diff options
26 files changed, 685 insertions, 214 deletions
diff --git a/Annex/Branch.hs b/Annex/Branch.hs
index bc3736a9a..9ee281de9 100644
--- a/Annex/Branch.hs
+++ b/Annex/Branch.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- management of the git-annex branch
- - Copyright 2011-2012 Joey Hess <>
+ - Copyright 2011-2013 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
@@ -22,9 +22,12 @@ module Annex.Branch (
+ performTransitions,
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.Map as M
import Common.Annex
import Annex.BranchState
@@ -32,6 +35,7 @@ import Annex.Journal
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Command
import qualified Git.Ref
+import qualified Git.Sha
import qualified Git.Branch
import qualified Git.UnionMerge
import qualified Git.UpdateIndex
@@ -42,6 +46,12 @@ import Annex.CatFile
import Annex.Perms
import qualified Annex
import Utility.Env
+import Logs
+import Logs.Transitions
+import Logs.Trust.Pure
+import Annex.ReplaceFile
+import qualified Annex.Queue
+import Annex.Branch.Transitions
{- Name of the branch that is used to store git-annex's information. -}
name :: Git.Ref
@@ -110,6 +120,9 @@ forceUpdate = updateTo =<< siblingBranches
- later get staged, and might overwrite changes made during the merge.
- This is only done if some of the Refs do need to be merged.
+ - Also handles performing any Transitions that have not yet been
+ - performed, in either the local branch, or the Refs.
+ -
- Returns True if any refs were merged in, False otherwise.
updateTo :: [(Git.Ref, Git.Branch)] -> Annex Bool
@@ -117,7 +130,8 @@ updateTo pairs = do
-- ensure branch exists, and get its current ref
branchref <- getBranch
dirty <- journalDirty
- (refs, branches) <- unzip <$> filterM isnewer pairs
+ ignoredrefs <- getIgnoredRefs
+ (refs, branches) <- unzip <$> filterM (isnewer ignoredrefs) pairs
if null refs
{- Even when no refs need to be merged, the index
- may still be updated if the branch has gotten ahead
@@ -132,7 +146,9 @@ updateTo pairs = do
else lockJournal $ go branchref dirty refs branches
return $ not $ null refs
- isnewer (r, _) = inRepo $ Git.Branch.changed fullname r
+ isnewer ignoredrefs (r, _)
+ | S.member r ignoredrefs = return False
+ | otherwise = inRepo $ Git.Branch.changed fullname r
go branchref dirty refs branches = withIndex $ do
cleanjournal <- if dirty then stageJournal else return noop
let merge_desc = if null branches
@@ -140,23 +156,30 @@ updateTo pairs = do
else "merging " ++
unwords (map Git.Ref.describe branches) ++
" into " ++ show name
+ localtransitions <- parseTransitionsStrictly "local"
+ <$> getStale transitionsLog
unless (null branches) $ do
showSideAction merge_desc
mergeIndex refs
- ff <- if dirty
- then return False
- else inRepo $ Git.Branch.fastForward fullname refs
- if ff
- then updateIndex branchref
- else commitBranch branchref merge_desc
- (nub $ fullname:refs)
+ let commitrefs = nub $ fullname:refs
+ transitioned <- handleTransitions localtransitions commitrefs
+ case transitioned of
+ Nothing -> do
+ ff <- if dirty
+ then return False
+ else inRepo $ Git.Branch.fastForward fullname refs
+ if ff
+ then updateIndex branchref
+ else commitBranch branchref merge_desc commitrefs
+ Just (branchref', commitrefs') ->
+ commitBranch branchref' merge_desc commitrefs'
liftIO cleanjournal
{- Gets the content of a file, which may be in the journal, or in the index
- (and committed to the branch).
- Updates the branch if necessary, to ensure the most up-to-date available
- - content is available.
+ - content is returned.
- Returns an empty string if the file doesn't exist yet. -}
get :: FilePath -> Annex String
@@ -175,7 +198,10 @@ get' :: FilePath -> Annex String
get' file = go =<< getJournalFile file
go (Just journalcontent) = return journalcontent
- go Nothing = withIndex $ L.unpack <$> catFile fullname file
+ go Nothing = getRaw file
+getRaw :: FilePath -> Annex String
+getRaw file = withIndex $ L.unpack <$> catFile fullname file
{- Applies a function to modifiy the content of a file.
@@ -253,13 +279,17 @@ commitBranch' branchref message parents = do
files :: Annex [FilePath]
files = do
- withIndex $ do
- bfiles <- inRepo $ Git.Command.pipeNullSplitZombie
- [ Params "ls-tree --name-only -r -z"
- , Param $ show fullname
- ]
- jfiles <- getJournalledFiles
- return $ jfiles ++ bfiles
+ (++)
+ <$> branchFiles
+ <*> getJournalledFiles
+{- Files in the branch, not including any from journalled changes,
+ - and without updating the branch. -}
+branchFiles :: Annex [FilePath]
+branchFiles = withIndex $ inRepo $ Git.Command.pipeNullSplitZombie
+ [ Params "ls-tree --name-only -r -z"
+ , Param $ show fullname
+ ]
{- Populates the branch's index file with the current branch contents.
@@ -361,3 +391,116 @@ stageJournal = withIndex $ do
sha <- hashFile h path
streamer $ Git.UpdateIndex.updateIndexLine
sha FileBlob (asTopFilePath $ fileJournal file)
+{- This is run after the refs have been merged into the index,
+ - but before the result is committed to the branch.
+ - Which is why it's passed the contents of the local branches's
+ - transition log before that merge took place.
+ -
+ - When the refs contain transitions that have not yet been done locally,
+ - the transitions are performed on the index, and a new branch
+ - is created from the result, and returned.
+ -
+ - When there are transitions recorded locally that have not been done
+ - to the remote refs, the transitions are performed in the index,
+ - and the existing branch is returned. In this case, the untransitioned
+ - remote refs cannot be merged into the branch (since transitions
+ - throw away history), so none of them are included in the returned
+ - list of refs, and they are added to the list of refs to ignore,
+ - to avoid re-merging content from them again.
