path: root/Assistant/Threads/Pusher.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Assistant/Threads/Pusher.hs')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/Pusher.hs b/Assistant/Threads/Pusher.hs
index 82c37de5f..04d343528 100644
--- a/Assistant/Threads/Pusher.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/Pusher.hs
@@ -17,27 +17,23 @@ import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import Utility.Parallel
import Data.Time.Clock
+import qualified Data.Map as M
{- This thread retries pushes that failed before. -}
-pushRetryThread :: ThreadState -> FailedPushChan -> IO ()
-pushRetryThread st pushchan = runEvery (Seconds halfhour) $ do
+pushRetryThread :: ThreadState -> FailedPushMap -> IO ()
+pushRetryThread st pushmap = runEvery (Seconds halfhour) $ do
-- We already waited half an hour, now wait until there are failed
-- pushes to retry.
- pushes <- getFailedPushes pushchan
- -- Check times, to avoid repushing a push that's too new.
- now <- getCurrentTime
- let (newpushes, oldpushes) = partition (toorecent now . failedTimeStamp) pushes
- unless (null newpushes) $
- refillFailedPushes pushchan newpushes
- unless (null oldpushes) $
- pushToRemotes now st pushchan $ map failedRemote oldpushes
+ topush <- getFailedPushesBefore pushmap (fromIntegral halfhour)
+ unless (null topush) $ do
+ now <- getCurrentTime
+ pushToRemotes now st pushmap topush
halfhour = 1800
- toorecent now time = now `diffUTCTime` time < fromIntegral halfhour
{- This thread pushes git commits out to remotes soon after they are made. -}
-pushThread :: ThreadState -> CommitChan -> FailedPushChan -> IO ()
-pushThread st commitchan pushchan = do
+pushThread :: ThreadState -> CommitChan -> FailedPushMap -> IO ()
+pushThread st commitchan pushmap = do
remotes <- runThreadState st $ Command.Sync.syncRemotes []
runEvery (Seconds 2) $ do
-- We already waited two seconds as a simple rate limiter.
@@ -46,7 +42,7 @@ pushThread st commitchan pushchan = do
-- Now see if now's a good time to push.
now <- getCurrentTime
if shouldPush now commits
- then pushToRemotes now st pushchan remotes
+ then pushToRemotes now st pushmap remotes
else refillCommits commitchan commits
{- Decide if now is a good time to push to remotes.
@@ -65,23 +61,27 @@ shouldPush _now commits
- Avoids running possibly long-duration commands in the Annex monad, so
- as not to block other threads. -}
-pushToRemotes :: UTCTime -> ThreadState -> FailedPushChan -> [Remote] -> IO ()
-pushToRemotes now st pushchan remotes = do
+pushToRemotes :: UTCTime -> ThreadState -> FailedPushMap -> [Remote] -> IO ()
+pushToRemotes now st pushmap remotes = do
(g, branch) <- runThreadState st $
(,) <$> fromRepo id <*> Command.Sync.currentBranch
go True branch g remotes
go shouldretry branch g rs = do
Command.Sync.updateBranch (Command.Sync.syncBranch branch) g
- failed <- inParallel (push g branch) rs
- unless (null failed) $
- if shouldretry
- then retry branch g rs
- else refillFailedPushes pushchan $
- map (`FailedPush` now) failed
+ (succeeded, failed) <- inParallel (push g branch) rs
+ changeFailedPushMap pushmap $ \m ->
+ M.union (makemap failed) $
+ M.difference m (makemap succeeded)
+ unless (null failed || not shouldretry) $
+ retry branch g failed
+ makemap l = M.fromList $ zip l (repeat now)
push g branch remote =
ifM (Command.Sync.pushBranch remote branch g)
( exitSuccess, exitFailure)
retry branch g rs = do
runThreadState st $ manualPull branch rs
go False branch g rs