path: root/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators
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Diffstat (limited to 'Assistant/WebApp/Configurators')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 862 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Local.hs b/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Local.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a86d13026..000000000
--- a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Local.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-{- git-annex assistant webapp configurators for making local repositories
- -
- - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
- -
- - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
- -}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, QuasiQuotes, MultiParamTypeClasses, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes #-}
-module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Local where
-import Assistant.Common
-import Assistant.WebApp
-import Assistant.WebApp.Types
-import Assistant.WebApp.SideBar
-import Assistant.Sync
-import Assistant.MakeRemote
-import Utility.Yesod
-import Init
-import qualified Git
-import qualified Git.Construct
-import qualified Git.Config
-import qualified Annex
-import Locations.UserConfig
-import Utility.FreeDesktop
-import Utility.Mounts
-import Utility.DiskFree
-import Utility.DataUnits
-import Utility.Network
-import Remote (prettyListUUIDs)
-import Yesod
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Data.Char
-import System.Posix.Directory
-import qualified Control.Exception as E
-data RepositoryPath = RepositoryPath Text
- deriving Show
-{- Custom field display for a RepositoryPath, with an icon etc.
- -
- - Validates that the path entered is not empty, and is a safe value
- - to use as a repository. -}
-repositoryPathField :: forall sub. Bool -> Field sub WebApp Text
-repositoryPathField autofocus = Field { fieldParse = parse, fieldView = view }
- where
- view idAttr nameAttr attrs val isReq =
- [whamlet|<input type="text" *{attrs} id="#{idAttr}" name="#{nameAttr}" :isReq:required :autofocus:autofocus value="#{either id id val}">|]
- parse [path]
- | T.null path = nopath
- | otherwise = liftIO $ checkRepositoryPath path
- parse [] = return $ Right Nothing
- parse _ = nopath
- nopath = return $ Left "Enter a location for the repository"
-{- As well as checking the path for a lot of silly things, tilde is
- - expanded in the returned path. -}
-checkRepositoryPath :: Text -> IO (Either (SomeMessage WebApp) (Maybe Text))
-checkRepositoryPath p = do
- home <- myHomeDir
- let basepath = expandTilde home $ T.unpack p
- path <- absPath basepath
- let parent = parentDir path
- problems <- catMaybes <$> mapM runcheck
- [ (return $ path == "/", "Enter the full path to use for the repository.")
- , (return $ all isSpace basepath, "A blank path? Seems unlikely.")
- , (doesFileExist path, "A file already exists with that name.")
- , (return $ path == home, "Sorry, using git-annex for your whole home directory is not currently supported.")
- , (not <$> doesDirectoryExist parent, "Parent directory does not exist.")
- , (not <$> canWrite path, "Cannot write a repository there.")
- , (not <$> canMakeSymlink path, "That directory is on a filesystem that does not support symlinks. Try a different location.")
- ]
- return $
- case headMaybe problems of
- Nothing -> Right $ Just $ T.pack basepath
- Just prob -> Left prob
- where
- runcheck (chk, msg) = ifM (chk)
- ( return $ Just msg
- , return Nothing
- )
- expandTilde home ('~':'/':path) = home </> path
- expandTilde _ path = path
-{- On first run, if run in the home directory, default to putting it in
- - ~/Desktop/annex, when a Desktop directory exists, and ~/annex otherwise.