+ -}
+handleTransitions :: Transitions -> [Git.Ref] -> Annex (Maybe (Git.Branch, [Git.Ref]))
+handleTransitions localts refs = do
+ m <- M.fromList <$> mapM getreftransition refs
+ let remotets = M.elems m
+ if all (localts ==) remotets
+ then return Nothing
+ else do
+ let allts = combineTransitions (localts:remotets)
+ let (transitionedrefs, untransitionedrefs) =
+ partition (\r -> M.lookup r m == Just allts) refs
+ transitionedbranch <- performTransitions allts (localts /= allts)
+ ignoreRefs untransitionedrefs
+ return $ Just (transitionedbranch, transitionedrefs)
+ where
+ getreftransition ref = do
+ ts <- parseTransitionsStrictly "remote" . L.unpack
+ <$> catFile ref transitionsLog
+ return (ref, ts)
+ignoreRefs :: [Git.Ref] -> Annex ()
+ignoreRefs rs = do
+ old <- getIgnoredRefs
+ let s = S.unions [old, S.fromList rs]
+ f <- fromRepo gitAnnexIgnoredRefs
+ replaceFile f $ \tmp -> liftIO $ writeFile tmp $
+ unlines $ map show $ S.elems s
+getIgnoredRefs :: Annex (S.Set Git.Ref)
+getIgnoredRefs = S.fromList . mapMaybe Git.Sha.extractSha . lines <$> content
+ where
+ content = do
+ f <- fromRepo gitAnnexIgnoredRefs
+ liftIO $ catchDefaultIO "" $ readFile f
+{- Performs the specified transitions on the contents of the index file,
+ - commits it to the branch, or creates a new branch, and returns
+ - the branch's ref. -}
+performTransitions :: Transitions -> Bool -> Annex Git.Ref
+performTransitions ts neednewbranch = do
+ -- For simplicity & speed, we're going to use the Annex.Queue to
+ -- update the git-annex branch, while it usually holds changes
+ -- for the head branch. Flush any such changes.
+ Annex.Queue.flush
+ withIndex $ do
+ run $ mapMaybe getTransitionCalculator $ transitionList ts
+ Annex.Queue.flush
+ if neednewbranch
+ then do
+ committedref <- inRepo $ Git.Branch.commit message fullname []
+ setIndexSha committedref
+ return committedref
+ else do
+ ref <- getBranch
+ commitBranch ref message [fullname]
+ getBranch
+ where
+ message
+ | neednewbranch = "new branch for transition " ++ tdesc
+ | otherwise = "continuing transition " ++ tdesc
+ tdesc = show $ map describeTransition $ transitionList ts
+ {- The changes to make to the branch are calculated and applied to
+ - the branch directly, rather than going through the journal,
+ - which would be innefficient. (And the journal is not designed
+ - to hold changes to every file in the branch at once.)
+ -
+ - When a file in the branch is changed by transition code,
+ - that value is remembered and fed into the code for subsequent
+ - transitions.
+ -}
+ run [] = noop
+ run changers = do
+ trustmap <- calcTrustMap <$> getRaw trustLog
+ fs <- branchFiles
+ hasher <- inRepo hashObjectStart
+ forM_ fs $ \f -> do
+ content <- getRaw f
+ apply changers hasher f content trustmap
+ liftIO $ hashObjectStop hasher
+ apply [] _ _ _ _ = return ()
+ apply (changer:rest) hasher file content trustmap =
+ case changer file content trustmap of
+ RemoveFile -> do
+ Annex.Queue.addUpdateIndex
+ =<< inRepo (Git.UpdateIndex.unstageFile file)
+ -- File is deleted; can't run any other
+ -- transitions on it.
+ return ()
+ ChangeFile content' -> do
+ sha <- inRepo $ hashObject BlobObject content'
+ Annex.Queue.addUpdateIndex $ Git.UpdateIndex.pureStreamer $
+ Git.UpdateIndex.updateIndexLine sha FileBlob (asTopFilePath file)
+ apply rest hasher file content' trustmap
+ PreserveFile ->
+ apply rest hasher file content trustmap
diff --git a/Annex/Branch/Transitions.hs b/Annex/Branch/Transitions.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..90002de62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Annex/Branch/Transitions.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+{- git-annex branch transitions
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Annex.Branch.Transitions (
+ FileTransition(..),
+ getTransitionCalculator
+) where
+import Logs
+import Logs.Transitions
+import Logs.UUIDBased as UUIDBased
+import Logs.Presence.Pure as Presence
+import Types.TrustLevel
+import Types.UUID
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+data FileTransition
+ = ChangeFile String
+ | RemoveFile
+ | PreserveFile
+type TransitionCalculator = FilePath -> String -> TrustMap -> FileTransition
+getTransitionCalculator :: Transition -> Maybe TransitionCalculator
+getTransitionCalculator ForgetGitHistory = Nothing
+getTransitionCalculator ForgetDeadRemotes = Just dropDead
+dropDead :: FilePath -> String -> TrustMap -> FileTransition
+dropDead f content trustmap = case getLogVariety f of
+ Just UUIDBasedLog -> ChangeFile $
+ UUIDBased.showLog id $ dropDeadFromUUIDBasedLog trustmap $ UUIDBased.parseLog Just content
+ Just (PresenceLog _) ->
+ let newlog = Presence.compactLog $ dropDeadFromPresenceLog trustmap $ Presence.parseLog content
+ in if null newlog
+ then RemoveFile
+ else ChangeFile $ Presence.showLog newlog
+ Nothing -> PreserveFile
+dropDeadFromUUIDBasedLog :: TrustMap -> UUIDBased.Log String -> UUIDBased.Log String
+dropDeadFromUUIDBasedLog trustmap = M.filterWithKey $ notDead trustmap . const
+{- Presence logs can contain UUIDs or other values. Any line that matches
+ - a dead uuid is dropped; any other values are passed through. -}
+dropDeadFromPresenceLog :: TrustMap -> [Presence.LogLine] -> [Presence.LogLine]
+dropDeadFromPresenceLog trustmap = filter $ notDead trustmap (toUUID .
