path: root/Assistant/Pairing
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Diffstat (limited to 'Assistant/Pairing')
2 files changed, 18 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/Pairing/MakeRemote.hs b/Assistant/Pairing/MakeRemote.hs
index 7c971c2e1..8324fe1bd 100644
--- a/Assistant/Pairing/MakeRemote.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Pairing/MakeRemote.hs
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ setupAuthorizedKeys msg = do
validateSshPubKey pubkey
unlessM (liftIO $ addAuthorizedKeys False pubkey) $
error "failed setting up ssh authorized keys"
- where
- pubkey = remoteSshPubKey $ pairMsgData msg
+ where
+ pubkey = remoteSshPubKey $ pairMsgData msg
{- When pairing is complete, this is used to set up the remote for the host
- we paired with. -}
@@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ bestHostName msg = case remoteHostName $ pairMsgData msg of
getAddrInfo Nothing (Just localname) Nothing
maybe fallback (const $ return localname) (headMaybe addrs)
Nothing -> fallback
- where
- fallback = do
- let a = pairMsgAddr msg
- let sockaddr = case a of
- IPv4Addr addr -> SockAddrInet (PortNum 0) addr
- IPv6Addr addr -> SockAddrInet6 (PortNum 0) 0 addr 0
- fromMaybe (showAddr a)
- <$> catchDefaultIO Nothing
- (fst <$> getNameInfo [] True False sockaddr)
+ where
+ fallback = do
+ let a = pairMsgAddr msg
+ let sockaddr = case a of
+ IPv4Addr addr -> SockAddrInet (PortNum 0) addr
+ IPv6Addr addr -> SockAddrInet6 (PortNum 0) 0 addr 0
+ fromMaybe (showAddr a)
+ <$> catchDefaultIO Nothing
+ (fst <$> getNameInfo [] True False sockaddr)
diff --git a/Assistant/Pairing/Network.hs b/Assistant/Pairing/Network.hs
index 9ee1db3c6..44a63df36 100644
--- a/Assistant/Pairing/Network.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Pairing/Network.hs
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ multicastPairMsg repeats secret pairdata stage = go M.empty repeats
sendinterface _ (IPv6Addr _) = noop
sendinterface cache i = void $ catchMaybeIO $
withSocketsDo $ bracket setup cleanup use
- where
- setup = multicastSender (multicastAddress i) pairingPort
- cleanup (sock, _) = sClose sock -- FIXME does not work
- use (sock, addr) = do
- setInterface sock (showAddr i)
- maybe noop (\s -> void $ sendTo sock s addr)
- (M.lookup i cache)
+ where
+ setup = multicastSender (multicastAddress i) pairingPort
+ cleanup (sock, _) = sClose sock -- FIXME does not work
+ use (sock, addr) = do
+ setInterface sock (showAddr i)
+ maybe noop (\s -> void $ sendTo sock s addr)
+ (M.lookup i cache)
updatecache cache [] = cache
updatecache cache (i:is)
| M.member i cache = updatecache cache is