diff options
4 files changed, 541 insertions, 505 deletions
index dba74a8ec..7d75e70d1 100644
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ git-annex (6.20180113) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
last line.
* git-annex.cabal: Once more try to not build the assistant on the hurd,
hopefully hackage finally recognises that OS.
+ * Split Test.hs and avoid optimising it much, to need less memory to
+ compile.
-- Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> Wed, 24 Jan 2018 20:42:55 -0400
diff --git a/Test.hs b/Test.hs
index 2f198a165..12999b48f 100644
--- a/Test.hs
+++ b/Test.hs
@@ -6,10 +6,13 @@
+{- Avoid optimising this file much, since it's large and does not need it._-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O1 -optlo-O2 #-}
module Test where
import Types.Test
+import Test.Framework
import Options.Applicative.Types
import Test.Tasty
@@ -29,12 +32,8 @@ import CmdLine.GitAnnex.Options
import qualified Utility.SafeCommand
import qualified Annex
-import qualified Annex.UUID
import qualified Annex.Version
-import qualified Backend
-import qualified Git.CurrentRepo
import qualified Git.Filename
-import qualified Git.Construct
import qualified Git.Types
import qualified Git.Ref
import qualified Git.LsTree
@@ -43,8 +42,6 @@ import qualified Annex.Locations
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import qualified Types.GitConfig
-import qualified Types.KeySource
-import qualified Types.Backend
import qualified Types.TrustLevel
import qualified Types
import qualified Logs.MapLog
@@ -57,14 +54,11 @@ import qualified Logs.PreferredContent
import qualified Types.MetaData
import qualified Remote
import qualified Key
-import qualified Types.Key
-import qualified Types.Messages
import qualified Config
import qualified Config.Cost
import qualified Crypto
import qualified Database.Keys
import qualified Annex.WorkTree
-import qualified Annex.Link
import qualified Annex.Init
import qualified Annex.CatFile
import qualified Annex.Path
@@ -72,7 +66,6 @@ import qualified Annex.AdjustedBranch
import qualified Annex.VectorClock
import qualified Annex.View
import qualified Annex.View.ViewedFile
-import qualified Annex.Action
import qualified Logs.View
import qualified Utility.Path
import qualified Utility.FileMode
@@ -85,17 +78,13 @@ import qualified Utility.InodeCache
import qualified Utility.Env
import qualified Utility.Env.Set
import qualified Utility.Matcher
-import qualified Utility.Exception
import qualified Utility.Hash
import qualified Utility.Scheduled
import qualified Utility.Scheduled.QuickCheck
import qualified Utility.HumanTime
-import qualified Utility.ThreadScheduler
import qualified Utility.Base64
import qualified Utility.Tmp.Dir
import qualified Utility.FileSystemEncoding
-import qualified Command.Uninit
-import qualified CmdLine.GitAnnex as GitAnnex
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import qualified Remote.Helper.Encryptable
import qualified Types.Crypto
@@ -158,7 +147,7 @@ ingredients =
tests :: Bool -> TestOptions -> TestTree
tests crippledfilesystem opts = testGroup "Tests" $ properties :
- map (\(d, te) -> withTestMode te (unitTests d)) testmodes
+ map (\(d, te) -> withTestMode te initTests (unitTests d)) testmodes
testmodes = catMaybes
[ Just ("v6 unlocked", (testMode opts "6") { unlockedFiles = True })
@@ -1734,493 +1723,3 @@ test_addurl = intmpclonerepo $ do
let dest = "addurlurldest"
git_annex "addurl" ["--file", dest, url] @? ("addurl failed on " ++ url ++ " with --file")
doesFileExist dest @? (dest ++ " missing after addurl --file")
--- This is equivilant to running git-annex, but it's all run in-process
--- so test coverage collection works.
-git_annex :: String -> [String] -> IO Bool
-git_annex command params = do
- -- catch all errors, including normally fatal errors
- r <- try run ::IO (Either SomeException ())
- case r of
- Right _ -> return True
- Left _ -> return False
- where
- run = GitAnnex.run optParser Nothing (command:"-q":params)
-{- Runs git-annex and returns its output. -}
-git_annex_output :: String -> [String] -> IO String
-git_annex_output command params = do
- pp <- Annex.Path.programPath
- got <- Utility.Process.readProcess pp (command:params)
- -- Since the above is a separate process, code coverage stats are
- -- not gathered for things run in it.
- -- Run same command again, to get code coverage.
- _ <- git_annex command params
- return got
-git_annex_expectoutput :: String -> [String] -> [String] -> IO ()
-git_annex_expectoutput command params expected = do
- got <- lines <$> git_annex_output command params
- got == expected @? ("unexpected value running " ++ command ++ " " ++ show params ++ " -- got: " ++ show got ++ " expected: " ++ show expected)
--- Runs an action in the current annex. Note that shutdown actions
--- are not run; this should only be used for actions that query state.