+notDead :: TrustMap -> (v -> UUID) -> v -> Bool
+notDead trustmap a v = M.findWithDefault SemiTrusted (a v) trustmap /= DeadTrusted
diff --git a/Annex/TaggedPush.hs b/Annex/TaggedPush.hs
index 44a1a0eb0..039dc0e17 100644
--- a/Annex/TaggedPush.hs
+++ b/Annex/TaggedPush.hs
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Ref
import qualified Git.Command
+import qualified Git.Branch
import Utility.Base64
{- Converts a git branch into a branch that is tagged with a UUID, typically
@@ -50,7 +51,10 @@ taggedPush :: UUID -> Maybe String -> Git.Ref -> Remote -> Git.Repo -> IO Bool
taggedPush u info branch remote = Git.Command.runBool
[ Param "push"
, Param $ remote
- , Param $ refspec
+ {- Using forcePush here is safe because we "own" the tagged branch
+ - we're pushing; it has no other writers. Ensures it is pushed
+ - even if it has been rewritten by a transition. -}
+ , Param $ Git.Branch.forcePush $ refspec
, Param $ refspec branch
diff --git a/Command/Forget.hs b/Command/Forget.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d216ae3ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Command/Forget.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+{- git-annex command
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Command.Forget where
+import Common.Annex
+import Command
+import qualified Annex.Branch as Branch
+import Logs.Transitions
+import qualified Annex
+import qualified Option
+import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
+def :: [Command]
+def = [withOptions forgetOptions $ command "forget" paramNothing seek
+ SectionMaintenance "prune git-annex branch history"]
+forgetOptions :: [Option]
+forgetOptions = [dropDeadOption]
+dropDeadOption :: Option
+dropDeadOption = Option.flag [] "drop-dead" "drop references to dead repositories"
+seek :: [CommandSeek]
+seek = [withFlag dropDeadOption $ \dropdead ->
+ withNothing $ start dropdead]
+start :: Bool -> CommandStart
+start dropdead = do
+ showStart "forget" "git-annex"
+ now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
+ let basets = addTransition now ForgetGitHistory noTransitions
+ let ts = if dropdead
+ then addTransition now ForgetDeadRemotes basets
+ else basets
+ next $ perform ts =<< Annex.getState Annex.force
+perform :: Transitions -> Bool -> CommandPerform
+perform ts True = do
+ recordTransitions Branch.change ts
+ -- get branch committed before contining with the transition
+ Branch.update
+ void $ Branch.performTransitions ts True
+ next $ return True
+perform _ False = do
+ showLongNote "To forget git-annex branch history, you must specify --force. This deletes metadata!"
+ stop
diff --git a/Command/Log.hs b/Command/Log.hs
index 2d4819f7f..f3a5becb8 100644
--- a/Command/Log.hs
+++ b/Command/Log.hs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import Data.Char
import Common.Annex
import Command
-import qualified Logs.Location
+import Logs
import qualified Logs.Presence
import Annex.CatFile
import qualified Annex.Branch
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ getLog :: Key -> [CommandParam] -> Annex [String]
getLog key os = do
top <- fromRepo Git.repoPath
p <- liftIO $ relPathCwdToFile top
- let logfile = p </> Logs.Location.logFile key
+ let logfile = p </> locationLogFile key
inRepo $ pipeNullSplitZombie $
[ Params "log -z --pretty=format:%ct --raw --abbrev=40"
, Param "--remove-empty"
diff --git a/Command/Sync.hs b/Command/Sync.hs
index 551c2fa69..567e3146b 100644
--- a/Command/Sync.hs
+++ b/Command/Sync.hs
@@ -167,29 +167,45 @@ pushRemote remote branch = go =<< needpush
inRepo $ pushBranch remote branch
-{- If the remote is a bare git repository, it's best to push the branch
- - directly to it. On the other hand, if it's not bare, pushing to the
- - checked out branch will fail, and this is why we use the syncBranch.
+{- Pushes a regular branch like master to a remote. Also pushes the git-annex
+ - branch.
+ -
+ - If the remote is a bare git repository, it's best to push the regular
+ - branch directly to it, so that cloning/pulling will get it.
+ - On the other hand, if it's not bare, pushing to the checked out branch
+ - will fail, and this is why we push to its syncBranch.
- Git offers no way to tell if a remote is bare or not, so both methods
- are tried.
- The direct push is likely to spew an ugly error message, so stderr is
- - elided. Since progress is output to stderr too, the sync push is done
- - first, and actually sends the data. Then the direct push is tried,
- - with stderr discarded, to update the branch ref on the remote.
+ - elided. Since git progress display goes to stderr too, the sync push
+ - is done first, and actually sends the data. Then the direct push is
+ - tried, with stderr discarded, to update the branch ref on the remote.
+ -
+ - The sync push forces the update of the remote synced/git-annex branch.
+ - This is necessary if a transition has rewritten the git-annex branch.
+ - Normally any changes to the git-annex branch get pulled and merged before
+ - this push, so this forcing is unlikely to overwrite new data pushed
+ - in from another repository that is also syncing.
+ -
+ - But overwriting of data on synced/git-annex can happen, in a race.