- -
- - If run in another directory, the user probably wants to put it there. -}
-defaultRepositoryPath :: Bool -> IO FilePath
-defaultRepositoryPath firstrun = do
- cwd <- liftIO $ getCurrentDirectory
- home <- myHomeDir
- if home == cwd && firstrun
- then do
- desktop <- userDesktopDir
- ifM (doesDirectoryExist desktop)
- ( relHome $ desktop </> gitAnnexAssistantDefaultDir
- , return $ "~" </> gitAnnexAssistantDefaultDir
- )
- else return cwd
-newRepositoryForm :: FilePath -> Form RepositoryPath
-newRepositoryForm defpath msg = do
- (pathRes, pathView) <- mreq (repositoryPathField True) ""
- (Just $ T.pack $ addTrailingPathSeparator defpath)
- let (err, errmsg) = case pathRes of
- FormMissing -> (False, "")
- FormFailure l -> (True, concat $ map T.unpack l)
- FormSuccess _ -> (False, "")
- let form = do
- webAppFormAuthToken
- $(widgetFile "configurators/newrepository/form")
- return (RepositoryPath <$> pathRes, form)
-{- Making the first repository, when starting the webapp for the first time. -}
-getFirstRepositoryR :: Handler RepHtml
-getFirstRepositoryR = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
- sideBarDisplay
- setTitle "Getting started"
- path <- liftIO . defaultRepositoryPath =<< lift inFirstRun
- ((res, form), enctype) <- lift $ runFormGet $ newRepositoryForm path
- case res of
- FormSuccess (RepositoryPath p) -> lift $
- startFullAssistant $ T.unpack p
- _ -> $(widgetFile "configurators/newrepository/first")
-{- Adding a new, separate repository. -}
-getNewRepositoryR :: Handler RepHtml
-getNewRepositoryR = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
- sideBarDisplay
- setTitle "Add another repository"
- home <- liftIO myHomeDir
- ((res, form), enctype) <- lift $ runFormGet $ newRepositoryForm home
- case res of
- FormSuccess (RepositoryPath p) -> lift $ do
- let path = T.unpack p
- liftIO $ do
- makeRepo path False
- initRepo path Nothing
- addAutoStart path
- redirect $ SwitchToRepositoryR path
- _ -> $(widgetFile "configurators/newrepository")
-data RemovableDrive = RemovableDrive
- { diskFree :: Maybe Integer
- , mountPoint :: Text
- }
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-selectDriveForm :: [RemovableDrive] -> Maybe RemovableDrive -> Form RemovableDrive
-selectDriveForm drives def = renderBootstrap $ RemovableDrive
- <$> pure Nothing
- <*> areq (selectFieldList pairs) "Select drive:" (mountPoint <$> def)
- where
- pairs = zip (map describe drives) (map mountPoint drives)
- describe drive = case diskFree drive of
- Nothing -> mountPoint drive
- Just free ->
- let sz = roughSize storageUnits True free
- in T.unwords
- [ mountPoint drive
- , T.concat ["(", T.pack sz]
- , "free)"
- ]
-{- Adding a removable drive. -}
-getAddDriveR :: Handler RepHtml
-getAddDriveR = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
- sideBarDisplay
- setTitle "Add a removable drive"
- removabledrives <- liftIO $ driveList
- writabledrives <- liftIO $
- filterM (canWrite . T.unpack . mountPoint) removabledrives
- ((res, form), enctype) <- lift $ runFormGet $
- selectDriveForm (sort writabledrives) Nothing
- case res of
- FormSuccess (RemovableDrive { mountPoint = d }) -> lift $ do
- go $ T.unpack d
- redirect RepositoriesR
- _ -> do
- let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
- $(widgetFile "configurators/adddrive")
- where
- go mountpoint = do
- liftIO $ makerepo dir
- liftIO $ initRepo dir $ Just remotename
- r <- addremote dir remotename
- syncRemote r
- where
