diff options
2 files changed, 51 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/Backend.hs b/Backend.hs
index f1b4c2897..693e1371b 100644
--- a/Backend.hs
+++ b/Backend.hs
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ module Backend (
- lookupFile
+ lookupFile,
+ chooseBackends
) where
import Control.Monad.State
@@ -74,12 +75,15 @@ maybeLookupBackendName bs s =
where matches = filter (\b -> s == b) bs
{- Attempts to store a file in one of the backends. -}
-storeFileKey :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe (Key, Backend))
-storeFileKey file = do
+storeFileKey :: FilePath -> Maybe Backend -> Annex (Maybe (Key, Backend))
+storeFileKey file trybackend = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
let relfile = Git.relative g file
- b <- list
- storeFileKey' b file relfile
+ bs <- list
+ let bs' = case trybackend of
+ Nothing -> bs
+ Just backend -> backend:bs
+ storeFileKey' bs' file relfile
storeFileKey' :: [Backend] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Annex (Maybe (Key, Backend))
storeFileKey' [] _ _ = return Nothing
storeFileKey' (b:bs) file relfile = do
@@ -136,3 +140,11 @@ lookupFile file = do
kname = keyName k
skip = "skipping " ++ file ++
" (unknown backend " ++ bname ++ ")"
+{- Looks up the backends that should be used for each file in a list.
+ - That can be configured on a per-file basis in the gitattributes file.
+ -}
+chooseBackends :: [FilePath] -> Annex [(FilePath, Maybe Backend)]
+chooseBackends fs = do
+ -- TODO
+ return $ map (\f -> (f, Nothing)) fs
diff --git a/Commands.hs b/Commands.hs
index 80b355f79..c012cdca0 100644
--- a/Commands.hs
+++ b/Commands.hs
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import LocationLog
import Types
import Core
import qualified Remotes
-import qualified TypeInternals
{- A subcommand runs in four stages. Each stage can return the next stage
- to run.
@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ import qualified TypeInternals
- looks through the repo to find the ones that are relevant
- to that subcommand (ie, new files to add), and returns a list of
- start stage actions to run. -}
-type SubCmdParse = [String] -> Git.Repo -> IO [SubCmdStart]
+type SubCmdParse = [String] -> Annex [SubCmdStart]
{- 1. The start stage is run before anything is printed about the
- subcommand, is passed some input, and can early abort it
- if the input does not make sense. It should run quickly and
@@ -125,9 +124,9 @@ usage = usageInfo header options ++ "\nSubcommands:\n" ++ cmddescs
{- Prepares a set of actions to run to perform a subcommand, based on
- the parameters passed to it. -}
-prepSubCmd :: SubCommand -> Git.Repo -> [String] -> IO [Annex Bool]
-prepSubCmd SubCommand { subcmdparse = parse } repo params = do
- list <- parse params repo :: IO [SubCmdStart]
+prepSubCmd :: SubCommand -> AnnexState -> [String] -> IO [Annex Bool]
+prepSubCmd SubCommand { subcmdparse = parse } state params = do
+ list <- Annex.eval state $ parse params
return $ map (\a -> doSubCmd a) list
{- Runs a subcommand through the start, perform and cleanup stages -}
@@ -155,37 +154,43 @@ doSubCmd start = do
{- These functions parse a user's parameters into a list of SubCmdStart
actions to perform. -}
type ParseStrings = (String -> SubCmdStart) -> SubCmdParse
-withFilesNotInGit :: ParseStrings
-withFilesNotInGit a params repo = do
- files <- mapM (Git.notInRepo repo) params
- return $ map a $ notState $ foldl (++) [] files
+type ParseBackendFiles = ((FilePath, Maybe Backend) -> SubCmdStart) -> SubCmdParse
+withFilesNotInGit :: ParseBackendFiles
+withFilesNotInGit a params = do
+ repo <- Annex.gitRepo
+ files <- liftIO $ mapM (Git.notInRepo repo) params
+ let files' = foldl (++) [] files
+ pairs <- Backend.chooseBackends files'
+ return $ map a $ filter (\(f,_) -> notState f) pairs
withFilesInGit :: ParseStrings
-withFilesInGit a params repo = do
- files <- mapM (Git.inRepo repo) params
- return $ map a $ notState $ foldl (++) [] files
+withFilesInGit a params = do
+ repo <- Annex.gitRepo
+ files <- liftIO $ mapM (Git.inRepo repo) params
+ return $ map a $ filter notState $ foldl (++) [] files
withFilesMissing :: ParseStrings
-withFilesMissing a params _ = do
+withFilesMissing a params = do
files <- liftIO $ filterM missing params
- return $ map a $ notState files
+ return $ map a $ filter notState files
missing f = do
e <- doesFileExist f
return $ not e
withDescription :: ParseStrings
-withDescription a params _ = do
+withDescription a params = do
return $ [a $ unwords params]
withFilesToBeCommitted :: ParseStrings
-withFilesToBeCommitted a params repo = do
- files <- mapM (Git.stagedFiles repo) params
- return $ map a $ notState $ foldl (++) [] files
+withFilesToBeCommitted a params = do
+ repo <- Annex.gitRepo
+ files <- liftIO $ mapM (Git.stagedFiles repo) params
+ return $ map a $ filter notState $ foldl (++) [] files
withKeys :: ParseStrings
-withKeys a params _ = return $ map a params
+withKeys a params = return $ map a params
withTempFile :: ParseStrings
-withTempFile a params _ = return $ map a params
+withTempFile a params = return $ map a params
{- filter out files from the state directory -}
-notState :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath]
-notState fs = filter (\f -> stateLoc /= take (length stateLoc) f) fs
+notState :: FilePath -> Bool
+notState f = stateLoc /= take (length stateLoc) f
{- Parses command line and returns two lists of actions to be
- run in the Annex monad. The first actions configure it
@@ -198,8 +203,7 @@ parseCmd argv state = do
case lookupCmd (params !! 0) of
[] -> error usage
[subcommand] -> do
- let repo = TypeInternals.repo state
- actions <- prepSubCmd subcommand repo (drop 1 params)
+ actions <- prepSubCmd subcommand state (drop 1 params)
let configactions = map (\flag -> do
return True) flags
@@ -214,17 +218,17 @@ parseCmd argv state = do
{- The add subcommand annexes a file, storing it in a backend, and then
- moving it into the annex directory and setting up the symlink pointing
- to its content. -}
-addStart :: FilePath -> SubCmdStart
-addStart file = notAnnexed file $ do
+addStart :: (FilePath, Maybe Backend) -> SubCmdStart
+addStart pair@(file, _) = notAnnexed file $ do
s <- liftIO $ getSymbolicLinkStatus file
if ((isSymbolicLink s) || (not $ isRegularFile s))
then return Nothing
else do
showStart "add" file
- return $ Just $ addPerform file
-addPerform :: FilePath -> SubCmdPerform
-addPerform file = do
- stored <- Backend.storeFileKey file
+ return $ Just $ addPerform pair
+addPerform :: (FilePath, Maybe Backend) -> SubCmdPerform
+addPerform (file, backend) = do
+ stored <- Backend.storeFileKey file backend
case (stored) of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (key, _) -> return $ Just $ addCleanup file key