+ - The only difference caused by using a forced push in that case is that
+ - the last repository to push wins the race, rather than the first to push.
pushBranch :: Remote -> Git.Ref -> Git.Repo -> IO Bool
-pushBranch remote branch g = tryIO directpush `after` syncpush
+pushBranch remote branch g = tryIO (directpush g) `after` syncpush g
- syncpush = Git.Command.runBool (pushparams (refspec branch)) g
- directpush = Git.Command.runQuiet (pushparams (show $ Git.Ref.base branch)) g
- pushparams b =
+ syncpush = Git.Command.runBool $ pushparams
+ [ Git.Branch.forcePush $ refspec
+ , refspec branch
+ ]
+ directpush = Git.Command.runQuiet $ pushparams
+ [show $ Git.Ref.base branch]
+ pushparams branches =
[ Param "push"
, Param $ remote
- , Param $ refspec
- , Param b
- ]
+ ] ++ map Param branches
refspec b = concat
[ show $ Git.Ref.base b
, ":"
diff --git a/Git/Branch.hs b/Git/Branch.hs
index d4a684016..fed53d767 100644
--- a/Git/Branch.hs
+++ b/Git/Branch.hs
@@ -101,3 +101,7 @@ commit message branch parentrefs repo = do
return sha
ps = concatMap (\r -> ["-p", show r]) parentrefs
+{- A leading + makes git-push force pushing a branch. -}
+forcePush :: String -> String
+forcePush b = "+" ++ b
diff --git a/GitAnnex.hs b/GitAnnex.hs
index 05565e643..1212edf9f 100644
--- a/GitAnnex.hs
+++ b/GitAnnex.hs
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ import qualified Command.Map
import qualified Command.Direct
import qualified Command.Indirect
import qualified Command.Upgrade
+import qualified Command.Forget
import qualified Command.Version
import qualified Command.Help
@@ -139,6 +140,7 @@ cmds = concat
, Command.Direct.def
, Command.Indirect.def
, Command.Upgrade.def
+ , Command.Forget.def
, Command.Version.def
, Command.Help.def
diff --git a/Locations.hs b/Locations.hs
index 1cbbb9886..7762afb64 100644
--- a/Locations.hs
+++ b/Locations.hs
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ module Locations (
+ gitAnnexIgnoredRefs,
@@ -225,6 +226,10 @@ gitAnnexIndex r = gitAnnexDir r </> "index"
gitAnnexIndexLock :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexIndexLock r = gitAnnexDir r </> "index.lck"
+{- List of refs that should not be merged into the git-annex branch. -}
+gitAnnexIgnoredRefs :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
+gitAnnexIgnoredRefs r = gitAnnexDir r </> "ignoredrefs"
{- Pid file for daemon mode. -}
gitAnnexPidFile :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexPidFile r = gitAnnexDir r </> ""
diff --git a/Logs.hs b/Logs.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6339efa13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Logs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+{- git-annex log file names
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Logs where
+import Common.Annex
+import Types.Key
+data LogVariety = UUIDBasedLog | PresenceLog Key
+ deriving (Show)
+{- Converts a path from the git-annex branch into one of the varieties
+ - of logs used by git-annex, if it's a known path. -}
+getLogVariety :: FilePath -> Maybe LogVariety
+getLogVariety f
+ | f `elem` uuidBasedLogs = Just UUIDBasedLog
+ | otherwise = PresenceLog <$> firstJust (presenceLogs f)
+{- All the uuid-based logs stored in the git-annex branch. -}
+uuidBasedLogs :: [FilePath]
+uuidBasedLogs =
+ [ uuidLog
+ , remoteLog
+ , trustLog
+ , groupLog
+ , preferredContentLog
+ ]
+{- All the ways to get a key from a presence log file -}
+presenceLogs :: FilePath -> [Maybe Key]
+presenceLogs f =
+ [ urlLogFileKey f
+ , locationLogFileKey f
+ ]
+uuidLog :: FilePath
+uuidLog = "uuid.log"
+remoteLog :: FilePath
+remoteLog = "remote.log"
+trustLog :: FilePath
+trustLog = "trust.log"
+groupLog :: FilePath
+groupLog = "group.log"
+preferredContentLog :: FilePath
+preferredContentLog = "preferred-content.log"
+{- The pathname of the location log file for a given key. -}
+locationLogFile :: Key -> String
+locationLogFile key = hashDirLower key ++ keyFile key ++ ".log"
+{- Converts a pathname into a key if it's a location log. -}
+locationLogFileKey :: FilePath -> Maybe Key
+locationLogFileKey path
+ | ["remote", "web"] `isPrefixOf` splitDirectories dir = Nothing
+ | ext == ".log" = fileKey base
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ (dir, file) = splitFileName path
+ (base, ext) = splitAt (length file - 4) file
+{- The filename of the url log for a given key. -}
+urlLogFile :: Key -> FilePath
+urlLogFile key = hashDirLower key </> keyFile key ++ urlLogExt
+{- Old versions stored the urls elsewhere. -}
+oldurlLogs :: Key -> [FilePath]
+oldurlLogs key =
+ [ "remote/web" </> hashDirLower key </> key2file key ++ ".log"
+ , "remote/web" </> hashDirLower key </> keyFile key ++ ".log"
+ ]
+urlLogExt :: String
+urlLogExt = ".log.web"
+{- Converts a url log file into a key.
