diff options
10 files changed, 253 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/Ssh.hs b/Assistant/Ssh.hs
index ded2b0056..32df9cd0b 100644
--- a/Assistant/Ssh.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Ssh.hs
@@ -186,8 +186,19 @@ setupSshKeyPair sshkeypair sshdata = do
sshprivkeyfile = "key." ++ mangledhost
sshpubkeyfile = sshprivkeyfile ++ ".pub"
- mangledhost = "git-annex-" ++ T.unpack (sshHostName sshdata) ++ user
- user = maybe "" (\u -> '-' : T.unpack u) (sshUserName sshdata)
+ mangledhost = mangleSshHostName
+ (T.unpack $ sshHostName sshdata)
+ (T.unpack <$> sshUserName sshdata)
+mangleSshHostName :: String -> Maybe String -> String
+mangleSshHostName host user = "git-annex-" ++ host ++ (maybe "-" ('-':) user)
+unMangleSshHostName :: String -> String
+unMangleSshHostName h
+ | "git-annex-" `isPrefixOf` h = join "-" (beginning $ drop 2 dashbits)
+ | otherwise = h
+ where
+ dashbits = split "-" h
{- Does ssh have known_hosts data for a hostname? -}
knownHost :: Text -> IO Bool
diff --git a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators.hs b/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators.hs
index f6de32166..3f6a3f3e1 100644
--- a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators.hs
+++ b/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators.hs
@@ -19,9 +19,12 @@ import Utility.Yesod
import qualified Remote
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import Annex.UUID (getUUID)
+import Logs.Remote
+import Logs.Trust
import Yesod
import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
{- The main configuration screen. -}
getConfigR :: Handler RepHtml
@@ -38,26 +41,45 @@ getRepositoriesR :: Handler RepHtml
getRepositoriesR = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
setTitle "Repositories"
- repolist <- lift repoList
+ repolist <- lift $ repoList False
$(widgetFile "configurators/repositories")
{- A numbered list of known repositories, including the current one. -}
-repoList :: Handler [(String, String)]
-repoList = do
- rs <- filter (not . Remote.readonly) . knownRemotes <$>
- (liftIO . getDaemonStatus =<< daemonStatus <$> getYesod)
- l <- runAnnex [] $ do
- u <- getUUID
- Remote.prettyListUUIDs $ nub $ u : map Remote.uuid rs
- return $ zip counter l
+repoList :: Bool -> Handler [(String, String, Maybe (Route WebApp))]
+repoList onlyconfigured
+ | onlyconfigured = list =<< configured
+ | otherwise = list =<< (++) <$> configured <*> unconfigured
+ configured = do
+ rs <- filter (not . Remote.readonly) . knownRemotes <$>
+ (liftIO . getDaemonStatus =<< daemonStatus <$> getYesod)
+ runAnnex [] $ do
+ u <- getUUID
+ return $ zip (u : map Remote.uuid rs) (repeat Nothing)
+ unconfigured = runAnnex [] $ do
+ m <- readRemoteLog
+ catMaybes . map (findtype m) . snd
+ <$> (trustPartition DeadTrusted $ M.keys m)
+ findtype m u = case M.lookup u m of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just c -> case M.lookup "type" c of
+ Just "rsync" -> u `enableswith` EnableRsyncR
+ Just "directory" -> u `enableswith` EnableDirectoryR
+ _ -> Nothing
+ u `enableswith` r = Just (u, Just $ r u)
+ list l = runAnnex [] $ do
+ let l' = nubBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) l
+ zip3
+ <$> pure counter
+ <*> Remote.prettyListUUIDs (map fst l')
+ <*> pure (map snd l')
counter = map show ([1..] :: [Int])
{- An intro message, list of repositories, and nudge to make more. -}
introDisplay :: Text -> Widget
introDisplay ident = do
webapp <- lift getYesod
- repolist <- lift repoList
+ repolist <- lift $ repoList True
let n = length repolist
let numrepos = show n
let notenough = n < enough
diff --git a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Local.hs b/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Local.hs
index dd546881b..e77986674 100644
--- a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Local.hs
+++ b/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Local.hs
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import Utility.Mounts
import Utility.DiskFree
import Utility.DataUnits
import Utility.Network
+import Remote (prettyListUUIDs)
import Yesod
import Data.Text (Text)
@@ -194,6 +195,14 @@ getAddDriveR = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
void $ makeGitRemote hostname hostlocation
addRemote $ makeGitRemote name dir
+getEnableDirectoryR :: UUID -> Handler RepHtml
