diff options
2 files changed, 67 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/Commands.hs b/Commands.hs
index 48186928a..6d68fc4e7 100644
--- a/Commands.hs
+++ b/Commands.hs
@@ -23,22 +23,28 @@ import Core
import qualified Remotes
import qualified BackendTypes
-data CmdWants = FilesInGit | FilesNotInGit | FilesInOrNotInGit |
- RepoName | SingleString
+data CmdWants = FilesInGit | FilesNotInGit | RepoName | SingleString
data Command = Command {
cmdname :: String,
cmdaction :: (String -> Annex ()),
- cmdwants :: CmdWants
+ cmdwants :: CmdWants,
+ cmddesc :: String
cmds :: [Command]
cmds = [
- (Command "add" addCmd FilesNotInGit)
- , (Command "get" getCmd FilesInGit)
- , (Command "drop" dropCmd FilesInGit)
- , (Command "unannex" unannexCmd FilesInGit)
- , (Command "describe" describeCmd SingleString)
- , (Command "fix" fixCmd FilesInOrNotInGit)
+ (Command "add" addCmd FilesNotInGit
+ "add files to annex")
+ , (Command "get" getCmd FilesInGit
+ "make content of annexed files available")
+ , (Command "drop" dropCmd FilesInGit
+ "indicate content of files not currently wanted")
+ , (Command "unannex" unannexCmd FilesInGit
+ "undo accidential add command")
+ , (Command "init" initCmd SingleString
+ "initialize git-annex with repository description")
+ , (Command "fix" fixCmd FilesInGit
+ "fix up files' symlinks to point to annexed content")
options = [
@@ -46,6 +52,17 @@ options = [
, Option ['N'] ["no-commit"] (NoArg NoCommit) "do not stage or commit changes"
+header = "Usage: git-annex [" ++ (join "|" $ map cmdname cmds) ++ "] ..."
+usage = usageInfo header options ++ "\nSubcommands:\n" ++ cmddescs
+ where
+ cmddescs = unlines $ map (\c -> indent $ showcmd c) cmds
+ showcmd c =
+ (cmdname c) ++
+ (take (10 - (length (cmdname c))) $ repeat ' ') ++
+ (cmddesc c)
+ indent l = " " ++ l
{- Finds the type of parameters a command wants, from among the passed
- parameter list. -}
findWanted :: CmdWants -> [String] -> Git.Repo -> IO [String]
@@ -55,10 +72,6 @@ findWanted FilesNotInGit params repo = do
findWanted FilesInGit params repo = do
files <- mapM (Git.inRepo repo) params
return $ foldl (++) [] files
-findWanted FilesInOrNotInGit params repo = do
- a <- findWanted FilesInGit params repo
- b <- findWanted FilesNotInGit params repo
- return $ union a b
findWanted SingleString params _ = do
return $ [unwords params]
findWanted RepoName params _ = do
@@ -73,7 +86,7 @@ parseCmd argv state = do
0 -> error usage
_ -> case (lookupCmd (params !! 0)) of
[] -> error usage
- [Command _ action want] -> do
+ [Command _ action want _] -> do
f <- findWanted want (drop 1 params)
(BackendTypes.repo state)
return (flags, map action $ filter notstate f)
@@ -84,9 +97,6 @@ parseCmd argv state = do
(flags, params, []) -> return (flags, params)
(_, _, errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usage))
lookupCmd cmd = filter (\c -> cmd == cmdname c) cmds
- header = "Usage: git-annex [" ++
- (join "|" $ map cmdname cmds) ++ "] ..."
