path: root/Assistant/Threads
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Diffstat (limited to 'Assistant/Threads')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/WebApp.hs b/Assistant/Threads/WebApp.hs
index a9b87ea58..79a388463 100644
--- a/Assistant/Threads/WebApp.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/WebApp.hs
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import Text.Hamlet
import Network.Socket (PortNumber)
import Text.Blaze.Renderer.String
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Concurrent.STM
@@ -93,6 +94,8 @@ mkYesod "WebApp" [parseRoutes|
/noscriptauto NoScriptAutoR GET
/transfers/#NotificationId TransfersR GET
/sidebar/#NotificationId SideBarR GET
+/notifier/transfers NotifierTransfersR GET
+/notifier/sidebar NotifierSideBarR GET
/closealert/#AlertId CloseAlert GET
/config ConfigR GET
/addrepository AddRepositoryR GET
@@ -136,19 +139,40 @@ instance Yesod WebApp where
- The widget should have a html element with an id=ident, which will be
- replaced when it's updated.
- -
- - Updating is done by getting html from the gethtml route.
+ -
+ - The geturl route should return the notifier url to use for polling.
- ms_delay is how long to delay between AJAX updates
- ms_startdelay is how long to delay before updating with AJAX at the start
autoUpdate :: Text -> Route WebApp -> Int -> Int -> Widget
-autoUpdate ident gethtml ms_delay ms_startdelay = do
+autoUpdate ident geturl ms_delay ms_startdelay = do
let delay = show ms_delay
let startdelay = show ms_startdelay
addScript $ StaticR longpolling_js
$(widgetFile "longpolling")
+{- Notifier urls are requested by the javascript, to avoid allocation
+ - of NotificationIds when noscript pages are loaded. This constructs a
+ - notifier url for a given Route and NotificationBroadcaster.
+ -}
+notifierUrl :: (NotificationId -> Route WebApp) -> (DaemonStatus -> NotificationBroadcaster) -> Handler RepPlain
+notifierUrl route selector = do
+ (urlbits, _params) <- renderRoute . route <$> newNotifier selector
+ webapp <- getYesod
+ return $ RepPlain $ toContent $ T.concat
+ [ "/"
+ , T.intercalate "/" urlbits
+ , "?auth="
+ , secretToken webapp
+ ]
+getNotifierTransfersR :: Handler RepPlain
+getNotifierTransfersR = notifierUrl TransfersR transferNotifier
+getNotifierSideBarR :: Handler RepPlain
+getNotifierSideBarR = notifierUrl SideBarR alertNotifier
{- A display of currently running and queued transfers.
- Or, if there have never been any this run, an intro display. -}
@@ -159,7 +183,8 @@ transfersDisplay warnNoScript = do
M.toList . currentTransfers
<$> liftIO (getDaemonStatus $ daemonStatus webapp)
queued <- liftIO $ getTransferQueue $ transferQueue webapp
- let ident = transfersDisplayIdent
+ let ident = "transfers"
+ autoUpdate ident NotifierTransfersR (10 :: Int) (10 :: Int)
let transfers = current ++ queued
if null transfers
then ifM (lift $ showIntro <$> getWebAppState)
@@ -168,9 +193,7 @@ transfersDisplay warnNoScript = do
else $(widgetFile "transfers")
-transfersDisplayIdent :: Text
-transfersDisplayIdent = "transfers"
+{- An intro message, and list of repositories. -}
introDisplay :: Text -> Widget
introDisplay ident = do
webapp <- lift getYesod
@@ -206,8 +229,8 @@ getTransfersR nid = do
page <- widgetToPageContent $ transfersDisplay False
hamletToRepHtml $ [hamlet|^{pageBody page}|]
-sideBarDisplay :: Bool -> Widget
-sideBarDisplay noScript = do
+sideBarDisplay :: Widget
+sideBarDisplay = do
let content = do
{- Any yesod message appears as the first alert. -}
maybe noop rendermessage =<< lift getMessage
@@ -218,14 +241,9 @@ sideBarDisplay noScript = do
<$> liftIO (getDaemonStatus $ daemonStatus webapp)
mapM_ renderalert $
take displayAlerts $ reverse $ sortAlertPairs alertpairs
- ident <- lift newIdent
+ let ident = "sidebar"
$(widgetFile "sidebar")
- unless noScript $ do
- {- Set up automatic updates of the sidebar
- - when alerts come in. -}
- nid <- lift $ newNotifier alertNotifier
- autoUpdate ident (SideBarR nid) (10 :: Int) (10 :: Int)
+ autoUpdate ident NotifierSideBarR (10 :: Int) (10 :: Int)
bootstrapclass Activity = "alert-info"
bootstrapclass Warning = "alert"
@@ -264,7 +282,7 @@ getSideBarR :: NotificationId -> Handler RepHtml
getSideBarR nid = do
waitNotifier alertNotifier nid
- page <- widgetToPageContent $ sideBarDisplay True
+ page <- widgetToPageContent sideBarDisplay
hamletToRepHtml $ [hamlet|^{pageBody page}|]
{- Called by the client to close an alert. -}
@@ -273,43 +291,39 @@ getCloseAlert i = do
webapp <- getYesod
void $ liftIO $ removeAlert (daemonStatus webapp) i
-dashboard :: Bool -> Bool -> Widget
-dashboard noScript warnNoScript = do
- sideBarDisplay noScript
- transfersDisplay warnNoScript
+{- The main dashboard. -}
+dashboard :: Bool -> Widget
+dashboard warnNoScript = do
+ sideBarDisplay
+ let content = transfersDisplay warnNoScript
+ $(widgetFile "dashboard")
getHomeR :: Handler RepHtml
-getHomeR = defaultLayout $ do
- {- Set up automatic updates for the transfers display. -}
- nid <- lift $ newNotifier transferNotifier
- autoUpdate transfersDisplayIdent (TransfersR nid) (10 :: Int) (10 :: Int)
- dashboard False True
+getHomeR = defaultLayout $ dashboard True
-{- Same as HomeR, except with no javascript, so it doesn't allocate
- - new resources each time the page is refreshed, and with autorefreshing
- - via meta refresh. -}
+{- Same as HomeR, except with autorefreshing via meta refresh. -}
getNoScriptAutoR :: Handler RepHtml
getNoScriptAutoR = defaultLayout $ do
let ident = NoScriptR
let delayseconds = 3 :: Int
let this = NoScriptAutoR
toWidgetHead $(hamletFile $ hamletTemplate "metarefresh")
- dashboard True False
+ dashboard False
+{- Same as HomeR, except no autorefresh at all (and no noscript warning). -}
getNoScriptR :: Handler RepHtml
getNoScriptR = defaultLayout $
- dashboard True True
+ dashboard False
getConfigR :: Handler RepHtml
getConfigR = defaultLayout $ do
- sideBarDisplay False
+ sideBarDisplay
setTitle "Configuration"
[whamlet|<a href="@{HomeR}">main|]
getAddRepositoryR :: Handler RepHtml
getAddRepositoryR = defaultLayout $ do
- sideBarDisplay False
+ sideBarDisplay
setTitle "Add repository"
[whamlet|<a href="@{HomeR}">main|]