+getEnableDirectoryR uuid = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
+ sideBarDisplay
+ setTitle "Enable a repository"
+ description <- lift $ runAnnex "" $
+ T.pack . concat <$> prettyListUUIDs [uuid]
+ $(widgetFile "configurators/enabledirectory")
{- Start syncing a newly added remote, using a background thread. -}
syncRemote :: Remote -> Handler ()
syncRemote remote = do
diff --git a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Ssh.hs b/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Ssh.hs
index 925ed23c5..ac705de35 100644
--- a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Ssh.hs
+++ b/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Ssh.hs
@@ -16,10 +16,14 @@ import Assistant.WebApp
import Assistant.WebApp.Types
import Assistant.WebApp.SideBar
import Utility.Yesod
+import Utility.RsyncFile (rsyncUrlIsShell)
+import Logs.Remote
+import Remote
import Yesod
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Map as M
import Network.BSD
import System.Posix.User
@@ -29,32 +33,32 @@ sshConfigurator a = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
setTitle "Add a remote server"
-data SshServer = SshServer
+data SshInput = SshInput
{ hostname :: Maybe Text
, username :: Maybe Text
, directory :: Maybe Text
deriving (Show)
-{- SshServer is only used for applicative form prompting, this converts
+{- SshInput is only used for applicative form prompting, this converts
- the result of such a form into a SshData. -}
-mkSshData :: SshServer -> SshData
-mkSshData sshserver = SshData
- { sshHostName = fromMaybe "" $ hostname sshserver
- , sshUserName = username sshserver
- , sshDirectory = fromMaybe "" $ directory sshserver
+mkSshData :: SshInput -> SshData
+mkSshData s = SshData
+ { sshHostName = fromMaybe "" $ hostname s
+ , sshUserName = username s
+ , sshDirectory = fromMaybe "" $ directory s
, sshRepoName = genSshRepoName
- (T.unpack $ fromJust $ hostname sshserver)
- (maybe "" T.unpack $ directory sshserver)
+ (T.unpack $ fromJust $ hostname s)
+ (maybe "" T.unpack $ directory s)
, needsPubKey = False
, rsyncOnly = False
-sshServerAForm :: Maybe Text -> AForm WebApp WebApp SshServer
-sshServerAForm localusername = SshServer
- <$> aopt check_hostname "Host name" Nothing
- <*> aopt check_username "User name" (Just localusername)
- <*> aopt textField "Directory" (Just $ Just $ T.pack gitAnnexAssistantDefaultDir)
+sshInputAForm :: SshInput -> AForm WebApp WebApp SshInput
+sshInputAForm def = SshInput
+ <$> aopt check_hostname "Host name" (Just $ hostname def)
+ <*> aopt check_username "User name" (Just $ username def)
+ <*> aopt textField "Directory" (Just $ Just $ fromMaybe (T.pack gitAnnexAssistantDefaultDir) $ directory def)
check_hostname = checkM (liftIO . checkdns) textField
checkdns t = do
@@ -77,37 +81,92 @@ data ServerStatus
= UntestedServer
| UnusableServer Text -- reason why it's not usable
| UsableRsyncServer
- | UsableSshServer
+ | UsableSshInput
deriving (Eq)
usable :: ServerStatus -> Bool
usable UntestedServer = False
usable (UnusableServer _) = False
usable UsableRsyncServer = True
-usable UsableSshServer = True
+usable UsableSshInput = True
getAddSshR :: Handler RepHtml
getAddSshR = sshConfigurator $ do
u <- liftIO $ T.pack . userName
<$> (getUserEntryForID =<< getEffectiveUserID)
((result, form), enctype) <- lift $
- runFormGet $ renderBootstrap $ sshServerAForm (Just u)
+ runFormGet $ renderBootstrap $ sshInputAForm $
+ SshInput Nothing (Just u) Nothing
case result of
- FormSuccess sshserver -> do
- (status, needspubkey) <- liftIO $ testServer sshserver
- if usable status
- then lift $ redirect $ ConfirmSshR $
- (mkSshData sshserver)
- { needsPubKey = needspubkey
- , rsyncOnly = status == UsableRsyncServer
- }
- else showform form enctype status
+ FormSuccess sshinput -> do
+ s <- liftIO $ testServer sshinput
+ case s of
+ Left status -> showform form enctype status
+ Right sshdata -> lift $ redirect $ ConfirmSshR sshdata
_ -> showform form enctype UntestedServer
showform form enctype status = do
let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
$(widgetFile "configurators/ssh/add")
+{- To enable an existing rsync special remote, parse the SshInput from
+ - its rsyncurl, and display a form whose only real purpose is to check
+ - if ssh public keys need to be set up. From there, we can proceed with
+ - the usual repo setup; all that code is idempotent.