- dir = mountpoint </> gitAnnexAssistantDefaultDir
- remotename = takeFileName mountpoint
- {- The repo may already exist, when adding removable media
- - that has already been used elsewhere. -}
- makerepo dir = liftIO $ do
- r <- E.try (inDir dir $ return True) :: IO (Either E.SomeException Bool)
- case r of
- Right _ -> noop
- Left _e -> do
- createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
- bare <- not <$> canMakeSymlink dir
- makeRepo dir bare
- {- Each repository is made a remote of the other. -}
- addremote dir name = runAnnex undefined $ do
- hostname <- maybe "host" id <$> liftIO getHostname
- hostlocation <- fromRepo Git.repoLocation
- liftIO $ inDir dir $
- void $ makeGitRemote hostname hostlocation
- addRemote $ makeGitRemote name dir
-getEnableDirectoryR :: UUID -> Handler RepHtml
-getEnableDirectoryR uuid = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
- sideBarDisplay
- setTitle "Enable a repository"
- description <- lift $ runAnnex "" $
- T.pack . concat <$> prettyListUUIDs [uuid]
- $(widgetFile "configurators/enabledirectory")
-{- Start syncing a newly added remote, using a background thread. -}
-syncRemote :: Remote -> Handler ()
-syncRemote remote = do
- webapp <- getYesod
- liftIO $ syncNewRemote
- (fromJust $ threadState webapp)
- (daemonStatus webapp)
- (scanRemotes webapp)
- remote
-{- List of removable drives. -}
-driveList :: IO [RemovableDrive]
-driveList = mapM (gen . mnt_dir) =<< filter sane <$> getMounts
- where
- gen dir = RemovableDrive
- <$> getDiskFree dir
- <*> pure (T.pack dir)
- -- filter out some things that are surely not removable drives
- sane Mntent { mnt_dir = dir, mnt_fsname = dev }
- {- We want real disks like /dev/foo, not
- - dummy mount points like proc or tmpfs or
- - gvfs-fuse-daemon. -}
- | not ('/' `elem` dev) = False
- {- Just in case: These mount points are surely not
- - removable disks. -}
- | dir == "/" = False
- | dir == "/tmp" = False
- | dir == "/run/shm" = False
- | dir == "/run/lock" = False
- | otherwise = True
-{- Bootstraps from first run mode to a fully running assistant in a
- - repository, by running the postFirstRun callback, which returns the
- - url to the new webapp. -}
-startFullAssistant :: FilePath -> Handler ()
-startFullAssistant path = do
- webapp <- getYesod
- url <- liftIO $ do
- makeRepo path False
- initRepo path Nothing
- addAutoStart path
- changeWorkingDirectory path
- fromJust $ postFirstRun webapp
- redirect $ T.pack url
-{- Makes a new git-annex repository. -}
-makeRepo :: FilePath -> Bool -> IO ()
-makeRepo path bare = do
- unlessM (boolSystem "git" params) $
- error "git init failed!"
- where
- baseparams = [Param "init", Param "--quiet"]
- params
- | bare = baseparams ++ [Param "--bare", File path]
- | otherwise = baseparams ++ [File path]
-{- Runs an action in the git-annex repository in the specified directory. -}
-inDir :: FilePath -> Annex a -> IO a
-inDir dir a = do
- state <- =<< =<< Git.Construct.fromPath dir
- Annex.eval state a
-{- Initializes a git-annex repository in a directory with a description. -}
-initRepo :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> IO ()
-initRepo dir desc = inDir dir $
- unlessM isInitialized $
- initialize desc
-{- Adds a directory to the autostart file. -}
-addAutoStart :: FilePath -> IO ()
-addAutoStart path = do
- autostart <- autoStartFile
- createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir autostart)
- appendFile autostart $ path ++ "\n"
-{- Checks if the user can write to a directory.
