path: root/Annex/View.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Annex/View.hs')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/Annex/View.hs b/Annex/View.hs
index 66ae76f75..09fa348d9 100644
--- a/Annex/View.hs
+++ b/Annex/View.hs
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Annex.View where
import Common.Annex
@@ -29,12 +31,17 @@ import qualified Data.Set as S
import System.Path.WildMatch
import "mtl" Control.Monad.Writer
+#ifdef WITH_TDFA
+import Text.Regex.TDFA
+import Text.Regex.TDFA.String
+import Text.Regex
data ViewChange = Unchanged | Narrowing | Widening
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
-matchGlob :: String -> String -> Bool
-matchGlob glob val = wildCheckCase glob val
{- Each multivalued ViewFilter in a view results in another level of
- subdirectory nesting. When a file matches multiple ways, it will appear
- in multiple subdirectories. This means there is a bit of an exponential
@@ -73,7 +80,7 @@ refineView view field wanted
return $ v { viewFilter = newvf }
| otherwise = return v
-{- Combine old and new ViewFilters, yielding a results that matches
+{- Combine old and new ViewFilters, yielding a result that matches
- either old+new, or only new.
- If we have FilterValues and change to a FilterGlob,
@@ -96,26 +103,13 @@ combineViewFilter old@(FilterValues olds) (FilterValues news)
combineViewFilter (FilterValues _) newglob@(FilterGlob _) =
(newglob, Widening)
combineViewFilter (FilterGlob oldglob) new@(FilterValues s)
- | all (matchGlob oldglob . fromMetaValue) (S.toList s) = (new, Narrowing)
+ | all (matchGlob (compileGlob oldglob) . fromMetaValue) (S.toList s) = (new, Narrowing)
| otherwise = (new, Widening)
combineViewFilter (FilterGlob old) newglob@(FilterGlob new)
| old == new = (newglob, Unchanged)
- | matchGlob old new = (newglob, Narrowing)
+ | matchGlob (compileGlob old) new = (newglob, Narrowing)
| otherwise = (newglob, Widening)
-{- Checks if metadata matches a filter, and if so returns the value,
- - or values that match. -}
-matchFilter :: MetaData -> ViewComponent -> Maybe [MetaValue]
-matchFilter metadata (ViewComponent metafield (FilterValues s)) = nonEmptyList $
- S.intersection s (currentMetaDataValues metafield metadata)
-matchFilter metadata (ViewComponent metafield (FilterGlob glob)) = nonEmptyList $
- S.filter (matchGlob glob . fromMetaValue) (currentMetaDataValues metafield metadata)
-nonEmptyList :: S.Set a -> Maybe [a]
-nonEmptyList s
- | S.null s = Nothing
- | otherwise = Just $ S.toList s
{- Converts a filepath used in a reference branch to the
- filename that will be used in the view.
@@ -153,24 +147,71 @@ fileViewReuse = takeFileName
- Of course if its MetaData does not match the View, it won't appear at
- all.
+ -
+ - Note that for efficiency, it's useful to partially
+ - evaluate this function with the view parameter and reuse
+ - the result. The globs in the view will then be compiled and memoized.
fileViews :: View -> MkFileView -> FilePath -> MetaData -> [FileView]
-fileViews view mkfileview file metadata
- | any isNothing matches = []
- | otherwise =
- let paths = pathProduct $
- map (map toViewPath) (visible matches)
- in if null paths
- then [mkfileview file]
- else map (</> mkfileview file) paths
+fileViews view =
+ let matchers = map viewComponentMatcher (viewComponents view)
+ in \mkfileview file metadata ->
+ let matches = map (\m -> m metadata) matchers
+ in if any isNothing matches
+ then []
+ else
+ let paths = pathProduct $
+ map (map toViewPath) (visible matches)
+ in if null paths
+ then [mkfileview file]
+ else map (</> mkfileview file) paths
- matches :: [Maybe [MetaValue]]
- matches = map (matchFilter metadata) (viewComponents view)
- visible :: [Maybe [MetaValue]] -> [[MetaValue]]
visible = map (fromJust . snd) .
filter (multiValue . fst) .
zip (map viewFilter (viewComponents view))
+{- Checks if metadata matches a ViewComponent filter, and if so
+ - returns the value, or values that match. Self-memoizing on ViewComponent. -}
+viewComponentMatcher :: ViewComponent -> (MetaData -> Maybe [MetaValue])
+viewComponentMatcher viewcomponent = \metadata ->
+ let s = matcher (currentMetaDataValues metafield metadata)
+ in if S.null s then Nothing else Just (S.toList s)
+ where
+ metafield = viewField viewcomponent
+ matcher = case viewFilter viewcomponent of
+ FilterValues s -> \values -> S.intersection s values
+ FilterGlob glob ->
+ let regex = compileGlob glob
+ in \values ->
+ S.filter (matchGlob regex . fromMetaValue) values
+compileGlob :: String -> Regex
+compileGlob glob =
+#ifdef WITH_TDFA
+ case compile (defaultCompOpt {caseSensitive = False}) defaultExecOpt regex of
+ Right r -> r
+ Left _ -> error $ "failed to compile regex: " ++ regex
+ mkRegexWithOpts regex False True
+ where
+ regex = '^':wildToRegex glob
+matchGlob :: Regex -> String -> Bool
+matchGlob regex val =
+#ifdef WITH_TDFA
+ case execute regex val of
+ Right (Just _) -> True
+ _ -> False
+ isJust $ matchRegex regex val
+nonEmptyList :: S.Set a -> Maybe [a]
+nonEmptyList s
+ | S.null s = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just $ S.toList s
toViewPath :: MetaValue -> FilePath
toViewPath = concatMap escapeslash . fromMetaValue
@@ -268,9 +309,10 @@ applyView' mkfileview view = do
void $ stopUpdateIndex uh
void clean
+ genfileviews = fileViews view mkfileview -- enables memoization
go uh hasher f (Just (k, _)) = do
metadata <- getCurrentMetaData k
- forM_ (fileViews view mkfileview f metadata) $ \fv -> do
+ forM_ (genfileviews f metadata) $ \fv -> do
stagesymlink uh hasher fv =<< inRepo (gitAnnexLink fv k)
go uh hasher f Nothing
| "." `isPrefixOf` f = do