path: root/Assistant/NetMessager.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Assistant/NetMessager.hs')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/NetMessager.hs b/Assistant/NetMessager.hs
index 7098957b3..97d17af6e 100644
--- a/Assistant/NetMessager.hs
+++ b/Assistant/NetMessager.hs
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.MSampleVar
import Control.Exception as E
import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.Map as M
sendNetMessage :: NetMessage -> Assistant ()
sendNetMessage m =
@@ -30,6 +31,42 @@ notifyNetMessagerRestart =
waitNetMessagerRestart :: Assistant ()
waitNetMessagerRestart = readSV <<~ (netMessagerRestart . netMessager)
+{- Store an important NetMessage for a client, and if the same message was
+ - already sent, remove it from sentImportantNetMessages. -}
+storeImportantNetMessage :: NetMessage -> ClientID -> (ClientID -> Bool) -> Assistant ()
+storeImportantNetMessage m client matchingclient = go <<~ netMessager
+ where
+ go nm = atomically $ do
+ q <- takeTMVar $ importantNetMessages nm
+ sent <- takeTMVar $ sentImportantNetMessages nm
+ putTMVar (importantNetMessages nm) $
+ M.alter (Just . maybe (S.singleton m) (S.insert m)) client q
+ putTMVar (sentImportantNetMessages nm) $
+ M.mapWithKey removematching sent
+ removematching someclient s
+ | matchingclient someclient = S.delete m s
+ | otherwise = s
+{- Indicates that an important NetMessage has been sent to a client. -}
+sentImportantNetMessage :: NetMessage -> ClientID -> Assistant ()
+sentImportantNetMessage m client = go <<~ (sentImportantNetMessages . netMessager)
+ where
+ go v = atomically $ do
+ sent <- takeTMVar v
+ putTMVar v $
+ M.alter (Just . maybe (S.singleton m) (S.insert m)) client sent
+{- Checks for important NetMessages that have been stored for a client, and
+ - sent to a client. Typically the same client for both, although
+ - a modified or more specific client may need to be used. -}
+checkImportantNetMessages :: (ClientID, ClientID) -> Assistant (S.Set NetMessage, S.Set NetMessage)
+checkImportantNetMessages (storedclient, sentclient) = go <<~ netMessager
+ where
+ go nm = atomically $ do
+ stored <- M.lookup storedclient <$> (readTMVar $ importantNetMessages nm)
+ sent <- M.lookup sentclient <$> (readTMVar $ sentImportantNetMessages nm)
+ return (fromMaybe S.empty stored, fromMaybe S.empty sent)
{- Runs an action that runs either the send or receive side of a push.
- While the push is running, netMessagesPush will get messages put into it