path: root/Assistant/Threads/Cronner.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Assistant/Threads/Cronner.hs')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/Cronner.hs b/Assistant/Threads/Cronner.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55b3ca2f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/Cronner.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+{- git-annex assistant sceduled jobs runner
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+module Assistant.Threads.Cronner (
+ cronnerThread
+) where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster
+import Annex.UUID
+import Config.Files
+import Logs.Schedule
+import Utility.Scheduled
+import Types.ScheduledActivity
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import Utility.HumanTime
+import Utility.Batch
+import Assistant.TransferQueue
+import Annex.Content
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Assistant.Types.UrlRenderer
+import Assistant.Alert
+import Remote
+import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
+import qualified Git
+import qualified Git.Fsck
+import Assistant.Fsck
+import Assistant.Repair
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Data.Time.LocalTime
+import Data.Time.Clock
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+{- Loads schedules for this repository, and fires off one thread for each
+ - scheduled event that runs on this repository. Each thread sleeps until
+ - its event is scheduled to run.
+ -
+ - To handle events that run on remotes, which need to only run when
+ - their remote gets connected, threads are also started, and are passed
+ - a MVar to wait on, which is stored in the DaemonStatus's
+ - connectRemoteNotifiers.
+ -
+ - In the meantime the main thread waits for any changes to the
+ - schedules. When there's a change, compare the old and new list of
+ - schedules to find deleted and added ones. Start new threads for added
+ - ones, and kill the threads for deleted ones. -}
+cronnerThread :: UrlRenderer -> NamedThread
+cronnerThread urlrenderer = namedThreadUnchecked "Cronner" $ do
+ fsckNudge urlrenderer Nothing
+ dstatus <- getDaemonStatus
+ h <- liftIO $ newNotificationHandle False (scheduleLogNotifier dstatus)
+ go h M.empty M.empty
+ where
+ go h amap nmap = do
+ activities <- liftAnnex $ scheduleGet =<< getUUID
+ let addedactivities = activities `S.difference` M.keysSet amap
+ let removedactivities = M.keysSet amap `S.difference` activities
+ forM_ (S.toList removedactivities) $ \activity ->
+ case M.lookup activity amap of
+ Just a -> do
+ debug ["stopping removed job for", fromScheduledActivity activity, show (asyncThreadId a)]
+ liftIO $ cancel a
+ Nothing -> noop
+ lastruntimes <- liftAnnex getLastRunTimes
+ started <- startactivities (S.toList addedactivities) lastruntimes
+ let addedamap = M.fromList $ map fst started
+ let addednmap = M.fromList $ catMaybes $ map snd started
+ let removefiltered = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> S.member k removedactivities)
+ let amap' = M.difference (M.union addedamap amap) (removefiltered amap)
+ let nmap' = M.difference (M.union addednmap nmap) (removefiltered nmap)
+ modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s { connectRemoteNotifiers = M.fromListWith (++) (M.elems nmap') }
+ liftIO $ waitNotification h
+ debug ["reloading changed activities"]
+ go h amap' nmap'
+ startactivities as lastruntimes = forM as $ \activity ->
+ case connectActivityUUID activity of
+ Nothing -> do
+ runner <- asIO2 (sleepingActivityThread urlrenderer)
+ a <- liftIO $ async $
+ runner activity (M.lookup activity lastruntimes)
+ return ((activity, a), Nothing)
+ Just u -> do
+ mvar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
+ runner <- asIO2 (remoteActivityThread urlrenderer mvar)
+ a <- liftIO $ async $
+ runner activity (M.lookup activity lastruntimes)
+ return ((activity, a), Just (activity, (u, [mvar])))
+{- Calculate the next time the activity is scheduled to run, then
+ - sleep until that time, and run it. Then call setLastRunTime, and
+ - loop.
+ -}
+sleepingActivityThread :: UrlRenderer -> ScheduledActivity -> Maybe LocalTime -> Assistant ()
+sleepingActivityThread urlrenderer activity lasttime = go lasttime =<< getnexttime lasttime
+ where
+ getnexttime = liftIO . nextTime schedule
+ go _ Nothing = debug ["no scheduled events left for", desc]
+ go l (Just (NextTimeExactly t)) = waitrun l t Nothing
+ go l (Just (NextTimeWindow windowstart windowend)) =
+ waitrun l windowstart (Just windowend)
+ desc = fromScheduledActivity activity
+ schedule = getSchedule activity
+ waitrun l t mmaxt = do
+ seconds <- liftIO $ secondsUntilLocalTime t
+ when (seconds > Seconds 0) $ do
+ debug ["waiting", show seconds, "for next scheduled", desc]
+ liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds seconds
+ now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ tz <- liftIO $ getTimeZone now
+ let nowt = utcToLocalTime tz now
+ if tolate nowt tz
+ then do
+ debug ["too late to run scheduled", desc]
+ go l =<< getnexttime l
+ else run nowt
+ where
+ tolate nowt tz = case mmaxt of
+ Just maxt -> nowt > maxt
+ -- allow the job to start 10 minutes late
+ Nothing ->diffUTCTime
+ (localTimeToUTC tz nowt)
+ (localTimeToUTC tz t) > 600
+ run nowt = do
+ runActivity urlrenderer activity nowt
+ go (Just nowt) =<< getnexttime (Just nowt)
+{- Wait for the remote to become available by waiting on the MVar.
