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diff --git a/doc/bugs/build_fails_on_debian_jessie.mdwn b/doc/bugs/build_fails_on_debian_jessie.mdwn
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+### Please describe the problem.
+Can't build on debian jessie using "make" - "apt-get build-dep git-annex" misses various dependencies, and disk-space-free is not actually in jessie. I have built it with "stack", but that only produces something usable by me (links to stuff in my home dir).
+### Have you had any luck using git-annex before? (Sometimes we get tired of reading bug reports all day and a lil' positive end note does wonders)
+The stack build works very nicely, thanks.
diff --git a/doc/forum/Adding_selected_big_binaries_recursively.mdwn b/doc/forum/Adding_selected_big_binaries_recursively.mdwn
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+I have a very large stack of files, with many large binaries.
+Unless I am told its a bad idea, I want to initialize a git annex archive with the big files 'git annex added' ( symlinked to hidden annex) and the rest of the files 'git added'
+I tried-
+git annex add "*.adi"
+find . -name "*.adi" | git annex add
+find . -name "*.adi" | xargs git annex add
+git annex add robots/\*.adi
+Whats a good ( correct) way to do only the *.adi files recursively?
+( its Friday PST here- will return Monday)
diff --git a/doc/forum/Content_branch.mdwn b/doc/forum/Content_branch.mdwn
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+I was not able to find a convenient way to _only_ see locally available files.
+Is there a command to create a branch that only contain files taht are present locally, or is there another way to get a "locally available view" ?
diff --git a/doc/forum/Content_branch/comment_1_564724cb1508524700b71950b81a5058._comment b/doc/forum/Content_branch/comment_1_564724cb1508524700b71950b81a5058._comment
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+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="jd.schroeder@0c8632a8f2bffdd4b0de05a0a3660f32acdfeeca"
+ nickname="jd.schroeder"
+ subject="comment 1"
+ date="2016-07-29T19:12:24Z"
+ content="""
+I'm not sure about creating a branch, but I use [[]] to list locally available files.
+Good luck!
diff --git a/doc/forum/Same_files_are_synced_over_and_over_again.mdwn b/doc/forum/Same_files_are_synced_over_and_over_again.mdwn
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+I have posted a similiar (same?) problem already some weeks ago: <> But since there has been another problem which was fixed, I dare to repost.
+I have three repos: marduk (anything / archive) and horus (standard / client) and asaru (standard / client).
+Whenever I do a ```git annex sync --content`` the same files are synced over and over again:
+florian@horus ~/Documents (git)-[master] % git annex sync --content
+On branch master
+nothing to commit, working directory clean
+pull marduk
+get .localized (from marduk...)
+ 0 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
+(checksum...) ok
+get Bewerbung/thermoplast.aux (from marduk...)
+ 8 100% 7.81kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
+(checksum...) ok
+drop archive/Programmierung/zope/lib/python/Homefolder/.svn/empty-file (locking marduk...) ok
+drop archive/Schule/Geschichte/Biographie 3/biographie.aux (locking marduk...) ok
+pull marduk
+(recording state in git...)
+push marduk
+Counting objects: 8, done.
+Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
+Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
+Writing objects: 100% (8/8), 661 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
+Total 8 (delta 6), reused 0 (delta 0)
+To ssh://marduk.local/home/florian/Documents
+ d151eb6..c31839b git-annex -> synced/git-annex
+git annex sync --content 81,50s user 7,19s system 50% cpu 2:54,56 total
+When I execute the same command again, the same files are synced again. On the other repos it's the same behavior.
+git annex does not seem to record presence of that file:
+florian@horus ~/Documents (git)-[master] % git annex whereis Bewerbung/thermoplast.aux
+whereis Bewerbung/thermoplast.aux (1 copy)
+ f30dd4f0-5a03-4022-8f45-7c2620c4c058 -- Marduk [marduk]
+Is it a bug? Any more information I can provide?
diff --git a/doc/forum/get_content_of_a_file_from_a_file.mdwn b/doc/forum/get_content_of_a_file_from_a_file.mdwn
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index 000000000..3965ed488
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+I have two annex repositories A and B, the connection between them is terribly slow. There is a file in B that A wants to get, but incidentally A already has an exact copy of the file outside the annex repository. Is it possible for A to retrieve the content of that annexed file from its local copy rather than from B?