+ - (Does not work on oldurlLogs.) -}
+urlLogFileKey :: FilePath -> Maybe Key
+urlLogFileKey path
+ | ext == urlLogExt = fileKey base
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ file = takeFileName path
+ (base, ext) = splitAt (length file - extlen) file
+ extlen = length urlLogExt
+{- Does not work on oldurllogs. -}
+isUrlLog :: FilePath -> Bool
+isUrlLog file = urlLogExt `isSuffixOf` file
+prop_logs_sane :: Key -> Bool
+prop_logs_sane dummykey = all id
+ [ isNothing (getLogVariety "unknown")
+ , expect isUUIDBasedLog (getLogVariety uuidLog)
+ , expect isPresenceLog (getLogVariety $ locationLogFile dummykey)
+ , expect isPresenceLog (getLogVariety $ urlLogFile dummykey)
+ ]
+ where
+ expect = maybe False
+ isUUIDBasedLog UUIDBasedLog = True
+ isUUIDBasedLog _ = False
+ isPresenceLog (PresenceLog k) = k == dummykey
+ isPresenceLog _ = False
diff --git a/Logs/Group.hs b/Logs/Group.hs
index ee3b75b86..3f88b627d 100644
--- a/Logs/Group.hs
+++ b/Logs/Group.hs
@@ -21,16 +21,13 @@ import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Common.Annex
+import Logs
import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Annex
import Logs.UUIDBased
import Types.Group
import Types.StandardGroups
-{- Filename of group.log. -}
-groupLog :: FilePath
-groupLog = "group.log"
{- Returns the groups of a given repo UUID. -}
lookupGroups :: UUID -> Annex (S.Set Group)
lookupGroups u = (fromMaybe S.empty . M.lookup u) . groupsByUUID <$> groupMap
diff --git a/Logs/Location.hs b/Logs/Location.hs
index 0f57b6663..1289af321 100644
--- a/Logs/Location.hs
+++ b/Logs/Location.hs
@@ -20,12 +20,11 @@ module Logs.Location (
- logFile,
- logFileKey
) where
import Common.Annex
import qualified Annex.Branch
+import Logs
import Logs.Presence
import Annex.UUID
@@ -37,19 +36,19 @@ logStatus key status = do
{- Log a change in the presence of a key's value in a repository. -}
logChange :: Key -> UUID -> LogStatus -> Annex ()
-logChange key (UUID u) s = addLog (logFile key) =<< logNow s u
+logChange key (UUID u) s = addLog (locationLogFile key) =<< logNow s u
logChange _ NoUUID _ = noop
{- Returns a list of repository UUIDs that, according to the log, have
- the value of a key.
loggedLocations :: Key -> Annex [UUID]
-loggedLocations key = map toUUID <$> (currentLog . logFile) key
+loggedLocations key = map toUUID <$> (currentLog . locationLogFile) key
{- Finds all keys that have location log information.
- (There may be duplicate keys in the list.) -}
loggedKeys :: Annex [Key]
-loggedKeys = mapMaybe (logFileKey . takeFileName) <$> Annex.Branch.files
+loggedKeys = mapMaybe locationLogFileKey <$> Annex.Branch.files
{- Finds all keys that have location log information indicating
- they are present for the specified repository. -}
@@ -62,15 +61,3 @@ loggedKeysFor u = filterM isthere =<< loggedKeys
us <- loggedLocations k
let !there = u `elem` us
return there
-{- The filename of the log file for a given key. -}
-logFile :: Key -> String
-logFile key = hashDirLower key ++ keyFile key ++ ".log"
-{- Converts a log filename into a key. -}
-logFileKey :: FilePath -> Maybe Key
-logFileKey file
- | ext == ".log" = fileKey base
- | otherwise = Nothing
- where
- (base, ext) = splitAt (length file - 4) file
diff --git a/Logs/PreferredContent.hs b/Logs/PreferredContent.hs
index 8005fc0d3..947a31875 100644
--- a/Logs/PreferredContent.hs
+++ b/Logs/PreferredContent.hs
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Common.Annex
import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Annex
+import Logs
import Logs.UUIDBased
import Limit
import qualified Utility.Matcher
@@ -35,10 +36,6 @@ import Logs.Group
import Logs.Remote
import Types.StandardGroups
-{- Filename of preferred-content.log. -}
-preferredContentLog :: FilePath
-preferredContentLog = "preferred-content.log"
{- Changes the preferred content configuration of a remote. -}
preferredContentSet :: UUID -> String -> Annex ()
preferredContentSet uuid@(UUID _) val = do
diff --git a/Logs/Presence.hs b/Logs/Presence.hs
index ec5cec209..516d59618 100644
--- a/Logs/Presence.hs
+++ b/Logs/Presence.hs
@@ -12,36 +12,18 @@
module Logs.Presence (
- LogStatus(..),
- LogLine(LogLine),
+ module X,
- getLog,
- parseLog,
- showLog,
- compactLog,
- currentLog,
- prop_parse_show_log,
+ currentLog
) where
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
-import Data.Time
-import System.Locale
-import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Logs.Presence.Pure as X
import Common.Annex
import qualified Annex.Branch
-import Utility.QuickCheck
-data LogLine = LogLine {
- date :: POSIXTime,
- status :: LogStatus,
- info :: String
-} deriving (Eq, Show)
-data LogStatus = InfoPresent | InfoMissing
- deriving (Eq, Show, Bounded, Enum)
addLog :: FilePath -> LogLine -> Annex ()
addLog file line = Annex.Branch.change file $ \s ->
@@ -52,29 +34,6 @@ addLog file line = Annex.Branch.change file $ \s ->
readLog :: FilePath -> Annex [LogLine]
readLog = parseLog <$$> Annex.Branch.get
-{- Parses a log file. Unparseable lines are ignored. -}
-parseLog :: String -> [LogLine]
-parseLog = mapMaybe parseline . lines
- where
- parseline l = LogLine
- <$> (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$> parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%s%Qs" d)
- <*> parsestatus s
- <*> pure rest
- where
- (d, pastd) = separate (== ' ') l
- (s, rest) = separate (== ' ') pastd
- parsestatus "1" = Just InfoPresent
- parsestatus "0" = Just InfoMissing
- parsestatus _ = Nothing
-{- Generates a log file. -}
-showLog :: [LogLine] -> String
-showLog = unlines . map genline
- where
- genline (LogLine d s i) = unwords [show d, genstatus s, i]
- genstatus InfoPresent = "1"
- genstatus InfoMissing = "0"
{- Generates a new LogLine with the current date. -}
logNow :: LogStatus -> String -> Annex LogLine
logNow s i = do
@@ -84,39 +43,3 @@ logNow s i = do
{- Reads a log and returns only the info that is still in effect. -}
currentLog :: FilePath -> Annex [String]
currentLog file = map info . filterPresent <$> readLog file
-{- Given a log, returns only the info that is are still in effect. -}
-getLog :: String -> [String]
-getLog = map info . filterPresent . parseLog
-{- Returns the info from LogLines that are in effect. -}