-annexeval :: Types.Annex a -> IO a
-annexeval a = do
- s <- Annex.new =<< Git.CurrentRepo.get
- Annex.eval s $ do
- Annex.setOutput Types.Messages.QuietOutput
- a `finally` Annex.Action.stopCoProcesses
-innewrepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
-innewrepo a = withgitrepo $ \r -> indir r a
-inmainrepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
-inmainrepo = indir mainrepodir
-with_ssh_origin :: (Assertion -> Assertion) -> (Assertion -> Assertion)
-with_ssh_origin cloner a = cloner $ do
- origindir <- absPath
- =<< annexeval (Config.getConfig (Config.ConfigKey config) "/dev/null")
- let originurl = "localhost:" ++ origindir
- boolSystem "git" [Param "config", Param config, Param originurl] @? "git config failed"
- a
- where
- config = "remote.origin.url"
-intmpclonerepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
-intmpclonerepo a = withtmpclonerepo $ \r -> indir r a
-intmpclonerepoInDirect :: Assertion -> Assertion
-intmpclonerepoInDirect a = intmpclonerepo $
- ifM isdirect
- ( putStrLn "not supported in direct mode; skipping"
- , a
- )
- where
- isdirect = annexeval $ do
- Annex.Init.initialize (Annex.Init.AutoInit False) Nothing Nothing
- Config.isDirect
-checkRepo :: Types.Annex a -> FilePath -> IO a
-checkRepo getval d = do
- s <- Annex.new =<< Git.Construct.fromPath d
- Annex.eval s $
- getval `finally` Annex.Action.stopCoProcesses
-isInDirect :: FilePath -> IO Bool
-isInDirect = checkRepo (not <$> Config.isDirect)
-intmpbareclonerepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
-intmpbareclonerepo a = withtmpclonerepo' (newCloneRepoConfig { bareClone = True } ) $
- \r -> indir r a
-intmpsharedclonerepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
-intmpsharedclonerepo a = withtmpclonerepo' (newCloneRepoConfig { sharedClone = True } ) $
- \r -> indir r a
-withtmpclonerepo :: (FilePath -> Assertion) -> Assertion
-withtmpclonerepo = withtmpclonerepo' newCloneRepoConfig
-withtmpclonerepo' :: CloneRepoConfig -> (FilePath -> Assertion) -> Assertion
-withtmpclonerepo' cfg a = do
- dir <- tmprepodir
- clone <- clonerepo mainrepodir dir cfg
- r <- tryNonAsync (a clone)
- case r of
- Right () -> return ()
- Left e -> do
- whenM (keepFailures <$> getTestMode) $
- putStrLn $ "** Preserving repo for failure analysis in " ++ clone
- throwM e
-disconnectOrigin :: Assertion
-disconnectOrigin = boolSystem "git" [Param "remote", Param "rm", Param "origin"] @? "remote rm"
-withgitrepo :: (FilePath -> Assertion) -> Assertion
-withgitrepo = bracket (setuprepo mainrepodir) return
-indir :: FilePath -> Assertion -> Assertion
-indir dir a = do
- currdir <- getCurrentDirectory
- -- Assertion failures throw non-IO errors; catch
- -- any type of error and change back to currdir before
- -- rethrowing.
- r <- bracket_ (changeToTmpDir dir) (setCurrentDirectory currdir)
- (try a::IO (Either SomeException ()))
- case r of
- Right () -> return ()
- Left e -> throwM e
-setuprepo :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
-setuprepo dir = do
- cleanup dir
- ensuretmpdir
- boolSystem "git" [Param "init", Param "-q", File dir] @? "git init failed"
- configrepo dir
- return dir
-data CloneRepoConfig = CloneRepoConfig
- { bareClone :: Bool
- , sharedClone :: Bool
- }
-newCloneRepoConfig :: CloneRepoConfig
-newCloneRepoConfig = CloneRepoConfig
- { bareClone = False
- , sharedClone = False
- }
--- clones are always done as local clones; we cannot test ssh clones
-clonerepo :: FilePath -> FilePath -> CloneRepoConfig -> IO FilePath
-clonerepo old new cfg = do
- cleanup new
- ensuretmpdir
- let cloneparams = catMaybes
- [ Just $ Param "clone"
- , Just $ Param "-q"
- , if bareClone cfg then Just (Param "--bare") else Nothing
- , if sharedClone cfg then Just (Param "--shared") else Nothing
- , Just $ File old
- , Just $ File new
- ]
- boolSystem "git" cloneparams @? "git clone failed"
- configrepo new
- indir new $ do
- ver <- annexVersion <$> getTestMode
- if ver == Annex.Version.defaultVersion
- then git_annex "init" ["-q", new] @? "git annex init failed"
- else git_annex "init" ["-q", new, "--version", ver] @? "git annex init failed"
- unless (bareClone cfg) $
- indir new $
- setupTestMode
- return new
-configrepo :: FilePath -> IO ()
-configrepo dir = indir dir $ do
- -- ensure git is set up to let commits happen
- boolSystem "git" [Param "config", Param "user.name", Param "Test User"] @? "git config failed"
- boolSystem "git" [Param "config", Param "user.email", Param "test@example.com"] @? "git config failed"
- -- avoid signed commits by test suite
- boolSystem "git" [Param "config", Param "commit.gpgsign", Param "false"] @? "git config failed"
- -- tell git-annex to not annex the ingitfile
- boolSystem "git"
- [ Param "config"
- , Param "annex.largefiles"
- , Param ("exclude=" ++ ingitfile)
- ] @? "git config annex.largefiles failed"
-ensuretmpdir :: IO ()
-ensuretmpdir = do
- e <- doesDirectoryExist tmpdir
- unless e $
- createDirectory tmpdir
-{- Prevent global git configs from affecting the test suite. -}
-isolateGitConfig :: IO a -> IO a
-isolateGitConfig a = Utility.Tmp.Dir.withTmpDir "testhome" $ \tmphome -> do
- tmphomeabs <- absPath tmphome
- Utility.Env.Set.setEnv "HOME" tmphomeabs True
- Utility.Env.Set.setEnv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" tmphomeabs True
- Utility.Env.Set.setEnv "GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM" "1" True
- a
-cleanup :: FilePath -> IO ()
-cleanup dir = whenM (doesDirectoryExist dir) $ do
- Command.Uninit.prepareRemoveAnnexDir' dir
- -- This can fail if files in the directory are still open by a
- -- subprocess.