+ -
+ - Note that there's no EnableSshR because ssh remotes are not special
+ - remotes, and so their configuration is not shared between repositories.
+ -}
+getEnableRsyncR :: UUID -> Handler RepHtml
+getEnableRsyncR u = do
+ m <- runAnnex M.empty readRemoteLog
+ case parseSshRsyncUrl =<< M.lookup "rsyncurl" =<< M.lookup u m of
+ Nothing -> redirect AddSshR
+ Just sshinput -> sshConfigurator $ do
+ ((result, form), enctype) <- lift $
+ runFormGet $ renderBootstrap $ sshInputAForm sshinput
+ case result of
+ FormSuccess sshinput'
+ | isRsyncNet (hostname sshinput') ->
+ void $ lift $ makeRsyncNet sshinput'
+ | otherwise -> do
+ s <- liftIO $ testServer sshinput'
+ case s of
+ Left status -> showform form enctype status
+ Right sshdata -> enable sshdata
+ _ -> showform form enctype UntestedServer
+ where
+ showform form enctype status = do
+ description <- lift $ runAnnex "" $
+ T.pack . concat <$> prettyListUUIDs [u]
+ let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
+ $(widgetFile "configurators/ssh/enable")
+ enable sshdata =
+ lift $ redirect $ ConfirmSshR $
+ sshdata { rsyncOnly = True }
+{- Converts a rsyncurl value to a SshInput. But only if it's a ssh rsync
+ - url; rsync:// urls or bare path names are not supported.
+ -
+ - The hostname is stored mangled in the remote log for rsync special
+ - remotes configured by this webapp. So that mangling has to reversed
+ - here to get back the original hostname.
+ -}
+parseSshRsyncUrl :: String -> Maybe SshInput
+parseSshRsyncUrl u
+ | not (rsyncUrlIsShell u) = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just $ SshInput
+ { hostname = val $ unMangleSshHostName host
+ , username = if null user then Nothing else val user
+ , directory = val dir
+ }
+ where
+ val = Just . T.pack
+ (userhost, dir) = separate (== ':') u
+ (user, host) = if '@' `elem` userhost
+ then separate (== '@') userhost
+ else (userhost, "")
{- Test if we can ssh into the server.
- Two probe attempts are made. First, try sshing in using the existing
@@ -118,17 +177,24 @@ getAddSshR = sshConfigurator $ do
- Once logged into the server, probe to see if git-annex-shell is
- available, or rsync.
-testServer :: SshServer -> IO (ServerStatus, Bool)
-testServer (SshServer { hostname = Nothing }) = return
- (UnusableServer "Please enter a host name.", False)
-testServer sshserver@(SshServer { hostname = Just hn }) = do
+testServer :: SshInput -> IO (Either ServerStatus SshData)
+testServer (SshInput { hostname = Nothing }) = return $
+ Left $ UnusableServer "Please enter a host name."
+testServer sshinput@(SshInput { hostname = Just hn }) = do
status <- probe [sshOpt "NumberOfPasswordPrompts" "0"]
if usable status
- then return (status, False)
+ then ret status False
else do
status' <- probe []
- return (status', True)
+ if usable status'
+ then ret status' True
+ else return $ Left status'
+ ret status needspubkey = return $ Right $
+ (mkSshData sshinput)
+ { needsPubKey = needspubkey
+ , rsyncOnly = status == UsableRsyncServer
+ }
probe extraopts = do
let remotecommand = join ";"
[ report "loggedin"
@@ -142,12 +208,12 @@ testServer sshserver@(SshServer { hostname = Just hn }) = do
- Otherwise, trust the host key. -}
[ if knownhost then "" else sshOpt "StrictHostKeyChecking" "no"
, "-n" -- don't read from stdin
- , genSshHost (fromJust $ hostname sshserver) (username sshserver)
+ , genSshHost (fromJust $ hostname sshinput) (username sshinput)
, remotecommand
parsetranscript . fst <$> sshTranscript sshopts ""
parsetranscript s
- | reported "git-annex-shell" = UsableSshServer
+ | reported "git-annex-shell" = UsableSshInput
| reported "rsync" = UsableRsyncServer
| reported "loggedin" = UnusableServer
"Neither rsync nor git-annex are installed on the server. Perhaps you should go install them?"
