path: root/Annex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Annex')
11 files changed, 288 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/Annex/Branch.hs b/Annex/Branch.hs
index 243514fc9..d0a74c709 100644
--- a/Annex/Branch.hs
+++ b/Annex/Branch.hs
@@ -72,18 +72,18 @@ create = void getBranch
{- Returns the ref of the branch, creating it first if necessary. -}
getBranch :: Annex Git.Ref
getBranch = maybe (hasOrigin >>= go >>= use) return =<< branchsha
- where
- go True = do
- inRepo $ "branch"
- [Param $ show name, Param $ show originname]
- fromMaybe (error $ "failed to create " ++ show name)
- <$> branchsha
- go False = withIndex' True $
- inRepo $ Git.Branch.commit "branch created" fullname []
- use sha = do
- setIndexSha sha
- return sha
- branchsha = inRepo $ Git.Ref.sha fullname
+ where
+ go True = do
+ inRepo $ "branch"
+ [Param $ show name, Param $ show originname]
+ fromMaybe (error $ "failed to create " ++ show name)
+ <$> branchsha
+ go False = withIndex' True $
+ inRepo $ Git.Branch.commit "branch created" fullname []
+ use sha = do
+ setIndexSha sha
+ return sha
+ branchsha = inRepo $ Git.Ref.sha fullname
{- Ensures that the branch and index are up-to-date; should be
- called before data is read from it. Runs only once per git-annex run. -}
@@ -128,26 +128,26 @@ updateTo pairs = do
go branchref True [] []
else lockJournal $ go branchref dirty refs branches
return $ not $ null refs
- where
- isnewer (r, _) = inRepo $ Git.Branch.changed fullname r
- go branchref dirty refs branches = withIndex $ do
- cleanjournal <- if dirty then stageJournal else return noop
- let merge_desc = if null branches
- then "update"
- else "merging " ++
- unwords (map Git.Ref.describe branches) ++
- " into " ++ show name
- unless (null branches) $ do
- showSideAction merge_desc
- mergeIndex refs
- ff <- if dirty
- then return False
- else inRepo $ Git.Branch.fastForward fullname refs
- if ff
- then updateIndex branchref
- else commitBranch branchref merge_desc
- (nub $ fullname:refs)
- liftIO cleanjournal
+ where
+ isnewer (r, _) = inRepo $ Git.Branch.changed fullname r
+ go branchref dirty refs branches = withIndex $ do
+ cleanjournal <- if dirty then stageJournal else return noop
+ let merge_desc = if null branches
+ then "update"
+ else "merging " ++
+ unwords (map Git.Ref.describe branches) ++
+ " into " ++ show name
+ unless (null branches) $ do
+ showSideAction merge_desc
+ mergeIndex refs
+ ff <- if dirty
+ then return False
+ else inRepo $ Git.Branch.fastForward fullname refs
+ if ff
+ then updateIndex branchref
+ else commitBranch branchref merge_desc
+ (nub $ fullname:refs)
+ liftIO cleanjournal
{- Gets the content of a file, which may be in the journal, or committed
- to the branch. Due to limitatons of git cat-file, does *not* get content
@@ -168,15 +168,14 @@ getStale = get' True
get' :: Bool -> FilePath -> Annex String
get' staleok file = fromjournal =<< getJournalFile file
- where
- fromjournal (Just content) = return content
- fromjournal Nothing
- | staleok = withIndex frombranch
- | otherwise = do
- update
- frombranch
- frombranch = withIndex $
- L.unpack <$> catFile fullname file
+ where
+ fromjournal (Just content) = return content
+ fromjournal Nothing
+ | staleok = withIndex frombranch
+ | otherwise = do
+ update
+ frombranch
+ frombranch = withIndex $ L.unpack <$> catFile fullname file
{- Applies a function to modifiy the content of a file.
