path: root/Assistant/Pusher.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Assistant/Pusher.hs')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/Pusher.hs b/Assistant/Pusher.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..119575b92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Pusher.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+{- git-annex assistant git pushing thread
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
+ -}
+module Assistant.Pusher where
+import Common.Annex
+import Assistant.Commits
+import Assistant.ThreadedMonad
+import qualified Command.Sync
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import Utility.Parallel
+import Data.Time.Clock
+data FailedPush = FailedPush
+ { failedRemote :: Remote
+ , failedTimeStamp :: UTCTime
+ }
+{- This thread pushes git commits out to remotes. -}
+pushThread :: ThreadState -> CommitChan -> IO ()
+pushThread st commitchan = do
+ remotes <- runThreadState st $ Command.Sync.syncRemotes []
+ runEveryWith (Seconds 2) [] $ \failedpushes -> do
+ -- We already waited two seconds as a simple rate limiter.
+ -- Next, wait until at least one commit has been made
+ commits <- getCommits commitchan
+ -- Now see if now's a good time to push.
+ time <- getCurrentTime
+ if shouldPush time commits failedpushes
+ then pushToRemotes time st remotes
+ else do
+ refillCommits commitchan commits
+ return failedpushes
+{- Decide if now is a good time to push to remotes.
+ -
+ - Current strategy: Immediately push all commits. The commit machinery
+ - already determines batches of changes, so we can't easily determine
+ - batches better.
+ -
+ - TODO: FailedPushs are only retried the next time there's a commit.
+ - Should retry them periodically, or when a remote that was not available
+ - becomes available.
+ -}
+shouldPush :: UTCTime -> [Commit] -> [FailedPush] -> Bool
+shouldPush _now commits _failedremotes
+ | not (null commits) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+{- Updates the local sync branch, then pushes it to all remotes, in
+ - parallel.
+ -
+ - Avoids running possibly long-duration commands in the Annex monad, so
+ - as not to block other threads. -}
+pushToRemotes :: UTCTime -> ThreadState -> [Remote] -> IO [FailedPush]
+pushToRemotes now st remotes = do
+ (g, branch) <- runThreadState st $
+ (,) <$> fromRepo id <*> Command.Sync.currentBranch
+ Command.Sync.updateBranch (Command.Sync.syncBranch branch) g
+ map (`FailedPush` now) <$> inParallel (push g branch) remotes
+ where
+ push g branch remote =
+ ifM (Command.Sync.pushBranch remote branch g)
+ ( exitSuccess, exitFailure)