+The only idea I could come up with is to annex the file and then unannexing it, which does not seem optimal. I would prefer to not pollute the git log with these kinds of shenanigans.
+Any help is greatly appreciated!
diff --git a/doc/forum/get_content_of_a_file_from_a_file/comment_1_174fe84e87b31419295af3397db19671._comment b/doc/forum/get_content_of_a_file_from_a_file/comment_1_174fe84e87b31419295af3397db19671._comment
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index 000000000..a88b08e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/forum/get_content_of_a_file_from_a_file/comment_1_174fe84e87b31419295af3397db19671._comment
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="jd.schroeder@0c8632a8f2bffdd4b0de05a0a3660f32acdfeeca"
+ nickname="jd.schroeder"
+ subject="comment 1"
+ date="2016-07-29T19:09:44Z"
+ content="""
+Have a look at [[]]
+Good luck!
diff --git a/doc/forum/get_content_of_a_file_from_a_file/comment_2_9cc8905f867fedbf2b10c9ad84294543._comment b/doc/forum/get_content_of_a_file_from_a_file/comment_2_9cc8905f867fedbf2b10c9ad84294543._comment
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="squid@d632da79105a546295e411392baaa70df380a4a2"
+ nickname="squid"
+ subject="comment 2"
+ date="2016-07-29T22:27:51Z"
+ content="""
+Hey, thank you very much! This is exactly what I was looking for. Unfortunately, FreeBSD sports version 5.20150727 where the --known option is not yet available, but that's a whole different problem that can be easily solved on a saturday.
diff --git a/doc/forum/git_annex_vicfg___40__preferred_content__41___examples.mdwn b/doc/forum/git_annex_vicfg___40__preferred_content__41___examples.mdwn
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+My problem: I want to free up some disk space by doing `git annex drop FOO`, but then when I do `git annex add BAR; git annex sync --content`, FOO reappears.
+Looking into the man pages, I need to set up `git annex vicfg` to make `sync --content` ignore (exclude) FOO.
+I am overwhelmed by the configuration file and would just like to see a minimal complete example configuration file that does what I want. In the long run I probably want to use options like "groupwanted" and such, but am not sure what a "group" is exactly.
+Grepping for 'exclude', my config file has this already in it:
+# Standard preferred contents
+# (Used by wanted or groupwanted expressions containing "standard")
+# (For reference only; built-in and cannot be changed!)
+# standard client = (include=* and ((exclude=*/archive/* and exclude=archive/*) or (not (copies=archive:1 or copies=smallarchive:1)))) or approxlackingcopies=1
+but I am not sure how to go about it. For one, the comment hints that I need to use a secondary `wanted` or `groupwanted` expression to reference the `standard` keyword to actually use it, but I am just confused by all of these interlocking components.
+Also, I see stuff like this:
+# Repository preferred contents
+# (Set to "standard" to use a repository's group's preferred contents)
+# (for web)
+#wanted 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 =
+# (for bittorrent)
+#wanted 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 =
+# (for l@k0:/dev/shm/annex)
+#wanted 56e6081b-4282-4f07-b53c-9042240cd75e =
+# (for k0)
+#wanted a71d805d-df77-42e7-97b0-ba7686c05083 =
+# (for l@m0:/mnt/a/annex.git [origin])
+#wanted c5c012cc-2080-481f-81bc-7f449f33490b =
+and am confused by these UUIDs. Where do these UUIDs come from? Am I supposed to use UUIDs?
+If there is a link or another doc I missed, please point me in the right direction.
diff --git a/doc/todo/__39__info_filename__39___to_provide_information_either_content_is_locally_present.mdwn b/doc/todo/__39__info_filename__39___to_provide_information_either_content_is_locally_present.mdwn
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+++ b/doc/todo/__39__info_filename__39___to_provide_information_either_content_is_locally_present.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ATM in DataLad we rely on 'git annex find' to determine either files have content locally. Even though it could be used in a batch mode, I wondered if we could may be just use 'annex info' to obtain information either a file (or a key) has content locally? Another benefit would be is that within single command output we could determine also if a file under annex or not (instead of first doing e.g. 'info' to figure out if under annex and then 'find' again to figure out if content is present locally)
+[[!meta author=yoh]]