@@ -228,27 +227,27 @@ commitBranch' branchref message parents = do
parentrefs <- commitparents <$> catObject committedref
when (racedetected branchref parentrefs) $
fixrace committedref parentrefs
- where
- -- look for "parent ref" lines and return the refs
- commitparents = map (Git.Ref . snd) . filter isparent .
- map (toassoc . L.unpack) . L.lines
- toassoc = separate (== ' ')
- isparent (k,_) = k == "parent"
+ where
+ -- look for "parent ref" lines and return the refs
+ commitparents = map (Git.Ref . snd) . filter isparent .
+ map (toassoc . L.unpack) . L.lines
+ toassoc = separate (== ' ')
+ isparent (k,_) = k == "parent"
- {- The race can be detected by checking the commit's
- - parent, which will be the newly pushed branch,
- - instead of the expected ref that the index was updated to. -}
- racedetected expectedref parentrefs
- | expectedref `elem` parentrefs = False -- good parent
- | otherwise = True -- race!
+ {- The race can be detected by checking the commit's
+ - parent, which will be the newly pushed branch,
+ - instead of the expected ref that the index was updated to. -}
+ racedetected expectedref parentrefs
+ | expectedref `elem` parentrefs = False -- good parent
+ | otherwise = True -- race!
- {- To recover from the race, union merge the lost refs
- - into the index, and recommit on top of the bad commit. -}
- fixrace committedref lostrefs = do
- mergeIndex lostrefs
- commitBranch committedref racemessage [committedref]
+ {- To recover from the race, union merge the lost refs
+ - into the index, and recommit on top of the bad commit. -}
+ fixrace committedref lostrefs = do
+ mergeIndex lostrefs
+ commitBranch committedref racemessage [committedref]
- racemessage = message ++ " (recovery from race)"
+ racemessage = message ++ " (recovery from race)"
{- Lists all files on the branch. There may be duplicates in the list. -}
files :: Annex [FilePath]
@@ -345,9 +344,9 @@ stageJournal = withIndex $ do
[genstream dir h fs]
hashObjectStop h
return $ liftIO $ mapM_ removeFile $ map (dir </>) fs
- where
- genstream dir h fs streamer = forM_ fs $ \file -> do
- let path = dir </> file
- sha <- hashFile h path
- streamer $ Git.UpdateIndex.updateIndexLine
- sha FileBlob (asTopFilePath $ fileJournal file)
+ where
+ genstream dir h fs streamer = forM_ fs $ \file -> do
+ let path = dir </> file
+ sha <- hashFile h path
+ streamer $ Git.UpdateIndex.updateIndexLine
+ sha FileBlob (asTopFilePath $ fileJournal file)
diff --git a/Annex/CatFile.hs b/Annex/CatFile.hs
index cde9d5170..161554f29 100644
--- a/Annex/CatFile.hs
+++ b/Annex/CatFile.hs
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ catObjectDetails ref = do
catFileHandle :: Annex Git.CatFile.CatFileHandle
catFileHandle = maybe startup return =<< Annex.getState Annex.catfilehandle
- where
- startup = do
- h <- inRepo Git.CatFile.catFileStart
- Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.catfilehandle = Just h }
- return h
+ where
+ startup = do
+ h <- inRepo Git.CatFile.catFileStart
+ Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.catfilehandle = Just h }
+ return h
{- From the Sha of a symlink back to the key. -}
catKey :: Sha -> Annex (Maybe Key)
diff --git a/Annex/CheckAttr.hs b/Annex/CheckAttr.hs
index 01779e813..8eed9e804 100644
--- a/Annex/CheckAttr.hs
+++ b/Annex/CheckAttr.hs
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ checkAttr attr file = do
checkAttrHandle :: Annex Git.CheckAttrHandle
checkAttrHandle = maybe startup return =<< Annex.getState Annex.checkattrhandle
- where
- startup = do
- h <- inRepo $ Git.checkAttrStart annexAttrs
- Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.checkattrhandle = Just h }
- return h
+ where
+ startup = do
