParams
+ , batchOption :: BatchMode
+ }
-start :: (FilePath, String) -> CommandStart
-start (file, keyname) = ifAnnexed file go stop
+optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser ReKeyOptions
+optParser desc = ReKeyOptions
+ <$> cmdParams desc
+ <*> parseBatchOption
+-- Split on the last space, since a FilePath can contain whitespace,
+-- but a Key very rarely does.
+batchParser :: String -> Either String (FilePath, Key)
+batchParser s = case separate (== ' ') (reverse s) of
+ (rk, rf)
+ | null rk || null rf -> Left "Expected: \"file key\""
+ | otherwise -> case file2key (reverse rk) of
+ Nothing -> Left "bad key"
+ Just k -> Right (reverse rf, k)
+seek :: ReKeyOptions -> CommandSeek
+seek o = case batchOption o of
+ Batch -> batchInput batchParser (batchCommandAction . start)
+ NoBatch -> withPairs (start . parsekey) (reKeyThese o)
+ where
+ parsekey (file, skey) =
+ (file, fromMaybe (giveup "bad key") (file2key skey))
+start :: (FilePath, Key) -> CommandStart
+start (file, newkey) = ifAnnexed file go stop
- newkey = fromMaybe (giveup "bad key") $ file2key keyname
go oldkey
| oldkey == newkey = stop
| otherwise = do