- void $ tryIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive dir
-finalCleanup :: IO ()
-finalCleanup = whenM (doesDirectoryExist tmpdir) $ do
- Annex.Action.reapZombies
- Command.Uninit.prepareRemoveAnnexDir' tmpdir
- catchIO (removeDirectoryRecursive tmpdir) $ \e -> do
- print e
- putStrLn "sleeping 10 seconds and will retry directory cleanup"
- Utility.ThreadScheduler.threadDelaySeconds $
- Utility.ThreadScheduler.Seconds 10
- whenM (doesDirectoryExist tmpdir) $ do
- Annex.Action.reapZombies
- removeDirectoryRecursive tmpdir
-checklink :: FilePath -> Assertion
-checklink f =
- -- in direct mode, it may be a symlink, or not, depending
- -- on whether the content is present.
- unlessM (annexeval Config.isDirect) $
- ifM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem)
- ( (isJust <$> annexeval (Annex.Link.getAnnexLinkTarget f))
- @? f ++ " is not a (crippled) symlink"
- , do
- s <- getSymbolicLinkStatus f
- isSymbolicLink s @? f ++ " is not a symlink"
- )
-checkregularfile :: FilePath -> Assertion
-checkregularfile f = do
- s <- getSymbolicLinkStatus f
- isRegularFile s @? f ++ " is not a normal file"
- return ()
-checkdoesnotexist :: FilePath -> Assertion
-checkdoesnotexist f =
- (either (const True) (const False) <$> Utility.Exception.tryIO (getSymbolicLinkStatus f))
- @? f ++ " exists unexpectedly"
-checkexists :: FilePath -> Assertion
-checkexists f =
- (either (const False) (const True) <$> Utility.Exception.tryIO (getSymbolicLinkStatus f))
- @? f ++ " does not exist"
-checkcontent :: FilePath -> Assertion
-checkcontent f = do
- c <- Utility.Exception.catchDefaultIO "could not read file" $ readFile f
- assertEqual ("checkcontent " ++ f) (content f) c
-checkunwritable :: FilePath -> Assertion
-checkunwritable f = unlessM (annexeval Config.isDirect) $ do
- -- Look at permissions bits rather than trying to write or
- -- using fileAccess because if run as root, any file can be
- -- modified despite permissions.
- s <- getFileStatus f
- let mode = fileMode s
- when (mode == mode `unionFileModes` ownerWriteMode) $
- assertFailure $ "able to modify annexed file's " ++ f ++ " content"
-checkwritable :: FilePath -> Assertion
-checkwritable f = do
- s <- getFileStatus f
- let mode = fileMode s
- unless (mode == mode `unionFileModes` ownerWriteMode) $
- assertFailure $ "unable to modify " ++ f
-checkdangling :: FilePath -> Assertion
-checkdangling f = ifM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem)
- ( return () -- probably no real symlinks to test
- , do
- r <- tryIO $ readFile f
- case r of
- Left _ -> return () -- expected; dangling link
- Right _ -> assertFailure $ f ++ " was not a dangling link as expected"
- )
-checklocationlog :: FilePath -> Bool -> Assertion
-checklocationlog f expected = do
- thisuuid <- annexeval Annex.UUID.getUUID
- r <- annexeval $ Annex.WorkTree.lookupFile f
- case r of
- Just k -> do
- uuids <- annexeval $ Remote.keyLocations k
- assertEqual ("bad content in location log for " ++ f ++ " key " ++ Key.key2file k ++ " uuid " ++ show thisuuid)
- expected (thisuuid `elem` uuids)
- _ -> assertFailure $ f ++ " failed to look up key"
-checkbackend :: FilePath -> Types.Backend -> Assertion
-checkbackend file expected = do
- b <- annexeval $ maybe (return Nothing) (Backend.getBackend file)
- =<< Annex.WorkTree.lookupFile file
- assertEqual ("backend for " ++ file) (Just expected) b
-checkispointerfile :: FilePath -> Assertion
-checkispointerfile f = unlessM (isJust <$> Annex.Link.isPointerFile f) $
- assertFailure $ f ++ " is not a pointer file"
-inlocationlog :: FilePath -> Assertion
-inlocationlog f = checklocationlog f True
-notinlocationlog :: FilePath -> Assertion
-notinlocationlog f = checklocationlog f False
-runchecks :: [FilePath -> Assertion] -> FilePath -> Assertion
-runchecks [] _ = return ()
-runchecks (a:as) f = do
- a f
- runchecks as f
-annexed_notpresent :: FilePath -> Assertion
-annexed_notpresent f = ifM (unlockedFiles <$> getTestMode)
- ( annexed_notpresent_unlocked f
- , annexed_notpresent_locked f
- )
-annexed_notpresent_locked :: FilePath -> Assertion
-annexed_notpresent_locked = runchecks [checklink, checkdangling, notinlocationlog]
-annexed_notpresent_unlocked :: FilePath -> Assertion
-annexed_notpresent_unlocked = runchecks [checkregularfile, checkispointerfile, notinlocationlog]
-annexed_present :: FilePath -> Assertion
-annexed_present f = ifM (unlockedFiles <$> getTestMode)
- ( annexed_present_unlocked f
- , annexed_present_locked f
- )
-annexed_present_locked :: FilePath -> Assertion
-annexed_present_locked f = ifM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem)
- ( runchecks [checklink, inlocationlog] f
- , runchecks [checklink, checkcontent, checkunwritable, inlocationlog] f
- )
-annexed_present_unlocked :: FilePath -> Assertion
-annexed_present_unlocked = runchecks
- [checkregularfile, checkcontent, checkwritable, inlocationlog]
-unannexed :: FilePath -> Assertion
-unannexed = runchecks [checkregularfile, checkcontent, checkwritable]
