path: root/Assistant/XMPP.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Assistant/XMPP.hs')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/XMPP.hs b/Assistant/XMPP.hs
index 04eea50f6..3aef76b1a 100644
--- a/Assistant/XMPP.hs
+++ b/Assistant/XMPP.hs
@@ -86,24 +86,28 @@ isPresenceQuery p = case filter isGitAnnexTag (presencePayloads p) of
((Element _name attrs _nodes):_) -> any (isAttr queryAttr) attrs
{- A notification about a stage of pairing. Sent as an XMPP ping.
- - The pairing info is sent using its id attribute. -}
+ - The pairing info is sent using its id attribute; it also has a git-annex
+ - tag to identify it as from us. -}
pairingNotification :: PairStage -> UUID -> JID -> JID -> IQ
pairingNotification pairstage u tojid fromjid = (emptyIQ IQGet)
{ iqTo = Just tojid
, iqFrom = Just fromjid
, iqID = Just $ T.unwords $ map T.pack
- [ "git-annex"
- , show pairstage
+ [ show pairstage
, fromUUID u
+ , iqPayload = Just gitAnnexSignature
decodePairingNotification :: IQ -> Maybe NetMessage
-decodePairingNotification iq = parseid =<< words . T.unpack <$> iqID iq
+decodePairingNotification iq@(IQ { iqPayload = Just elt })
+ | isGitAnnexTag elt = parseid =<< words . T.unpack <$> iqID iq
+ | otherwise = Nothing
- parseid ["git-annex", stage, u] =
+ parseid [stage, u] =
<$> readish stage
<*> (formatJID <$> iqFrom iq)
<*> pure (toUUID u)
parseid _ = Nothing
+decodePairingNotification _ = Nothing