path: root/Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs b/Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs
index a664f3112..6606bdc35 100644
--- a/Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs
@@ -15,14 +15,17 @@ import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.Alert
import Logs.Transfer
import Logs.Location
+import Logs.Trust
import Logs.Web (webUUID)
import qualified Remote
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import qualified Git.LsFiles as LsFiles
+import qualified Command.Drop
import Command
import Annex.Content
import Annex.Wanted
+import Config
import qualified Data.Set as S
@@ -118,27 +121,67 @@ expensiveScan st dstatus transferqueue rs = unless onlyweb $ do
debug thisThread ["queuing", show t]
queueTransferWhenSmall transferqueue dstatus (Just f) t r
findtransfers f (key, _) = do
- locs <- S.fromList <$> loggedLocations key
- {- Queue transfers from any syncable remote. The
- - syncable remotes may have changed since this
+ locs <- loggedLocations key
+ {- The syncable remotes may have changed since this
- scan began. -}
- let use a = do
- syncrs <- liftIO $ syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus dstatus
- return $ catMaybes $ map (a key locs) syncrs
- ifM (inAnnex key)
- ( filterM (wantSend (Just f) . Remote.uuid . fst)
+ syncrs <- liftIO $ syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus dstatus
+ present <- inAnnex key
+ handleDrops locs syncrs present f key
+ let slocs = S.fromList locs
+ let use a = return $ catMaybes $ map (a key slocs) syncrs
+ if present
+ then filterM (wantSend (Just f) . Remote.uuid . fst)
=<< use (genTransfer Upload False)
- , ifM (wantGet $ Just f)
+ else ifM (wantGet $ Just f)
( use (genTransfer Download True) , return [] )
- )
genTransfer :: Direction -> Bool -> Key -> S.Set UUID -> Remote -> Maybe (Remote, Transfer)
-genTransfer direction want key locs r
+genTransfer direction want key slocs r
| direction == Upload && Remote.readonly r = Nothing
- | (S.member (Remote.uuid r) locs) == want = Just
+ | (S.member (Remote.uuid r) slocs) == want = Just
(r, Transfer direction (Remote.uuid r) key)
| otherwise = Nothing
+{- Drop from local or remote when allowed by the preferred content and
+ - numcopies settings. -}
+handleDrops :: [UUID] -> [Remote] -> Bool -> FilePath -> Key -> Annex ()
+handleDrops locs rs present f key
+ | present = do
+ n <- getcopies
+ if checkcopies n
+ then go rs =<< dropl n
+ else go rs n
+ | otherwise = go rs =<< getcopies
+ where
+ getcopies = do
+ have <- length . snd <$> trustPartition UnTrusted locs
+ numcopies <- getNumCopies =<< numCopies f
+ return (have, numcopies)
+ checkcopies (have, numcopies) = have > numcopies
+ decrcopies (have, numcopies) = (have - 1, numcopies)
+ go [] _ = noop
+ go (r:rest) n
+ | checkcopies n = dropr r n >>= go rest
+ | otherwise = noop
+ checkdrop n@(_, numcopies) u a =
+ ifM (wantDrop u (Just f))
+ ( ifM (doCommand $ a (Just numcopies))
+ ( return $ decrcopies n
+ , return n
+ )
+ , return n
+ )
+ dropl n = checkdrop n Nothing $ \numcopies ->
+ Command.Drop.startLocal f numcopies key
+ dropr r n = checkdrop n (Just $ Remote.uuid r) $ \numcopies ->
+ Command.Drop.startRemote f numcopies key r
remoteHas :: Remote -> Key -> Annex Bool
remoteHas r key = elem
<$> pure (Remote.uuid r)