-add_annex :: FilePath -> IO Bool
-add_annex f = ifM (unlockedFiles <$> getTestMode)
- ( boolSystem "git" [Param "add", File f]
- , git_annex "add" [f]
- )
-data TestMode = TestMode
- { forceDirect :: Bool
- , unlockedFiles :: Bool
- , annexVersion :: Annex.Version.Version
- , keepFailures :: Bool
- } deriving (Read, Show)
-testMode :: TestOptions -> Annex.Version.Version -> TestMode
-testMode opts v = TestMode
- { forceDirect = False
- , unlockedFiles = False
- , annexVersion = v
- , keepFailures = keepFailuresOption opts
- }
-withTestMode :: TestMode -> TestTree -> TestTree
-withTestMode testmode = withResource prepare release . const
- where
- prepare = do
- setTestMode testmode
- case tryIngredients [consoleTestReporter] mempty initTests of
- Nothing -> error "No tests found!?"
- Just act -> unlessM act $
- error "init tests failed! cannot continue"
- return ()
- release _ = cleanup mainrepodir
-setTestMode :: TestMode -> IO ()
-setTestMode testmode = do
- currdir <- getCurrentDirectory
- p <- Utility.Env.getEnvDefault "PATH" ""
- mapM_ (\(var, val) -> Utility.Env.Set.setEnv var val True)
- -- Ensure that the just-built git annex is used.
- [ ("PATH", currdir ++ [searchPathSeparator] ++ p)
- , ("TOPDIR", currdir)
- -- Avoid git complaining if it cannot determine the user's
- -- email address, or exploding if it doesn't know the user's
- -- name.
- , ("GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL", "test@example.com")
- , ("GIT_AUTHOR_NAME", "git-annex test")
- , ("GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL", "test@example.com")
- , ("GIT_COMMITTER_NAME", "git-annex test")
- -- force gpg into batch mode for the tests
- , ("GPG_BATCH", "1")
- -- Make git and git-annex access ssh remotes on the local
- -- filesystem, without using ssh at all.
- , ("GIT_SSH_COMMAND", "git-annex test --fakessh --")
- , ("GIT_ANNEX_USE_GIT_SSH", "1")
- , ("TESTMODE", show testmode)
- ]
-runFakeSsh :: [String] -> IO ()
-runFakeSsh ("-n":ps) = runFakeSsh ps
-runFakeSsh (_host:cmd:[]) = do
- (_, _, _, pid) <- createProcess (shell cmd)
- exitWith =<< waitForProcess pid
-runFakeSsh ps = error $ "fake ssh option parse error: " ++ show ps
-getTestMode :: IO TestMode
-getTestMode = Prelude.read <$> Utility.Env.getEnvDefault "TESTMODE" ""
-setupTestMode :: IO ()
-setupTestMode = do
- testmode <- getTestMode
- when (forceDirect testmode) $
- git_annex "direct" ["-q"] @? "git annex direct failed"
-changeToTmpDir :: FilePath -> IO ()
-changeToTmpDir t = do
- topdir <- Utility.Env.getEnvDefault "TOPDIR" (error "TOPDIR not set")
- setCurrentDirectory $ topdir ++ "/" ++ t
-tmpdir :: String
-tmpdir = ".t"
-mainrepodir :: FilePath
-mainrepodir = tmpdir </> "repo"
-tmprepodir :: IO FilePath
-tmprepodir = go (0 :: Int)
- where
- go n = do
- let d = tmpdir </> "tmprepo" ++ show n
- ifM (doesDirectoryExist d)
- ( go $ n + 1
- , return d
- )
-annexedfile :: String
-annexedfile = "foo"
-annexedfiledup :: String
-annexedfiledup = "foodup"
-wormannexedfile :: String
-wormannexedfile = "apple"
-sha1annexedfile :: String
-sha1annexedfile = "sha1foo"
-sha1annexedfiledup :: String
-sha1annexedfiledup = "sha1foodup"
-ingitfile :: String
-ingitfile = "bar.c"
-content :: FilePath -> String
-content f
- | f == annexedfile = "annexed file content"
- | f == ingitfile = "normal file content"
- | f == sha1annexedfile ="sha1 annexed file content"
- | f == annexedfiledup = content annexedfile
- | f == sha1annexedfiledup = content sha1annexedfile
- | f == wormannexedfile = "worm annexed file content"
- | "import" `isPrefixOf` f = "imported content"
- | otherwise = "unknown file " ++ f
-changecontent :: FilePath -> IO ()
-changecontent f = writeFile f $ changedcontent f
-changedcontent :: FilePath -> String
-changedcontent f = content f ++ " (modified)"
-backendSHA1 :: Types.Backend
-backendSHA1 = backend_ "SHA1"
-backendSHA256 :: Types.Backend
-backendSHA256 = backend_ "SHA256"
-backendSHA256E :: Types.Backend
-backendSHA256E = backend_ "SHA256E"
-backendWORM :: Types.Backend
-backendWORM = backend_ "WORM"
-backend_ :: String -> Types.Backend
-backend_ = Backend.lookupBackendVariety . Types.Key.parseKeyVariety
-getKey :: Types.Backend -> FilePath -> IO Types.Key
-getKey b f = fromJust <$> annexeval go
- where
- go = Types.Backend.getKey b
- Types.KeySource.KeySource
- { Types.KeySource.keyFilename = f
- , Types.KeySource.contentLocation = f
- , Types.KeySource.inodeCache = Nothing
- }
diff --git a/Test/Framework.hs b/Test/Framework.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5908faf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/Framework.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+{- git-annex test suite framework
+ -
+ - Copyright 2010-2017 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Test.Framework where
+import Test.Tasty
+import Test.Tasty.Runners
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit
+import Common
+import Types.Test
+import qualified Annex