- -
- - The directory may be in the process of being created; if so
- - the parent directory is checked instead. -}
-canWrite :: FilePath -> IO Bool
-canWrite dir = do
- tocheck <- ifM (doesDirectoryExist dir)
- (return dir, return $ parentDir dir)
- catchBoolIO $ fileAccess tocheck False True False
-{- Checks if a directory is on a filesystem that supports symlinks. -}
-canMakeSymlink :: FilePath -> IO Bool
-canMakeSymlink dir = ifM (doesDirectoryExist dir)
- ( catchBoolIO $ test dir
- , canMakeSymlink (parentDir dir)
- )
- where
- test d = do
- let link = d </> ""
- createSymbolicLink link link
- removeLink link
- return True
diff --git a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Pairing.hs b/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Pairing.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 87353be3c..000000000
--- a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Pairing.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-{- git-annex assistant webapp configurator for pairing
- -
- - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
- -
- - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
- -}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, QuasiQuotes, MultiParamTypeClasses, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes #-}
-module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Pairing where
-import Assistant.Pairing
-import Assistant.WebApp
-import Assistant.WebApp.Types
-import Assistant.WebApp.SideBar
-import Utility.Yesod
-import Assistant.Common
-import Assistant.Pairing.Network
-import Assistant.Pairing.MakeRemote
-import Assistant.Ssh
-import Assistant.Alert
-import Assistant.DaemonStatus
-import Utility.Verifiable
-import Utility.Network
-import Annex.UUID
-import Yesod
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
-import Data.Char
-import System.Posix.User
-import qualified Control.Exception as E
-import Control.Concurrent
-{- Starts sending out pair requests. -}
-getStartPairR :: Handler RepHtml
-getStartPairR = promptSecret Nothing $ startPairing PairReq noop pairingAlert Nothing
-getStartPairR = noPairing
-{- Runs on the system that responds to a pair request; sets up the ssh
- - authorized key first so that the originating host can immediately sync
- - with us. -}
-getFinishPairR :: PairMsg -> Handler RepHtml
-getFinishPairR msg = promptSecret (Just msg) $ \_ secret -> do
- liftIO $ setup
- startPairing PairAck cleanup alert uuid "" secret
- where
- alert = pairRequestAcknowledgedAlert (pairRepo msg) . Just
- setup = setupAuthorizedKeys msg
- cleanup = removeAuthorizedKeys False $
- remoteSshPubKey $ pairMsgData msg
- uuid = Just $ pairUUID $ pairMsgData msg
-getFinishPairR _ = noPairing
-getInprogressPairR :: SecretReminder -> Handler RepHtml
-getInprogressPairR s = pairPage $ do
- let secret = fromSecretReminder s
- $(widgetFile "configurators/pairing/inprogress")
-getInprogressPairR _ = noPairing
-{- Starts pairing, at either the PairReq (initiating host) or
- - PairAck (responding host) stage.
- -
- - Displays an alert, and starts a thread sending the pairing message,
- - which will continue running until the other host responds, or until
- - canceled by the user. If canceled by the user, runs the oncancel action.
- -
- - Redirects to the pairing in progress page.
- -}
-startPairing :: PairStage -> IO () -> (AlertButton -> Alert) -> Maybe UUID -> Text -> Secret -> Widget
-startPairing stage oncancel alert muuid displaysecret secret = do
- dstatus <- daemonStatus <$> lift getYesod
- urlrender <- lift getUrlRender
- reldir <- fromJust . relDir <$> lift getYesod
- {- Generating a ssh key pair can take a while, so do it in the
- - background. -}
- void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ do
- keypair <- genSshKeyPair
- pairdata <- PairData
- <$> getHostname
- <*> getUserName
- <*> pure reldir
- <*> pure (sshPubKey keypair)
- <*> (maybe genUUID return muuid)
- let sender = multicastPairMsg Nothing secret pairdata
- let pip = PairingInProgress secret Nothing keypair pairdata stage
- startSending dstatus pip stage $ sendrequests sender dstatus urlrender
- lift $ redirect $ InprogressPairR $ toSecretReminder displaysecret
- where
- {- Sends pairing messages until the thread is killed,
- - and shows an activity alert while doing it.
- -
- - The cancel button returns the user to the HomeR. This is
- - not ideal, but they have to be sent somewhere, and could
- - have been on a page specific to the in-process pairing
- - that just stopped, so can't go back there.