- usage = usageInfo header options
{- Annexes a file, storing it in a backend, and then moving it into
- the annex directory and setting up the symlink pointing to its content. -}
@@ -197,32 +207,37 @@ dropCmd file = notinBackend file err $ \(key, backend) -> do
{- Fixes the symlink to an annexed file. -}
fixCmd :: String -> Annex ()
-fixCmd file = notinBackend file err $ \(key, backend) -> do
+fixCmd file = notinBackend file skip $ \(key, backend) -> do
link <- calcGitLink file key
- checkLegal file link
- showStart "fix" file
- liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file)
- liftIO $ removeFile file
- liftIO $ createSymbolicLink link file
- gitAdd file $ Just $ "git-annex fix " ++ file
- showEndOk
+ l <- liftIO $ readSymbolicLink file
+ if (link == l)
+ then skip
+ else do
+ showStart "fix" file
+ liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file)
+ liftIO $ removeFile file
+ liftIO $ createSymbolicLink link file
+ gitAdd file $ Just $ "git-annex fix " ++ file
+ showEndOk
- checkLegal file link = do
- l <- liftIO $ readSymbolicLink file
- if (link == l)
- then error $ "symbolic link already ok for: " ++ file
- else return ()
- err = error $ "not annexed " ++ file
+ -- quietly skip non-annexed files, so this can be used
+ -- as a commit hook
+ skip = return ()
{- Stores description for the repository. -}
-describeCmd :: String -> Annex ()
-describeCmd description = do
- g <- Annex.gitRepo
- u <- getUUID g
- describeUUID u description
- log <- uuidLog
- gitAdd log $ Just $ "description for UUID " ++ (show u)
- liftIO $ putStrLn "description set"
+initCmd :: String -> Annex ()
+initCmd description = do
+ if (0 == length description)
+ then error $
+ "please specify a description of this repository\n" ++
+ usage
+ else do
+ g <- Annex.gitRepo
+ u <- getUUID g
+ describeUUID u description
+ log <- uuidLog
+ gitAdd log $ Just $ "description for UUID " ++ (show u)
+ liftIO $ putStrLn "description set"
-- helpers
inBackend file yes no = do
diff --git a/doc/git-annex.mdwn b/doc/git-annex.mdwn
index 66d9897d0..4647eb058 100644
--- a/doc/git-annex.mdwn
+++ b/doc/git-annex.mdwn
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Enough broad picture, here's how it actually looks:
if you're just done with a file; only use `unannex` if you
accidentially added a file. (You can also run this on all your annexed
files come the Singularity. ;-)
-* `git annex describe "some description"` allows associating some description
+* `git annex init "some description"` allows associating some description
(such as "USB archive drive 1") with a repository. This can help with
finding it later, see "Location Tracking" below.
@@ -128,21 +128,23 @@ is on a home file server, and you are away from home. Then git-annex can
tell you what git remote it needs access to in order to get a file:
# git annex get myfile
- git-annex: unable to get file with key: WORM:8b01f6d371178722367393eb26043482e1820306:myfile
- To get that file, need access to one of these remotes: home
+ get myfile (need access to one of these remotes: home)
+ git-annex: get myfile failed
Another way the location tracking comes in handy is if you put repositories
on removable USB drives, that might be archived away offline in a safe
place. In this sort of case, you probably don't have a git remotes
configured for every USB drive. So git-annex may have to resort to talking
-about repository UUIDs. If you have previously used "git annex describe"
-in those repositories, it will include their description to help you with
-finding them:
- git-annex: no available git remotes have file with key: WORM:8b01f6d371178722367393eb26043482e1820306:myfile
- It has been seen before in these repositories:
- c0a28e06-d7ef-11df-885c-775af44f8882 -- USB archive drive 1
- e1938fee-d95b-11df-96cc-002170d25c55
+about repository UUIDs. If you have previously used "git annex init"
+to attach descriptions to those repositories, it will include their
+descriptions to help you with finding them:
+ # git annex get myfile
+ get myfile (No available git remotes have the file.)
+ It has been seen before in these repositories:
+ c0a28e06-d7ef-11df-885c-775af44f8882 -- USB archive drive 1
+ e1938fee-d95b-11df-96cc-002170d25c55
+ git-annex: get myfile failed
## configuration