+ h <- inRepo $ Git.checkAttrStart annexAttrs
+ Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.checkattrhandle = Just h }
+ return h
diff --git a/Annex/Content.hs b/Annex/Content.hs
index 980321721..5c902e8a9 100644
--- a/Annex/Content.hs
+++ b/Annex/Content.hs
@@ -79,20 +79,20 @@ inAnnex' isgood bad check key = withObjectLoc key checkindirect checkdirect
- is not in the process of being removed. -}
inAnnexSafe :: Key -> Annex (Maybe Bool)
inAnnexSafe = inAnnex' (maybe False id) (Just False) go
- where
- go f = liftIO $ openforlock f >>= check
- openforlock f = catchMaybeIO $
- openFd f ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags
- check Nothing = return is_missing
- check (Just h) = do
- v <- getLock h (ReadLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
- closeFd h
- return $ case v of
- Just _ -> is_locked
- Nothing -> is_unlocked
- is_locked = Nothing
- is_unlocked = Just True
- is_missing = Just False
+ where
+ go f = liftIO $ openforlock f >>= check
+ openforlock f = catchMaybeIO $
+ openFd f ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags
+ check Nothing = return is_missing
+ check (Just h) = do
+ v <- getLock h (ReadLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
+ closeFd h
+ return $ case v of
+ Just _ -> is_locked
+ Nothing -> is_unlocked
+ is_locked = Nothing
+ is_unlocked = Just True
+ is_missing = Just False
{- Content is exclusively locked while running an action that might remove
- it. (If the content is not present, no locking is done.) -}
@@ -100,25 +100,25 @@ lockContent :: Key -> Annex a -> Annex a
lockContent key a = do
file <- inRepo $ gitAnnexLocation key
bracketIO (openforlock file >>= lock) unlock a
- where
- {- Since files are stored with the write bit disabled, have
- - to fiddle with permissions to open for an exclusive lock. -}
- openforlock f = catchMaybeIO $ ifM (doesFileExist f)
- ( withModifiedFileMode f
- (`unionFileModes` ownerWriteMode)
- open
- , open
- )
- where
- open = openFd f ReadWrite Nothing defaultFileFlags
- lock Nothing = return Nothing
- lock (Just fd) = do
- v <- tryIO $ setLock fd (WriteLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
- case v of
- Left _ -> error "content is locked"
- Right _ -> return $ Just fd
- unlock Nothing = noop
- unlock (Just l) = closeFd l
+ where
+ {- Since files are stored with the write bit disabled, have
+ - to fiddle with permissions to open for an exclusive lock. -}
+ openforlock f = catchMaybeIO $ ifM (doesFileExist f)
+ ( withModifiedFileMode f
+ (`unionFileModes` ownerWriteMode)
+ open
+ , open
+ )
+ where
+ open = openFd f ReadWrite Nothing defaultFileFlags
+ lock Nothing = return Nothing
+ lock (Just fd) = do
+ v <- tryIO $ setLock fd (WriteLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
+ case v of
+ Left _ -> error "content is locked"
+ Right _ -> return $ Just fd
+ unlock Nothing = noop
+ unlock (Just l) = closeFd l
{- Calculates the relative path to use to link a file to a key. -}
calcGitLink :: FilePath -> Key -> Annex FilePath
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ calcGitLink file key = do
let absfile = fromMaybe whoops $ absNormPath cwd file
loc <- inRepo $ gitAnnexLocation key
return $ relPathDirToFile (parentDir absfile) loc
- where
- whoops = error $ "unable to normalize " ++ file
+ where
+ whoops = error $ "unable to normalize " ++ file
{- Runs an action, passing it a temporary filename to get,
- and if the action succeeds, moves the temp file into
@@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ checkDiskSpace destination key alreadythere = do
needmorespace (need + reserve - have - alreadythere)
return ok
_ -> return True
- where
- dir = maybe (fromRepo gitAnnexDir) return destination