- -}
- sendrequests sender dstatus urlrender _stage = do
- tid <- myThreadId
- let selfdestruct = AlertButton
- { buttonLabel = "Cancel"
- , buttonUrl = urlrender HomeR
- , buttonAction = Just $ const $ do
- oncancel
- killThread tid
- }
- alertDuring dstatus (alert selfdestruct) $ do
- _ <- E.try (sender stage) :: IO (Either E.SomeException ())
- return ()
-data InputSecret = InputSecret { secretText :: Maybe Text }
-{- If a PairMsg is passed in, ensures that the user enters a secret
- - that can validate it. -}
-promptSecret :: Maybe PairMsg -> (Text -> Secret -> Widget) -> Handler RepHtml
-promptSecret msg cont = pairPage $ do
- ((result, form), enctype) <- lift $
- runFormGet $ renderBootstrap $
- InputSecret <$> aopt textField "Secret phrase" Nothing
- case result of
- FormSuccess v -> do
- let rawsecret = fromMaybe "" $ secretText v
- let secret = toSecret rawsecret
- case msg of
- Nothing -> case secretProblem secret of
- Nothing -> cont rawsecret secret
- Just problem ->
- showform form enctype $ Just problem
- Just m ->
- if verify (fromPairMsg m) secret
- then cont rawsecret secret
- else showform form enctype $ Just
- "That's not the right secret phrase."
- _ -> showform form enctype Nothing
- where
- showform form enctype mproblem = do
- let start = isNothing msg
- let badphrase = isJust mproblem
- let problem = fromMaybe "" mproblem
- let (username, hostname) = maybe ("", "")
- (\(_, v, a) -> (T.pack $ remoteUserName v, T.pack $ fromMaybe (showAddr a) (remoteHostName v)))
- (verifiableVal . fromPairMsg <$> msg)
- u <- T.pack <$> liftIO getUserName
- let sameusername = username == u
- let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
- $(widgetFile "configurators/pairing/prompt")
-{- This counts unicode characters as more than one character,
- - but that's ok; they *do* provide additional entropy. -}
-secretProblem :: Secret -> Maybe Text
-secretProblem s
- | B.null s = Just "The secret phrase cannot be left empty. (Remember that punctuation and white space is ignored.)"
- | B.length s < 7 = Just "Enter a longer secret phrase, at least 6 characters, but really, a phrase is best! This is not a password you'll need to enter every day."
- | s == toSecret sampleQuote = Just "Speaking of foolishness, don't paste in the example I gave. Enter a different phrase, please!"
- | otherwise = Nothing
-toSecret :: Text -> Secret
-toSecret s = B.fromChunks [T.encodeUtf8 $ T.toLower $ T.filter isAlphaNum s]
-getUserName :: IO String
-getUserName = userName <$> (getUserEntryForID =<< getEffectiveUserID)
-pairPage :: Widget -> Handler RepHtml
-pairPage w = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
- sideBarDisplay
- setTitle "Pairing"
- w
-{- From Dickens -}
-sampleQuote :: Text
-sampleQuote = T.unwords
- [ "It was the best of times,"
- , "it was the worst of times,"
- , "it was the age of wisdom,"
- , "it was the age of foolishness."