+ - Then check if the time is within a time window when activity
+ - is scheduled to run, and if so run it.
+ - Otherwise, just wait again on the MVar.
+ -}
+remoteActivityThread :: UrlRenderer -> MVar () -> ScheduledActivity -> Maybe LocalTime -> Assistant ()
+remoteActivityThread urlrenderer mvar activity lasttime = do
+ liftIO $ takeMVar mvar
+ go =<< liftIO (nextTime (getSchedule activity) lasttime)
+ where
+ go (Just (NextTimeWindow windowstart windowend)) = do
+ now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ tz <- liftIO $ getTimeZone now
+ if now >= localTimeToUTC tz windowstart && now <= localTimeToUTC tz windowend
+ then do
+ let nowt = utcToLocalTime tz now
+ runActivity urlrenderer activity nowt
+ loop (Just nowt)
+ else loop lasttime
+ go _ = noop -- running at exact time not handled here
+ loop = remoteActivityThread urlrenderer mvar activity
+secondsUntilLocalTime :: LocalTime -> IO Seconds
+secondsUntilLocalTime t = do
+ now <- getCurrentTime
+ tz <- getTimeZone now
+ let secs = truncate $ diffUTCTime (localTimeToUTC tz t) now
+ return $ if secs > 0
+ then Seconds secs
+ else Seconds 0
+runActivity :: UrlRenderer -> ScheduledActivity -> LocalTime -> Assistant ()
+runActivity urlrenderer activity nowt = do
+ debug ["starting", desc]
+ runActivity' urlrenderer activity
+ debug ["finished", desc]
+ liftAnnex $ setLastRunTime activity nowt
+ where
+ desc = fromScheduledActivity activity
+runActivity' :: UrlRenderer -> ScheduledActivity -> Assistant ()
+runActivity' urlrenderer (ScheduledSelfFsck _ d) = do
+ program <- liftIO $ readProgramFile
+ g <- liftAnnex gitRepo
+ fsckresults <- showFscking urlrenderer Nothing $ tryNonAsync $ do
+ void $ batchCommand program (Param "fsck" : annexFsckParams d)
+ Git.Fsck.findBroken True g
+ u <- liftAnnex getUUID
+ void $ repairWhenNecessary urlrenderer u Nothing fsckresults
+ mapM_ reget =<< liftAnnex (dirKeys gitAnnexBadDir)
+ where
+ reget k = queueTransfers "fsck found bad file; redownloading" Next k Nothing Download
+runActivity' urlrenderer (ScheduledRemoteFsck u s d) = handle =<< liftAnnex (remoteFromUUID u)
+ where
+ handle Nothing = debug ["skipping remote fsck of uuid without a configured remote", fromUUID u, fromSchedule s]
+ handle (Just rmt) = void $ case Remote.remoteFsck rmt of
+ Nothing -> go rmt $ do
+ program <- readProgramFile
+ void $ batchCommand program $
+ [ Param "fsck"
+ -- avoid downloading files
+ , Param "--fast"
+ , Param "--from"
+ , Param $ rmt
+ ] ++ annexFsckParams d
+ Just mkfscker -> do
+ {- Note that having mkfsker return an IO action
+ - avoids running a long duration fsck in the
+ - Annex monad. -}
+ go rmt =<< liftAnnex (mkfscker (annexFsckParams d))
+ go rmt annexfscker = do
+ fsckresults <- showFscking urlrenderer (Just rmt) $ tryNonAsync $ do
+ void annexfscker
+ let r = Remote.repo rmt
+ if Git.repoIsLocal r && not (Git.repoIsLocalUnknown r)
+ then Just <$> Git.Fsck.findBroken True r
+ else pure Nothing
+ maybe noop (void . repairWhenNecessary urlrenderer u (Just rmt)) fsckresults
+annexFsckParams :: Duration -> [CommandParam]
+annexFsckParams d =
+ [ Param "--incremental-schedule=1d"
+ , Param $ "--time-limit=" ++ fromDuration d
+ ]