@@ -221,50 +287,53 @@ makeSshRepo forcersync sshdata = do
getAddRsyncNetR :: Handler RepHtml
getAddRsyncNetR = do
((result, form), enctype) <- runFormGet $
- renderBootstrap $ sshServerAForm Nothing
+ renderBootstrap $ sshInputAForm $
+ SshInput Nothing Nothing Nothing
let showform status = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
setTitle "Add a repository"
let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
$(widgetFile "configurators/")
case result of
- FormSuccess sshserver -> do
- knownhost <- liftIO $ maybe (return False) knownHost (hostname sshserver)
- keypair <- liftIO $ genSshKeyPair
- sshdata <- liftIO $ setupSshKeyPair keypair
- (mkSshData sshserver)
- { needsPubKey = True
- , rsyncOnly = True
- , sshRepoName = ""
- }
- {- I'd prefer to separate commands with && , but
- -'s shell does not support that.
- -
- - The dd method of appending to the
- - authorized_keys file is the one recommended by
- - documentation. I touch the file first
- - to not need to use a different method to create
- - it.
- -}
- let remotecommand = join ";"
- [ "mkdir -p .ssh"
- , "touch .ssh/authorized_keys"
- , "dd of=.ssh/authorized_keys oflag=append conv=notrunc"
- , "mkdir -p " ++ T.unpack (sshDirectory sshdata)
- ]
- let sshopts = filter (not . null)
- [ if knownhost then "" else sshOpt "StrictHostKeyChecking" "no"
- , genSshHost (sshHostName sshdata) (sshUserName sshdata)
- , remotecommand
- ]
- let host = fromMaybe "" $ hostname sshserver
- checkhost host showform $
- sshSetup sshopts (sshPubKey keypair) $
- makeSshRepo True sshdata
+ FormSuccess sshinput
+ | isRsyncNet (hostname sshinput) ->
+ makeRsyncNet sshinput
+ | otherwise ->
+ showform $ UnusableServer
+ "That is not a host name."
_ -> showform UntestedServer
- where
- checkhost host showform a
- | "" `T.isSuffixOf` T.toLower host = a
- | otherwise = showform $ UnusableServer
- "That is not a host name."
+makeRsyncNet :: SshInput -> Handler RepHtml
+makeRsyncNet sshinput = do
+ knownhost <- liftIO $ maybe (return False) knownHost (hostname sshinput)
+ keypair <- liftIO $ genSshKeyPair
+ sshdata <- liftIO $ setupSshKeyPair keypair $
+ (mkSshData sshinput)
+ { sshRepoName = ""
+ , needsPubKey = True
+ , rsyncOnly = True
+ }
+ {- I'd prefer to separate commands with && , but
+ -'s shell does not support that.
+ -
+ - The dd method of appending to the authorized_keys file is the
+ - one recommended by documentation. I touch the file first
+ - to not need to use a different method to create it.