- ]
-noPairing :: Handler RepHtml
-noPairing = pairPage $
- $(widgetFile "configurators/pairing/disabled")
diff --git a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Ssh.hs b/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Ssh.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fba8ff52..000000000
--- a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Ssh.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-{- git-annex assistant webapp configurator for ssh-based remotes
- -
- - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
- -
- - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
- -}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, QuasiQuotes, MultiParamTypeClasses, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes #-}
-module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Ssh where
-import Assistant.Common
-import Assistant.Ssh
-import Assistant.MakeRemote
-import Assistant.WebApp
-import Assistant.WebApp.Types
-import Assistant.WebApp.SideBar
-import Utility.Yesod
-import Utility.Rsync (rsyncUrlIsShell)
-import Logs.Remote
-import Remote
-import Yesod
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import Network.BSD
-import System.Posix.User
-sshConfigurator :: Widget -> Handler RepHtml
-sshConfigurator a = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
- sideBarDisplay
- setTitle "Add a remote server"
- a
-data SshInput = SshInput
- { hostname :: Maybe Text
- , username :: Maybe Text
- , directory :: Maybe Text
- }
- deriving (Show)
-{- SshInput is only used for applicative form prompting, this converts
- - the result of such a form into a SshData. -}
-mkSshData :: SshInput -> SshData
-mkSshData s = SshData
- { sshHostName = fromMaybe "" $ hostname s
- , sshUserName = username s
- , sshDirectory = fromMaybe "" $ directory s
- , sshRepoName = genSshRepoName
- (T.unpack $ fromJust $ hostname s)
- (maybe "" T.unpack $ directory s)
- , needsPubKey = False
- , rsyncOnly = False
- }
-sshInputAForm :: SshInput -> AForm WebApp WebApp SshInput
-sshInputAForm def = SshInput
- <$> aopt check_hostname "Host name" (Just $ hostname def)
- <*> aopt check_username "User name" (Just $ username def)
- <*> aopt textField "Directory" (Just $ Just $ fromMaybe (T.pack gitAnnexAssistantDefaultDir) $ directory def)
- where
- check_hostname = checkM (liftIO . checkdns) textField
- checkdns t = do
- let h = T.unpack t
- r <- catchMaybeIO $ getHostByName h
- return $ case r of
- -- canonicalize input hostname if it had no dot
- Just hostentry
- | '.' `elem` h -> Right t
- | otherwise -> Right $ T.pack $ hostName hostentry
- Nothing -> Left bad_hostname
- check_username = checkBool (all (`notElem` "/:@ \t") . T.unpack)
- bad_username textField
- bad_hostname = "cannot resolve host name" :: Text
- bad_username = "bad user name" :: Text
-data ServerStatus
- = UntestedServer
- | UnusableServer Text -- reason why it's not usable
- | UsableRsyncServer
- | UsableSshInput
- deriving (Eq)
-usable :: ServerStatus -> Bool
-usable UntestedServer = False
-usable (UnusableServer _) = False
-usable UsableRsyncServer = True
-usable UsableSshInput = True
-getAddSshR :: Handler RepHtml
-getAddSshR = sshConfigurator $ do
- u <- liftIO $ T.pack . userName
- <$> (getUserEntryForID =<< getEffectiveUserID)
- ((result, form), enctype) <- lift $
- runFormGet $ renderBootstrap $ sshInputAForm $
- SshInput Nothing (Just u) Nothing
- case result of
- FormSuccess sshinput -> do
- s <- liftIO $ testServer sshinput
- case s of
- Left status -> showform form enctype status
- Right sshdata -> lift $ redirect $ ConfirmSshR sshdata
- _ -> showform form enctype UntestedServer
- where
- showform form enctype status = do
- let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
- $(widgetFile "configurators/ssh/add")
-{- To enable an existing rsync special remote, parse the SshInput from
- - its rsyncurl, and display a form whose only real purpose is to check
- - if ssh public keys need to be set up. From there, we can proceed with
- - the usual repo setup; all that code is idempotent.
- -
- - Note that there's no EnableSshR because ssh remotes are not special
- - remotes, and so their configuration is not shared between repositories.
- -}
-getEnableRsyncR :: UUID -> Handler RepHtml
-getEnableRsyncR u = do
- m <- runAnnex M.empty readRemoteLog
- case parseSshRsyncUrl =<< M.lookup "rsyncurl" =<< M.lookup u m of
- Nothing -> redirect AddSshR
- Just sshinput -> sshConfigurator $ do
- ((result, form), enctype) <- lift $
- runFormGet $ renderBootstrap $ sshInputAForm sshinput
- case result of
- FormSuccess sshinput'
- | isRsyncNet (hostname sshinput') ->
- void $ lift $ makeRsyncNet sshinput'
- | otherwise -> do
- s <- liftIO $ testServer sshinput'
- case s of
- Left status -> showform form enctype status
- Right sshdata -> enable sshdata
- _ -> showform form enctype UntestedServer
- where
- showform form enctype status = do
- description <- lift $ runAnnex "" $
- T.pack . concat <$> prettyListUUIDs [u]
- let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
- $(widgetFile "configurators/ssh/enable")
- enable sshdata =
- lift $ redirect $ ConfirmSshR $
- sshdata { rsyncOnly = True }
-{- Converts a rsyncurl value to a SshInput. But only if it's a ssh rsync
- - url; rsync:// urls or bare path names are not supported.