- needmorespace n =
- warning $ "not enough free space, need " ++
- roughSize storageUnits True n ++
- " more" ++ forcemsg
- forcemsg = " (use --force to override this check or adjust annex.diskreserve)"
+ where
+ dir = maybe (fromRepo gitAnnexDir) return destination
+ needmorespace n =
+ warning $ "not enough free space, need " ++
+ roughSize storageUnits True n ++
+ " more" ++ forcemsg
+ forcemsg = " (use --force to override this check or adjust annex.diskreserve)"
{- Moves a key's content into .git/annex/objects/
@@ -313,12 +313,12 @@ cleanObjectLoc :: Key -> Annex ()
cleanObjectLoc key = do
file <- inRepo $ gitAnnexLocation key
liftIO $ removeparents file (3 :: Int)
- where
- removeparents _ 0 = noop
- removeparents file n = do
- let dir = parentDir file
- maybe noop (const $ removeparents dir (n-1))
- <=< catchMaybeIO $ removeDirectory dir
+ where
+ removeparents _ 0 = noop
+ removeparents file n = do
+ let dir = parentDir file
+ maybe noop (const $ removeparents dir (n-1))
+ <=< catchMaybeIO $ removeDirectory dir
{- Removes a key's file from .git/annex/objects/
@@ -371,19 +371,19 @@ moveBad key = do
{- List of keys whose content exists in .git/annex/objects/ -}
getKeysPresent :: Annex [Key]
getKeysPresent = liftIO . traverse (2 :: Int) =<< fromRepo gitAnnexObjectDir
- where
- traverse depth dir = do
- contents <- catchDefaultIO [] (dirContents dir)
- if depth == 0
- then continue (mapMaybe (fileKey . takeFileName) contents) []
- else do
- let deeper = traverse (depth - 1)
- continue [] (map deeper contents)
- continue keys [] = return keys
- continue keys (a:as) = do
- {- Force lazy traversal with unsafeInterleaveIO. -}
- morekeys <- unsafeInterleaveIO a
- continue (morekeys++keys) as
+ where
+ traverse depth dir = do
+ contents <- catchDefaultIO [] (dirContents dir)
+ if depth == 0
+ then continue (mapMaybe (fileKey . takeFileName) contents) []
+ else do
+ let deeper = traverse (depth - 1)
+ continue [] (map deeper contents)
+ continue keys [] = return keys
+ continue keys (a:as) = do
+ {- Force lazy traversal with unsafeInterleaveIO. -}
+ morekeys <- unsafeInterleaveIO a
+ continue (morekeys++keys) as
{- Things to do to record changes to content when shutting down.
@@ -396,9 +396,9 @@ saveState nocommit = doSideAction $ do
unless nocommit $
whenM alwayscommit $
Annex.Branch.commit "update"
- where
- alwayscommit = fromMaybe True . Git.Config.isTrue
- <$> getConfig (annexConfig "alwayscommit") ""
+ where
+ alwayscommit = fromMaybe True . Git.Config.isTrue
+ <$> getConfig (annexConfig "alwayscommit") ""
{- Downloads content from any of a list of urls. -}
downloadUrl :: [Url.URLString] -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
@@ -411,41 +411,41 @@ downloadUrl urls file = do
- This is used to speed up some rsyncs. -}
preseedTmp :: Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
preseedTmp key file = go =<< inAnnex key
- where
- go False = return False
- go True = do
- ok <- copy
- when ok $ thawContent file
- return ok
- copy = ifM (liftIO $ doesFileExist file)
- ( return True
- , do
- s <- inRepo $ gitAnnexLocation key
- liftIO $ copyFileExternal s file
- )
+ where
+ go False = return False
+ go True = do
+ ok <- copy
+ when ok $ thawContent file
+ return ok
+ copy = ifM (liftIO $ doesFileExist file)
+ ( return True
+ , do
+ s <- inRepo $ gitAnnexLocation key
+ liftIO $ copyFileExternal s file
+ )
{- Blocks writing to an annexed file. The file is made unwritable
- to avoid accidental edits. core.sharedRepository may change
- who can read it. -}
freezeContent :: FilePath -> Annex ()
freezeContent file = liftIO . go =<< fromRepo getSharedRepository
- where
- go GroupShared = modifyFileMode file $
- removeModes writeModes .
