path: root/Annex
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1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Annex/Drop.hs b/Annex/Drop.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df64895be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Annex/Drop.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+{- dropping of unwanted content
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012-2014 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Annex.Drop where
+import Common.Annex
+import Logs.Location
+import Logs.Trust
+import Types.Remote (uuid)
+import qualified Remote
+import qualified Command.Drop
+import Command
+import Annex.Wanted
+import Annex.Exception
+import Config
+import Annex.Content.Direct
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import System.Log.Logger (debugM)
+type Reason = String
+{- Drop a key from local and/or remote when allowed by the preferred content
+ - and numcopies settings.
+ -
+ - The Remote list can include other remotes that do not have the content.
+ -
+ - A remote can be specified that is known to have the key. This can be
+ - used an an optimisation when eg, a key has just been uploaded to a
+ - remote.
+ -}
+handleDrops :: Reason -> [Remote] -> Bool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Maybe Remote -> Annex ()
+handleDrops _ _ _ _ Nothing _ = noop
+handleDrops reason rs fromhere key f knownpresentremote = do
+ locs <- loggedLocations key
+ handleDropsFrom locs rs reason fromhere key f knownpresentremote
+{- The UUIDs are ones where the content is believed to be present.
+ - The Remote list can include other remotes that do not have the content;
+ - only ones that match the UUIDs will be dropped from.
+ - If allowed to drop fromhere, that drop will be tried first.
+ -
+ - In direct mode, all associated files are checked, and only if all
+ - of them are unwanted are they dropped.
+ -}
+handleDropsFrom :: [UUID] -> [Remote] -> Reason -> Bool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Maybe Remote -> Annex ()
+handleDropsFrom _ _ _ _ _ Nothing _ = noop
+handleDropsFrom locs rs reason fromhere key (Just afile) knownpresentremote = do
+ fs <- ifM isDirect
+ ( do
+ l <- associatedFilesRelative key
+ if null l
+ then return [afile]
+ else return l
+ , return [afile]
+ )
+ n <- getcopies fs
+ if fromhere && checkcopies n Nothing
+ then go fs rs =<< dropl fs n
+ else go fs rs n
+ where
+ getcopies fs = do
+ (untrusted, have) <- trustPartition UnTrusted locs
+ numcopies <- maximum <$> mapM (getNumCopies <=< numCopies) fs
+ return (length have, numcopies, S.fromList untrusted)
+ {- Check that we have enough copies still to drop the content.
+ - When the remote being dropped from is untrusted, it was not
+ - counted as a copy, so having only numcopies suffices. Otherwise,
+ - we need more than numcopies to safely drop. -}
+ checkcopies (have, numcopies, _untrusted) Nothing = have > numcopies
+ checkcopies (have, numcopies, untrusted) (Just u)
+ | S.member u untrusted = have >= numcopies
+ | otherwise = have > numcopies
+ decrcopies (have, numcopies, untrusted) Nothing =
+ (have - 1, numcopies, untrusted)
+ decrcopies v@(_have, _numcopies, untrusted) (Just u)
+ | S.member u untrusted = v
+ | otherwise = decrcopies v Nothing
+ go _ [] _ = noop
+ go fs (r:rest) n
+ | uuid r `S.notMember` slocs = go fs rest n
+ | checkcopies n (Just $ Remote.uuid r) =
+ dropr fs r n >>= go fs rest
+ | otherwise = noop
+ checkdrop fs n@(have, numcopies, _untrusted) u a =
+ ifM (allM (wantDrop True u . Just) fs)
+ ( ifM (safely $ doCommand $ a (Just numcopies))
+ ( do
+ liftIO $ debugM "drop" $ unwords
+ [ "dropped"
+ , afile
+ , "(from " ++ maybe "here" show u ++ ")"
+ , "(copies now " ++ show (have - 1) ++ ")"
+ , ": " ++ reason
+ ]
+ return $ decrcopies n u
+ , return n
+ )
+ , return n
+ )
+ dropl fs n = checkdrop fs n Nothing $ \numcopies ->
+ Command.Drop.startLocal (Just afile) numcopies key knownpresentremote
+ dropr fs r n = checkdrop fs n (Just $ Remote.uuid r) $ \numcopies ->
+ Command.Drop.startRemote (Just afile) numcopies key r
+ safely a = either (const False) id <$> tryAnnex a
+ slocs = S.fromList locs