- -
- - The hostname is stored mangled in the remote log for rsync special
- - remotes configured by this webapp. So that mangling has to reversed
- - here to get back the original hostname.
- -}
-parseSshRsyncUrl :: String -> Maybe SshInput
-parseSshRsyncUrl u
- | not (rsyncUrlIsShell u) = Nothing
- | otherwise = Just $ SshInput
- { hostname = val $ unMangleSshHostName host
- , username = if null user then Nothing else val user
- , directory = val dir
- }
- where
- val = Just . T.pack
- (userhost, dir) = separate (== ':') u
- (user, host) = if '@' `elem` userhost
- then separate (== '@') userhost
- else (userhost, "")
-{- Test if we can ssh into the server.
- -
- - Two probe attempts are made. First, try sshing in using the existing
- - configuration, but don't let ssh prompt for any password. If
- - passwordless login is already enabled, use it. Otherwise,
- - a special ssh key will need to be generated just for this server.
- -
- - Once logged into the server, probe to see if git-annex-shell is
- - available, or rsync.
- -}
-testServer :: SshInput -> IO (Either ServerStatus SshData)
-testServer (SshInput { hostname = Nothing }) = return $
- Left $ UnusableServer "Please enter a host name."
-testServer sshinput@(SshInput { hostname = Just hn }) = do
- status <- probe [sshOpt "NumberOfPasswordPrompts" "0"]
- if usable status
- then ret status False
- else do
- status' <- probe []
- if usable status'
- then ret status' True
- else return $ Left status'
- where
- ret status needspubkey = return $ Right $
- (mkSshData sshinput)
- { needsPubKey = needspubkey
- , rsyncOnly = status == UsableRsyncServer
- }
- probe extraopts = do
- let remotecommand = join ";"
- [ report "loggedin"
- , checkcommand "git-annex-shell"
- , checkcommand "rsync"
- ]
- knownhost <- knownHost hn
- let sshopts = filter (not . null) $ extraopts ++
- {- If this is an already known host, let
- - ssh check it as usual.
- - Otherwise, trust the host key. -}
- [ if knownhost then "" else sshOpt "StrictHostKeyChecking" "no"
- , "-n" -- don't read from stdin
- , genSshHost (fromJust $ hostname sshinput) (username sshinput)
- , remotecommand
- ]
- parsetranscript . fst <$> sshTranscript sshopts ""
- parsetranscript s
- | reported "git-annex-shell" = UsableSshInput
- | reported "rsync" = UsableRsyncServer
- | reported "loggedin" = UnusableServer
- "Neither rsync nor git-annex are installed on the server. Perhaps you should go install them?"
