path: root/Annex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Annex')
2 files changed, 22 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/Annex/Content.hs b/Annex/Content.hs
index b3c62ee0a..90ab7db58 100644
--- a/Annex/Content.hs
+++ b/Annex/Content.hs
@@ -101,23 +101,21 @@ inAnnexSafe key = inAnnex' (fromMaybe False) (Just False) go key
=<< contentLockFile key
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
- checkindirect f = liftIO $ openExistingLockFile f >>= check is_missing
+ checkindirect contentfile = liftIO $ checkOr is_missing contentfile
{- In direct mode, the content file must exist, but
- - the lock file often generally won't exist unless a removal is in
- - process. This does not create the lock file, it only checks for
- - it. -}
+ - the lock file generally won't exist unless a removal is in
+ - process. -}
checkdirect contentfile lockfile = liftIO $
ifM (doesFileExist contentfile)
- ( openExistingLockFile lockfile >>= check is_unlocked
+ ( checkOr is_unlocked lockfile
, return is_missing
- check _ (Just h) = do
- v <- getLock h (ReadLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
- closeFd h
+ checkOr def lockfile = do
+ v <- checkLocked lockfile
return $ case v of
- Just _ -> is_locked
- Nothing -> is_unlocked
- check def Nothing = return def
+ Nothing -> def
+ Just True -> is_locked
+ Just False -> is_unlocked
checkindirect f = liftIO $ ifM (doesFileExist f)
( do
@@ -161,7 +159,7 @@ lockContent key a = do
contentfile <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLocation key
lockfile <- contentLockFile key
maybe noop setuplockfile lockfile
- bracket (liftIO $ lock contentfile lockfile) (unlock lockfile) (const a)
+ bracket (lock contentfile lockfile) (unlock lockfile) (const a)
alreadylocked = error "content is locked"
setuplockfile lockfile = modifyContent lockfile $
@@ -171,8 +169,11 @@ lockContent key a = do
void $ liftIO $ tryIO $
nukeFile lockfile
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
- lock contentfile Nothing = opencontentforlock contentfile >>= dolock
- lock _ (Just lockfile) = createLockFile Nothing lockfile >>= dolock . Just
+ lock contentfile Nothing = liftIO $
+ opencontentforlock contentfile >>= dolock
+ lock _ (Just lockfile) = do
+ mode <- annexFileMode
+ liftIO $ createLockFile mode lockfile >>= dolock . Just
{- Since content files are stored with the write bit disabled, have
- to fiddle with permissions to open for an exclusive lock. -}
opencontentforlock f = catchDefaultIO Nothing $
@@ -189,7 +190,8 @@ lockContent key a = do
maybe noop cleanuplockfile mlockfile
liftIO $ maybe noop closeFd mfd
- lock _ (Just lockfile) = maybe alreadylocked (return . Just) =<< lockExclusive lockfile
+ lock _ (Just lockfile) = liftIO $
+ maybe alreadylocked (return . Just) =<< lockExclusive lockfile
lock _ Nothing = return Nothing
unlock mlockfile mlockhandle = do
liftIO $ maybe noop dropLock mlockhandle
diff --git a/Annex/Ssh.hs b/Annex/Ssh.hs
index 2b1b809ff..ad636b4aa 100644
--- a/Annex/Ssh.hs
+++ b/Annex/Ssh.hs
@@ -152,13 +152,12 @@ sshCleanup = mapM_ cleanup =<< enumSocketFiles
let lockfile = socket2lock socketfile
unlockFile lockfile
mode <- annexFileMode
- fd <- liftIO $ noUmask mode $ createLockFile (Just mode) lockfile
- v <- liftIO $ tryIO $
- setLock fd (WriteLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
+ v <- liftIO $ noUmask mode $ tryLockExclusive (Just mode) lockfile
case v of
- Left _ -> noop
- Right _ -> forceStopSsh socketfile
- liftIO $ closeFd fd
+ Nothing -> noop
+ Just lck -> do
+ forceStopSsh socketfile
+ liftIO $ dropLock lck
forceStopSsh socketfile