- addModes [ownerReadMode, groupReadMode]
- go AllShared = modifyFileMode file $
- removeModes writeModes .
- addModes readModes
- go _ = preventWrite file
+ where
+ go GroupShared = modifyFileMode file $
+ removeModes writeModes .
+ addModes [ownerReadMode, groupReadMode]
+ go AllShared = modifyFileMode file $
+ removeModes writeModes .
+ addModes readModes
+ go _ = preventWrite file
{- Allows writing to an annexed file that freezeContent was called on
- before. -}
thawContent :: FilePath -> Annex ()
thawContent file = liftIO . go =<< fromRepo getSharedRepository
- where
- go GroupShared = groupWriteRead file
- go AllShared = groupWriteRead file
- go _ = allowWrite file
+ where
+ go GroupShared = groupWriteRead file
+ go AllShared = groupWriteRead file
+ go _ = allowWrite file
{- Blocks writing to the directory an annexed file is in, to prevent the
- file accidentially being deleted. However, if core.sharedRepository
@@ -454,11 +454,11 @@ thawContent file = liftIO . go =<< fromRepo getSharedRepository
freezeContentDir :: FilePath -> Annex ()
freezeContentDir file = liftIO . go =<< fromRepo getSharedRepository
- where
- dir = parentDir file
- go GroupShared = groupWriteRead dir
- go AllShared = groupWriteRead dir
- go _ = preventWrite dir
+ where
+ dir = parentDir file
+ go GroupShared = groupWriteRead dir
+ go AllShared = groupWriteRead dir
+ go _ = preventWrite dir
{- Makes the directory tree to store an annexed file's content,
- with appropriate permissions on each level. -}
@@ -468,5 +468,5 @@ createContentDir dest = do
createAnnexDirectory dir
-- might have already existed with restricted perms
liftIO $ allowWrite dir
- where
- dir = parentDir dest
+ where
+ dir = parentDir dest
diff --git a/Annex/Journal.hs b/Annex/Journal.hs
index b6ed79272..2df5294ee 100644
--- a/Annex/Journal.hs
+++ b/Annex/Journal.hs
@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ journalDirty = not . null <$> getJournalFiles
journalFile :: FilePath -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
journalFile file repo = gitAnnexJournalDir repo </> concatMap mangle file
- where
- mangle '/' = "_"
- mangle '_' = "__"
- mangle c = [c]
+ where
+ mangle '/' = "_"
+ mangle '_' = "__"
+ mangle c = [c]
{- Converts a journal file (relative to the journal dir) back to the
- filename on the branch. -}
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ lockJournal a = do
createAnnexDirectory $ takeDirectory file
mode <- annexFileMode
bracketIO (lock file mode) unlock a
- where
- lock file mode = do
- l <- noUmask mode $ createFile file mode
- waitToSetLock l (WriteLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
- return l
- unlock = closeFd
+ where
+ lock file mode = do
+ l <- noUmask mode $ createFile file mode
+ waitToSetLock l (WriteLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
+ return l
+ unlock = closeFd
diff --git a/Annex/LockPool.hs b/Annex/LockPool.hs
index b99a8ec4d..45fc55b3c 100644
--- a/Annex/LockPool.hs
+++ b/Annex/LockPool.hs
@@ -17,21 +17,21 @@ import Annex.Perms
{- Create a specified lock file, and takes a shared lock. -}
lockFile :: FilePath -> Annex ()
lockFile file = go =<< fromPool file
- where
- go (Just _) = noop -- already locked
- go Nothing = do
- mode <- annexFileMode
- fd <- liftIO $ noUmask mode $
- openFd file ReadOnly (Just mode) defaultFileFlags
- liftIO $ waitToSetLock fd (ReadLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
- changePool $ M.insert file fd
+ where
+ go (Just _) = noop -- already locked
+ go Nothing = do
+ mode <- annexFileMode
+ fd <- liftIO $ noUmask mode $