+import qualified Annex.UUID
+import qualified Annex.Version
+import qualified Backend
+import qualified Git.CurrentRepo
+import qualified Git.Construct
+import qualified Types.KeySource
+import qualified Types.Backend
+import qualified Types
+import qualified Remote
+import qualified Key
+import qualified Types.Key
+import qualified Types.Messages
+import qualified Config
+import qualified Annex.WorkTree
+import qualified Annex.Link
+import qualified Annex.Init
+import qualified Annex.Path
+import qualified Annex.Action
+import qualified Utility.Process
+import qualified Utility.Env
+import qualified Utility.Env.Set
+import qualified Utility.Exception
+import qualified Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import qualified Utility.Tmp.Dir
+import qualified Command.Uninit
+import qualified CmdLine.GitAnnex as GitAnnex
+-- This is equivilant to running git-annex, but it's all run in-process
+-- so test coverage collection works.
+git_annex :: String -> [String] -> IO Bool
+git_annex command params = do
+ -- catch all errors, including normally fatal errors
+ r <- try run ::IO (Either SomeException ())
+ case r of
+ Right _ -> return True
+ Left _ -> return False
+ where
+ run = GitAnnex.run dummyTestOptParser Nothing (command:"-q":params)
+ dummyTestOptParser = pure mempty
+{- Runs git-annex and returns its output. -}
+git_annex_output :: String -> [String] -> IO String
+git_annex_output command params = do
+ pp <- Annex.Path.programPath
+ got <- Utility.Process.readProcess pp (command:params)
+ -- Since the above is a separate process, code coverage stats are
+ -- not gathered for things run in it.
+ -- Run same command again, to get code coverage.
+ _ <- git_annex command params
+ return got
+git_annex_expectoutput :: String -> [String] -> [String] -> IO ()
+git_annex_expectoutput command params expected = do
+ got <- lines <$> git_annex_output command params
+ got == expected @? ("unexpected value running " ++ command ++ " " ++ show params ++ " -- got: " ++ show got ++ " expected: " ++ show expected)
+-- Runs an action in the current annex. Note that shutdown actions
+-- are not run; this should only be used for actions that query state.
+annexeval :: Types.Annex a -> IO a
+annexeval a = do
+ s <- Annex.new =<< Git.CurrentRepo.get
+ Annex.eval s $ do
+ Annex.setOutput Types.Messages.QuietOutput
+ a `finally` Annex.Action.stopCoProcesses
+innewrepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
+innewrepo a = withgitrepo $ \r -> indir r a
+inmainrepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
+inmainrepo = indir mainrepodir
+with_ssh_origin :: (Assertion -> Assertion) -> (Assertion -> Assertion)
+with_ssh_origin cloner a = cloner $ do
+ origindir <- absPath
+ =<< annexeval (Config.getConfig (Config.ConfigKey config) "/dev/null")
+ let originurl = "localhost:" ++ origindir
+ boolSystem "git" [Param "config", Param config, Param originurl] @? "git config failed"
+ a
+ where
+ config = "remote.origin.url"
+intmpclonerepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
+intmpclonerepo a = withtmpclonerepo $ \r -> indir r a
+intmpclonerepoInDirect :: Assertion -> Assertion
+intmpclonerepoInDirect a = intmpclonerepo $
+ ifM isdirect
+ ( putStrLn "not supported in direct mode; skipping"
+ , a
+ )
+ where
+ isdirect = annexeval $ do
+ Annex.Init.initialize (Annex.Init.AutoInit False) Nothing Nothing
+ Config.isDirect
+checkRepo :: Types.Annex a -> FilePath -> IO a
+checkRepo getval d = do
+ s <- Annex.new =<< Git.Construct.fromPath d
+ Annex.eval s $
+ getval `finally` Annex.Action.stopCoProcesses
+isInDirect :: FilePath -> IO Bool
+isInDirect = checkRepo (not <$> Config.isDirect)
+intmpbareclonerepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
+intmpbareclonerepo a = withtmpclonerepo' (newCloneRepoConfig { bareClone = True } ) $
+ \r -> indir r a
+intmpsharedclonerepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
+intmpsharedclonerepo a = withtmpclonerepo' (newCloneRepoConfig { sharedClone = True } ) $
+ \r -> indir r a
+withtmpclonerepo :: (FilePath -> Assertion) -> Assertion
+withtmpclonerepo = withtmpclonerepo' newCloneRepoConfig
+withtmpclonerepo' :: CloneRepoConfig -> (FilePath -> Assertion) -> Assertion
+withtmpclonerepo' cfg a = do
+ dir <- tmprepodir
+ clone <- clonerepo mainrepodir dir cfg
+ r <- tryNonAsync (a clone)
+ case r of
+ Right () -> return ()
+ Left e -> do
+ whenM (keepFailures <$> getTestMode) $
+ putStrLn $ "** Preserving repo for failure analysis in " ++ clone
+ throwM e
+disconnectOrigin :: Assertion
+disconnectOrigin = boolSystem "git" [Param "remote", Param "rm", Param "origin"] @? "remote rm"
+withgitrepo :: (FilePath -> Assertion) -> Assertion
+withgitrepo = bracket (setuprepo mainrepodir) return
+indir :: FilePath -> Assertion -> Assertion
+indir dir a = do
+ currdir <- getCurrentDirectory
+ -- Assertion failures throw non-IO errors; catch
+ -- any type of error and change back to currdir before
+ -- rethrowing.
