path: root/Assistant/Monad.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Assistant/Monad.hs')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/Monad.hs b/Assistant/Monad.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c28c7f6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Monad.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+{- git-annex assistant monad
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+module Assistant.Monad (
+ Assistant,
+ AssistantData(..),
+ newAssistantData,
+ runAssistant,
+ getAssistant,
+ LiftAnnex,
+ liftAnnex,
+ (<~>),
+ (<<~),
+ asIO,
+ asIO1,
+ asIO2,
+ ThreadName,
+ debug,
+ notice
+) where
+import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader
+import System.Log.Logger
+import Common.Annex
+import Assistant.Types.ThreadedMonad
+import Assistant.Types.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.Types.ScanRemotes
+import Assistant.Types.TransferQueue
+import Assistant.Types.TransferSlots
+import Assistant.Types.TransferrerPool
+import Assistant.Types.Pushes
+import Assistant.Types.BranchChange
+import Assistant.Types.Commits
+import Assistant.Types.Changes
+import Assistant.Types.RepoProblem
+import Assistant.Types.Buddies
+import Assistant.Types.NetMessager
+import Assistant.Types.ThreadName
+newtype Assistant a = Assistant { mkAssistant :: ReaderT AssistantData IO a }
+ deriving (
+ Monad,
+ MonadIO,
+ MonadReader AssistantData,
+ Functor,
+ Applicative
+ )
+data AssistantData = AssistantData
+ { threadName :: ThreadName
+ , threadState :: ThreadState
+ , daemonStatusHandle :: DaemonStatusHandle
+ , scanRemoteMap :: ScanRemoteMap
+ , transferQueue :: TransferQueue
+ , transferSlots :: TransferSlots
+ , transferrerPool :: TransferrerPool
+ , failedPushMap :: FailedPushMap
+ , commitChan :: CommitChan
+ , changePool :: ChangePool
+ , repoProblemChan :: RepoProblemChan
+ , branchChangeHandle :: BranchChangeHandle
+ , buddyList :: BuddyList
+ , netMessager :: NetMessager
+ }
+newAssistantData :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> IO AssistantData
+newAssistantData st dstatus = AssistantData
+ <$> pure (ThreadName "main")
+ <*> pure st
+ <*> pure dstatus
+ <*> newScanRemoteMap
+ <*> newTransferQueue
+ <*> newTransferSlots
+ <*> newTransferrerPool (checkNetworkConnections dstatus)
+ <*> newFailedPushMap
+ <*> newCommitChan
+ <*> newChangePool
+ <*> newRepoProblemChan
+ <*> newBranchChangeHandle
+ <*> newBuddyList
+ <*> newNetMessager
+runAssistant :: AssistantData -> Assistant a -> IO a
+runAssistant d a = runReaderT (mkAssistant a) d
+getAssistant :: (AssistantData -> a) -> Assistant a
+getAssistant = reader
+{- Using a type class for lifting into the annex monad allows
+ - easily lifting to it from multiple different monads. -}
+class LiftAnnex m where
+ liftAnnex :: Annex a -> m a
+{- Runs an action in the git-annex monad. Note that the same monad state
+ - is shared among all assistant threads, so only one of these can run at
+ - a time. Therefore, long-duration actions should be avoided. -}
+instance LiftAnnex Assistant where
+ liftAnnex a = do
+ st <- reader threadState
+ liftIO $ runThreadState st a
+{- Runs an IO action, passing it an IO action that runs an Assistant action. -}
+(<~>) :: (IO a -> IO b) -> Assistant a -> Assistant b
+io <~> a = do
+ d <- reader id
+ liftIO $ io $ runAssistant d a
+{- Creates an IO action that will run an Assistant action when run. -}
+asIO :: Assistant a -> Assistant (IO a)
+asIO a = do
+ d <- reader id
+ return $ runAssistant d a
+asIO1 :: (a -> Assistant b) -> Assistant (a -> IO b)
+asIO1 a = do
+ d <- reader id
+ return $ \v -> runAssistant d $ a v
+asIO2 :: (a -> b -> Assistant c) -> Assistant (a -> b -> IO c)
+asIO2 a = do
+ d <- reader id
+ return $ \v1 v2 -> runAssistant d (a v1 v2)
+{- Runs an IO action on a selected field of the AssistantData. -}
+(<<~) :: (a -> IO b) -> (AssistantData -> a) -> Assistant b
+io <<~ v = reader v >>= liftIO . io
+debug :: [String] -> Assistant ()
+debug = logaction debugM
+notice :: [String] -> Assistant ()
+notice = logaction noticeM
+logaction :: (String -> String -> IO ()) -> [String] -> Assistant ()
+logaction a ws = do
+ ThreadName name <- getAssistant threadName
+ liftIO $ a name $ unwords $ (name ++ ":") : ws