- | otherwise = UnusableServer $ T.pack $
- "Failed to ssh to the server. Transcript: " ++ s
- where
- reported r = token r `isInfixOf` s
- checkcommand c = "if which " ++ c ++ "; then " ++ report c ++ "; fi"
- token r = "git-annex-probe " ++ r
- report r = "echo " ++ token r
-{- Runs a ssh command; if it fails shows the user the transcript,
- - and if it succeeds, runs an action. -}
-sshSetup :: [String] -> String -> Handler RepHtml -> Handler RepHtml
-sshSetup opts input a = do
- (transcript, ok) <- liftIO $ sshTranscript opts input
- if ok
- then a
- else showSshErr transcript
-showSshErr :: String -> Handler RepHtml
-showSshErr msg = sshConfigurator $
- $(widgetFile "configurators/ssh/error")
-getConfirmSshR :: SshData -> Handler RepHtml
-getConfirmSshR sshdata = sshConfigurator $ do
- let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
- $(widgetFile "configurators/ssh/confirm")
-getMakeSshGitR :: SshData -> Handler RepHtml
-getMakeSshGitR = makeSsh False
-getMakeSshRsyncR :: SshData -> Handler RepHtml
-getMakeSshRsyncR = makeSsh True
-makeSsh :: Bool -> SshData -> Handler RepHtml
-makeSsh rsync sshdata
- | needsPubKey sshdata = do
- keypair <- liftIO genSshKeyPair
- sshdata' <- liftIO $ setupSshKeyPair keypair sshdata
- makeSsh' rsync sshdata' (Just keypair)
- | otherwise = makeSsh' rsync sshdata Nothing
-makeSsh' :: Bool -> SshData -> Maybe SshKeyPair -> Handler RepHtml
-makeSsh' rsync sshdata keypair =
- sshSetup [sshhost, remoteCommand] "" $
- makeSshRepo rsync sshdata
- where
- sshhost = genSshHost (sshHostName sshdata) (sshUserName sshdata)
- remotedir = T.unpack $ sshDirectory sshdata
- remoteCommand = join "&&" $ catMaybes
- [ Just $ "mkdir -p " ++ shellEscape remotedir
- , Just $ "cd " ++ shellEscape remotedir
- , if rsync then Nothing else Just "git init --bare --shared"
- , if rsync then Nothing else Just "git annex init"
- , if needsPubKey sshdata
- then addAuthorizedKeysCommand (rsyncOnly sshdata) . sshPubKey <$> keypair
- else Nothing
- ]
-makeSshRepo :: Bool -> SshData -> Handler RepHtml
-makeSshRepo forcersync sshdata = do
- webapp <- getYesod
- liftIO $ makeSshRemote
- (fromJust $ threadState webapp)
- (daemonStatus webapp)
- (scanRemotes webapp)
- forcersync sshdata
- redirect RepositoriesR
-getAddRsyncNetR :: Handler RepHtml
-getAddRsyncNetR = do
- ((result, form), enctype) <- runFormGet $
- renderBootstrap $ sshInputAForm $
- SshInput Nothing Nothing Nothing
- let showform status = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
- sideBarDisplay
- setTitle "Add a repository"
- let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
- $(widgetFile "configurators/")
- case result of
- FormSuccess sshinput
- | isRsyncNet (hostname sshinput) ->
- makeRsyncNet sshinput
- | otherwise ->
- showform $ UnusableServer
- "That is not a host name."
- _ -> showform UntestedServer
-makeRsyncNet :: SshInput -> Handler RepHtml
-makeRsyncNet sshinput = do
- knownhost <- liftIO $ maybe (return False) knownHost (hostname sshinput)
- keypair <- liftIO $ genSshKeyPair
- sshdata <- liftIO $ setupSshKeyPair keypair $
- (mkSshData sshinput)
- { sshRepoName = ""
- , needsPubKey = True
- , rsyncOnly = True
- }
- {- I'd prefer to separate commands with && , but
- -'s shell does not support that.
- -
- - The dd method of appending to the authorized_keys file is the
- - one recommended by documentation. I touch the file first
- - to not need to use a different method to create it.
- -}
- let remotecommand = join ";"
- [ "mkdir -p .ssh"
- , "touch .ssh/authorized_keys"
- , "dd of=.ssh/authorized_keys oflag=append conv=notrunc"
- , "mkdir -p " ++ T.unpack (sshDirectory sshdata)
- ]
- let sshopts = filter (not . null)
- [ if knownhost then "" else sshOpt "StrictHostKeyChecking" "no"
- , genSshHost (sshHostName sshdata) (sshUserName sshdata)
- , remotecommand
- ]
- sshSetup sshopts (sshPubKey keypair) $
- makeSshRepo True sshdata
-isRsyncNet :: Maybe Text -> Bool
-isRsyncNet Nothing = False
-isRsyncNet (Just host) = "" `T.isSuffixOf` T.toLower host