+ r <- bracket_ (changeToTmpDir dir) (setCurrentDirectory currdir)
+ (try a::IO (Either SomeException ()))
+ case r of
+ Right () -> return ()
+ Left e -> throwM e
+setuprepo :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
+setuprepo dir = do
+ cleanup dir
+ ensuretmpdir
+ boolSystem "git" [Param "init", Param "-q", File dir] @? "git init failed"
+ configrepo dir
+ return dir
+data CloneRepoConfig = CloneRepoConfig
+ { bareClone :: Bool
+ , sharedClone :: Bool
+ }
+newCloneRepoConfig :: CloneRepoConfig
+newCloneRepoConfig = CloneRepoConfig
+ { bareClone = False
+ , sharedClone = False
+ }
+-- clones are always done as local clones; we cannot test ssh clones
+clonerepo :: FilePath -> FilePath -> CloneRepoConfig -> IO FilePath
+clonerepo old new cfg = do
+ cleanup new
+ ensuretmpdir
+ let cloneparams = catMaybes
+ [ Just $ Param "clone"
+ , Just $ Param "-q"
+ , if bareClone cfg then Just (Param "--bare") else Nothing
+ , if sharedClone cfg then Just (Param "--shared") else Nothing
+ , Just $ File old
+ , Just $ File new
+ ]
+ boolSystem "git" cloneparams @? "git clone failed"
+ configrepo new
+ indir new $ do
+ ver <- annexVersion <$> getTestMode
+ if ver == Annex.Version.defaultVersion
+ then git_annex "init" ["-q", new] @? "git annex init failed"
+ else git_annex "init" ["-q", new, "--version", ver] @? "git annex init failed"
+ unless (bareClone cfg) $
+ indir new $
+ setupTestMode
+ return new
+configrepo :: FilePath -> IO ()
+configrepo dir = indir dir $ do
+ -- ensure git is set up to let commits happen
+ boolSystem "git" [Param "config", Param "user.name", Param "Test User"] @? "git config failed"
+ boolSystem "git" [Param "config", Param "user.email", Param "test@example.com"] @? "git config failed"
+ -- avoid signed commits by test suite
+ boolSystem "git" [Param "config", Param "commit.gpgsign", Param "false"] @? "git config failed"
+ -- tell git-annex to not annex the ingitfile
+ boolSystem "git"
+ [ Param "config"
+ , Param "annex.largefiles"
+ , Param ("exclude=" ++ ingitfile)
+ ] @? "git config annex.largefiles failed"
+ensuretmpdir :: IO ()
+ensuretmpdir = do
+ e <- doesDirectoryExist tmpdir
+ unless e $
+ createDirectory tmpdir
+{- Prevent global git configs from affecting the test suite. -}
+isolateGitConfig :: IO a -> IO a
+isolateGitConfig a = Utility.Tmp.Dir.withTmpDir "testhome" $ \tmphome -> do
+ tmphomeabs <- absPath tmphome
+ Utility.Env.Set.setEnv "HOME" tmphomeabs True
+ Utility.Env.Set.setEnv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" tmphomeabs True
+ Utility.Env.Set.setEnv "GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM" "1" True
+ a
+cleanup :: FilePath -> IO ()
+cleanup dir = whenM (doesDirectoryExist dir) $ do
+ Command.Uninit.prepareRemoveAnnexDir' dir
+ -- This can fail if files in the directory are still open by a
+ -- subprocess.
+ void $ tryIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive dir
+finalCleanup :: IO ()
+finalCleanup = whenM (doesDirectoryExist tmpdir) $ do
+ Annex.Action.reapZombies
+ Command.Uninit.prepareRemoveAnnexDir' tmpdir
+ catchIO (removeDirectoryRecursive tmpdir) $ \e -> do
+ print e
+ putStrLn "sleeping 10 seconds and will retry directory cleanup"
+ Utility.ThreadScheduler.threadDelaySeconds $
+ Utility.ThreadScheduler.Seconds 10
+ whenM (doesDirectoryExist tmpdir) $ do
+ Annex.Action.reapZombies
+ removeDirectoryRecursive tmpdir
+checklink :: FilePath -> Assertion
+checklink f =
+ -- in direct mode, it may be a symlink, or not, depending
+ -- on whether the content is present.