+ openFd file ReadOnly (Just mode) defaultFileFlags
+ liftIO $ waitToSetLock fd (ReadLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
+ changePool $ M.insert file fd
unlockFile :: FilePath -> Annex ()
unlockFile file = maybe noop go =<< fromPool file
- where
- go fd = do
- liftIO $ closeFd fd
- changePool $ M.delete file
+ where
+ go fd = do
+ liftIO $ closeFd fd
+ changePool $ M.delete file
getPool :: Annex (M.Map FilePath Fd)
getPool = getState lockpool
diff --git a/Annex/Perms.hs b/Annex/Perms.hs
index c54908b43..13deb20bd 100644
--- a/Annex/Perms.hs
+++ b/Annex/Perms.hs
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ import System.Posix.Types
withShared :: (SharedRepository -> Annex a) -> Annex a
withShared a = maybe startup a =<< Annex.getState Annex.shared
- where
- startup = do
- shared <- fromRepo getSharedRepository
- Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.shared = Just shared }
- a shared
+ where
+ startup = do
+ shared <- fromRepo getSharedRepository
+ Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.shared = Just shared }
+ a shared
{- Sets appropriate file mode for a file or directory in the annex,
- other than the content files and content directory. Normally,
@@ -33,38 +33,38 @@ withShared a = maybe startup a =<< Annex.getState Annex.shared
- allow the group to write, etc. -}
setAnnexPerm :: FilePath -> Annex ()
setAnnexPerm file = withShared $ liftIO . go
- where
- go GroupShared = groupWriteRead file
- go AllShared = modifyFileMode file $ addModes $
- [ ownerWriteMode, groupWriteMode ] ++ readModes
- go _ = noop
+ where
+ go GroupShared = groupWriteRead file
+ go AllShared = modifyFileMode file $ addModes $
+ [ ownerWriteMode, groupWriteMode ] ++ readModes
+ go _ = noop
{- Gets the appropriate mode to use for creating a file in the annex
- (other than content files, which are locked down more). -}
annexFileMode :: Annex FileMode
annexFileMode = withShared $ return . go
- where
- go GroupShared = sharedmode
- go AllShared = combineModes (sharedmode:readModes)
- go _ = stdFileMode
- sharedmode = combineModes
- [ ownerWriteMode, groupWriteMode
- , ownerReadMode, groupReadMode
- ]
+ where
+ go GroupShared = sharedmode
+ go AllShared = combineModes (sharedmode:readModes)
+ go _ = stdFileMode
+ sharedmode = combineModes
+ [ ownerWriteMode, groupWriteMode
+ , ownerReadMode, groupReadMode
+ ]
{- Creates a directory inside the gitAnnexDir, including any parent
- directories. Makes directories with appropriate permissions. -}
createAnnexDirectory :: FilePath -> Annex ()
createAnnexDirectory dir = traverse dir [] =<< top
- where
- top = parentDir <$> fromRepo gitAnnexDir
- traverse d below stop
- | d `equalFilePath` stop = done
- | otherwise = ifM (liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist d)
- ( done
- , traverse (parentDir d) (d:below) stop
- )
- where
- done = forM_ below $ \p -> do
- liftIO $ createDirectory p
- setAnnexPerm p
+ where
+ top = parentDir <$> fromRepo gitAnnexDir
+ traverse d below stop
+ | d `equalFilePath` stop = done
+ | otherwise = ifM (liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist d)
+ ( done
+ , traverse (parentDir d) (d:below) stop
+ )
+ where
+ done = forM_ below $ \p -> do
+ liftIO $ createDirectory p
+ setAnnexPerm p
diff --git a/Annex/Queue.hs b/Annex/Queue.hs
index 97a759d10..64cc92897 100644
--- a/Annex/Queue.hs
+++ b/Annex/Queue.hs
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ new = do
q <- <$> queuesize
store q
return q
- where
- queuesize = readish <$> getConfig (annexConfig "queuesize") ""