-filterPresent :: [LogLine] -> [LogLine]
-filterPresent = filter (\l -> InfoPresent == status l) . compactLog
-{- Compacts a set of logs, returning a subset that contains the current
- - status. -}
-compactLog :: [LogLine] -> [LogLine]
-compactLog = M.elems . foldr mapLog M.empty
-type LogMap = M.Map String LogLine
-{- Inserts a log into a map of logs, if the log has better (ie, newer)
- - information than the other logs in the map -}
-mapLog :: LogLine -> LogMap -> LogMap
-mapLog l m
- | better = M.insert i l m
- | otherwise = m
- where
- better = maybe True newer $ M.lookup i m
- newer l' = date l' <= date l
- i = info l
-instance Arbitrary LogLine where
- arbitrary = LogLine
- <$> arbitrary
- <*> elements [minBound..maxBound]
- <*> arbitrary `suchThat` ('\n' `notElem`)
-prop_parse_show_log :: [LogLine] -> Bool
-prop_parse_show_log l = parseLog (showLog l) == l
diff --git a/Logs/Presence/Pure.hs b/Logs/Presence/Pure.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ffeb78b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Logs/Presence/Pure.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+{- git-annex presence log, pure operations
+ -
+ - Copyright 2010-2013 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Logs.Presence.Pure where
+import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
+import Data.Time
+import System.Locale
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Common.Annex
+import Utility.QuickCheck
+data LogLine = LogLine {
+ date :: POSIXTime,
+ status :: LogStatus,
+ info :: String
+} deriving (Eq, Show)
+data LogStatus = InfoPresent | InfoMissing
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Bounded, Enum)
+{- Parses a log file. Unparseable lines are ignored. -}
+parseLog :: String -> [LogLine]
+parseLog = mapMaybe parseline . lines
+ where
+ parseline l = LogLine
+ <$> (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$> parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%s%Qs" d)
+ <*> parsestatus s
+ <*> pure rest
+ where
+ (d, pastd) = separate (== ' ') l
+ (s, rest) = separate (== ' ') pastd
+ parsestatus "1" = Just InfoPresent
+ parsestatus "0" = Just InfoMissing
+ parsestatus _ = Nothing
+{- Generates a log file. -}
+showLog :: [LogLine] -> String
+showLog = unlines . map genline
+ where
+ genline (LogLine d s i) = unwords [show d, genstatus s, i]
+ genstatus InfoPresent = "1"
+ genstatus InfoMissing = "0"
+{- Given a log, returns only the info that is are still in effect. -}
+getLog :: String -> [String]
+getLog = map info . filterPresent . parseLog
+{- Returns the info from LogLines that are in effect. -}
+filterPresent :: [LogLine] -> [LogLine]
+filterPresent = filter (\l -> InfoPresent == status l) . compactLog
+{- Compacts a set of logs, returning a subset that contains the current
+ - status. -}
+compactLog :: [LogLine] -> [LogLine]
+compactLog = M.elems . foldr mapLog M.empty
+type LogMap = M.Map String LogLine
+{- Inserts a log into a map of logs, if the log has better (ie, newer)
+ - information than the other logs in the map -}
+mapLog :: LogLine -> LogMap -> LogMap
+mapLog l m
+ | better = M.insert i l m
+ | otherwise = m
+ where
+ better = maybe True newer $ M.lookup i m
+ newer l' = date l' <= date l
+ i = info l
+instance Arbitrary LogLine where
+ arbitrary = LogLine
+ <$> arbitrary
+ <*> elements [minBound..maxBound]
+ <*> arbitrary `suchThat` ('\n' `notElem`)
+prop_parse_show_log :: [LogLine] -> Bool
+prop_parse_show_log l = parseLog (showLog l) == l
diff --git a/Logs/Remote.hs b/Logs/Remote.hs
index 89792b054..48ee9eb60 100644
--- a/Logs/Remote.hs
+++ b/Logs/Remote.hs
@@ -25,12 +25,9 @@ import Data.Char
import Common.Annex
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Types.Remote
+import Logs
import Logs.UUIDBased
-{- Filename of remote.log. -}
-remoteLog :: FilePath
-remoteLog = "remote.log"
{- Adds or updates a remote's config in the log. -}
configSet :: UUID -> RemoteConfig -> Annex ()
configSet u c = do
diff --git a/Logs/Transitions.hs b/Logs/Transitions.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..783ce5090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Logs/Transitions.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+{- git-annex transitions log
+ -
+ - This is used to record transitions that have been performed on the
+ - git-annex branch, and when the transition was first started.
+ -
+ - We can quickly detect when the local branch has already had an transition
+ - done that is listed in the remote branch by checking that the local
+ - branch contains the same transition, with the same or newer start time.
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Logs.Transitions where
+import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
+import Data.Time
+import System.Locale
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Common.Annex
+transitionsLog :: FilePath
+transitionsLog = "transitions.log"
+data Transition
+ = ForgetGitHistory
+ | ForgetDeadRemotes
+ deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Read)
+data TransitionLine = TransitionLine
+ { transitionStarted :: POSIXTime
+ , transition :: Transition
+ } deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
+type Transitions = S.Set TransitionLine
+describeTransition :: Transition -> String
+describeTransition ForgetGitHistory = "forget git history"
+describeTransition ForgetDeadRemotes = "forget dead remotes"
+noTransitions :: Transitions
+noTransitions = S.empty
+addTransition :: POSIXTime -> Transition -> Transitions -> Transitions
+addTransition ts t = S.insert $ TransitionLine ts t
+showTransitions :: Transitions -> String
+showTransitions = unlines . map showTransitionLine . S.elems
+{- If the log contains new transitions we don't support, returns Nothing. -}
+parseTransitions :: String -> Maybe Transitions
+parseTransitions = check . map parseTransitionLine . lines
+ where
+ check l
+ | all isJust l = Just $ S.fromList $ catMaybes l
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+parseTransitionsStrictly :: String -> String -> Transitions
+parseTransitionsStrictly source = fromMaybe badsource . parseTransitions
+ where
+ badsource = error $ "unknown transitions listed in " ++ source ++ "; upgrade git-annex!"