+ unlessM (annexeval Config.isDirect) $
+ ifM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem)
+ ( (isJust <$> annexeval (Annex.Link.getAnnexLinkTarget f))
+ @? f ++ " is not a (crippled) symlink"
+ , do
+ s <- getSymbolicLinkStatus f
+ isSymbolicLink s @? f ++ " is not a symlink"
+ )
+checkregularfile :: FilePath -> Assertion
+checkregularfile f = do
+ s <- getSymbolicLinkStatus f
+ isRegularFile s @? f ++ " is not a normal file"
+ return ()
+checkdoesnotexist :: FilePath -> Assertion
+checkdoesnotexist f =
+ (either (const True) (const False) <$> Utility.Exception.tryIO (getSymbolicLinkStatus f))
+ @? f ++ " exists unexpectedly"
+checkexists :: FilePath -> Assertion
+checkexists f =
+ (either (const False) (const True) <$> Utility.Exception.tryIO (getSymbolicLinkStatus f))
+ @? f ++ " does not exist"
+checkcontent :: FilePath -> Assertion
+checkcontent f = do
+ c <- Utility.Exception.catchDefaultIO "could not read file" $ readFile f
+ assertEqual ("checkcontent " ++ f) (content f) c
+checkunwritable :: FilePath -> Assertion
+checkunwritable f = unlessM (annexeval Config.isDirect) $ do
+ -- Look at permissions bits rather than trying to write or
+ -- using fileAccess because if run as root, any file can be
+ -- modified despite permissions.
+ s <- getFileStatus f
+ let mode = fileMode s
+ when (mode == mode `unionFileModes` ownerWriteMode) $
+ assertFailure $ "able to modify annexed file's " ++ f ++ " content"
+checkwritable :: FilePath -> Assertion
+checkwritable f = do
+ s <- getFileStatus f
+ let mode = fileMode s
+ unless (mode == mode `unionFileModes` ownerWriteMode) $
+ assertFailure $ "unable to modify " ++ f
+checkdangling :: FilePath -> Assertion
+checkdangling f = ifM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem)
+ ( return () -- probably no real symlinks to test
+ , do
+ r <- tryIO $ readFile f
+ case r of
+ Left _ -> return () -- expected; dangling link
+ Right _ -> assertFailure $ f ++ " was not a dangling link as expected"
+ )
+checklocationlog :: FilePath -> Bool -> Assertion
+checklocationlog f expected = do
+ thisuuid <- annexeval Annex.UUID.getUUID
+ r <- annexeval $ Annex.WorkTree.lookupFile f
+ case r of
+ Just k -> do
+ uuids <- annexeval $ Remote.keyLocations k
+ assertEqual ("bad content in location log for " ++ f ++ " key " ++ Key.key2file k ++ " uuid " ++ show thisuuid)
+ expected (thisuuid `elem` uuids)
+ _ -> assertFailure $ f ++ " failed to look up key"
+checkbackend :: FilePath -> Types.Backend -> Assertion
+checkbackend file expected = do
+ b <- annexeval $ maybe (return Nothing) (Backend.getBackend file)
+ =<< Annex.WorkTree.lookupFile file
+ assertEqual ("backend for " ++ file) (Just expected) b
+checkispointerfile :: FilePath -> Assertion
+checkispointerfile f = unlessM (isJust <$> Annex.Link.isPointerFile f) $
+ assertFailure $ f ++ " is not a pointer file"
+inlocationlog :: FilePath -> Assertion
+inlocationlog f = checklocationlog f True
+notinlocationlog :: FilePath -> Assertion
+notinlocationlog f = checklocationlog f False
+runchecks :: [FilePath -> Assertion] -> FilePath -> Assertion
+runchecks [] _ = return ()
+runchecks (a:as) f = do
+ a f
+ runchecks as f
+annexed_notpresent :: FilePath -> Assertion
+annexed_notpresent f = ifM (unlockedFiles <$> getTestMode)
+ ( annexed_notpresent_unlocked f
+ , annexed_notpresent_locked f
+ )
+annexed_notpresent_locked :: FilePath -> Assertion
+annexed_notpresent_locked = runchecks [checklink, checkdangling, notinlocationlog]
+annexed_notpresent_unlocked :: FilePath -> Assertion
+annexed_notpresent_unlocked = runchecks [checkregularfile, checkispointerfile, notinlocationlog]
+annexed_present :: FilePath -> Assertion
+annexed_present f = ifM (unlockedFiles <$> getTestMode)
+ ( annexed_present_unlocked f
+ , annexed_present_locked f
+ )
+annexed_present_locked :: FilePath -> Assertion
+annexed_present_locked f = ifM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem)
+ ( runchecks [checklink, inlocationlog] f
+ , runchecks [checklink, checkcontent, checkunwritable, inlocationlog] f
+ )
+annexed_present_unlocked :: FilePath -> Assertion
+annexed_present_unlocked = runchecks
+ [checkregularfile, checkcontent, checkwritable, inlocationlog]
+unannexed :: FilePath -> Assertion
+unannexed = runchecks [checkregularfile, checkcontent, checkwritable]
+add_annex :: FilePath -> IO Bool
+add_annex f = ifM (unlockedFiles <$> getTestMode)
+ ( boolSystem "git" [Param "add", File f]
+ , git_annex "add" [f]
+ )
+data TestMode = TestMode
+ { forceDirect :: Bool
+ , unlockedFiles :: Bool
+ , annexVersion :: Annex.Version.Version
+ , keepFailures :: Bool
+ } deriving (Read, Show)
+testMode :: TestOptions -> Annex.Version.Version -> TestMode
+testMode opts v = TestMode
+ { forceDirect = False
+ , unlockedFiles = False
+ , annexVersion = v
+ , keepFailures = keepFailuresOption opts
+ }
+withTestMode :: TestMode -> TestTree -> TestTree -> TestTree
+withTestMode testmode inittests = withResource prepare release . const
+ where
+ prepare = do
+ setTestMode testmode
+ case tryIngredients [consoleTestReporter] mempty inittests of
+ Nothing -> error "No tests found!?"
