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1 files changed, 29 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/special_remotes/S3/comment_26_fbb79d53fd9429c9e02ca41c8605c04b._comment b/doc/special_remotes/S3/comment_26_fbb79d53fd9429c9e02ca41c8605c04b._comment
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/special_remotes/S3/comment_26_fbb79d53fd9429c9e02ca41c8605c04b._comment
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+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="bec.watson@8b5998670cf3d60f88e6297923d1391706e0d15b"
+ nickname="bec.watson"
+ avatar=""
+ subject="china cn-north-1 s3 remote issue"
+ date="2016-11-05T00:55:31Z"
+ content="""
+I've been unable to setup a remote in Beijing (region cn-north-1) as the signature request type doesn't seem to be V4
+MacBook-Pro:gitannex-china iwatson$ git annex initremote ings3cn bucket=\"testbec\" type=S3 chunk=50MiB encryption=none datacenter=\"cn-north-1\"
+initremote ings3cn (checking bucket...) (creating bucket in cn-north-1...) git-annex: FailedConnectionException2 \"\" 80 False getAddrInfo: does not exist (nodename nor servname provided, or not known)
+The endpoints for china default to \"\" but should be \"\". Using host option I can set this:
+MacBook-Pro:gitannex-china iwatson$ git annex initremote ings3cn bucket=\"testbec\" type=S3 chunk=50MiB encryption=none host=\"\" datacenter=\"cn-north-1\"
+initremote ings3cn (checking bucket...) (creating bucket in cn-north-1...) git-annex: S3Error {s3StatusCode = Status {statusCode = 400, statusMessage = \"Bad Request\"}, s3ErrorCode = \"InvalidRequest\", s3ErrorMessage = \"The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256.\", s3ErrorResource = Nothing, s3ErrorHostId = Just \"xpA26oUbKWQMsDLG8GDceSbXOZKn8KIaV8OKdl+75+4rCMor3Gp4GY9ycSIxfP/owemTijcNYAY=\", s3ErrorAccessKeyId = Nothing, s3ErrorStringToSign = Nothing, s3ErrorBucket = Nothing, s3ErrorEndpointRaw = Nothing, s3ErrorEndpoint = Nothing}
+However, the message is that the authorization mechanism isn't AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 - if you see AWS this is V4 required by china and all new AWS regions:
+Is there anyway you can update the S3 remotes to use the new V4 signature method so git annex will work with china AWS?
+Thanks :)