+showTransitionLine :: TransitionLine -> String
+showTransitionLine (TransitionLine ts t) = unwords [show t, show ts]
+parseTransitionLine :: String -> Maybe TransitionLine
+parseTransitionLine s = TransitionLine <$> pdate ds <*> readish ts
+ where
+ ws = words s
+ ts = Prelude.head ws
+ ds = unwords $ Prelude.tail ws
+ pdate = parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%s%Qs" >=*> utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds
+combineTransitions :: [Transitions] -> Transitions
+combineTransitions = S.unions
+transitionList :: Transitions -> [Transition]
+transitionList = map transition . S.elems
+{- Typically ran with Annex.Branch.change, but we can't import Annex.Branch
+ - here since it depends on this module. -}
+recordTransitions :: (FilePath -> (String -> String) -> Annex ()) -> Transitions -> Annex ()
+recordTransitions changer t = do
+ changer transitionsLog $
+ showTransitions . S.union t . parseTransitionsStrictly "local"
diff --git a/Logs/Trust.hs b/Logs/Trust.hs
index eb6e42ad7..c6f0ad3ab 100644
--- a/Logs/Trust.hs
+++ b/Logs/Trust.hs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
module Logs.Trust (
+ module X,
@@ -16,8 +17,6 @@ module Logs.Trust (
- prop_parse_show_TrustLog,
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
@@ -27,13 +26,11 @@ import Common.Annex
import Types.TrustLevel
import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Annex
+import Logs
import Logs.UUIDBased
import Remote.List
import qualified Types.Remote
-{- Filename of trust.log. -}
-trustLog :: FilePath
-trustLog = "trust.log"
+import Logs.Trust.Pure as X
{- Returns a list of UUIDs that the trustLog indicates have the
- specified trust level.
@@ -97,26 +94,4 @@ trustMapLoad = do
{- Does not include forcetrust or git config values, just those from the
- log file. -}
trustMapRaw :: Annex TrustMap
-trustMapRaw = simpleMap . parseLog (Just . parseTrustLog)
- <$> Annex.Branch.get trustLog
-{- The trust.log used to only list trusted repos, without a field for the
- - trust status, which is why this defaults to Trusted. -}
-parseTrustLog :: String -> TrustLevel
-parseTrustLog s = maybe Trusted parse $ headMaybe $ words s
- where
- parse "1" = Trusted
- parse "0" = UnTrusted
- parse "X" = DeadTrusted
- parse _ = SemiTrusted
-showTrustLog :: TrustLevel -> String
-showTrustLog Trusted = "1"
-showTrustLog UnTrusted = "0"
-showTrustLog DeadTrusted = "X"
-showTrustLog SemiTrusted = "?"
-prop_parse_show_TrustLog :: Bool
-prop_parse_show_TrustLog = all check [minBound .. maxBound]
- where
- check l = parseTrustLog (showTrustLog l) == l
+trustMapRaw = calcTrustMap <$> Annex.Branch.get trustLog
diff --git a/Logs/Trust/Pure.hs b/Logs/Trust/Pure.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11cfbe056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Logs/Trust/Pure.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+{- git-annex trust log, pure operations
+ -
+ - Copyright 2010-2013 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Logs.Trust.Pure where
+import Common.Annex
+import Types.TrustLevel
+import Logs.UUIDBased
+calcTrustMap :: String -> TrustMap
+calcTrustMap = simpleMap . parseLog (Just . parseTrustLog)
+{- The trust.log used to only list trusted repos, without a field for the
+ - trust status, which is why this defaults to Trusted. -}
+parseTrustLog :: String -> TrustLevel
+parseTrustLog s = maybe Trusted parse $ headMaybe $ words s
+ where
+ parse "1" = Trusted
+ parse "0" = UnTrusted
+ parse "X" = DeadTrusted
+ parse _ = SemiTrusted
+showTrustLog :: TrustLevel -> String
+showTrustLog Trusted = "1"
+showTrustLog UnTrusted = "0"
+showTrustLog DeadTrusted = "X"
+showTrustLog SemiTrusted = "?"
+prop_parse_show_TrustLog :: Bool
+prop_parse_show_TrustLog = all check [minBound .. maxBound]
+ where
+ check l = parseTrustLog (showTrustLog l) == l
diff --git a/Logs/UUID.hs b/Logs/UUID.hs
index 2f24a388e..ef1074e78 100644
--- a/Logs/UUID.hs
+++ b/Logs/UUID.hs
@@ -28,13 +28,10 @@ import Types.UUID
import Common.Annex
import qualified Annex
import qualified Annex.Branch
+import Logs
import Logs.UUIDBased
import qualified Annex.UUID
-{- Filename of uuid.log. -}
-uuidLog :: FilePath
-uuidLog = "uuid.log"
{- Records a description for a uuid in the log. -}
describeUUID :: UUID -> String -> Annex ()
describeUUID uuid desc = do
diff --git a/Logs/Web.hs b/Logs/Web.hs
index 47ab61943..0239f2335 100644
--- a/Logs/Web.hs
+++ b/Logs/Web.hs
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ module Logs.Web (
- urlLog,
- urlLogKey,
@@ -22,9 +20,9 @@ module Logs.Web (
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Common.Annex
+import Logs
import Logs.Presence
import Logs.Location
-import Types.Key
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Annex.CatFile
import qualified Git
@@ -36,35 +34,9 @@ type URLString = String
webUUID = UUID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"
-urlLogExt :: String
-urlLogExt = ".log.web"
-urlLog :: Key -> FilePath
-urlLog key = hashDirLower key </> keyFile key ++ urlLogExt
-{- Converts a url log file into a key.
