path: root/Command/P2P.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Command/P2P.hs')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Command/P2P.hs b/Command/P2P.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ba3e43d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Command/P2P.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+{- git-annex command
+ -
+ - Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Command.P2P where
+import Command
+import P2P.Address
+import P2P.Auth
+import P2P.IO
+import qualified P2P.Protocol as P2P
+import Git.Types
+import qualified Git.Remote
+import qualified Git.Command
+import qualified Annex
+import Annex.UUID
+import Config
+import Utility.AuthToken
+import Utility.Tmp
+import Utility.FileMode
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import qualified Utility.MagicWormhole as Wormhole
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+cmd :: Command
+cmd = command "p2p" SectionSetup
+ "configure peer-2-peer links between repositories"
+ paramNothing (seek <$$> optParser)
+data P2POpts
+ = GenAddresses
+ | LinkRemote
+ | Pair
+optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser (P2POpts, Maybe RemoteName)
+optParser _ = (,)
+ <$> (pair <|> linkremote <|> genaddresses)
+ <*> optional name
+ where
+ genaddresses = flag' GenAddresses
+ ( long "gen-addresses"
+ <> help "generate addresses that allow accessing this repository over P2P networks"
+ )
+ linkremote = flag' LinkRemote
+ ( long "link"
+ <> help "set up a P2P link to a git remote"
+ )
+ pair = flag' Pair
+ ( long "pair"
+ <> help "pair with another repository"
+ )
+ name = Git.Remote.makeLegalName <$> strOption
+ ( long "name"
+ <> metavar paramName
+ <> help "name of remote"
+ )
+seek :: (P2POpts, Maybe RemoteName) -> CommandSeek
+seek (GenAddresses, _) = genAddresses =<< loadP2PAddresses
+seek (LinkRemote, Just name) = commandAction $
+ linkRemote name
+seek (LinkRemote, Nothing) = commandAction $
+ linkRemote =<< unusedPeerRemoteName
+seek (Pair, Just name) = commandAction $
+ startPairing name =<< loadP2PAddresses
+seek (Pair, Nothing) = commandAction $ do
+ name <- unusedPeerRemoteName
+ startPairing name =<< loadP2PAddresses
+unusedPeerRemoteName :: Annex RemoteName
+unusedPeerRemoteName = go (1 :: Integer) =<< usednames
+ where
+ usednames = mapMaybe remoteName . remotes <$> Annex.gitRepo
+ go n names = do
+ let name = "peer" ++ show n
+ if name `elem` names
+ then go (n+1) names
+ else return name
+-- Only addresses are output to stdout, to allow scripting.
+genAddresses :: [P2PAddress] -> Annex ()
+genAddresses [] = giveup "No P2P networks are currrently available."
+genAddresses addrs = do
+ authtoken <- liftIO $ genAuthToken 128
+ storeP2PAuthToken authtoken
+ earlyWarning "These addresses allow access to this git-annex repository. Only share them with people you trust with that access, using trusted communication channels!"
+ liftIO $ putStr $ unlines $
+ map formatP2PAddress $
+ map (`P2PAddressAuth` authtoken) addrs
+-- Address is read from stdin, to avoid leaking it in shell history.
+linkRemote :: RemoteName -> CommandStart
+linkRemote remotename = do
+ showStart "p2p link" remotename
+ next $ next prompt
+ where
+ prompt = do
+ liftIO $ putStrLn ""
+ liftIO $ putStr "Enter peer address: "
+ liftIO $ hFlush stdout
+ s <- liftIO getLine
+ if null s
+ then do
+ liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr "Nothing entered, giving up."
+ return False
+ else case unformatP2PAddress s of
+ Nothing -> do
+ liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr "Unable to parse that address, please check its format and try again."
+ prompt
+ Just addr -> do
+ r <- setupLink remotename addr
+ case r of
+ LinkSuccess -> return True
+ ConnectionError e -> giveup e
+ AuthenticationError e -> giveup e
+startPairing :: RemoteName -> [P2PAddress] -> CommandStart
+startPairing _ [] = giveup "No P2P networks are currrently available."
+startPairing remotename addrs = do
+ showStart "p2p pair" remotename
+ ifM (liftIO Wormhole.isInstalled)
+ ( next $ performPairing remotename addrs
+ , giveup "Magic Wormhole is not installed, and is needed for pairing. Install it from your distribution or from"
+ )
+performPairing :: RemoteName -> [P2PAddress] -> CommandPerform
+performPairing remotename addrs = do
+ -- This note is displayed mainly so when magic wormhole
+ -- complains about possible protocol mismatches or other problems,
+ -- it's clear what's doing the complaining.
+ showNote "using Magic Wormhole"
+ next $ do
+ showOutput
+ r <- wormholePairing remotename addrs ui
+ case r of
+ PairSuccess -> return True
+ SendFailed -> do
+ warning "Failed sending data to pair."
+ return False
+ ReceiveFailed -> do
+ warning "Failed receiving data from pair."
+ return False
+ LinkFailed e -> do
+ warning $ "Failed linking to pair: " ++ e
+ return False
+ where
+ ui observer producer = do
+ ourcode <- Wormhole.waitCode observer
+ putStrLn ""
+ putStrLn $ "This repository's pairing code is: " ++
+ Wormhole.fromCode ourcode
+ putStrLn ""
+ theircode <- getcode ourcode
+ Wormhole.sendCode producer theircode
+ getcode ourcode = do
+ putStr "Enter the other repository's pairing code: "
+ hFlush stdout
+ l <- getLine
+ case Wormhole.toCode l of
+ Just code
+ | code /= ourcode -> do
+ putStrLn "Exchanging pairing data..."