+ where
+ queuesize = readish <$> getConfig (annexConfig "queuesize") ""
store :: Git.Queue.Queue -> Annex ()
store q = changeState $ \s -> s { repoqueue = Just q }
diff --git a/Annex/Ssh.hs b/Annex/Ssh.hs
index 5412491ca..cb46c06bc 100644
--- a/Annex/Ssh.hs
+++ b/Annex/Ssh.hs
@@ -27,19 +27,19 @@ import qualified Build.SysConfig as SysConfig
- port, with connection caching. -}
sshParams :: (String, Maybe Integer) -> [CommandParam] -> Annex [CommandParam]
sshParams (host, port) opts = go =<< sshInfo (host, port)
- where
- go (Nothing, params) = ret params
- go (Just socketfile, params) = do
- cleanstale
- liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ parentDir socketfile
- lockFile $ socket2lock socketfile
- ret params
- ret ps = return $ ps ++ opts ++ portParams port ++ [Param host]
- -- If the lock pool is empty, this is the first ssh of this
- -- run. There could be stale ssh connections hanging around
- -- from a previous git-annex run that was interrupted.
- cleanstale = whenM (not . any isLock . M.keys <$> getPool) $
- sshCleanup
+ where
+ go (Nothing, params) = ret params
+ go (Just socketfile, params) = do
+ cleanstale
+ liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ parentDir socketfile
+ lockFile $ socket2lock socketfile
+ ret params
+ ret ps = return $ ps ++ opts ++ portParams port ++ [Param host]
+ -- If the lock pool is empty, this is the first ssh of this
+ -- run. There could be stale ssh connections hanging around
+ -- from a previous git-annex run that was interrupted.
+ cleanstale = whenM (not . any isLock . M.keys <$> getPool) $
+ sshCleanup
sshInfo :: (String, Maybe Integer) -> Annex (Maybe FilePath, [CommandParam])
sshInfo (host, port) = ifM caching
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ sshInfo (host, port) = ifM caching
else return (Nothing, [])
, return (Nothing, [])
- where
+ where
- caching = return False
+ caching = return False
- caching = fromMaybe SysConfig.sshconnectioncaching
- . Git.Config.isTrue
- <$> getConfig (annexConfig "sshcaching") ""
+ caching = fromMaybe SysConfig.sshconnectioncaching
+ . Git.Config.isTrue
+ <$> getConfig (annexConfig "sshcaching") ""
cacheParams :: FilePath -> [CommandParam]
@@ -81,34 +81,34 @@ sshCleanup = do
sockets <- filter (not . isLock) <$>
liftIO (catchDefaultIO [] $ dirContents dir)
forM_ sockets cleanup
- where
- cleanup socketfile = do
- -- Drop any shared lock we have, and take an
- -- exclusive lock, without blocking. If the lock
- -- succeeds, nothing is using this ssh, and it can
- -- be stopped.
- let lockfile = socket2lock socketfile
- unlockFile lockfile
- mode <- annexFileMode
- fd <- liftIO $ noUmask mode $
- openFd lockfile ReadWrite (Just mode) defaultFileFlags
- v <- liftIO $ tryIO $
- setLock fd (WriteLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
- case v of
- Left _ -> noop
- Right _ -> stopssh socketfile
- liftIO $ closeFd fd
- stopssh socketfile = do
- let (host, port) = socket2hostport socketfile
- (_, params) <- sshInfo (host, port)
- -- "ssh -O stop" is noisy on stderr even with -q
- void $ liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $
- withQuietOutput createProcessSuccess $
- proc "ssh" $ toCommand $
- [ Params "-O stop"
- ] ++ params ++ [Param host]
- -- Cannot remove the lock file; other processes may
- -- be waiting on our exclusive lock to use it.
+ where
+ cleanup socketfile = do
+ -- Drop any shared lock we have, and take an
+ -- exclusive lock, without blocking. If the lock
+ -- succeeds, nothing is using this ssh, and it can
+ -- be stopped.