+ -}
+ let remotecommand = join ";"
+ [ "mkdir -p .ssh"
+ , "touch .ssh/authorized_keys"
+ , "dd of=.ssh/authorized_keys oflag=append conv=notrunc"
+ , "mkdir -p " ++ T.unpack (sshDirectory sshdata)
+ ]
+ let sshopts = filter (not . null)
+ [ if knownhost then "" else sshOpt "StrictHostKeyChecking" "no"
+ , genSshHost (sshHostName sshdata) (sshUserName sshdata)
+ , remotecommand
+ ]
+ sshSetup sshopts (sshPubKey keypair) $
+ makeSshRepo True sshdata
+isRsyncNet :: Maybe Text -> Bool
+isRsyncNet Nothing = False
+isRsyncNet (Just host) = "" `T.isSuffixOf` T.toLower host
diff --git a/Assistant/WebApp/Types.hs b/Assistant/WebApp/Types.hs
index 8cf5d40ad..c00150b65 100644
--- a/Assistant/WebApp/Types.hs
+++ b/Assistant/WebApp/Types.hs
@@ -91,3 +91,7 @@ instance PathPiece PairMsg where
instance PathPiece SecretReminder where
toPathPiece = pack . show
fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
+instance PathPiece UUID where
+ toPathPiece = pack . show
+ fromPathPiece = readish . unpack
diff --git a/Assistant/WebApp/routes b/Assistant/WebApp/routes
index 10f72a87f..bfc658372 100644
--- a/Assistant/WebApp/routes
+++ b/Assistant/WebApp/routes
@@ -5,17 +5,21 @@
/config ConfigR GET
/config/repository RepositoriesR GET
+/config/repository/first FirstRepositoryR GET
/config/repository/add/drive AddDriveR GET
/config/repository/add/ssh AddSshR GET
/config/repository/add/ssh/confirm/#SshData ConfirmSshR GET
/config/repository/add/ssh/make/git/#SshData MakeSshGitR GET
/config/repository/add/ssh/make/rsync/#SshData MakeSshRsyncR GET
/config/repository/add/ AddRsyncNetR GET
/config/repository/pair/start StartPairR GET
/config/repository/pair/inprogress/#SecretReminder InprogressPairR GET
/config/repository/pair/finish/#PairMsg FinishPairR GET
-/config/repository/first FirstRepositoryR GET
+/config/repository/enable/rsync/#UUID EnableRsyncR GET
+/config/repository/enable/directory/#UUID EnableDirectoryR GET
/transfers/#NotificationId TransfersR GET
/sidebar/#NotificationId SideBarR GET
diff --git a/templates/configurators/enabledirectory.hamlet b/templates/configurators/enabledirectory.hamlet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03da311c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/configurators/enabledirectory.hamlet
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<div .span9 .hero-unit>
+ <h2>
+ Enabling #{description}
+ <p>
+ Where is this repository located?
+ <p>
+ <a .btn href="@{AddDriveR}">
+ On a removable drive
+ <a .btn href="@{RepositoriesR}">
+ Cancel
diff --git a/templates/configurators/intro.hamlet b/templates/configurators/intro.hamlet
index 4a1f228c8..c1642b061 100644
--- a/templates/configurators/intro.hamlet
+++ b/templates/configurators/intro.hamlet
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
\ repositories and devices:
<table .table .table-striped .table-condensed>
- $forall (num, name) <- repolist
+ $forall (num, name, _) <- repolist
diff --git a/templates/configurators/repositories.hamlet b/templates/configurators/repositories.hamlet
index a38ec10af..32b79708d 100644
--- a/templates/configurators/repositories.hamlet
+++ b/templates/configurators/repositories.hamlet
@@ -3,12 +3,17 @@
Your repositories
<table .table .table-condensed>
- $forall (num, name) <- repolist
+ $forall (num, name, needsenabled) <- repolist
+ <td>
+ $maybe enable <- needsenabled
+ not enabled here &rarr; #
+ <a href="@{enable}">
+ enable
<div .row-fluid>
<div .span6>
diff --git a/templates/configurators/ssh/enable.hamlet b/templates/configurators/ssh/enable.hamlet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e35e481b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/configurators/ssh/enable.hamlet
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<div .span9 .hero-unit>
+ <h2>
+ Enabling #{description}
+ <p>
+ Another repository uses this server, but the server is not #
+ yet enabled for use here. The first step to enable it is to check if it's #
+ usable here.
+ <p>
+ <p>
+ <form .form-horizontal enctype=#{enctype}>
+ <fieldset>
+ <div .form-actions>
+ <button .btn .btn-primary type=submit onclick="$('#testmodal').modal('show');">
+ Check this server
+ $case status
+ $of UnusableServer msg
+ <div .alert .alert-error>
+ <i .icon-warning-sign></i> #{msg}
+ $of _
+ ^{form}
+ ^{authtoken}
+<div .modal .fade #testmodal>
+ <div .modal-header>
+ <h3>
+ Testing server ...
+ <div .modal-body>
+ <p>
+ Checking ssh connection to the server. This could take a minute.
+ <p>
+ You may be prompted for your password to log into the server.