+ Just act -> unlessM act $
+ error "init tests failed! cannot continue"
+ return ()
+ release _ = cleanup mainrepodir
+setTestMode :: TestMode -> IO ()
+setTestMode testmode = do
+ currdir <- getCurrentDirectory
+ p <- Utility.Env.getEnvDefault "PATH" ""
+ mapM_ (\(var, val) -> Utility.Env.Set.setEnv var val True)
+ -- Ensure that the just-built git annex is used.
+ [ ("PATH", currdir ++ [searchPathSeparator] ++ p)
+ , ("TOPDIR", currdir)
+ -- Avoid git complaining if it cannot determine the user's
+ -- email address, or exploding if it doesn't know the user's
+ -- name.
+ , ("GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL", "test@example.com")
+ , ("GIT_AUTHOR_NAME", "git-annex test")
+ , ("GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL", "test@example.com")
+ , ("GIT_COMMITTER_NAME", "git-annex test")
+ -- force gpg into batch mode for the tests
+ , ("GPG_BATCH", "1")
+ -- Make git and git-annex access ssh remotes on the local
+ -- filesystem, without using ssh at all.
+ , ("GIT_SSH_COMMAND", "git-annex test --fakessh --")
+ , ("GIT_ANNEX_USE_GIT_SSH", "1")
+ , ("TESTMODE", show testmode)
+ ]
+runFakeSsh :: [String] -> IO ()
+runFakeSsh ("-n":ps) = runFakeSsh ps
+runFakeSsh (_host:cmd:[]) = do
+ (_, _, _, pid) <- createProcess (shell cmd)
+ exitWith =<< waitForProcess pid
+runFakeSsh ps = error $ "fake ssh option parse error: " ++ show ps
+getTestMode :: IO TestMode
+getTestMode = Prelude.read <$> Utility.Env.getEnvDefault "TESTMODE" ""
+setupTestMode :: IO ()
+setupTestMode = do
+ testmode <- getTestMode
+ when (forceDirect testmode) $
+ git_annex "direct" ["-q"] @? "git annex direct failed"
+changeToTmpDir :: FilePath -> IO ()
+changeToTmpDir t = do
+ topdir <- Utility.Env.getEnvDefault "TOPDIR" (error "TOPDIR not set")
+ setCurrentDirectory $ topdir ++ "/" ++ t
+tmpdir :: String
+tmpdir = ".t"
+mainrepodir :: FilePath
+mainrepodir = tmpdir </> "repo"
+tmprepodir :: IO FilePath
+tmprepodir = go (0 :: Int)
+ where
+ go n = do
+ let d = tmpdir </> "tmprepo" ++ show n
+ ifM (doesDirectoryExist d)
+ ( go $ n + 1
+ , return d
+ )
+annexedfile :: String
+annexedfile = "foo"
+annexedfiledup :: String
+annexedfiledup = "foodup"
+wormannexedfile :: String
+wormannexedfile = "apple"
+sha1annexedfile :: String
+sha1annexedfile = "sha1foo"
+sha1annexedfiledup :: String
+sha1annexedfiledup = "sha1foodup"
+ingitfile :: String
+ingitfile = "bar.c"
+content :: FilePath -> String
+content f
+ | f == annexedfile = "annexed file content"
+ | f == ingitfile = "normal file content"
+ | f == sha1annexedfile ="sha1 annexed file content"
+ | f == annexedfiledup = content annexedfile
+ | f == sha1annexedfiledup = content sha1annexedfile
+ | f == wormannexedfile = "worm annexed file content"
+ | "import" `isPrefixOf` f = "imported content"
+ | otherwise = "unknown file " ++ f
+changecontent :: FilePath -> IO ()
+changecontent f = writeFile f $ changedcontent f
+changedcontent :: FilePath -> String
+changedcontent f = content f ++ " (modified)"
+backendSHA1 :: Types.Backend
+backendSHA1 = backend_ "SHA1"
+backendSHA256 :: Types.Backend
+backendSHA256 = backend_ "SHA256"
+backendSHA256E :: Types.Backend
+backendSHA256E = backend_ "SHA256E"
+backendWORM :: Types.Backend
+backendWORM = backend_ "WORM"
+backend_ :: String -> Types.Backend
+backend_ = Backend.lookupBackendVariety . Types.Key.parseKeyVariety
+getKey :: Types.Backend -> FilePath -> IO Types.Key
+getKey b f = fromJust <$> annexeval go
+ where
+ go = Types.Backend.getKey b
+ Types.KeySource.KeySource
+ { Types.KeySource.keyFilename = f
+ , Types.KeySource.contentLocation = f
+ , Types.KeySource.inodeCache = Nothing
+ }
diff --git a/git-annex.cabal b/git-annex.cabal
index 446695fc8..b02ea2e14 100644
--- a/git-annex.cabal
+++ b/git-annex.cabal
@@ -943,6 +943,7 @@ Executable git-annex
+ Test.Framework