- - (Does not work on oldurlLogs.) -}
-urlLogKey :: FilePath -> Maybe Key
-urlLogKey file
- | ext == urlLogExt = fileKey base
- | otherwise = Nothing
- where
- (base, ext) = splitAt (length file - extlen) file
- extlen = length urlLogExt
-isUrlLog :: FilePath -> Bool
-isUrlLog file = urlLogExt `isSuffixOf` file
-{- Used to store the urls elsewhere. -}
-oldurlLogs :: Key -> [FilePath]
-oldurlLogs key =
- [ "remote/web" </> hashDirLower key </> key2file key ++ ".log"
- , "remote/web" </> hashDirLower key </> keyFile key ++ ".log"
- ]
{- Gets all urls that a key might be available from. -}
getUrls :: Key -> Annex [URLString]
-getUrls key = go $ urlLog key : oldurlLogs key
+getUrls key = go $ urlLogFile key : oldurlLogs key
go [] = return []
go (l:ls) = do
@@ -77,13 +49,13 @@ setUrlPresent :: Key -> URLString -> Annex ()
setUrlPresent key url = do
us <- getUrls key
unless (url `elem` us) $ do
- addLog (urlLog key) =<< logNow InfoPresent url
+ addLog (urlLogFile key) =<< logNow InfoPresent url
-- update location log to indicate that the web has the key
logChange key webUUID InfoPresent
setUrlMissing :: Key -> URLString -> Annex ()
setUrlMissing key url = do
- addLog (urlLog key) =<< logNow InfoMissing url
+ addLog (urlLogFile key) =<< logNow InfoMissing url
whenM (null <$> getUrls key) $
logChange key webUUID InfoMissing
diff --git a/Test.hs b/Test.hs
index 3eb330c22..ec70c4ecb 100644
--- a/Test.hs
+++ b/Test.hs
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import qualified Types.KeySource
import qualified Types.Backend
import qualified Types.TrustLevel
import qualified Types
+import qualified Logs
import qualified Logs.UUIDBased
import qualified Logs.Trust
import qualified Logs.Remote
@@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ quickcheck =
, check "prop_idempotent_key_encode" Types.Key.prop_idempotent_key_encode
, check "prop_idempotent_shellEscape" Utility.SafeCommand.prop_idempotent_shellEscape
, check "prop_idempotent_shellEscape_multiword" Utility.SafeCommand.prop_idempotent_shellEscape_multiword
+ , check "prop_logs_sane" Logs.prop_logs_sane
, check "prop_idempotent_configEscape" Logs.Remote.prop_idempotent_configEscape
, check "prop_parse_show_Config" Logs.Remote.prop_parse_show_Config
, check "prop_parentDir_basics" Utility.Path.prop_parentDir_basics
diff --git a/Upgrade/V2.hs b/Upgrade/V2.hs
index b5de6c8c0..42419b8ab 100644
--- a/Upgrade/V2.hs
+++ b/Upgrade/V2.hs
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Command
import qualified Git.Ref
import qualified Annex.Branch
-import Logs.Location
import Annex.Content
import Utility.Tmp
+import Logs
olddir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
olddir g
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ upgrade = do
e <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist old
when e $ do
- mapM_ (\(k, f) -> inject f $ logFile k) =<< locationLogs
+ mapM_ (\(k, f) -> inject f $ locationLogFile k) =<< locationLogs
mapM_ (\f -> inject f f) =<< logFiles old
saveState False
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ locationLogs = do
tryDirContents d = catchDefaultIO [] $ dirContents d
islogfile f = maybe Nothing (\k -> Just (k, f)) $
- logFileKey $ takeFileName f
+ locationLogFileKey f
inject :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Annex ()
inject source dest = do
diff --git a/Utility/Misc.hs b/Utility/Misc.hs
index 804a9e487..48ce4c929 100644
--- a/Utility/Misc.hs
+++ b/Utility/Misc.hs
@@ -91,6 +91,12 @@ massReplace vs = go [] vs
go (replacement:acc) vs (drop (length val) s)
| otherwise = go acc rest s
+{- First item in the list that is not Nothing. -}
+firstJust :: Eq a => [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
+firstJust ms = case dropWhile (== Nothing) ms of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ (md:_) -> md
{- Given two orderings, returns the second if the first is EQ and returns
- the first otherwise.
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 59fdeff36..f880fbcf7 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
git-annex (4.20130828) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ * forget: New command, causes git-annex branch history to be forgotten
+ in a way that will spread to other clones of the repository.
+ (As long as they're running this version or newer of git-annex.)
+ * forget --drop-dead: Completely removes mentions of repositories that
+ have been marked as dead from the git-annex branch.
+ * sync, assistant: Force push of the git-annex branch. Necessary
+ to ensure it gets pushed to remotes after being rewritten by forget.
* importfeed: Also ignore transient problems with downloading content
from feeds.
* Honor core.sharedrepository when receiving and adding files in direct
- -- Joey Hess <> Tue, 03 Sep 2013 14:31:45 -0400
git-annex (4.20130827) unstable; urgency=low
* Youtube support! (And 53 other video hosts). When quvi is installed,
diff --git a/doc/git-annex.mdwn b/doc/git-annex.mdwn
index 7cac9087d..269588add 100644
--- a/doc/git-annex.mdwn
+++ b/doc/git-annex.mdwn
@@ -479,6 +479,23 @@ subdirectories).
Upgrades the repository to current layout.
+* forget
+ Causes the git-annex branch to be rewritten, throwing away historical
+ data about past locations of files. The resulting branch will use less
+ space, but `git annex log` will not be able to show where
+ files used to be located.
+ To also prune references to repositories that have been marked as dead,
+ specify --drop-dead.
+ When this rewritten branch is merged into other clones of
+ the repository, git-annex will automatically perform the same rewriting
+ to their local git-annex branches. So the forgetfulness will automatically
+ propigate out from its starting point until all repositories running
+ git-annex have forgotten their old history. (You may need to force
+ git to push the branch to any git repositories not running git-annex.
* version