+ return code
+ | otherwise -> do
+ putStrLn "Oops -- You entered this repository's pairing code. We need the pairing code of the *other* repository."
+ getcode ourcode
+ Nothing -> do
+ putStrLn "That does not look like a valid code. Try again..."
+ getcode ourcode
+-- We generate half of the authtoken; the pair will provide
+-- the other half.
+newtype HalfAuthToken = HalfAuthToken T.Text
+ deriving (Show)
+data PairData = PairData HalfAuthToken [P2PAddress]
+ deriving (Show)
+serializePairData :: PairData -> String
+serializePairData (PairData (HalfAuthToken ha) addrs) = unlines $
+ T.unpack ha : map formatP2PAddress addrs
+deserializePairData :: String -> Maybe PairData
+deserializePairData s = case lines s of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ (ha:l) -> do
+ addrs <- mapM unformatP2PAddress l
+ return (PairData (HalfAuthToken (T.pack ha)) addrs)
+data PairingResult
+ = PairSuccess
+ | SendFailed
+ | ReceiveFailed
+ | LinkFailed String
+ :: RemoteName
+ -> [P2PAddress]
+ -> (Wormhole.CodeObserver -> Wormhole.CodeProducer -> IO ())
+ -> Annex PairingResult
+wormholePairing remotename ouraddrs ui = do
+ ourhalf <- liftIO $ HalfAuthToken . fromAuthToken
+ <$> genAuthToken 64
+ let ourpairdata = PairData ourhalf ouraddrs
+ -- The magic wormhole interface only supports exchanging
+ -- files. Permissions of received files may allow others
+ -- to read them. So, set up a temp directory that only
+ -- we can read.
+ withTmpDir "pair" $ \tmp -> do
+ liftIO $ void $ tryIO $ modifyFileMode tmp $
+ removeModes otherGroupModes
+ let sendf = tmp </> "send"
+ let recvf = tmp </> "recv"
+ liftIO $ writeFileProtected sendf $
+ serializePairData ourpairdata
+ observer <- liftIO Wormhole.mkCodeObserver
+ producer <- liftIO Wormhole.mkCodeProducer
+ void $ liftIO $ async $ ui observer producer
+ (sendres, recvres) <- liftIO $
+ Wormhole.sendFile sendf observer []
+ `concurrently`
+ Wormhole.receiveFile recvf producer []
+ liftIO $ nukeFile sendf
+ if sendres /= True
+ then return SendFailed
+ else if recvres /= True
+ then return ReceiveFailed
+ else do
+ r <- liftIO $ tryIO $
+ readFileStrict recvf
+ case r of
+ Left _e -> return ReceiveFailed
+ Right s -> maybe
+ (return ReceiveFailed)
+ (finishPairing 100 remotename ourhalf)
+ (deserializePairData s)
+-- | Allow the peer we're pairing with to authenticate to us,
+-- using an authtoken constructed from the two HalfAuthTokens.
+-- Connect to the peer we're pairing with, and try to link to them.
+-- Multiple addresses may have been received for the peer. This only
+-- makes a link to one address.
+-- Since we're racing the peer as they do the same, the first try is likely
+-- to fail to authenticate. Can retry any number of times, to avoid the
+-- users needing to redo the whole process.
+finishPairing :: Int -> RemoteName -> HalfAuthToken -> PairData -> Annex PairingResult
+finishPairing retries remotename (HalfAuthToken ourhalf) (PairData (HalfAuthToken theirhalf) theiraddrs) = do
+ case (toAuthToken (ourhalf <> theirhalf), toAuthToken (theirhalf <> ourhalf)) of
+ (Just ourauthtoken, Just theirauthtoken) -> do
+ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Successfully exchanged pairing data. Connecting to " ++ remotename ++ "..."
+ storeP2PAuthToken ourauthtoken
+ go retries theiraddrs theirauthtoken
+ _ -> return ReceiveFailed
+ where
+ go 0 [] _ = return $ LinkFailed $ "Unable to connect to " ++ remotename ++ "."
+ go n [] theirauthtoken = do
+ liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 2)
+ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Unable to connect to " ++ remotename ++ ". Retrying..."
+ go (n-1) theiraddrs theirauthtoken
+ go n (addr:rest) theirauthtoken = do
+ r <- setupLink remotename (P2PAddressAuth addr theirauthtoken)
+ case r of
+ LinkSuccess -> return PairSuccess
+ _ -> go n rest theirauthtoken
+data LinkResult
+ = LinkSuccess
+ | ConnectionError String
+ | AuthenticationError String
+setupLink :: RemoteName -> P2PAddressAuth -> Annex LinkResult
+setupLink remotename (P2PAddressAuth addr authtoken) = do
+ g <- Annex.gitRepo
+ cv <- liftIO $ tryNonAsync $ connectPeer g addr
+ case cv of
+ Left e -> return $ ConnectionError $ "Unable to connect with peer. Please check that the peer is connected to the network, and try again. (" ++ show e ++ ")"
+ Right conn -> do
+ u <- getUUID
+ go =<< liftIO (runNetProto conn $ P2P.auth u authtoken)
+ where
+ go (Right (Just theiruuid)) = do
+ ok <- inRepo $ Git.Command.runBool
+ [ Param "remote", Param "add"
+ , Param remotename
+ , Param (formatP2PAddress addr)
+ ]
+ when ok $ do
+ storeUUIDIn (remoteConfig remotename "uuid") theiruuid
+ storeP2PRemoteAuthToken addr authtoken
+ return LinkSuccess
+ go (Right Nothing) = return $ AuthenticationError "Unable to authenticate with peer. Please check the address and try again."
+ go (Left e) = return $ AuthenticationError $ "Unable to authenticate with peer: " ++ e