path: root/Build/OSXMkLibs.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/OSXMkLibs.hs')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/Build/OSXMkLibs.hs b/Build/OSXMkLibs.hs
index efe0cc1dd..a3448b563 100644
--- a/Build/OSXMkLibs.hs
+++ b/Build/OSXMkLibs.hs
@@ -23,42 +23,53 @@ import Utility.Monad
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Utility.Path
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+type LibMap = M.Map FilePath String
{- Recursively find and install libs, until nothing new to install is found. -}
-mklibs :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
-mklibs appbase libdirs = do
- new <- catMaybes <$> installLibs appbase
- if null new
- then return (libdirs++new)
- else mklibs appbase (libdirs++new)
+mklibs :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> LibMap -> IO ()
+mklibs appbase libdirs libmap = do
+ (new, libmap') <- installLibs appbase libmap
+ unless (null new) $
+ mklibs appbase (libdirs++new) libmap'
{- Returns directories into which new libs were installed. -}
-installLibs :: FilePath -> IO [Maybe FilePath]
-installLibs appbase = do
- needlibs <- otool appbase
- forM needlibs $ \lib -> do
- let dest = appbase </> takeFileName lib
+installLibs :: FilePath -> LibMap -> IO ([FilePath], LibMap)
+installLibs appbase libmap = do
+ (needlibs, libmap') <- otool appbase libmap
+ libs <- forM needlibs $ \lib -> do
+ let shortlib = fromMaybe (error "internal") (M.lookup lib libmap')
+ let fulllib = dropWhile (== '/') lib
+ let dest = appbase </> fulllib
+ let symdest = appbase </> shortlib
ifM (doesFileExist dest)
( return Nothing
, do
- createDirectoryIfMissing True appbase
- putStrLn $ "installing " ++ lib
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir dest)
+ putStrLn $ "installing " ++ lib ++ " as " ++ shortlib
_ <- boolSystem "cp" [File lib, File dest]
_ <- boolSystem "chmod" [Param "644", File dest]
+ _ <- boolSystem "ln" [Param "-s", File fulllib, File symdest]
return $ Just appbase
+ return (catMaybes libs, libmap')
{- Returns libraries to install. -}
-otool :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
-otool appbase = do
+otool :: FilePath -> LibMap -> IO ([FilePath], LibMap)
+otool appbase libmap = do
files <- filterM doesFileExist =<< dirContentsRecursive appbase
- l <- forM files $ \file -> do
- libs <- filter unprocessed . parseOtool
- <$> readProcess "otool" ["-L", file]
- forM_ libs $ \lib -> install_name_tool file lib
- return libs
- return $ nub $ concat l
+ process [] files libmap
unprocessed s = not ("@executable_path" `isInfixOf` s)
+ process c [] m = return (nub $ concat c, m)
+ process c (file:rest) m = do
+ _ <- boolSystem "chmod" [Param "755", File file]
+ libs <- filter unprocessed . parseOtool
+ <$> readProcess "otool" ["-L", file]
+ m' <- install_name_tool file libs m
+ process (libs:c) rest m'
parseOtool :: String -> [FilePath]
parseOtool = catMaybes . map parse . lines
@@ -67,27 +78,47 @@ parseOtool = catMaybes . map parse . lines
| "\t" `isPrefixOf` l = headMaybe $ words l
| otherwise = Nothing
-{- Adjusts binaries to use libraries in paths relative to the executable.
- -
- - Assumes all executables are installed into the same directory, and
- - the libraries will be installed in subdirectories that match their
- - absolute paths. -}
-install_name_tool :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
-install_name_tool binary lib = do
- ok <- boolSystem "install_name_tool"
+{- Adjusts binaries to use libraries bundled with it, rather than the
+ - system libraries. -}
+install_name_tool :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> LibMap -> IO LibMap
+install_name_tool _ [] libmap = return libmap
+install_name_tool binary libs libmap = do
+ let (libnames, libmap') = getLibNames libs libmap
+ let params = concatMap change $ zip libs libnames
+ ok <- boolSystem "install_name_tool" $ params ++ [File binary]
+ unless ok $
+ error $ "install_name_tool failed for " ++ binary
+ return libmap'
+ where
+ change (lib, libname) =
[ Param "-change"
, File lib
- , Param $ "@executable_path" ++ (dropFileName lib)
- , File binary
+ , Param $ "@executable_path/" ++ libname
- unless ok $
- hPutStrLn stderr $ "install_name_tool failed for " ++ binary
+getLibNames :: [FilePath] -> LibMap -> ([FilePath], LibMap)
+getLibNames libs libmap = go [] libs libmap
+ where
+ go c [] m = (reverse c, m)
+ go c (l:rest) m =
+ let (f, m') = getLibName l m
+ in go (f:c) rest m'
+{- Uses really short names for the library files it installs, because
+ - binaries have arbitrarily short RPATH field limits. -}
+getLibName :: FilePath -> LibMap -> (FilePath, LibMap)
+getLibName lib libmap = case M.lookup lib libmap of
+ Just n -> (n, libmap)
+ Nothing -> (nextfreename, M.insert lib nextfreename libmap)
+ where
+ names = map (\c -> [c]) ['A' .. 'Z'] ++
+ [[n, l] | n <- ['0' .. '9'], l <- ['A' .. 'Z']]
+ used = S.fromList $ M.elems libmap
+ nextfreename = fromMaybe (error "ran out of short library names!") $
+ headMaybe $ dropWhile (`S.member` used) names
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= go
go [] = error "specify OSXAPP_BASE"
- go (appbase:_) = do
- libdirs <- mklibs appbase []
- writeFile (appbase </> "libdirs") $
- unlines $ nub libdirs
+ go (appbase:_) = mklibs appbase [] M.empty