+ let lockfile = socket2lock socketfile
+ unlockFile lockfile
+ mode <- annexFileMode
+ fd <- liftIO $ noUmask mode $
+ openFd lockfile ReadWrite (Just mode) defaultFileFlags
+ v <- liftIO $ tryIO $
+ setLock fd (WriteLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
+ case v of
+ Left _ -> noop
+ Right _ -> stopssh socketfile
+ liftIO $ closeFd fd
+ stopssh socketfile = do
+ let (host, port) = socket2hostport socketfile
+ (_, params) <- sshInfo (host, port)
+ -- "ssh -O stop" is noisy on stderr even with -q
+ void $ liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $
+ withQuietOutput createProcessSuccess $
+ proc "ssh" $ toCommand $
+ [ Params "-O stop"
+ ] ++ params ++ [Param host]
+ -- Cannot remove the lock file; other processes may
+ -- be waiting on our exclusive lock to use it.
hostport2socket :: String -> Maybe Integer -> FilePath
hostport2socket host Nothing = host
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ socket2hostport :: FilePath -> (String, Maybe Integer)
socket2hostport socket
| null p = (h, Nothing)
| otherwise = (h, readish p)
- where
- (h, p) = separate (== '!') $ takeFileName socket
+ where
+ (h, p) = separate (== '!') $ takeFileName socket
socket2lock :: FilePath -> FilePath
socket2lock socket = socket ++ lockExt
diff --git a/Annex/UUID.hs b/Annex/UUID.hs
index 16c25c0ab..b20d94125 100644
--- a/Annex/UUID.hs
+++ b/Annex/UUID.hs
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ configkey = annexConfig "uuid"
- so use the command line tool. -}
genUUID = gen . lines <$> readProcess command params
- where
- gen [] = error $ "no output from " ++ command
- gen (l:_) = toUUID l
- (command:params) = words SysConfig.uuid
+ where
+ gen [] = error $ "no output from " ++ command
+ gen (l:_) = toUUID l
+ (command:params) = words SysConfig.uuid
{- Get current repository's UUID. -}
getUUID :: Annex UUID
@@ -54,19 +54,19 @@ getRepoUUID r = do
updatecache u
return u
else return c
- where
- updatecache u = do
- g <- gitRepo
- when (g /= r) $ storeUUID cachekey u
- cachekey = remoteConfig r "uuid"
+ where
+ updatecache u = do
+ g <- gitRepo
+ when (g /= r) $ storeUUID cachekey u
+ cachekey = remoteConfig r "uuid"
removeRepoUUID :: Annex ()
removeRepoUUID = unsetConfig configkey
getUncachedUUID :: Git.Repo -> UUID
getUncachedUUID = toUUID . Git.Config.get key ""
- where
- (ConfigKey key) = configkey
+ where
+ (ConfigKey key) = configkey
{- Make sure that the repo has an annex.uuid setting. -}
prepUUID :: Annex ()
diff --git a/Annex/Version.hs b/Annex/Version.hs
index 00e574929..30ad957c3 100644
--- a/Annex/Version.hs
+++ b/Annex/Version.hs
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ versionField = annexConfig "version"
getVersion :: Annex (Maybe Version)
getVersion = handle <$> getConfig versionField ""
- where
- handle [] = Nothing
- handle v = Just v
+ where
+ handle [] = Nothing
+ handle v = Just v
setVersion :: Annex ()
setVersion = setConfig versionField defaultVersion
@@ -41,6 +41,6 @@ checkVersion v
| v `elem` supportedVersions = noop
| v `elem` upgradableVersions = err "Upgrade this repository: git-annex upgrade"
| otherwise = err "Upgrade git-annex."
- where
- err msg = error $ "Repository version " ++ v ++
- " is not supported. " ++ msg
+ where
+ err msg = error $ "Repository version " ++ v ++
+ " is not supported. " ++ msg